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 Chief ➢ Abdominal pain (diffuse)
 Family ◼ History of Cirrhosis or Ascites
History / ◼ History of Renal failure on peritoneal dialysis, NSAID use
Past Medical
 Review of ◼ Fever, Nausea/Vomiting, Diarrhea, Anorexia, Chills, Constipation,
Systems ◼ Hematochezia, Hematemesis, Melena
 Physical ❖ Assessment of RF
Examination ❖ Abdomen: (+) abdominal tenderness, pain diffuse and unremitting,
(+) guarding, (+/-) hypoactive bowel sound, no shifting dullness
 Differential 1. Appendicitis
Diagnosis 2. Aortic aneurysm
3. Obstruction
4. Diverticulitis
 Diagnostics ✓ Abdominal X-ray (supine, upright), Chest X-ray (CXR)
✓ Complete blood count (CBC), Platelet count (PC)
✓ Alanine aminotransferase test (ALT), Aspartate aminotransferase test (AST)
✓ Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), Creatinine
✓ Amylase, Lipase
✓ Alkaline phosphatase level test (ALP), Lactate dehydrogenase test (LDH)
 Management ⚫ Admit
⚫ Fluids
⚫ Medical treatment:
a. Antibiotics (Metronidazole & Piperacillin/Tazobactam)
b. Proton pump inhibitor (PPI)
c. Analgesic
⚫ Definitive treatment: Laparotomy – (+) perforation, (+) multiple abscess, (+) abscess in
proximity to vital structures such that percutaneous drainage is hazardous
 Notes ⚫ Peritonitis- microbial contamination of peritoneal cavity
⚫ Classification
1. PRIMARY- invasion via hematogenous dissemination form distant source of
- or direct inoculation
- ex: patient w/ ↑ ascites
patient treated for renal failure via peritoneal dialysis
2. SECONDARY- perforation or severe infection of an intra-abdominal organ
- ex: appendicitis, perforated GIT
3. TERTIARY- common immunocompromised
- wasn’t able to sequester the initial secondary peritoneal infection.
- Etiology: E faecalis & faecium, Staph epidermis, Candida, Pseudomonas
 Chief Complaint ➢ Inguinoscrotal mass
 Family History / ◼ COPD, Ascites, Pregnancy
Past Medical ◼ CT disorder, Smoking,
History ◼ Previous surgery, Strenuous exertion
 Review of ◼ Pain/discomfort when coughing or straining
Systems ◼ Improves when lying down
◼ Nausea/Vomiting, Fever, Red/purple discoloration, Hyperemia in the groin
--- Complicated
 Physical ❖ (+) Bulge on groin
Examination ❖ (+) Resonance – loop of bowel, bowel sound
❖ (+) Transillumination: light behind scrotum
-cystic: shines through
- solid: light is blocked
❖ (+) Cough impulse
 Differential 1. Hydrocoele, Varicocele
Diagnosis 2. Torsion of testis
3. Lipoma of spermatic cord
 Diagnostics ✓ History & Physical Examination: gold standard
✓ Ultrasound: if in doubt
 Management ⚫ Asymptomatic: treat conservatively; Pain reliever
⚫ Symptomatic: Elective surgery
⚫ Strangulated: Urgent surgery
*Operative techniques: Mesh use, Open repair, Laparoscopic repair

*from another source

⚫ Initial management
- pain reliever, Trendelenburg position (head down, tilt of 35-45 degreee),
Taxis maneuver (hernia reduction)
⚫ Complications if not treated:
- Incarceration
- Laceration
- Strangulation

*Strangulated Hernia
- skin discoloration
- fever
- signs of obstruction
- signs of peritonitis
- necrosis
 Notes Inguinal Hernia
- protrusion of organ or tissue through a defect in surrounding wall
- main concern: strangulation --- blood supply interruption --- necrosis

- more common in male (F: superficial inguinal ring opening is smaller)
- right sided > left

- congenital: patent processus vaginalis
- acquired: weakness on abdominal wall
*Risk factors:
- family history
- inherent abdominal wall weakness
- upright posture
- chronic increased in intraabdominal pressure
- connective tissue disorder
- smoking
- previous RLQ surgery
- strenous exertion
- loss of shutter and sphincter mechanism

a. Direct
- occurs in the floor of inguinal canal through Hesselbach triangle (Med: lateral border of
rectus abdominis, Lat: inferior epigastric vessel, Inf: inguinal ligament)
- does not traverse the internal ring
- medial or inferior to inferior epigastric vessel
b. Indirect
- passes through internal ring and down the inguinal canal
- can extend to scrotum
- commonly strangulates
- lateral or superior to inferior epigastric vessel
c. Femoral
- situated on femoral ring

*Classification based on Symptom:

