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1. The Jesus Is Lord Church is born from the very heart of GOD.
The LORD JESUS CHRIST is the sole Owner of the JIL Ministry. Brother Eddie and all JIL
pastors and leaders are mere stewards of the LORD. Thus, nobody can ever destroy or
abolish the JIL Ministry from the surface of the earth without first contending against the
Living GOD.

2. No one is indispensable in the Ministry except JESUS CHRIST.

All pastors and leaders may be removed from the Ministry if they choose to become
traitors to GOD and to the VISION entrusted to the Ministry.

3. No one is being forced to serve in the Ministry.

If a pastor no longer believes and trusts the JIL Leadership, he/she should leave in peace,
for GOD’s exit door is widely open for him/her. JIL Church only welcomes those who are

4. All JIL pastors and leaders must be seekers and living testimonies of GOD’S Visions
and Biblical Principles.
All JIL pastors and leaders must know and learn by heart the glorious Visions that GOD
has entrusted to the JIL Ministry as well as the Biblical Principles which Brother Eddie has
imbibed from his daily devotion of GOD’s Word. Careful study of these Visions and
Principles will assure their glorious prophetic destiny.

5. All JIL pastors and leaders must be visionary people of GOD.

The JIL people must be people who renew, review and internalize in their hearts and
minds, write, declare and speak, and most of all, live by the GOD-given visions of JIL as
they serve in the Ministry. They must do their best to help fulfill the Mission, Vision and
Core Values (MVV) GOD has given to the JIL Ministry. They must also keep in mind that
even if their bones and bodies be pulverized, these are not enough to pay for the
supreme sacrifice that CHRIST has done for them on the Cross.

6. Every JIL pastor and leader must make it his/her mission to constantly be GOD’s
faithful servant.
A JIL pastor must constantly remind himself/herself that GOD can always raise up the
right people to fulfill His Glorious Mission and Vision for the Glorious ministry of the JIL.
Therefore, he/she must endeavor to be faithful to GOD and His mandate in order to
avoid disqualification in the ministry. He/She must not in anyway hinder the fulfillment of
the JIL Mission and Vision.

7. No one should seek money, fame or power in the Ministry.

If a pastor or leader just wants to gain money, he/she should not look for money in the
ministry and must rather go to business; if he/she wants popularity, earthly honor or
applause of men, he/she should enter show business or the entertainment world; if
he/she wants power per se and authority over men, he/she should enter politics.
However, Christians should not abandon GOD’S will for His people to do great exploits in
business, politics and in all sectors of the entire society as part of GOD’S Kingdom
Dominion mandate to the Church.

8. All JIL pastors and leaders must have integrity in money and all possessions.
No pastor or leader should have undue interest over GOD’s money, resources, assets and
properties in the JIL Ministry, not even Brother Eddie, who is the principal protector and
trustee of GOD with regard to these resources.

9. Every JIL pastor and leader must stand firm against all forms of temptation.
No JIL pastor or leader, who has allowed himself/herself to be trapped by the devil in the
lust of the flesh and greed for money and power, can remain a worker of the JIL Ministry.

10. Any form of discrimination without God’s justification is injustice and must
therefore be rejected.
No JIL pastor or leader must initiate even tolerate any form of partiality in the Church,
family and society. He/she must always be a zealous proponent of equality and justice,
following the perfect example of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

11. The quality of our life in eternity depends on the quality of our obedience and
faithfulness in serving GOD here on earth.
No JIL pastor or leader must sell his/her eternal rewards in exchange for any amount of
money and even the entire wealth of this world. He/she must always remember and live
out the words of Bro. Eddie: “This world is too poor to buy my convictions and


An usher is a spiritual ambassador for the local church – God’s ordained and organized body of believers. The
usher serves as a “first representative” of Jesus Christ for a worship service. From the tabernacle in the Old
Testament to the temple and synagogue in the New Testament, God’s presence and the teaching of His word is of
supreme importance.

Ushers in the Old Testament

 Ushers in the tabernacle and temple were called doorkeepers. The psalmist understood the importance of
ushers when he said, “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a
doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.”

