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What is health issue?

Health issue means any physical, mental, or

emotional condition, including alcohol or
substance use disorder and use of prescription
medications that could adversely affect an
individual's ability to practice safely and
health issues

globally locally
Environmental Factors Dengue
Economic Measles
and Access to Health Diabetes
Care Tuberculosis
Political Factors
Non-Communicable Cardiovascular
Disease Diseases
Animal Health, Food
Sourcing and Supply Cancer
The epidemic has been having an
impact on the whole food system The pandemic has destroyed jobs
and exposed its vulnerability. Border and jeopardized the livelihoods of
closures, trade restrictions, and millions of people. Millions of
confinement measures have made it women and men's food security
difficult for farmers to access and nutrition are at risk as
markets, including to buy inputs and breadwinners lose their jobs, get
sell their produce, and for agricultural sick, or pass away; those in low-
workers to harvest crops. As a result,
income nations, especially the
domestic and global food supply
most marginalized populations,
chains have been disrupted, and the
availability of a variety of safe,
such as small-scale farmers and
healthy diets has decreased which in indigenous peoples, are severely
the end causes health issues both hurt.
globally and locally.
examples of
health issues
Mental health issues are common health issues faced
by every nation. During the pandemic, around 3.6
million Filipinos suffered from mental health problems,
including depression, substance use disorders like
alcohol use disorder, and mood disorders like bipolar
disorder. There are various reasons, but the phrase
"huwag kang maarte" (don't be too dramatic) is more
common. Because of this, people will feel that they
don't need to seek a professional. As the consequence,
there is limited data about the mental health situation
in the Philippines.

mental health
Why is it important to
talk about mental
health in Philippines?

Because stigmatizing attitudes and

discriminatory behaviors still exist at home,
school, and workplace settings in the
Philippines. Those suffering from various
mental health conditions struggle more
because of the stigma surrounding mental
Overweight Substance HIV/AIDS
and Obesity
Tobacco Seniors are unlikely to
Being overweight or use condoms, have
obese increases your
Substance abuse immune systems that
Tobacco is the single
chances of dying from greatest preventable
usually means drugs naturally weaken with
hypertension, type 2 cause of illness and and alcohol. These age, and HIV symptoms
diabetes, coronary are two areas we (fatigue, weight loss,
premature death. The
heart disease, stroke, don't often associate dementia, skin rashes,
Centers for Disease
gallbladder disease, swollen lymph nodes) are
Control and with seniors, but
osteoarthritis, sleep similar to symptoms that
apnea, respiratory
Prevention (CDC) seniors, like young can accompany old age.
problems, dyslipidemia says that smokers people, may self- Again, stereotypes about
and endometrial, breast, who try to quit are medicate using legal aging in terms of sexual
prostate, and colon more successful and illegal drugs and activity and drug use
cancers. when they have the alcohol, which can keep this problem largely

support of their unrecognized
lead to serious health

There have been studies conducted and accordingly, most of the

Filipinos that suffer from malnutrition are the poor ones. The Philippine
government, thru the Department of Social Welfare and Developments
along with the Department of Health has provided projects to help
poor Filipinos from starvation.

There are a lot more of examples or kinds of health issues that the
world is facing, yes, it gets addressed sometimes but it also gets
disregarded for some time. In conclusion, health issues is a major
concern or problem that we're facing both globally and locally.
Group 1
Jonn Depp Cerr Calima

Leonardo Galvez

thank you Charles Fritz Espejo

Kristelle Janna Mae Lao

Listening! Jochebeth Manangod

Marecris Marron

Charles Kenneth Soriano

Laurence Yves Tabangcura

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