a. Asymptomatic
b. Minimal symptomatic: do not interfere to daily normal life
c.Reducible: can be returned to usual anatomical site
d. Irreducible/Incarcerated: cannot be reduced and may cause obstruction
e. Strangulated: non-reducible and shows sign of strangulation
Incarceration --- Ischemia --- Necrosis
 Chief Complaint ◼ (+) Jaundice
◼ (+) Globular abdomen (distention)
 Family History / ◼ Old age, Male, History of gallstone, Schistosomiasis, Pancreatic cancer
Past Medical
 Review of ◼ Intermittent fever, Anorexia, Pruritus, Weight loss, Nausea/Vomiting
Systems ◼ Abdominal pain, Bloatedness,
◼ Alcoholic gray stool, Dark urine
 Physical ❖ General: NRD, VS
Examination ❖ Skin: Jaundice
❖ HEENT: Icteric sclerae
❖ Abdomen: (+) Distention, (+) Tenderness (RUQ), (+/-) Caput medusa
❖ Digital Rectal Exam: Blummer shelf
❖ Neuro Exam: Altered mental status
 Differential 1. Malignancy: old age, weight loss, alcoholic stool
Diagnosis 2. Pancreatic mass
3. Viral hepatitis
4. Cirrhosis
 Diagnostics ✓ Complete blood count (CBC)
✓ Bilirubin
✓ Creatinine
✓ SE
✓ Ultrasound, CT scan
 Management ⚫ NPO
⚫ Fluid replacement
⚫ Medical treatment: Antibiotics (Cefuroxime and Metronidazole), Omeprazole
⚫ Definitive treatment
a. Cholangitis: ERCP drainage
b. Tumor: if it is resectable - Whipple’s procedure (head of pancreas, gallbladder,
duodenum, portion of stomach, lymph node involved)
c. Palliative:Choledochojejunectomy, Chemotherapy
 History ➢ (+) Trauma (vehicular accident)
 Review of ◼ Loss of consciousness, Nausea/Vomiting, Diziness
Systems ◼ Chest/Abdominal pain
 Physical ❖ GCS (E4V5M6)
Examination ❖ Eyes: Dilated, Anisocoric, (+/-) Raccoon eyes, Battle sign
❖ Neuro Exam: Motor/Sensory/Reflexes/ CN
 Differential 1. Epidural hematoma – (+) lucid interval, loss of consciousness, dilated pupil on side of
Diagnosis injury, weakness on contralateral side; convex bleed on CT scan
2. Subdural hematoma – concave bleed on CT scan, “moon”, crescent-shaped
3. Subarachnoid hemorrhage – severe headache, arachnoid
4. Intracerebral bleed – ischemic vs. hemorrhagic
 Diagnostics ✓ Skull xray, CT scan
✓ Chest X-ray
 Management ⚫ ER (ABCDE) – indications for “E” intubation, hook to 02
⚫ then NPO
⚫ Treatment
a. Antibiotics, Keto, Omeprazole, Tetanus antitoxin (ATS) for wound, Mannitol
b. Insert indwelling Foley catheter (IFC)
c. WOF: Neurodegeneration
⚫ Signs for Possible Craniectomy:
a. >30cc bleed
b. GCS deterioration
c. >1cm thickness
d. Midline shift >5mm
 Chief Complaint ➢ Abdominal pain
 Family History / ◼ Family history of Cancer
Past Medical ◼ Previous history of Pylori infection, Gastric polyp, Surgery, Pernicious anemia,
History Smoking, Alcohol, Obesity
◼ Old age, Diet increase in nitrosamine
 Review of ◼ Malaise, Anorexia, Nausea/Vomiting, Weight loss
Systems ◼ Hematemesis, Melena, Dysphagia, Dyspepsia
 Physical ❖ (+) Leser trelat sign (Seborrheic keratosis)
Examination ❖ GIT: (+/-) Mass on palpation, (+) Tenderness on epigastrium
❖ DRE: (+) Blummer shelf (metastasize)
❖ Others: (+) Lymphadenopathies – Virchow, Iliac node, Sister mary joseph node,
Troisier sign
 Differential 1. Peptic ulcer disease
Diagnosis 2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease
3. Esophageal cancer
 Diagnostics ✓ Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), Biopsy, Endoscopic ultrasound
✓ Labs: CBC, PC, BT, PT,PTT, BUN, Creatinine, TPAG, CEA
 Management ⚫ Surgery
*Based on location of tumor:
a. Distal - distal subtotal gastrectomy
b. Middle - total
c. Proximal - total or proximal subtotal
*Standard surgical treatment:
- resection of all tumor with 4-6cm, grossly negative margins, with en bloc removal
of adjacent lymph node and involved organs
a. Radical total gastrectomy - remove stomach with Roux-en-Y limb sewn on
b. Radical subtotal - remove distal 75% of stomach, pylorus with 2cm of proximal
duodenum, greater and lesser omentum, associated lymph node
⚫ Chemotherapy
⚫ Palliative
a. Gastrojejunostomy
b. Tube jejunostomy
c. Chemotherapy
d. Radiotherapy
 History ➢ Protruding anal mass
➢ History of straining/constipation
➢ Protrusion when coughing or upon exertion
➢ (+/-) Bleeding, (+/-) Pain
 Review of ◼ Constipation, Fecal incontinence, Obstipation, Blood streaked stool, Weight loss
 Physical ❖ DRE: (+) Anal mass,Ppalpable tissue mass on 3, 7, 11 o’clock,
Examination (+) Blood on tactating finger
 Differential 1. Rectal prolapse
Diagnosis 2. Rectal cancer
3. Colon polyps
4. Anal fissure/abscess
5. Inflammatory bowel disease
 Diagnostics ✓ Protoscopy, Anoscopy, Proctosigmoidoscopy
 Management ⚫ Supportive:
a. Minimize straining
b. Warm sitz bath (40C) for 15mins
c. Increase fluid intake, Increased fiber diet
⚫ Medical:
a. Hydrocortisone
b. Phlebotonics - Diosmin + Hesperidine
⚫ Non-invasive:
a. Rubber band ligation (RBL)
b. Sclerotherapy
⚫ Surgical: Excision hemorrhoidectomy
⚫ If admitted and for OR:
a. Treatment: Metronidazole, Omeprazole, Ketorolac
b. Bowel preparation: Castor oil, Dulcolax
I- not beyond anal verge – diet modification
II- spontaneous reduction – high fiber, RBL, sclerotherapy
III- manual reduction – (+) surgery
IV- irreducible
Internal, External – demarcation: dentate line
 Chief Complaint ➢ Obstipation
 Review of ◼ Abdominal pain, Abdominal distention
Systems ◼ Vomiting (proximal- bilious, large volume) (distal- feculent, decrease volume)
◼ Fever, Nausea, Weight loss
 Physical ❖ GIT: (+) Distended abdomen, (+) Abdominal tenderness,
Examination (+) High pitched bowel sound: negative because of fatigue
❖ Look for surg. incision
❖ Distention more pronounce if obstruction is distal
❖ Hyperachie BS at the beginning later becomes (-) → fatigue & atony
❖ “water clipping into large hollow container”
❖ Succussion splash – slushing sound after sudden movement
❖ Manifestation of Strangulation (FeL2T2)
- Fever, Leukocytosis, Localized abdominal tenderness, Tachycardia/Tachypnea
 Differential 1. Paralytic ileus
Diagnosis 2. Chron’s disease
3. Large bowel obstruction
4. Neoplasm
 Diagnostics ✓ Abdominal xray upright
- Triad: Rectal gas, Air fluid bowels, Dilated small bowel loops (>3cm)
- String-of-beans sign, Coffee-bean sign
✓ CXR, CT with contrast
✓ CBC, SE, Urinalysis (Spec. gravity)
 Management a. NPO - bowel rest
b. Fluid replacement
c. Decompression - NGT
⚫ Conservative treatment
- 75% partial, 36% complete SBO can be treated non-operatively
- improves
- SBO 2o to post-op adhesion- non-surg unless with strangulation
- Surg for non-resolving
⚫ Good prognosis
Medical treatment: Antiemetics, Analgesic, Antibiotics; WOF: congestion
⚫ Surgical treatment: Explorative laparotomy
*Strangulation - fever, leukocytosis, abdominal tendernes, tachycardia
 Pathophysiology ⚫ Obstruction → Gas/Fluid accumulation → ↑Intraluminal pressure → Intestinal ischemia
 Category ⚫ Mechanism of Obstruction
- Functional – ineffective motility, physical obstruction
- Mechanical – physical blockage of lume
⚫ Duration
- Acute- abrupt onset, progressive, does not resolve w/ trxt
- Chronic- recurring w/ interval resolution
⚫ Extent
- Partial – narrowed, permits transit of some intestinal contents.
- Complete – totally obstructed.
⚫ Location
- Proximal- pylorus→ proximal jejenum
- Intermediate- mid jejenum → mid ileum
- Distal- distal ileum → even colon
⚫ Type of Obstruction
- Simple- single point – prox. dilation, distal compresson
- Closed-loop – occluded on 2 points
- entrapped by single constricture lesion
- Strangulated – blood flow is compromised, tissue necrosis & gangrene

