Dela Pena, Pauline A. - Prelim Exam

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1.) A.

) Rizal’s biggest contribution to the Democracy and Nation state-building in the

Philippines is his two novels. The El Filibusterismo and Noli me Tangere. These two
novels help us Filipino’s to see what is happening to our country back then or should I
say “minulat niya ang ating mga mata”, he gave us a vision. For El Filibusterismo you
could see that its main focus is all about political revolutionary and how does
revolutionary works. While for the Noli me Tangere you could see the different social
cancers that need to be handled or solved and is hoping that things would be better, or
things would come to change. With his novels, he helped us understand the issues of our
country against the colonizers, and how the Spaniards treated us during the past 3
centuries. He wanted us to be aware of it, in able for us to stand up against them and fight
for our rights and protect what is truly ours. However, it is not a revolution that Rizal
originally wanted but rather a reform. Rizal proposed a reform to the Spanish
Government during an event in Spain and there, on behalf of all the Filipinos back then,
he cited all the affairs and the unfair treatment that they were going through. He pleaded
that the Filipinos should be treated as an equal and that the Philippines should already be
considered as a province of Spain and not just a colonized land. Unfortunately, despite
stating these words with only an intent to make things better for both sides, it was never
considered. Rizal inspired many through his writing, educating the youth, and the people
of the Philippines. La liga Filipinas is also one of his biggest contributions for within this
secret organization he helped us Filipinos achieve reforms and equality under the law. He
also wrote articles and poetry for La Solidaridad for us to know and understand these
propaganda movements.
B.) The biggest contribution Rizal could ever give to the Filipino youth is that he
gave them hope. He believes that they are/ we are the hope of our country “Ang Kabataan
ang Pag-asa ng Bayan”. He wanted us to embrace our rights, our freedom, and our
country. Rizal wanted us to be the youth who could offer a lot to its country. A youth
who knows how to lead and protect what needs to be protected, and has a great mind, and
a beautiful heart. Being a leader is not for fame. If you decide to become a leader, then
you should act like one. You should embrace and understand what a true leader is. A
leader who is selfless and is ready to put its people and country first before itself. Rizal
also wanted us to have theoretical and cognitive thinking. Having the knowledge we have
learned at school, from other professionals, and our experiences, it could help us work
well to the things we should work on. We could formulate better ideas, solutions, and
strategies to help ourselves, to help our country be better. Do not be afraid of speaking up
your ideas, your suggestions, your vision, and giving and receiving a critique, for those
things will be helpful and could be a way of educating a lot more people.
C.) Rizal’s biggest contribution to the Education and Literary Works are his poems.
By writing his poems, he helped us realized and see things differently. He showed us
how we should value education for it may give the power that our country needs in order
to survive from any other forces such as the worries about societal freedom. During the
Spanish era, we knew that we didn’t have the chance to study, we were deprived of
education due to injustices. Those Spaniards only see us as a slave in our very own
country. But after having the privilege for us to learn, education helped us expand our
knowledge, skills, and attitude, and our thoughts made the government system feel
threatened for they knew that we are smart enough to know what is going on and that we
are ready to fight them back when it comes to protecting and serving our country for it
symbolizes the love we have for our nation.

