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Company Profile

Company Profile LOGO

Company ID: Compmny 001 My MilkTea Company Browse Upload

Head Office Address My MilkTea Company

System Service Plan

TIN# 456645798457 Owners Name Juan Negosyante List

Contact No(s) 343567543253 Billing email

Branch Branch Contact Price

Active Action Team Lead Address Site Type
Code Name Number(s) List
Branch Unit4 Victoria Tower, List
Service Branch / Warehouse / Both
Edit/Delet Br-001 Petra XXX 091234355/433544 Both
Name 1 QC button
Branch List Service
Edit/Delet Br-002 Juana XXX 091234355/4335442flr SM North, QC
Name 2 button Branch
NOTE: will only pop-up for LIST button (owner names)
Owner's Information

Owners Name TIN# Contact# Email Address
Edit /
Owner Name1 1324543 7654321234 Address 1 long...
Edit /
Owner Name 2 1234545 654321231 Adressamdjdhd

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Price List Ovverides

NOTE: This will override the default prices.

Bulk Bulk Retail

Active Action Item Code Descripti Retail Price
UM Price UM
Milk Tea
Edit / Delete itm-001 Set 350.00 Cup 100.00
Milk Tea
ADD Item

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ITEM Master Setup

My Company (ID XXXXXX)


Item Code itm-001 Food Coloring ...

Type Services /Fix Asset / Consumables / etc. For Sale? YES /NO

Selling Type Raw / by-product List all materials if by-product

MIS Group Raw Materials / Utensils / office supplies / etc.
Price Control Default / Branch Level Product Image
Cost YES /NO
Include in Shortcut? Image
Bulk 1 Box 1,500.00
Default Selling Price
Retail Price
1 pcs 160.00
Bulk 1 Box 1,500.00 SAVE
Conversion 1 / 12
Retail 1 pcs 160.00 DELETE
Stocks Reorder Limit
Status: Acive /Inactive
Company 1000 Box NOTE: will only pop-up when SELLING TYPE is BY-PRODUCT
Product Materials
Branch 10 Box
Item Code Description Unit Qty.
Edit /
rw-001 Sugar tsp 1
Edit /
rw-002 water cup 4.5

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Delivery Receipt


Del󰈎󰉏󰇵󰈹y Rec󰈩󰈏󰈥󰉄 No:  123456543 01/05/2025

Supplier: supplier-001 Big Company Food Inc.

Address XXX Road a,,, Quezon City Recieved by: Employee 1

Document Reference Date Recieved: 01/04/20025

Doc#: DR-000123 Delivered By: Perdo DeliveryBoy Inspected by: Inspector 1

Doc Date: 12/15/2024 Upload Supporting Documents Site recieved Service Branch / Warehouse

Item Code Description Unit QTY Unit Cost Total Cost
Edit / Delete itm-001 Sugar Sack 10 5,000.00 50,000.00
Edit / Delete itm-002 Flavoring Sack 5 1,000.00 5,000.00
ADD Item Tot󰈀󰈗 Ite󰈚 Cos󰉃: 55,000.00
Del󰈎󰉏󰇵󰈹y Cos󰉃: 1,000.00 SA󰈐󰉋
TO󰈜󰉝󰈳: 56,000.00

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Stocks Transfer


Sto󰇹󰈕s Tra󰈝󰈼f󰈩󰈸N󰈢# 123456543

From Br-001 Branch Name1 Service Branch / Warehouse
Delivered by: Employee 1
To: Br-002 Branch Name2 Service Branch / Warehouse Delivery Date 01/04/20025

Item Code Description Unit QTY Unit Cost Total Cost
Edit / Delete itm-001 Sugar Sack 10 5,000.00 50,000.00
Edit / Delete itm-002 Flavoring Sack 5 1,000.00 5,000.00
ADD Item Tot󰈀󰈗 Ite󰈚 Cos󰉃: 55,000.00
Del󰈎󰉏󰇵󰈹y Cos󰉃: 1,000.00 SA󰈐󰉋
TO󰈜󰉝󰈳: 56,000.00

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Stocks Transfer Acknowledgement

My Company (ID XXXXXX)

S󰈜 Ac󰈔󰈞ol󰉒󰇶g󰈚󰈩󰈞t#: 123456543x
From Br-001 Branch Name1 Service Branch / Warehouse
Dat󰈩: 01/04/2025
To: Br-002 Branch Name2 Service Branch / Warehouse