 Etiologies: ⚫ Adhesion: post-op mc

⚫ Hernias
⚫ Volvulus
⚫ Ext. mass effect (abscess, annular pancreas)
⚫ Congenital
⚫ Inflammatory dse (Crohn’s, Diverticulitis)
⚫ Neoplasms, Trauma
⚫ Ileus- most freq differential for SBO


(open loop) (open loop) (closed loop)
⚫ Pain - intermittent, intense, colicky - int. to constant -progressive, int to constant,
rapidly worsens
- relieved by vomiting
⚫ Vomiting - large vol, bilious, frequent - ↓vol, ↓freq, feculent w/ time - may be prominent
⚫ Tenderness - epigastric, peri-umbilical, mild - diffuse, progressive - diffuse, progressive
⚫ Distention - (-) - moderate - marke - often absent
⚫ Obstipation - (+/-) - (+) - (+/-)

SBO Ileus
⚫ Common to both N/v, obstipation, (-) flatus, distention
⚫ Pain Crampy Minimal
⚫ BS N or ↑ (-) or ↓
⚫ Radiograph Gas in SI only Gas in SI & colon
 Chief Complaint ➢ Right lower quadrant pain
 Family History / ◼ Age (20-30yrs old), More common in male
Past Medical
 Review of ◼ Periumbilical or diffuse pain – localized at right lower quadrant
Systems ◼ Anorexia, Nausea and Vomiting, Fever, Weakness
 Physical ❖ (+/-) Fever, (+) Tachycardia
Examination ❖ Murphy’s triad: Pain, Vomiting, Fever --- in sequence
❖ Abdomen: (+) Direct/rebound tenderness on Mc Burney’s point,
(+) Dunphy sign - pain when cough, (+) Rovsing’s sign - RLQ pain on palpation,
(+) Iliopsoas - pain on leg extension, (+) Obturator - pain upon internal rotation of
flexed thigh
 Differential 1. Acute gastroenteritis
Diagnosis 2. Acute mesenteric lymphadenitis (children)
3. Diverticulitis (adult)
4. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
5. Ectopic pregnancy (female)
6. Urinary tract infection (UTI)
 Diagnostics ✓ CBC, UA
✓ Ultrasound: target sign (thick-walled, non-compressible, luminal structure in RLQ)
: signs of AP (wall thickening >0.5mm and periappendiceal fluid)
✓ CXR: to rule out lobar pneumonia
 Management ⚫ Non-surgical
a. Bowel rest
b. Fluids
c. Medical treatment: Antibiotics (Metronidazole, Cefoxitin, Ciprofloxacin), PPI, Pain
reliever, Percutaneous drainage
⚫ Surgical
a. Open appendectomy: early, non-perforated
b. Lower midline laparotomy: perforated/complicated

a. Congestive
b. Suppurative
c. Gangrenous
d. Perforation

*Alvarado Score
-Migrating pain -1 Interpretation:
-Anorexia -1 9-10 – almost certain
-Nausea/Vomiting -1 7-8 – high likelihood
-Elevated temperature (>36.3 ) -1 4-6 – further imaging
-RLQ pain/tenderness (R iliac fossa) - 2 < 3 – low likelihood
-Rebound tenderness -1
-Leukocytosis (>10 x 109) -2
-Shift to the left of WBC -1

