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Scene: A group of friends accidentally meet after a long while.

Setting: School lobby


Narrator: Athena

Teacher: Kylie

1st group: Princess, Lei, Roshan, Mark Anthony

2nd group: Davenson, Margarette, Kerby, Reinelle


Narrator: First day of class in school, two group of friends accidentally meet and had a small chat.
They haven’t meet for a long while because of the pandemic.

/1st group enters/

Lei: Hey it seems a while! How are you guys?

Princess: I’m fine how about you Roshan and Mark?

Roshan: I’m good, the pandemic was so frightening.

Mark: I agree, but thanks God we are all in good condition.

/2nd group enters while chattering and laughing/

Reinelle: Gosh! I couldn’t believe I spent 2 years inside my house.

/The rest of the group laughs and agrees with reinelle/

Kerby: Hey look its princess and our other classmates before!

Margarette: Hi guys! How are you? Its been a while, come over here join us.

Narrator: Davenson secretly noticed something and whispered it to Reinelle, without noticing his
voice was too loud that others could clearly hear it.

/the 1st group notices and approached the 2nd group/

Davenson (whispers to Reinelle with a laughing reaction): Princess is wearing an old dress.

Reinelle: Lower your voice they might hear us.

Lei: Excuse me, Princess’ dress is still in good condition to wear.

Roshan: I agree, it doesn’t affect anything.

Narrator: Everyone doesn’t want what Davenson said, they asked him to make an apology to

/the rest of the group chattering about what’s happening/

Margarette: Davenson you must be sorry for that.

Reinelle: That’s right. Apologize to her.

Davenson: I’m sorry Princess, I admit my actions and words are inappropriate I shouldn’t have done
that. I promise not to do it again.

Princess: I accept your apology, but I have also to admit that I was offended by your words.

Kerby: Enough, our first day of school doesn’t have to start like this. Let us settle ourselves, and fix
this issue.

Mark: Let us try to avoid incidents like this with anyone again.

Princess: Its alright, I’ve already accepted his apology. Let us forget about this and start our day well.

Narrator: Davenson made an apology and this was accepted by Princess. The two groups decided to
forget about what happened, and continue their day with a positive mind. Then, their teacher

/Kylie enters (teacher)/

Everyone: Good morning ma’am!

Margarette: You look wonderful today ma’am.

Kylie: Thank you, class starts in 30 mins. Please proceed to your respective classrooms.

Everyone: Bye guys see you later!


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