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INSTRUCTION: answer all questions in this section

1. ________________ is the art and science of production of plants and animals? (a)
farming (b)agriculture (c) hunting (d)farm settlement
2. The era of hunting and gathering of fruits is known as ___________ (a)old stone age (b)
new stone age (c)early stone age (d)revolution age
3. Agriculture produce the following except __________ (a)food (b) agricultural
engineering tools (c)income to farmers (d)industrial raw materials
4. Growing only one types of crop on a piece of land is called ______ (a) mixed cropping
(b) mono cropping (c) herding (d) general cropping
5. Mr Peter produces plants and animal for himself and his family alone, he is a
______________ (a) commercial farmer (b) subsistence farmer (c) plantation farmer
(d)communal farmer
6. _______________ is the process of raising land snails for human use? (a) horticulture (b)
heliculture (c) apiculture (d) siviculture
7. ______________ crops complete their life cycle within one year . (a)annual (b) biannual
(c)perenial (d) none of the above
8. Agriculture is derived from two Latin words__________ and __________ (a) ager and
cultura (b)bios and logos (c) fish and cultivation (d) land and water
9. Mixed cropping is also known as _____________ cropping (a) multinational (b)annual
(c) multiple (d) pastoral
10.The process of catching, rearing and selling of fishes is called _____________ (a)
livestock farming (b) apiculture (c) heliculture (d) fish farming
11._______________ produces honey (a) beetles (b) butterflies (c) snake (d) bees
12.____________ is a cereal (a) yam (b) cassava (c) corn (d) potato
13.The study of trees and some wild animal is called ______________ (a)mining(b) forestry
(c)soil science(d) fishery
14.The part of plants that grows above the soil is ______________ system. (a) root (b)
shoot (c) upper (d) down
15.The part of the plant that grows within the soil is called___________ system (a) root (b)
shoot (c) upper (d) down
16.___________ is the source of fibre and cotton (a) engineering (b) agriculture (c) catering
(d) mining.
17.Example of animals that can be used for working on the farm is ___________ (a) camel
(b) pig (c) rat (d) rabbit
18.The study of the soil in which crops is planted is called _______ (a) soil science (b) crop
science (c) animal science (d) fishery
19.Crops that complete their life cycle in more than two years or seasons are called
__________ crops (a) perennial (b)annual (c) biennial (d) biannual
20.Which of the following is not a cereal? (a) millet (b) rice (c)wheat (d) cassava

21.The following are vegetables except ___________ (a) tomato (b) cabbage (c) pumpkin
(d) cocoa
22.__________ is an agricultural product that is used as raw materials for making clothes (a)
timber (b) cotton (c) ginger (d) banana
23.The study of everything about animals health is called ____________ (a) animal science
(b)veterinary science (c) crop science (d) horticulture
24.__________ is the study of agricultural business practices (a) agricultural economics (b)
agricultural engineering (c) agricultural extension (d) all of the above
25.Fruits and vegetables are good source of vitamins and _________ (a)minerals (b)
carbohydrates (c) fats (d) oils
26.Crops whose seeds or fruits can produce oil when pressed are called ___________ crops
(a) fibre (b) oil (c) mineral (d) vitamin
27.Crops that are grown to beautify our surroundings are called __________ crops (a)forage
(b) ornamental (c) medicinal (d) latex
28.______ involves the keeping of grazing animals in a fenced area of land (a) ranching (b)
herding (c) wandering (d) mixed farming
29.The management of farm and animal is called __________ (a) fishing (b) farming(c)
forestry (d)crop science
30.Another name for mono cropping is __________ cropping (a) multiple (b) sole (c) mixed
(d) simple
1a. what is agriculture?
1b.briefly explain any three importance of agriculture to the farmer and the society.
1c. state two importance of agriculture to the nation
2a. write the agricultural raw materials that are used in the following agro-based industries
Agro based industries Agricultural raw materials

2b.what is a crop plant?

2c. mention any two parts of a plant that grows above the ground

3a. mention and briefly explain any three branches of agriculture
3b. what is subsistence farming?
3c. mention any three characteristics of subsistence farming
4a. define the term mono-cropping
4b. Differentiate between mixed cropping and mixed farming.
4c.mention two characteristic of commercial agriculture.
4d. mention four machinery that are used in commercial agricultural activities.
5a. what is a seed?
5b.mention any two function of seeds
5c. Mention any three tools that are used in subsistence agriculture
5d. Mention any four forms of agriculture

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