*from another source

*Indications for Incidental AP:
- children going chemotherapy
- disabled
- Chron’s disease
- travel to remote areas

- faster healing
- aesthetic
- faster recovery
- less hospital stay

*Indication for patient to eat: borborygmi

*Indications for Discharge:

- no vomitting,
- able to eat
- able to pass out stool

- Uncomplicated: resolve spontaneously and it may progress to complicated appendicitis
- Complicated (if not treated): generalized peritonitis --- sepsis --- death

- immediately after surgery if with SSI
- long-term complication: post-operative adhesion
- WOF signs of obstruction: abdominal distention, inability to pass stool, nausea/vomiting
 Notes Acute Appendicitis
- inflammation of appendix caused by obstruction of appendiceal lumen
- most common acute surgical abdomen
- more common in males; 20-30 yrs old
- etiologies: fecalith (most common), increased intraluminal pressure, hypertrophy of
lymphoid tissue, inspissated barium, vegetables and fruit seeds, internal worms (Ascaris)

closed loop distention --- anterior N secretion of mucosa --- rapid distention - stimulation of
visceral nerve pain fibers --- bacterial multiplication --- occlusion of lymphatics, venules,
capillaries --- engorgement and congestion (+ nausea/vomiting) --- RLQ pain --- absorption
of necrotic tissue and toxins (fever, tachycardia, increased WBC) --- progressive distention
 Chief Complaint ➢ Right upper quadrant pain
 Family History / ◼ History of common bile duct stone
Past Medical History ◼ Fatty and salty food
 Review of ◼ Fever, Chills, Nausea and Vomiting
Systems ◼ Epigastric – RUQ pain
 Physical ❖ Jaundice, Icteric sclerae
Examination ❖ Abdomen: Flat, NAB, (+) Direct tenderness on palpation
❖ Charcot’s triad: Fever, Pain, Jaundice
❖ Reynold’s pentad: Fever, Pain, Jaundice, Altered mental status, Septic shock
 Differential 1. Pancreatic head cancer
Diagnosis 2. Cholangiocarcinoma
3. Periampullary cancer
4. Viral hepatitis
5. ALD
 Diagnostics ✓ CBC, PC
✓ Amylase, Lipase
✓ SE, Creatinine
✓ Hepa profile
✓ HBT of biliary tree
 Management ⚫ Antibiotics: Cephalosporin, Metronidazole
⚫ Biliary decompression: drainage
⚫ Laparotomy cholecystectomy once stable
a. I (Mild) - respond to initial management
- treated with antibiotics; if does not respond to antibiotics: biliary drainage
b. II (Moderate) - does not respond to initial management, no organ dysfunction
- ERCP/MRCP; definitive treatment: remove cause of cholangitis
c. III (Severe) - associated with atleast one organ dysfunction
- appropriate organ support; ERCP/MRCP; remove cause
 Chief Complaint ➢ Right upper quadrant pain
 Review of ◼ Biliary colic (RUQ pain after fatty meal)
Systems ◼ Bloatedness
◼ Relieved by NSAIDS
◼ Pain unremitting, persist for several days
◼ Fever, Anorexia, Nausea and Vomiting
 Physical ❖ Abdomen: (+) Focal tenderness or guarding on RUQ, (+) Murphys sign - inspiratory
Examination arrest on deep palpation in right subcostal area, (+) Boas sign - hyperesthesia on right
subscapular area
 Differential 1. Cholangitis
Diagnosis 2. Choledocholithiasis
3. Acute pancreatitis
 Diagnostics ✓ HBT and Pancreatic ultrasound
- diagnostic test of choice
- enlarged gallbladder, thickening of wall >5mm, gallbladder stone, ultrasound
murphy’s sign
✓ Amylase, Lipase
✓ Bilirubin, SE, Creatinine
 Management ⚫ NPO then IVF
⚫ Medical treatment: Antibiotics (3rd gen), NSAIDs for analgesia, PPI, H2RB for acidity
⚫ Definitive treatment: Laparotomy cholecystectomy

- Gangrenous cholecystitis
- Gallstone pancreatitis
- Hydrops of liver
- Cholangitis

*Incision: Kocher
- starts midline 2.5-5cm below xiphoid
- ends laterally 2.5cm below costal margin
 Notes Acute Cholecystitis
- acute infection of gallbladder due to obstruction of cystic duct
- 90-95%: stone
- Acalculous: critically ill and biliary stasis