Source Document
Stocks Transfer #: 123456543 ... Delivered by: Employee 1 Received by: Employee 2

Date 01/04/20025 Delivery Date 01/04/20025 Actual Date 01/04/20025


alll notes and comments are here

Delivered ReceivedUnit Total

Descripan Item Code Description Unit Reason
QTY QTY Cost Cost
itm-001 Sugar Sack 10 10 5,000.0050,000.00
itm-002 Flavoring Sack 5 3 1,000.005,000.00 damage ite
Tot󰈀󰈗 Ite󰈚 Cos󰉃: 55,000.00

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Stocks Adjustment

My Company (ID XXXXXX)

Sto󰇹󰈕 Ad󰈑u󰈼t󰈚󰈩󰈞t#: 123456543x
Branch: Br-001 Branch Name1 Service Branch / Warehouse
Dat󰈩: 01/04/2025

alll notes and comments are here

Item Total
Action Description Unit QTY Unit Cost Catergory Reason
Code Cost
Category: Expired/Missing/Stollen/Recovered/Replaced

Edit /
itm-001 Sugar Sack 10 5,000.00 50,000.00 Recovered Recovered items

Edit /
itm-002 Flavoring Sack -5 1,000.00 5,000.00 Expired damage items

Edit /
itm-003 Salt Sack -7 1,000.00 7,000.00 Missing missing on delivery

ADD Item Tot󰈀󰈗 Ite󰈚 Ad󰇷e󰇶: 50,000.00

Tot󰈀󰈗 Ite󰈚󰈼 Ded󰉉󰇹󰉄󰇵d: 12,000.00 SA󰈐󰉋


Prepared By; encoder's name Noted By: inspector/recommendee's name Approved by: Approver's Name

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Sales Order (Bulk)

My Company (ID XXXXXX)

Sal󰈩󰈻 Or󰇷e󰈹#: 123456543x
Branch: Br-001 Branch Name1 Service Branch / Warehouse
Dat󰈩: 01/04/2025
Sales person Sales person name Username or Encoder

Customer: Customer name here ... Badge:

OK Item Code Description Unit QTY Unit Price Total Action Reason
Edit / on order from
itm-001 Sugar Sack 10 5,000.00 50,000.00
Delete supplier

Done as of
itm-002 Flavoring Sack 5 1,000.00 5,000.00

Edit /
itm-003 Installation Lot 1 100,000.00 100,000.00 on process

ADD Item Pay󰈚󰈩󰈞t Pay󰈚󰈩󰈞t 60,000.00 Tot󰈀󰈗 Ite󰈚󰈼 Don󰈩: 5,000.00

Payment Details Tot󰈀󰈗 Ite󰈚󰈼 On-󰈥󰈹oc󰈩󰈻󰈼: 105,000.00 SA󰈐󰉋
Dis󰇹󰈡󰉊󰈞t 20,000.00
Tot󰈀󰈗 80,000.00 Gra󰈝󰇶 Tot󰈀󰈗: 110,000.00
NOTE: Payment Details pop-up Sta󰉃󰉉󰈼: OP󰉋󰈰
Product Materials

Category Date Type Pymt Info Amount Remarks
Buttons Payment/Discount Check/CC/Cash/CM
Edit / Delete Payment 01/04/2025 Check BDO-00001 50,000.00
Edit / Delete Paymentt 01/05/2025 Cash Cash 10,000.00
Edit / Delete Discount 01/05/2025 CM CM 20,000.00

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Sales Order (Retail)

My Company (ID XXXXXX)

Sal󰈩󰈻 Or󰇷e󰈹#: 123456543x
Branch: Br-001 Branch Name1 Service Branch / Warehouse
Dat󰈩: 01/04/2025
Sales person Sales person name Username or Encoder

Customer: Customer name here Nick name Here ... Badge:

Item Code Description Unit QTY Unit Price Total Action

itm-001 Sugar Sack 10 5,000.00 50,000.00 Edit / Delete
itm-002 Flavoring Sack 5 1,000.00 5,000.00 Edit / Delete
itm-003 Installation Lot 1 100,000.00 100,000.00 Edit / Delete

