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Black Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matters “Movements”




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Summary of the Articles on Black Lives Matters and Blue Lives Matters Movements

Title of the article: “Black Lives Matter Topic Overview”

The Author: Gale

The URL of the Article:

Summary of the Article

Black Lives Matters is a social movement that gained popularity in 2013 on the social

media hashtag (Gale, 2022). The movement aimed at creating awareness of how Black people

are treated by law enforcement agencies in the United States. The movement has been against the

maltreatment of black people by the police, who tend to use excessive force when dealing with

them. This movement started in protests after Micheal Brown was murdered in USA in 2014.

The activists protested to protect the rights of black lives, especially in the summer of 2020,

when reports confirmed the massive killings of black people, for example, the killing of George


Title of the article: Blue Lives Matters

The Author: Participedia

The URL of the Article:

Summary of the Article

The movement was formed to counter the Black Lives Matter Movement. The activists of

the movement campaign for the United States police and other emergency service providers who

are to be regarded as victims in the event of hate crimes. The movement emerged in 2014,

similar to the Black Lives Matter Movement (Participedia, 2022). Police officers established the

movement. As a result, they seek a response to the killings of two police officers in New York.

The campaign aims to reduce the attacks from the Black Lives Matter Movement on police

officers. Furthermore, the movement wants such contenders to be treated as hate crimes.

There is a speech mark to the term movement because the participants or activists in each

category shared the same values. For instance, in the first category, they were all black people,

and in the second category, they were all police officers



Gale. (2022). Scholarly articles on Black Lives Matter: History & more. Scholarly Resources

for Learning and Research | Gale. Retrieved November 1, 2022,


Participedia. (2022). Blue lives matter – Participedia. Retrieved November 1, 2022,


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