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Peformance Grades 4, pasessnt and macking Marking criteri The tables on pages 17-18 show the marking criteria used by examiners for Performance Grades, Each piece/song is marked out of 30 using the frst set of criteria After the full programme has been comaleted,a mark out of 30 is awarded for the performance as a whale using the second set of criteria, Examiners mark up or down from the pass mark for each component by balancing the extent to which the qualities and sil iste in the criteria are demonstrated and contribute towards the ‘overall musical outcome, Performance Grades Marking criteria Grades 1-8 Criteria foreach ofthe pieces/songs presented Pitch Time Tone Shove Performance Distinction © Highly eccuratenates © Fluent wth lenibity © Wel projected presi, dlamatic © Assured 27-30 andintonation wnere propriate Sensitive use oftensl muses! shaping snd © Fully commited vl conveyed character and tle iment Taigaly accurate sales © Sustained efecive © Mainly contledand © Char muscalshapng, © Postve 28-26 ‘nd ntonstion tempo consistent ‘walled deta Carrying ms Good sense ot (Good tonal awareness conviction communicates Pose Genealycorectnotes © Suitable tempo ‘Genealyelabe Some realisation of ‘General secure, prompt 20-23 Suicienty eabe CGerealystaiepulse © Adecuat ona rusia! shape and/or recovery tom sls Overal ehythmie dst Insuiterty eiabe tonality Unsure and/or unconrlied tempo regular pulse iactrate yea Uneven and/or unreliable adequate tonal Musical shape an etal insutficery conveyed secre nadoquate recovery trom sips Ireuticene musa ievolement 6 srely macousteneles © Eratetempa and/or © Serouslaekaftonol © Musica shape ana ‘acking contin and/or intonation pulse conta Aetilrgey unrated © No music! involvement jon lighiy inaccurate notes © Incoherent empo No tonal conta Ne shape or tl ‘Urabe to continue for and/or itonation and/or alse rmorethan ashor section ° Ne werk oered| Neworkoered| Ne work otered| Ne worcoered| Ne work ofered| Performance Grades Grades1-8 Criteria forthe performance sr whole Communication Introettion Delivery Distinction © Consistently wellprojected andinwslved, © Censstenly lfective syste {Consistenily ssured and conte 27-30 sowing strong performance commitment charclestion, interpretative demands af tecsrieal challenges f the progranme fective secuence and pacing of chosen © Consistently good awareness and control © Consstely effective instrument propamme: cons tently good perfomance oftexures anc ensembe with efective management uly responswat he lwarenss and conto Blending ed balancing performance situation iment iilywel-projetedandnvalied Mostly eVective stylsticrelsaton, Ereatvelycontralied: most tena areely efetive sequence and pacing rast wall met Morty efective nstrament management of chosen programme; mainy g00d Mainly goed awareness and contol ot rainy responsive te the performance perlormance awareness an cot tortures arderserbie withapproarate —_stuaton Blending and balancing 7 oclion ond nvelenentsuficentta © Salfident sialic ealsalantamestthe © Generally convaliedlecnial calenges Sequence sd pacing of chosen programme © Adeqiste awareness and conto) 9 Suteirty rable natures shows agequate performance swarenest textures and ensemble with vticient management to mee the demands ofthe and contol Blending and balancing performance situation Below Pass © lsutilont projection or sense! “Siylsticelsatlon not equal tthe ‘Consistency ef convansuficent va meet 1619 imcherment to maintain a sense of rerpetative demands 0! heprogramme the teckel challenges f the pogromme perlormanee Ineuticent awareness or conta a fetures © Isuitcenly reliable stumet Sequence and/or pacingot chosen and ensomble, and/erunsutabie Sensing maragementto meet the demands of the programme shows inadequate performance and balancing Berlormance situation warenas or contel joe Senue of performance largely absent “Siylsticelsatlon and/or contol of ‘Very nsecre tehnieal contr aa

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