 One of the purposes of doorkeepers was to receive offerings from the people. The Bible says in II
Kings chapter 22, “Go up to the high priest and have him get ready the money that has been
brought into the temple of the Lord, which the doorkeepers have collected from the people.”

 Jeremiah refers to one doorkeeper as a “man of God.” He said in chapter 35, “And I brought them
into the house of the Lord, into the chamber of the sons of Hanan, a man of God, the keeper of
the door”.

 Ecclesiastes talks about the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble. In Ezekiel’s
version of the temple he saw space reserved for priests, musicians and ushers.
Ushers in the New Testament

 In the New Testament, Temple ushers were given unusual authority as uniformed guards. In Acts the
“captain of the temple” is referred to in connection with arrests and general handling of crowds. It was
these ushers who carried out the orders of the high priests to persecute the apostles.The disciples acted as
ushers on many occasions. They directed people who came to hear Jesus speak or be touched
by His healing hands. On one occasion Jesus gave a sharp warning to the disciples who tried to
keep children away from Him. On another occasion, Jesus told the disciples to organize a large
group of over 5,000. Jesus supplied the unending loaves and fishes, but the disciples served the
hungry multitude as ushers.

 The character of these first deacons was clearly spelled out. They were men of good or honest
report, full of the Holy Spirit, full of wisdom, and full of faith. Stephen, the first Christian martyr on
record, was both a deacon and an usher.

 Preachers, teachers and musicians minister to people in groups while ushers minister to people
as individuals. A word of encouragement or kindness may be the most significant ministry some
people receive. Only a few people get to meet the pastor, ask questions, or talk with musicians,
but everyone can have an encounter with a good usher.

 When you serve as an usher, you set the stage for the worship experience. You are literally part
of the continuing story of God’s redemption. Your spiritual readiness and act of service plays a
huge role in the life-change that takes place that day.

The Duty of an Usher

Psalm 84:10
I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.


- an usher will anticipate problems as they come up and he/she will watch for disturbances and quiet them in the
quickest most diplomatic way as possible
- the usher needs to focus on ushering unless of course an emergency occurs and not get caught up in conversations
with friends and other church members.

- as an usher we follow Pastor and leadership guidelines and instruction by practicing servanthood attitude.
-we always aim to have united spirit and one heart to serve our Lord.

- just as a man tries to make a guest in his/her home feel welcome and comfortable, ushers also must see that the
visitors in JIL church feel welcome and have as comfortable of a place as possible.
- he/she should make every visitor feel welcome as an honored guest.
- When people walk into the church for the first time the usher greets them cheerfully
- Ushering Ministry frame of mind to hear the sermon if he/she has been warmly greeted by an usher visitors and
congregation will have formed a good opinion of the church soon after his arrival because of the polite usher who
helped him as he/she came in.
-Have an impact to the Church.

The Role of Church Ushers Today

1. Before the church service starts, the ushers will often have the responsibility to check the thermostat, check
the restrooms, and prepare the bulletins for distribution. As brethren arrive, the ushers will act as
doorkeepers, greeting each person with a smile, shaking hands, and handing out bulletins. They are also
available to answer visitors’ questions and extend extra help in seating those who need assistance.

2. During the church service, the ushers usually take part in some way. They are responsible to take
up the church offering and make sure it is put in the proper place. In some churches, ushers also
help with the Lord’s Supper or Communion. Ushers have a goal of minimizing distractions during
the music and sermon. Ushers stand ready to assist anyone in the congregation who might need
help, to aid latecomers in finding a seat, and to inform those in the sanctuary of any urgent
matters. Church ushers are well-versed in emergency procedures. In case of an emergency, the
ushers will take the lead in getting people to safety in an orderly manner.

3. After the service, ushers will again be at the door to greet the congregation as they leave and
provide assistance as needed. In many churches, the ushers will then make sure that the
sanctuary is tidy, the thermostat is adjusted, and the lights are shut off.




The Responsibilities of a Church Usher

1. When you serve at church, you’re not “just” a volunteer. You’re given responsibilities and expectations
beyond performing basic tasks.

