Catap Final Exam

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My takeaways:

Good governance means that the board makes sure that all resources increasingly contribute to
achieving the organization’s mission and vision. Our governance alignment program provides
analytics and methodologies give boards and management with the tools to rapidly model,
assess and optimizes your organization. It’s about guiding and supporting the character of your
business. Participation is an important step for mobilizing people to participate in the decision-
making process, all men and women should have a voice in decision-making. Transparency is
important because people be able to follow and understand the decision-making process. This
means that they will be able to see how and why a decision was made clearly. It is important
because the organization can report, explain clearly and be answerable for the consequences of
decisions it has made on behalf of the people serves like shareholders. Effective and efficient is
important because the organization implements decisions and follow processes that make the
best use of the available people, resources and time to make sure the best possible results.
These characteristics can improve the performance of the business or the company and help it
become more stable and productive, and unlock new opportunities. It can reduce risks, and
enable faster and safer growth.

1. What is Ethics?
In my opinion, ethics is a rational understanding of right and wrong that outlines what people
should and should not do in terms of fairness, virtues, obligations, and rights. It is intuition that
helps us decide what is right or wrong. We strongly believe in ethics and will defend or refuse to
compromise on them. Ethics are guidelines that we set for ourselves and never stray from or
compromise for the sake of pleasing others. Ethics is a discipline that investigates good and
poor behavior in the context of a moral obligation. Business ethics encompasses both good and
harmful practices and attitudes.
2. How is Ethics important in an organization?
Ethics is very important when it comes in decision making for the organization. When ethics is
practiced in decision-making for the organization, there are fewer disputes and there is
consistency at all times, even when the organization is going through difficult circumstances.
For employees to get along, values and ethics are critical. Our values inform us about what we
value, which aids us in making sound judgments. Ethics are the rules that help us distinguish
between what is wrong and what is right.
3. Enumerate the ten (10) characteristics and values associated with ethical behavior.
Integrity, honesty, trustworthiness and promise keeping, loyalty and confidentiality, fairness and
openness, caring for others, respect for others, responsible citizenship, pursuit of excellence
and accountability.
4. From the different characteristics and values of ethics, what do you think are innate
values/characteristics? When was this shown and how did you handle it?
For me respect for the others, I always respect people so they will respect me also. My parents
tought me that always respect people's decision and opinions even some people aren't respect
mine. Stay humble always and do whatever you think that's right.
5. As a student and future CPAS, how can you show and practice the best
ethical behavior?
As early as now I practice to have a long patience and to make decisions efficiently and
effectively because before I'm so very impulsive in some stuffs like buying without thinking. Now
I have to decide better. Also as soon to be CPA I practice to be honest everytime, even in a
simple things like for example in everyday life situation where when I bought veggies in market
and the change has excess so that I give it back to the vendor simple but it is a good practice
not as soon to be CPA but also a good person.

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