Obstruction --- Gallbladder distention --- Inflammation --- Edema
A. LOCAL Sign C. Imaging- positive
1. Murphy Sign
2. RUQ pain Interpretation
B. SYSTEMIC Sign  Suspected – 1A + 1B
1. Fever  Definite – 1A + 1B + 1C
2. ↑ CRP
3. ↑ WBC
 Chief Complaint ➢ Breast mass/lump
 Family History / ◼ (+) Cancer on family members
Past Medical ◼ OB score, OCP use, Menarche, Menopause
History ◼ Alcohol use
◼ Number of offspring, Breastfeeding
 Review of ◼ Erythema, Nipple change, discharge and retraction-due to shortening of Cooper’s
Systems suspensory ligament
◼ Fever, Weight loss
◼ Pain, Mass size, shape, mobility, margin
 Physical ❖ Chest: (+) Mass, Enlargement, Asymmetry, Ulceration/Erythema of skin
Examination ❖ Axillary mass: “peau d’ orange”-blocked lymphatics
 Differential 1. Benign
 Diagnostics ✓ Mammography – not palpable
^MAS (Microcalcification, Asymmetric thickening, Solid mass)
^BIRADS Category:
0 (Incomplete): additional imaging needed
1 (N finding): routine screening
2 (Benign): routine screening
3 (Probably benign, <2% risk of malignancy): very high probability of benign
finding, short interval follow-up 6 months, then every 6-12months for 1-2yrs
4A (Low suspicion, 3-10%): needle biopsy
4B (Intermediate, 11-50%): needle biopsy
4C (Moderate, 51-94%): needle biopsy
5 (Highly sensitive, >95%): appropriate action
6 (Malignant): assure treatment is completed

✓ Ductography
^Indication: nipple discharge, contains blood

✓ MRI - for women (+) BRCA mutations

✓ Ultrasound - used to resolve equivocal mammographic findings and guide for biopsies
^Breast cyst: well-circumscribed, smooth margins, echo-free center
^Benign mass: weak internal echoes, well-differentiated anterior and posterior margins
^Breast cancer: irregular walls and (+) acoustic enhancements
^Lymph node involved with cancer: cortical thickening, change in shape, size >10mm,
(-) fatty hilum, hypoechoic internal echoes

✓ Biopsy
^Aspiration or needle (FNAB)
^Core needle (CNB): diagnostic technique of choice for pre-operative systemic therapy
^Incisional: fast, frozen section available
^Excisional: can evaluate margins
^Needle directed excisional: for non-palpable abnormalities
^Stereotactic biopsy: accurate image guidance and require special mammography

✓ Ca 15-3
 Management ⚫ Surgical
a. BCS/BCT: Lumpectomy
*BCT - Lumpectomy, SLN dissection, Radiation
b. MRM: removal of breast with preservation of PM; remove lymph node
⚫ Chemotherapy
⚫ Radiotherapy
⚫ Hormonal: Tamoxifen - pre-menopausal; Aromatase inhibitor - post-menopausal

*from another source

⚫ Early invasive (Stage I-II)
- breast conservation
- with or without adjuvant chemotherapy
- lumpectomy, axillary lymph node status assessment (SLNB), radiotherapy
⚫ Advanced (Stage III)
- neoadjuvant then BCS or
- MRM with adjuvant chemotherapy/radiotherapy
- anti-estrogen therapy
⚫ Distant metastasis (Stage IV)
- palliative anti-estrogen
- palliative chemotherapy
⚫ Locoregional recurrence (S/P MRM, S/P BCS)
- excision with chemotherapy and hormonal
- MRM with chemotherapy and hormonal

*Types of Mastectomy:
a. Simple (Total)
- most common type
- remove entire breast (including nipple and areola)
- lymph node or muscle not included
b. MRM
- preserves pectoralis major and removal of axillary lymph node
c. Radical
- removes entire breast, axillary lymph node and both pectoralis major
d. Partial
- removes cancerous part and some N (example lumpectomy and quadrantectomy)
e. Skin sparing
- all breast and nipple-areola complex including skin overlying biopsy site
f. Nipple sparing
- skin sparing and preservation of NAC
g. Subcutaneous
- removes tissue through incision under breast then leaves skin, areola and nipple intact

*BCS and Segmental mastectomy

- BCS and moderate dose radiotherapy
- goals: survival equivalent to mastectomy, cosmetically acceptable, low rate of recurrence

*Endocrine therapies:
a. Surgical ablation
b. Estrogen
c. Androgen
d. Anti-estrogen
e. Progestins
f. Hydroxylase/Aromatase inhibitor
g. LHRH analogue
 Notes *Risk factors:
a. Hormonal- female (1:100), early menarche (<8yrs old), obesity, late menopause (>55 yrs
old), prolonged OCP use, aging
b. Non-hormonal- genetic (BRCA 1 & 2), radiation, alcohol use (increased E3 level),
dietary fat (increased estrogen)

*Breast Cancer Risk assessment:

^Gail Model- age at menarche, number of breast biopsies, age at first live birth, number of
first degree relatives with breast cancer

*Breast Cancer Risk management:

a. Screening mammogram - baseline at 35, annual beginning at 40 yrs old
b. Chemoprevention - Tamoxifen and Raloxifene (Selective estrogen receptor modulator)
c. Prophylactic mastectomy

*BRCA mutations:
a. BRCA 1 - c17q, 90% lifetime risk, poorly differentiated, (-) hormone receptor
b. BRCA 2 - c13q, 85% lifetime risk for breast cancer, well-differentiated, (+) hormone

*Risk management for BRCA mutation carriers:

- Prophylactic mastectomy and reconstruction
- Prophylactic oophorectomy and HRT
- Intensive surveillance
- CBE every 6 months
- Mammogram yearly beginning at 25 yrs old
- Breast MRI
- Chemoprevention

a. Lobular
b. Ductal
- Most invasive arise in terminal duct lobular unit
- Most common histologic type: invasive ductal carcinoma (70-80%)

- Paget’s disease
- Invasive ductal carcinoma
- Medullary
- Mucinous
- Papillary
- Tubular
- Invasive lobular: signet-ring cancer

