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Chapter 3

Their fall begins with a talking serpent. The serpent was the most cunning of all the animals created by
God. It was aware that the Lord had instructed Adam to eat fruit from every tree in the garden except
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So, the serpent decided to tempt Adam’s wife. The woman
clarifies that they are not to eat from, or even touch, the tree in the middle of the garden, or they will
die. However, the serpent claims that they will not die. The serpent claims that God knows that if
humans eat from that tree, their eyes will be opened and they will become like God, knowing both good
and evil.

After eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve realized they were naked and sewed leaves together to
cover their bodies. When God called out to them, Adam replied that they were hiding because of their
nudity. When He asked how they knew they were naked, they told Him about how the serpent tricked
the woman and the woman tricked Adam.

Because of its deceit, the Gods cursed the snake and told it that He would cause enmity between it and
the woman. The sentences pronounced for Eve, and then Adam, are heartbreaking in the way they
continue to reflect our everyday human experiences. Women would suffer pain, both in bearing and
birthing children and in ongoing conflict with her husband. Men would face pain and frustration in his
work, struggling to make the cursed ground yield food until he finally died and returned to the ground

Despite their disobedience and sin, God still provides for mankind. This begins with clothes made from
the skin of an animal, the first sacrifice of life for a covering. But Adam and Eve cannot stay in the
Garden of Eden. It is no longer for them. God banishes mankind from the garden and assigns an angel to
guard the way to the Tree of Life. With that, the painful story of fallen human history begins.

Following the triumph of the creation of the universe and all life in Genesis 1—2, chapter 3 shifts to the
tragedy of paradise lost. Instead, Genesis 3 emphasizes conflicts that arise during the creation process
between the creator God and the creatures: the serpent and humanity. It explains how sin and evil came
into the world. God created Adam and Eve, but they made some poor decisions. We must remember
that God is also a forgiving God. When we disobey, we may still face the consequences, but we can be
forgiven and one day be delivered from this world of sin to live forever with Him. Because of Jesus
Christ's sacrificial death, we have access to this forgiveness. His blood is the only thing that can atone for
our sin. In His omniscience, God had already devised another plan to redeem mankind. Without a doubt,
God is love.

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