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LS Concept

Module 1 Personal development :

1. peer in uence : the interests and identity of adolescents are shaped by their peers eg many
youngsters like K-pop so those who originally didn’t like it may turn to enjoy it so they can
have common topics with friends and assimilate into their groups of friends -> peer pressure
to conform to norms

2. Life skills : teenagers need to develop their life skills so that they can function as independent
adults later . These skills include communication skills , nancial literacy , time management
skills and emotional management skills . Schools have been promoting many activities that aid
students in developing these skills -> whole person development + well rounded teens

3. Social media : teens are now very active on social media , reasons being that they can take
part in the lives of friends and discover popular trends overseas -> online addiction ? FOMO
( fear of missing out )? -> hinder personal development , lead to poor mental and physical
health ( stay up late browsing social media ) / promote personal development : can be
exposed to di erent cultures ( more knowledgeable) and make friends ( expand social circle )
-> practice communication skills +develop acceptance to other cultures ( open minded )

4. Personal development : aspects of personal development : social , personal , mental ,

interpersonal relationships , life skills eg communication skills , time management

5. Self concept (self esteem) : self esteem of teens is largely a ected by peer recognition and
media -> more peer recognition , higher self esteem / media advocates for slimness and
beauty , if the teen does not have similar appearance , lower self esteem -> warped self

6. Interpersonal relationships : family and friends are the major interpersonal relationships of
teens -> if parents and friends are bad role models -> teens have higher chance of being
delinquents because they would copy the behaviour of people around them -> should parents
have more responsibility in teaching and raising their children ( the role of families cannot be
replaced by institutes like social services because families would the ones to formulate the
concept of love, family and personal responsibility)

Module 2 : Hong Kong Today

1. Quality of life : Materialistic + spiritual ; materialistic qol improved by increasing job

opportunities , providing subsidies +housing , clean and hygienic environment ,
transportation , education opportunities/ spiritual qol improved by maintaining cultural
heritage , cultural industry and cultural diversity , provide ways to exercise civic
responsibility( contribute to society )

2. Global citizen : due to globalisation , the lives of ppl in Hong Kong is now interconnected with
ppl around the globe -> ppl living in a global village -> develop interest and empathy in global
issues -> volunteer to help the less fortunate -> responsibility as citizens living in a ‘ big
country ‘

3. Rights and responsibilities

4. Social mobility : upward social mobility can be brought about by providing educational
opportunities-> HK changing from service based economy to knowledge based economy ->
nd high paid , high value added jobs must be educated -> grassroots can be educated and
become computer literate / have more knowledge-> more job opportunities + earn more
money to improve quality of life -> break inter generational poverty ( move up the social

5. Role of government : government has responsibility as resources allocator,coordinator ,

legislator, promote social stability , prosperity, economic development , maintain international
image , advocate for environmental protection

6. Legislation : features : compulsory , has deterrent e ect , convey a message to the public ,
has immediate e ect , may be unfeasible to implement ( high cost and lots of Human
Resources ) , has legal consequences , has long term e ect

7. Economic development : very important in the eyes of the hk citizens and government

8. Cultural conservation : conserving cultural heritage artefacts eg tangible : tai kwun, blue house
, wong tai shin temple , tin hou temple/ intangible : Cantonese opera , tai ping Qing jiao
festival , sek pun ( 盤菜) , building bamboo theatres , allow the lifestyle and history of
previous generations to be passed on to the next generation ( inheritance ) ——-> cultural
revitalisation ( adding modernised elements to traditional culture —-> risk losing the true spirit
of the cultural tradition eg use machinery to carve mahjong tiles —-> lose the element of hard
work and care in carving the tile / online ancestral worship ——> no need to hike to sweep the
tomb —-> may lose the feeling of respect to ancestors without spending time and e ort in
worship )

9. Collective memory : common experiences that unite people -> strengthens sense of
community and belonging , fosters sense of identity and responsibility ( want to serve the
community -> enhances social harmony

10. Culturally diverse society : culturally diverse : having di erent peoples , cuisines, religions and
values eg Muslim mosques , Jew synagogue, provide methods for Filipino maids to vote for
their president coexisting peacefully -> culturally diverse =/= culturally harmonious ( can be
discrimination and con icts between di erent cultures ) -> people have to be open minded
and accept the cultural di erences -> assimilation into hk society -> provide education and
job training workshop for ethnic minorities

11. Gender stereotype : hk is at the junction of western and Chinese beliefs : traditional Chinese
beliefs like male superiority and female inferiority still exists in society , females may have
more di culties re entering the workforce after being a mother or housewife ( not enough
amenities in workplace for breastfeeding + social in acceptance for public breast feeding +
lack of market information after not being in the workforce for a long time ) + gender pay gap
+ lack of advancement success

Module 3 : Modern China

Module 4 : globalisation

1. Interdependence : global markets( sourcing + sales + nance) are more interdependent due to
globalisation since there is now international division of labour (IDOL) so each country
specialises in one thing and exports + import goods from other countries —-> advantage :
more diversi ed choices-> more freedom to choose( for cultural products and goods ) , more
e cient , faster economic development and more job opportunities / disadvantages :
exploitation of third world countries since wealthy countries have stronger bargaining power ,
global nancial crisis ( 2008 Asian nancial tsunami ) , more erce competition ( wages of low
skilled workers in third world countries is lower that low skilled workers in wealthy countries ->
lose job and have heavy nancial burden due to high living cost in hk ) + serious environmental
problems , since MNC want to maximise pro ts and minimise cost by setting up factories in
less developed countries where the environmental regulations are is stringent