*Molecular subtypes:
a. Luminal A - (+) ER, PR and (-) HER2/neu
- hormone responsive, most common subtype, less aggressive, good prognosis
b. Lumina B - (+) ER, PR and (+) HER2/neu
- worse than A
c. HER2/neu enriched - (-) ER, PR and (+) HER2/neu
- highly aggressive, increased recurrence, decreased survival
d. Basal-like - (-) ER, PR, HER2/neu; (+) cytokeratin 5,6 and (+) EGPR
- aggressive, high grade and mitotic rate
*Hx, PE, ROS
✓ RF
✓ breast mass, enlargement, asymmetry
✓ nipple change, discharge, retraction
- due to shortening of the Cooper’s
suspensory ligament
✓ ulceration or erythema of skin
✓ axillary mass → peau d’ orange –
blocked lymphatics
✓ ulceration
mastalgia → (+) pain – benign
1. Mammography 2. Ductography
(MAS – Microcalcification Indication: nipple discharge, contains blood
-- Assymetic Thickening 3. MRI- for women (+) BRCA mutations
-- Solid mass) 4. UTZ- used to resolve equivocal mammographic findings.
- specific features: -guide for biopsies
▪ solid mass +/- stellate features • BREAST CYST- well circumscribed, smooth margins, echo
▪ assymetric tissue thickening free center.
▪ clustered microcalcification • BENIGN MASS- weak internal echo
- disav: young & dense breast - well defined ant. & post. margins
BIRADS Category • BREAST CA- irreg walls
- (+) acoustic enhancements
0- Incomplete – additional imaging neede • Lymph Node Involved w/ CA
1- N finding- routine screening - conical thickening
2- Benign- routine screening - change in shape
3- Prob. benign, <2% risk of malignancy - size> 10 mm
- very high prob of benign finding - (-) fatty hilum
- short interval ff-up (6mos) - hypoechoic internal echoes
- then every 6-12 mos for 1-2 yrs
4A- Low suspicion (3-10%) biopsy
4B- Intermediate (11-50%) (needle)
1. Aspiration or Needle (FNAB)
4C- Moderate (51-94%)
2. Core Needle (CNB)- dx technique of choice for pre-operative
4- Highly suggestive (>95%) systemic therapy
- appropriate action
3. Incisional- fast, frozen section available
6- Proven malignant – assure trxt is complete
4. Excisional- more complete evaluation
- can evaluate margins
5. Wire or Needle directed excisional – for non-palpable
6. Stereotache biopsy – accurate image guidance
- require special mammography equipment
*Mngt: *Types of Mastectomy
1. Early Invasive (Stage I-II) 1. SIMPLE (TOTAL) - mc type
- breast conservation SA (BCS) - remove ENTIRE BREAST (+ nipple areola)
- +/- adjuvant chemo - LN or muscle NOT removed
▪ lumpectomy 2. MRM
▪ axillary LN status assessement (SLNB)
- preserves pectoralis major + removal of axillary LN
▪ radiotherapy
a) Patey- removes PM
2. Advanced (Stage III)
b) Madden & Auchincloss- preserves PM
- neoadjucant (actinomycin containing) then BCS
c) Scanlon- transect & repair
- MRM ↑ adjuvant chemo/RT
- anti-estrogen therapy
- removes entire breast, axillary LN & both PM
3. Distant Mets (Stage IV)
4. PARTIAL- removes cancerous part & same N
- palliatve anti-estrogen
-ex: lumpectomy, quadrantectomy
- palliative chemo
4. Locoregional recurrence (S/P MRM, S/P BCS)
- all breast + nipple-areola complex + skin overlying
- excision + chemo + hormonal
biopsy site
- MRM + chemo + homonal
6. NIPPLE SPARING - skin sparing + preservation of NAC
- removes tissue through incision under breast
- leave skin, areola & nipple intact
*BCS & Segmental Mastectomy *Endocrine Therapies
- BCS + mod dose RT 1. Surgical Ablation – Oophorectomy,
- Goals:  survival equivalent to mastectomy - Adrennectomy
 cosmetically acceptable - Hypophysectomy
 low rate or recurrence 2. Estrogen- DES
3. Androgens- Fluoxymestrone
4. Antiestrogen- Tamoxifen
5. Progestins- Megestrol acetate
- Medroxyprogesterone acetate
6. Hydroxylase/Aromatase inhibitor
- aminoglutethimide, anastrade,
- letrozole, exemestane
7. LHRH analogue- Leuprocide
 History ➢ NSAID/Aspirin use
➢ H.pylori infection
➢ (+) Epigastric pain, burning sensation
 Family History / ◼ Smoker
Past Medical ◼ Alcoholic
 Review of ◼ Abdominal pain: epigastric, Bloatedness
Systems ◼ Nausea and Vomiting, Weight loss
◼ Melena, Coffee ground emesis
 Physical ❖ (+) Tenderness on epigastric area
Examination *Gastric:
- Pain while eating, food worsens pain, decreased gastric acid
- Pain 2-3 hours postprandial, alleviated by food, awakens patient at night, decreased
bicarbonate, increased hydrogen ions
 Differential 1. Pancreatitis
Diagnosis 2. GERD: with chest pain/radiation
3. MI: with chest pain/radiation
4. Acute cholangitis
 Diagnostics ✓ EGD
✓ H. pylori testing (urea breath test),
✓ Labs (CBC, PT, PTT, SE)
 Management ⚫ Medical treatment
a. Triple therapy for H. pylori: PPI, Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin/Metronidazole
b. Acid neutralizing agents: PPI, Antacid, H2RB
c. Opioid analgesic: Tramadol
⚫ Surgical treatment
a. Emergency exploration
b. Omental patch + Biopsy
⚫ Post-operative (Liquid - Soft - Diet as tolerated)
⚫ Supportive
a. Smoking cessation
b. Alcohol avoidance
c. NSAID withdrawal
*Complications of PUD:
- Bleeding
- Perforation
- Obstruction
 History ➢ Anterior neck mass
➢ Decreased iodine intake
➢ Radiation exposure
 Family History / ◼ History of neck cancer
Past Medical
 Review of ◼ Palpitation, Tremors, Easy fatigability, Cold/Heat intolerance, Feeling of anxiety
Systems ◼ Hoarseness, Dysphagia, Dyspnea, Weight loss
 Physical ❖ Thin
Examination ❖ EENT: (+) Exophthalmos, Sparse hair
❖ Neck: Location, size, mobility
 Differential 1. Thyroglossal duct cyst
Diagnosis 2. MNTG
3. Colloid adenomatous goiter
 Diagnostics ✓ Thyroid ultrasound
✓ Thyroid profile: if euthyroid - FNAB
✓ Iodine scan
 Management ⚫ Medical treatment
a. Propanolol: regulate heart rate, decreased peripheral conversion of T4 to T3
b. PTU
c. Methimazole
⚫ Surgical treatment
a. Malignant: total; then offer RAI after
b. Multinodular: total
c. One lobe: lobectomy + isthmus
⚫ Post-operative
a. Hormone replacement
b. Monitor thyroglobulin
- Bleeding: leads to obstruction
- Hypocalcemia: Ca2+ gluconate
 Chief Complaint ➢ Obstipation (no passage of stool)
 Family History / ◼ Old age
Past Medical History
 Review of Systems ◼ Abdominal distention, Abdominal pain
◼ Changes in caliber of stool
◼ Nausea and Vomiting, Weight loss, Fever, Anorexia
 Physical ❖ Abdomen: Abdominal distention, Absent bowel sounds,
Examination Hyper-resonance, (+) Tenderness on abdomen
❖ DRE: GST, No mass, (-) Fecal material on tactating finger
❖ Fever
 Differential 1. Volvulus
Diagnosis 2. Paralytic ileus
3. Diverticulitis
 Diagnostics ✓ Abdominal x-ray
✓ SE, Crea
 Management ⚫ Non-surgical
a. Fluid replacement
b. NPO (bowel rest)
c. NGT suction
d. Antibiotics: Cefoxitin, Metronidazole, Omeprazole
⚫ Surgical
- Complete obstruction with sign of ischemia and clinical deterioration
- Persistent partial obstruction (more than 3-5 days)
- Suspected intestinal strangulation
*Surgical bowel decompression
- Resection
- Stoma creation if bowel passage not restored
PATIENT ✓ Airway
- first priority
- ensure patency, airway protection
- cleared of any debris, blood, foreign body
- O2
- application of hard cervical collar
- manual airway maneuvers – to lift tongue
- jaw thrust
- chin lift
• Indications for “E” ET
- acute airway obstruction
- hyperventilation
- ↓ O2 despite supplemental O2
- altered mental status (GCS <8)
- cardiac arrest
- severe hemorrhagic shock
• Other options
1. Orotracheal
2. Nasotracheal
3. Cricothyroidectomy- craniofacial trauma
4. Tracheostomy- last resort, laryngeal fractures