2.) The 7 program of reforms Rizal outlined is very essential for us most especially during
those eras for (1) The Filipinos are known for being a fighter when it comes to freedom
and constitutional rights. Therefore, they didn’t stop fighting for having the right of
representation in the Spanish Cortes. The Filipinos made a decisive campaign for them to
attain their aim and obtain the support of many prominent Spaniards in and out of the
government. For this place in the Spanish Cortes will help us Filipinos to have a voice
and stand to the government during those times. (2) The secularization of friars is also an
essential reform for us Filipinos for they have been very abusive of the power they hold.
These friars are perceived as an obstacle for they manipulate the education, progress, and
freedom of the country. It would be much better if the Catholic Church is controlled or
being led by the native secular priests. (3) Another reform is that improving and reform
the governing Administration in all and its branches for the government is being abusive
to justice, and the mistreatment of the Filipino in their land. They have never been fair to
the Filipino people from the very start and having this kind of reform will help us
Filipinos to have the justice we need and the rights to our very own land. (4) The next
reform is connected to the 2nd reform it is also to have reformed for the friars to take
away all their intervention to the foster primary instruction of the education for the people
to have the chance to study and for the education itself to be free from the abusive and
manipulative friars. Included to this reform is to also give the teachers more pay for they
worked so hard and deserve to have that raise. (5) A reform wherein we could have
equality. To divide appointments equally in the country between the Spanish and
Filipino. We Filipino are the true owner of the land that is why it is just right to have the
rights on having not just an appointment to our country, but for the rights to it for we are
the citizens of this country. (6) A reform to create schools for the arts and trade. We all
know that Rizal is competent in the arts and he wanted the youth to also be that
competent for it could also help them and we all know that the Philippines is into trades
and having a school for the trade will help us understand it more and will eventually help
us make or trading industry grow more. And lastly, (7) permit freedom of religion and
express. Having the friars lead and have the power in the government it is hard for us to
have this kind of freedom for they are controlling all our actions, beliefs, and expressing
ourselves. That is why having this reform will help us be free with our actions, learn to
truly express ourselves and to have a voice or stand to different issues, and suggestions
that would help the country.
3.) A.) This is a wonderful experience for me to have an actual conversation with Dr.
Jose Rizal. I would love to discuss to you what are my understanding or ideas about
social cancer that we are facing today. During these days we are facing a pandemic right
now and I must say that because of this situation it really affects us to have these social
cancers in education, unemployment, and the medical field. For education, a lot of
students today are really facing a big crisis right now because of the new system that we
are implementing to the education system. Some students are selling their very own nude
photos in order for them to have money for their tuition fees, devices required, and to
help support their family needs. There are students who really have no choice but to stop
studying because their parents can’t provide it to them anymore. However, it is also hard
for the teachers for they are also not used to this kind of system. Some of the teachers are
not that knowledgeable about technology and they are also having a hard time like the
students. No one is having it easy right now and all of us are suffering. Contrary to them,
rich people experience this whole situation a lot differently. For they have the money,
connections, all the resources they will need. Another is having a higher rate of
unemployment for the people. One factor that we could consider why this rate gets higher
and higher for the increase in population and because of the lack of education of some
people wherein they have a hard time finding a job that could sustain their daily needs.
Another factor of this is that, due to the pandemic like what I’ve mentioned before, it is
hard for the people to be back at work because the government implemented
countermeasures for us to avoid the spread of the virus and some of the small business
decided to close their business and some large corporations are losing or decreasing some
of their stocks that lead them to have problems that they did not experience before and
they might be bought by a larger company. I would also like to highlight the shutdown of
ABS-CBN for it also had been a factor of unemployment for almost 11,000 people lost
their job. Furthermore, this issue is also an example of the social cancer of silencing the
media. One democracy feature is the free circulation of information. How would we
achieve this kind of freedom when the form of media we are used to is being silenced?
Lastly, the health system in the country. The health care system here in the country is at a
high standard for the medical doctors, nurses, and staff is competently trained, but the
health care facilities may not be as good as we thought it would be. The country struggles
with unequal access to medical care and some of that happen to public health care or
hospitals. Heath care system also faces strain in treating a large number of Filipinos for a
lot of medical workers who choose to work overseas rather than here and it may lead to
experience delays in giving treatment for the people. If I were to connect the social
cancers it will all lead up to corruption. Corruption being the root cause of them all. If the
government itself focuses on all these issues and others such as public infrastructures,
social welfare programs, operated hospitals, government agencies, education, and
economic growth it will help us grow more and help the country itself.
B.) The only vision that I have for the country is to have a leader that has the right
mindset of leading the country. To have a great mind, and heart for the people and for the
country for it is mainly one of the most wonderful traits a leader should have. He should
work and serve not for his own interests, but for the people of this nation. Having the
ability to take and give critiques and knows what he is doing. To be able to come up with
a better idea and strategies to resolve the problems in the country. To always put himself
first before anything else. Once we have this kind of leader again, the country will start to
rise up and develop. For I believe that behind a successful country there is a great leader
leading them.

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