2. A good usher comes prepared mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. This is not to be seen as a
duty, but a privilege to connect with God as part of your preparation. God is far more interested in the
commitment of your heart than the amount of your time. Take a moment at home to connect with God and
ask Him to use you as a representative of his love and an agent of His redemptive plan.
3. This is huge. The cardinal sin of an usher is to not pay attention. At all times watch what is going on in
your section and jump in to handle it. If you aren’t sure what to do, ask your ministry leader. The only
wrong choice is to do nothing. Never assume someone else is taking care of the need. Pay attention, take
initiative, make it happen!


( Is this a meet duty for you? )


- if your heart's not into it, it will show quickly and you won't be an effective usher and a testimony for the Lord.


- being an usher requires some sacrifice and time and perhaps not sitting with your family during a service. There
are some positions that require you to be at a service an hour before it begins. All positions will require you to be at
an area until the preaching begins.


- Your wardrobe attire is satisfactory.
- Do not use fitted short skirts, do nor wear leggings if so wear long blouse.
- Do not wear tube, crop top, sleeveless wear decent clothes.
- An usher does not need to be expensively dressed but he/she must always be neat with his/her hair combed.
- An usher is representation of Jesus Christ and representation of the church wear appropriate clothes.
- An usher should always be prepared to make a good first impression.



- the main responsibility for this usher is to greet JIL Brethren a as they enter the church building and open the
outside gate for them to enter the building
- The greeting should be warm smile, a friendly greeting and if appropriate a handshake.
- as guests come try to greet them by name as possible. NOTE: If you don't recognize someone and suspect that
they might be a first-time visitor, asking them if they have been in the church before that can be tricky as a person
might have been coming for a while and you might offend them if you bluntly ask if this is their first time attending
a service.
- If the guest are first timers direct them to the welcome center, this could be by handling them off to the usher in the
Ushering table, if no one is in the welcome center proceed by helping them as much as possible, even you might
miss opening the door to other guest it is better to make a first-time visitor feel welcome and not a bother to your
- It is also important to tell people as they enter the building what changes is occurring.
- also when there are church fellowships and people bringing food this usher should be aware of where food items
should go and tell that to the guests.
- you may encounter situations where someone visiting that has a special need does your best to accommodate them
and make them feel welcome, you can seek the assistance of any Usher.


- it is important to the usher to be at his post 25 to 30 minutes before a preaching service or a Sunday school begins.
- one of the main roles for these ushers is to assist people, especially the first timers.
- make sure the doors going to the church are closed as the service begins and any noise in the foyer tactfully
addressed, once the service starts there are many people that are late for the service some have already gotten to their
seats but others are just arriving in general
-don't let brethren come in whenever there is someone’s praying stay at back until the prayer or worhip end because
this can be distracting as usually when people enter the building many eyes of those in the church see them and thus
they lose their focus as latecomers comes especially on Sunday be aware of the available seating talk to the inside
ushers or to the head ushers to see what is available.


- they should be aware of the available seating inside the church so that they can direct guests to the available
- a well-prepared usher knows what seating is available and can easily guide to the guest to their seat the ushers
should be communicating the availability of seating in their area to their neighboring ushers and to the head usher
this will be help the head usher and the usher at the door to know what are to send guest.

-the one who wrote attendance, prepare a complete needs and supplies for checking attendance.
- his/her role is to ensure everything is being done decently and in order the duties of the head usher range from
making sure the bathrooms are presentable to making sure all guests for the service have gotten to their seats and are
ready to worship the Lord.
- The head usher must arrive a half hour prior to a worship service. This gives him time to go throughout the
building and checking on several things he should check that all the bathrooms are presentable include getting trash
taken out and checking the toilet.
- if the preaching is done and the congregation is dismissed the head usher should make sure the main doors are
opened. If it is raining after the service the head usher should make sure the men are helping with any weather-
related needs, he/she may also need to make sure those with special needs are getting out of the building


-assist the head usher and communicate well if there are needs to be prepared of.
-help the head usher for taking attendance.
-the one who always check if the comfort room is clean and neat.


- this usher should provide bottled water for the preacher and guests, the bottled water will placed in one of
the openings in the pulpit and given to the guests.
- the main responsibility of this people is to count the number of people in the worship service.