✓ Breathing & Ventilation

- assess HR, O2 sat
- inspect ext. signs of trauma, asymmetric chest exp.
- palpate chest wall injury
- auscultate BS
✓ Circulation
- evidence of bleeding
- adequacy of circulation – pulse, color of skin, capillary refill
- palpable CAROTID pulse: SBP > 60 mmHg
- palpable FEMORAL pulse: SBP > 70 mmHg
- palpable RADIAL pulse: SBP > 80 mmHg
- pale skin, CRT > 2secs- poor peripheral perfusion

❖ Approach to Shock
1. Differentials
2. Venous access- IV, 2 large bore (g14-16)
- venous cutdown (basilic/saphenous)
- central line (IJ, subclavian, femoral)
- intraosseous route
3. Initial fluid resuscitation- direct P, tourniquets, typing
- surgical intervention
✓ Disability & Neuro Status
- pupillary size, motor & sensory, glucose level
6 Obey
5 Localize Oriented
4 Withdraw Confused Spontaneous
3 Decorticate (Flex) Incoherent/Inappropriate To speech
2 Decerebrate (Extend) Incomprehensible To pain
1 None None None

❖ Mgmt:
- airway competence
- supportive: seizure control, treat hypoglycemia
- treat ↑ICP

✓ Environmental Control & Exposure

- patient’s clothing must be disrobed while avoiding hypothermia
- look at areas not initially assessed
• Needle Thoracentesis- tension pneumothorax
• Pericardiocentesis- cardiac tamponade
• CTT- 4-5th ICS MAL
- indication: hemothorax, pneumothorax
* Emergent thoracotomy- incision over 5th rib into 4th ICS beginning sternum ext to
posterior axillary line
1.TENSION - build up of air in pleural space due to lung laceration
PNEUMOTHORAX - mediastinum to contralateral side (tracheal deviation)
❖ CM: resp. distress, hyperexpanded chest, ↓BS on affected side, dist. neck vein,
❖ Mgmt:
- Immediate: Needling (2nd ICS MCL)
- Definitive: Chest tube thoracostomy (4-5th ICS MAL)

