Script For JEEPGY Forum Launching

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Script for JEEPGY Forum Launching

Good Evening!

*I am ________________________________ and I will be moderating this virtual

launching this evening.

*Welcome to the Grand Launching of St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. JEEPGY

*This program is initiated in relation to the 75 th Founding Anniversary of St.

Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. This JEEPGY Forum is one of the many activities
we have this school year.

*Before we start may I request everyone to please settle now as we prepare

ourselves for the invocation to be followed by our Philippine National Anthem.

*Now, let us here the overview of this program launching, may I call Mr. Joseph
James Bernadas, the Community Outreach Program In-Charge of SPCT.

We remind everyone to please reserve your questions later for the open
forum. You will be given some time to ask questions after the discussion time
of the speaker.
*At this juncture, we will hear the Welcome and Opening Message from our
very own School President and PM Schools Superintendent, SR. LORNA B.
MURILLO, PM, PhD.!! Lets give Sr. Lorna our virtual clap!

After the Welcome and Opening Message

*Thank you Sr. Lorna… … that was a warm welcome message for every
participant today. At this moment, we will have our main discussion of this
launching about JEEPGY. To introduce our resource person this evening, may
I request ________________________________________________ to introduce our
resource person.

After the talk

*Thank you for the very wonderful and insightful talk Dr. Umblero. (Additional
if you want to add something … … )

*Now, we will have the open forum. Please feel free to ask questions either on
our chat box or by raising our virtual hand.

*Now we will award the certificate of appreciation to our resource person this
evening. May I request Mr. Bernadas to award the certificate.
*Congratulations and Thank you Dr. Corazon Mamon-Umblero!

*We are almost at the end of our launching, we will now have our closing
remarks to be given by Mr. Joseph James Bernadas, the Community Outreach
Program In-Charge of St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc.

*Closing Prayer

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