ADD Item Gra󰈝󰇶 Tot󰈀󰈗: 110,000.00

Pay󰈚󰈩󰈞t Ty󰈥e Check/CC/Cash/CM payment info here

Dis󰇹󰈡󰉊󰈞t 20,000.00
Cas󰈊 Ten󰇷󰈩󰈹󰇵d 100,000.00

Amo󰉉󰈝󰉄 c󰈊a󰈞g󰈩: 10,000.00

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Sales Order (Micro-Retail)

My Company (ID XXXXXX)


Br-001 Branch Name1 Service Branch / Warehouse

Sal󰈩󰈻 Or󰇷e󰈹#: 123456543x
Dat󰈩: 01/04/2025
Sales person Sales person name Username or Encoder

Customer: Customer name here Nick name Here ... Badge:

Products Shortcuts
OR󰉍󰉋󰈣󰉈D IT󰉋󰈲󰈟

Cre󰈀󰈚󰉙 La󰉅󰈩 Caf󰈩 Ame󰈸󰈎󰇸󰇽na Kap󰈩󰈝󰈈 Bar󰈀󰈔󰈢 3-1 coff󰈩󰇵 Dra󰈇󰈡󰈞 Coff󰈩󰇵 Bla󰇹󰈕 Coff󰈩󰇵
100.00 120.00 200.00 50.00 30.00 150.00 S󰈜A󰈙󰈖S
1 1 1 1 1 1 On-Process / Served

Or󰇷e󰈹 Or󰇷e󰈹 Or󰇷e󰈹 Or󰇷e󰈹 Or󰇷e󰈹 Or󰇷e󰈹

AD󰉍 IT󰉋󰈲(s)
Mil󰈔 Te󰈀 (b󰈗a󰇸k) Mil󰈔 Te󰈀 Jap󰈀󰈝 Mil󰈔 Te󰈀 Neg󰈸󰈡 Mil󰈔 Te󰈀 Asi󰈀 Mil󰈔 Te󰈀 X󰈆󰈅 Mil󰈔 Te󰈀 Swe󰈩󰉃
110.00 100.00 130.00 100.00 250.00 175.00
1 1 1 1 1 1
PA󰇳 Or󰇷e󰈹󰈩d Ite󰈚󰈼
Or󰇷e󰈹 Or󰇷e󰈹 Or󰇷e󰈹 Or󰇷e󰈹 Or󰇷e󰈹 Or󰇷e󰈹

***** Modal Screens *****

Add Item Modal Payment Modal
Gra󰈝󰇶 Tot󰈀󰈗: 110,000.00
Item Unit
Description Unit QTY Total Action
Code Price Pay󰈚󰈩󰈞t Ty󰈥e Check/CC/Cash/CM payment info here

itm-001 Sugar Sack 10 5,000.00 50,000.00 Edit / Delete Dis󰇹󰈡󰉊󰈞t 20,000.00

itm 002 Flavoring Sack 5 1 000 00 5 000 00 Edit / Delete Cas󰈊 Ten󰇷󰈩󰈹󰇵d 100,000.00
ADD Item
Amo󰉉󰈝󰉄 c󰈊a󰈞g󰈩: 10,000.00

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Monitor - Server

SE󰈤󰈍󰉋R MO󰈰󰈾󰈙󰈭RI󰈰󰉁 (Ret󰈀󰈏󰈗)

Cus󰉃󰈡󰈛󰇵r󰈻 Or󰇷e󰈹 Det󰈀󰈏󰈗󰈼: PA󰈜󰈣󰈾C

Customer Order Item
Action Button SO# Compl Description Unit QTY
Name Button Code

itm-002 Sugar Sack 10

Ready / Served 12345 Nick See details

itm-002 Flavoring Sack 5

Ready / Served 43123 Patric See details

itm-003 Sugar Sack 10

itm-004 Flavoring Sack 5

Ready / Served 65432 John See details

itm-005 Sugar Sack 10

Ready / Served 87654 Jiko See details

itm-006 Flavoring Sack 5

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Monitor - Customer

Cus󰉃󰈡󰈛󰇵r MO󰈰󰈾󰈙󰈭RI󰈰󰉁 (Ret󰈀󰈏󰈗)

ON-󰈪ro󰇹󰈩󰈼s Now SE󰈤󰈍󰈾N󰉂

NI󰉑󰈵 G󰈴E󰈯N
PA󰈜󰈣󰈾C MA󰈤󰈵
JO󰉀󰈯 CA󰈤󰈳󰈮

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