“Magandang Umaga Sister/Brother (maaaring sabihin ang pangalan kung kakilala) welcome po sa JIL
Church Candelaria (shakehands) masaya po kami na makasama namin kayo sa ating Worship Service mag-
proceed po tayo sa Ushering Table”

NOTE: If you don't recognize someone and suspect that they might be a first-time visitor, asking them if
they have been in the church before that can be tricky as a person might have been coming for a while and
you might offend them if you bluntly ask if this is their first time attending a service.


“Magandang Umaga po Sister/Brother (maaaring sabihin ang pangalan kung kakilala) paki sulat po and
inyong pangalan at contact number isama nyo narin po ilagay ang sa kasama nyo.dito po ang comfort room
ng lalaki at dito naman po ang para sa babae.

NOTE: If you don't recognize someone and suspect that they might be a first-time visitor, asking them if
they have been in the church before that can be tricky as a person might have been coming for a while and
you might offend them if you bluntly ask if this is their first time attending a service.
“Magandang Umaga po ako po si (sabihin ang pangalan) appointed by Pastor for assigned sitting
arrangement maari po na dito po kayo umupo maraming salamat po Welcome po muli sa ating Sunday
Worship Healing Service. Kung may kailangan po kayo lumapit lamang po kayo sa aming ushering


“Magandang umaga po Magandang Umaga po ako po si (sabihin ang pangalan) appointed by Pastor for
assigned sitting arranngement maari po bang ilipat ko po kayo ng upuan dahil may mga bakante pa po
tayong upuan sa unahan para makaupo po ang mga dadating pa po nating mga kapatid (i-assit sa lilipatan)
maraming salamat po.

NOTE: always explain the reason why there’s a change for sitting arrangement. Be courteous at all times
and always smile.


“Maraming salamat po magkita po muli tayo next Sunday we are glad to be with you at ng inyong pamilya
hanggang sa muli po God bless!” (Give flyers to first timers)

Mission, Vision, Core Values

To bring all peoples to the kingdom of the living God regardless of race, status,
belief and religious affiliations through the saving, healing, delivering, and
transforming power of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Jesus Is Lord Church (Worldwide) exists to bring all peoples, regardless of race,
status, belief and religious affiliations, to the Kingdom of the Living GOD in obedience
to the Great Commission of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, thus experiencing all the blessings
of the Kingdom.

Definition of terms:

1. Jesus Is Lord Church (Worldwide) – shall hereinafter referred to as “JILCW”

or “the Church”, the constituted Corporation Sole
2. Kingdom of GOD – the complete dominion of GOD, through the Lordship
of JESUS CHRIST, over the totality of our lives and over all His creation

3. Saving – salvation in all aspects of life primarily eternal life

4. Healing – healing in all aspects of life: spiritual, emotional, physical, mental,


5. Delivering – total freedom from sins, curses and bondages

6. Transforming – changed life from the old self to CHRIST-likeness

impacting the society

A glorious church evangelizing and discipling Filipinos and all the peoples of the
world through teaching, preaching and living-out the full-Gospel of the Lord Jesus
The JILCW is a channel of GOD’s divine transforming power through the HOLY SPIRIT,
manifested in the daily CHRIST-like lifestyle of its members.

Definition of terms:

1. Glorious church – blameless, without spot, without blemish; a bride

of CHRIST ready to be raptured

2. Evangelizing – preaching the Gospel with the goal of winning souls

3. Discipling – equipping the believers to become like CHRIST

4. Living out – manifesting CHRIST-likeness in all areas of life:

personal, family, school, work, business, community, nation, etc.

Scope of the Vision

The JILCW is passionately committed and wholly devoted to the Vision entrusted by the
Sovereign GOD. It endeavors to reach the fulfillment of the Glorious Plan of GOD by
bringing the Gospel of the LORD JESUS CHRIST to all parts of the world. Thus, the all-
encompassing scope of the vision of the Church covers its Micro and Macro Vision.