2. OPEN - sucking chest sound

PNEUMOTHORAX - free communication bet. pleural space & atmosphere

- resp. distress, “sucking, blowing sound”, hypoxia, hypocarbia
❖ Mgmt:
- Immediate: Temporary closure (tape)
- Definitive: Closure of chest wall defect & tube thoracostomy remote fr. wound

3. MASSIVE - >1500 ml or >25h

❖ Hx/PE/ROS: respiratory distress, hypotension, ↓BS & dullness to affected side
❖ Mgmt: volume replacement, tube thoracostomy
❖ Thoracotomy if >1.5 after 1 hour
>200 ml/hr cont. blood loss
4. FLAIL CHEST - ≥ 3 ribs are fractured on at least 2 locations
❖ Hx/PE/ROS:
- resp. distress
- paradoxical mov’t of free floating chest wall
- paradoxical chest motion
- subcut. emphysema
- pain at fracture site
❖ Mgmt:
- intubation w/ P ventilation
- pain mgmt.
- chest tube, pulmonary inlet, surgical fixation
5. PULMONARY - blunt trauma to chest
- radiologic dx
❖ CM: dyspnea, hemoptysis, hypoxemia
Mgmt: Adequate oxygenation, ventilatory support
6. TRACHEO- - massive air leak
❖ CM: dyspnea, dysphagia, coughing, stridor, failure to resolve even (+) CT tube,
pneumomediastinum, HAMMAN Sign
Mgmt: Definitive ‘E’ flexible broncoscopy
7. CARDIAC - blood accumulates in pericardium
❖ CM:
BECK TRIAD- Hypotension, Neck vein distention, Muffled heart sound
KUSSMAUL SIGN- ↑ jugular venous distention on inspiration
PULSUS PARADOXUS- ↓ systemic BP on inspiration
- VA, direct blows, fall, assaults & crush injury
• Dx:
1. Peritoneal Lavage- gold standard for evaluation of intraabdominal trauma
3. CT Scan of Abdomen- (+) FAST, hemodynamically stable patient
• Mgmt: Laparotomy
Indications: Peritoneal signs, (+) DPL, (+) FAST or CT Scan, Unstable
ESTIMATION 1st degree (Epidermal) – epidermis & upper dermis
a) “Rule of - dry, no blisters
Nines/Wallace” -guide - painful, erythematous
for fluid resuscitation 2 degree (Partial Thickness) – epidermis & part of

- 9% each arm dermis

- 15% each thigh & leg - moist blebs, (+) blisters
- 9% head - mottled white to pink,
- 9% chest cherry red
- 9% abdomen - very painful
- 9% lower back & 3 degree (Full thickness) – epidermis, dermis, SC

buttocks tissue
- 1% genitalia & - dry w/ leathery eschar
perineum - charred vessels
- ↓sensation, intact deep P
b) Lund & Browder-
more accurate for
4th degree – damage to underlying tissue
- prolonged contact
- little or no pain
- graft needed
❖ Jackson Zones of Burn Injury
• COAGULATION Zone- central area, most severe burn, (-) capillary blood flow
• STASIS Zone- surrounds coagulation area, mod. degree
• HYPEREMIA Zone- outermost, contain viable tissue
 Mgmt: ❖ Minor burns – PT <15% in adults ❖ Moderate or Major or Critical Burns
< 10% in children <10 ❖ Moderate: PT 15-25% adult
y/o 10-20% children,
in adults >50 elderly
y/o FT 2-10%
- superficial thickness ❖ Major: PT >25% adult
- FT <2% > 20% children, elderly
❖ Mgmt: ❖ Mgmt:
✓ cool wound w/ tap water ✓ use sterile gloves
✓ tetanus prophylaxis ✓ suspect inhalation injury
✓ wound care, debridement, ✓ intubate if ≥50% BSA
analgesic ✓ fluid resuscitation
✓ send home ✓ IFC, NGT
✓ get baseline weight
✓ tetanus, H2-blocker
✓ escharotomy
 FLUID RESUSCITATION - mcc of mortality w/in 48 hrs is inadequate resuscitation.
1. PARKLAND/BAXTER FORMULA (Initial 24h) ❖ Topical Antimicrobial
IVF req’t= TBSA burned x Wt (kg) x 4ml/kg 1. Bacitracin – gram (+)
= D5LR 2. Mafenide – BS, Anticlostridial
- half given during 1st 8 hrs 3. Mupirocin – anti-MRSA
- remaining half over subsequent 16 hrs 4. Nystatin – anti-fungal
2. GALVESTON FORMULA 5. Silver nitrate – BS
- for children 6. Silver sulfadiazine – BS, antipseudomonal
- 5,000 ml/BSA/% TBSA + 2000 7. Dalkin solution – BS
(15 ml zonrox + 985 ml PNSS) – against MRA, VRE,
Viruses, molds & yeast
- half- 1st 8 hrs
- half- next 16 hrs ❖ Definitive Mgmt
3. FOR THE 2ND 24 HR PORTION - excision of burn wound, skin grafting
- colloids - nutrition, pain control
- optimal MAP= 60 mmHg - rehab, mgmt. of complication
- UO: Adult – 0.5 ml/kg/hr ❖ Complications
Children- 1-1.5 ml/kg/hr - burn wounds sepsis – mcc of death
❖ Wound Dressing - abdominal compartment syndrome (due to massive
- debride, remove dead skin, unroof resuscitation)
blisters - stress ulcers (Curling ulcers
❖ Criteria for Discharge
- no existing complication
- fluid resuscitation completed
- adequate pain tolerance
- adequate nutritional intake
- no anticipated septic complications

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