2. Integration : labour , sourcing and nancial markets ——> global production chain

3. Interaction : due to development of transportation ( planes and cargo ship ) and information
and communication technology ( VR + 3D printing or models + drones + Cloud server +
streaming service + smart device ( hardware )+ social media+ electronic payment ) , people
can communicate and interact almost instantly , breaking the constraints of time and
geographical borders —-> cultural interaction and more business opportunities + international

4. Cultural diversity vs cultural homogeneity : culture of more developed countries can be

exported to the less developed countries successfully because they have more resources
while the promotion of local cultures in less developed countries is weaker due to having less
resources so local cultures become less competitive and can hardly exist —-> dominance of
foreign cultures ( corporate culture , Disney movies ) —> more homogeneous culture / given
enough interest of the locals in their own cultures , the desire to protect and conserve local
culture by incorporating it in their daily lives can keep the local culture alive ——> local and
foreign cultures can coexist -> cultural diversity

5. Multinational corporations : practice international division of labour + glocalisation

6. Rapid ow of information

Module 5 : Public Health

1. Public health : includes physical , mental , social well being and disease prevention ,
prolonging life , disease diagnosis , disease treatment , public medical expenditure , accurate
health information

2. Infectious diseases : can be transmitted from one person to another eg tuberculosis , polio ,
covid 19 , SARS , u , hand foot eye disease, Zika, malaria -> may cause epidemics ,
intervened by World Health Organisation

3. Non infectious diseases : causes : genetic illnesses eg Down syndrome , haemophilia ,

anaemia or unhealthy lifestyle eg coronary heart disease , obesity , diabetes -> may be a huge
medical burden because these are long term illnesses that require constant check ups and the
medication for genetic , rare diseases is expensive ( should the government subsidise rare
disease patients : only minority of ppl have this disease -> cost e ectiveness ? Wise use of
taxpayer money ?)

4. Vaccination : a way to prevent transmission of infectious disease by herd immunity ( gov

vaccination outreach in schools and to the homes of elderly or disabled )

5. Healthy lifestyle : healthy balanced diets and active life style to prevent non infectious
diseases -> sedentary lifestyle increases risk of obesity and diabetes , diet fads eg paleo diet
keto diet will cause nutrient de ciency -> gov promotes healthy lifestyle by setting up all
citizens exercise day and provides health information by press conferences with experts

6. Drug patenting

Module 6 : Energy technology

1. Climate change : climate change causes great devastation to the lives of mankind and nature :
higher annual temperatures cause melting of glaciers , leading to rising sea levels which would
ood the coastal areas and results in damage in infrastructure and loss of human lives . This
may also lead to rise in climate refugees who escape their inhospitable homeland to other
countries, hence putting more burden onto the resources of those countries . At the same time
the animals living in polar regions like penguins and polar bears would lose their habitats
hence have a smaller chance of survival and may become extinct , upsetting the ecological
balance . -> geographical engineering eg man made rain and creating glaciers

2. Resources depletion : fresh water and fossil fuels are in very limited supply . However , many
industries and households have exploited these resources to a great extent that the supply
would be running out quickly -> depletion of resources -> must limit the usage of resources
and explore renewable sources of energy eg tidal and solar power

3. Renewable energy : sources of energy that would not run out eg geothermal power, solar
power, wind power , tidal power , hydroelectric power -> expensive to build infrastructure for
renewable energy eg solar panels 100kw :USD$22500 , 100MW wind turbine : $3.5 M per
turbine - unfeasible for LDC , unstable energy supply eg solar power rely on sunny days and
wind power relies on windy weather ( weather dependent ) , may cost further damage to
environment eg the production and disposal of semi conductors in the solar panels would
cause land pollution , deforestation occurs when building dams for hydropower stations ->
biodiversity loss ( one criticism for Three Gorges Dam ) , much objections to use of renewable
energy -> harms the interests of rich business sector who engage in industry regarding fossil
fuels eg Shell , OPEC who cannot earn as much when ppl switch to renewable energy -> hard
to change swiftly

4. Clean energy : nuclear power , natural gas -> releases little air pollutants =/= renewable

Safety of nuclear energy -> nuclear reactor meltdown causes leak of radiation to environment ->
genetic mutation in animals and humans -> harm to health (Chernobyl +Fukushima ) / new source
of clean energy : hydrogen( only release water after combustion) , in hk : test of hydrogen fuelled
bus -> need more speci c charging stations bc not the most energy e cient -> $$$$?

5. Biodiversity loss : climate change : acidi ed oceans lead to mass dying of coral reefs : many
animals living in coral reefs die, animals living in polar regions like penguins and polar bears
would lose their habitats hence have a smaller chance of survival and may become extinct ,
-> less organisms means when animals have more limited food sources and lead to chain
reaction of extinction -> upset ecological balance -> irreversible damage

6. Sustainable development : balanced development of social , environmental and economic

aspects so that future generations will enjoy the equal right to use natural resources eg
Brazil : ppl are poor so the government allows them to do illegal logging and animal
husbandry in the Amazon rainforest to boost economic development leading to deforestation
and loss of biodiversity -> unbalanced development between environment and economic .

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