1. Micro Vision – all geographical territories within the Philippines

2. Macro Vision – all geographical territories outside the Philippines

Passionate Love for GOD
An intimate and wholehearted devotion, reserved to GOD alone, that is steadfast and
unparalleled, evidenced by absolute submission and obedience to GOD’s will and
commands (Deuteronomy 6:5)
Love and Compassion for Others
A compelling urge that eventually becomes a natural inclination to selflessly care for
others as He cares for others, becoming GOD’s channel of unconditional mercy and
grace (Mark 12:31)
An uprightness of character that is beyond reproach, in private and public life, through
the uncompromised principle of upholding truth, transparency and consistency in word
and in action (Psalm 78:72)
An authentic loyalty to GOD with a sense of responsibility as stewards to the various
roles, relationships and resources entrusted by GOD (Matthew 25:21)
A quality of character that rejects mediocrity and commits to GOD’s highest
workmanship (Daniel 6:3-4)

Declaration of the JIL Church Worldwide

The JILCW believes that the church to be raptured is a glorious church: without spot,
wrinkle or blemish and is an embodiment of the following attributes:

1. Worshipping Church
We are a Church that consistently takes part in experiences of GOD’s love and
forgiveness and is unashamed to present our love to GOD.

As a Church, we seek to lead others to truly see, hear and experience GOD’s
presence and to show how they, too, can be confident in discovering, responding
and expressing their love to GOD.

2. Healing Church
We are a Church that testifies to the holistic healing that GOD gives to the hurt,
the sick and the lost.

As a Church, we recognize the power and willingness of the Great Physician to

heal the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual wounds of every man,
woman and child and thus undertake to be used as both testimonies and
instruments of GOD’s healing ministry.

3. Soul-Winning Church
We are a Church whose heart feels the heartbeat of GOD for the salvation of
perishing souls.

As a Church, we exemplify a lifestyle of evangelism so that souls are won for the
eternal Kingdom of GOD.

4. Praying Church
We are a Church whose backbone and life blood is Prayer.
As a Church, together with the Body of CHRIST, we fight the good fight of faith in
prayer and fasting, intercession and spiritual warfare with corresponding action.

5. Visionary Church
We are a Church with glorious prophetic destiny.
As a Church, we endeavor to reach the realization of GOD’s glorious Vision
through wholehearted obedience, devotion and commitment, Spirit-led and
strategic planning under His Divine Enablement.

As a Church, we believe we cannot do anything apart from GOD, but we can do

all things through CHRIST who strengthens us.

6. Spirit-Filled Church
We are a Church whose way of life is to seek out the Spirit’s baptism as well as
His anointing in everything – praying, sharing, preaching, teaching, listening,
performing, writing and so forth.

As a Church, we humbly submit to the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit in
doing the works of GOD in the church and society.

7. Nation-Loving Church
We are a Church called to zealously love our country, believing that every nation
must be under the Lordship of JESUS CHRIST.

As a Church, we accept our divine mandate to love our country by influencing

and transforming every pillar of society – church and family, government,
business and economics, education, science and technology, media and
entertainment, arts, and environment – through programs, projects and other
ways and means that trumpet truth, justice and righteousness.

8. Faith-filled Church
We are a Church that puts our absolute trust in the revelation and power of the
Living GOD.
As a Church, we live with absolute confidence on GOD’s sovereignty and
guidance, acknowledging His power, knowledge and presence in every part of
our life.

9. Prophetic Church
We are a Church who firmly believes that our GOD also reveals His Word, will and
instructions through His genuine Prophet to the nation and the Body of CHRIST.

As a Church, we recognize GOD’s commands and revelations and pursue the

fulfillment of His glorious plan for the Church and nation.

10. Apostolic Church

We are a Church that submits to spirit of apostolic leadership established and
ordained by the Living GOD through JESUS CHRIST.

As a Church, we operate and experience the blessings of the five-fold ministry

gifts that empower our dynamic apostolic church gloriously reflecting the
character and power of the Living GOD and effectively reaching all parts of the
world through evangelism and church planting.

11. Giving Church

We are a Church that faithfully lives according to the Biblical principle teaching us
that it is more blessed to give than to receive.

As a Church, we seize every opportunity to selflessly and cheerfully give to His

Ministry and to the people in need.

12. Serving Church

We are a Church that follows the example set by our LORD JESUS CHRIST in
genuine humility and Godly servanthood.

As a Church, we devise and spearhead programs and projects that enable us to

passionately serve God, His Ministry, our country and the rest of the world.

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