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Resources 01 Learning Outcomes + Natural resources + Man-made resources + Human resources introduction ay resources have value or worth, Some Rources such a8 crops and minerals have feonomic value that is, they can be bought and ssid Things which give us joy and pleasure are sso sources but they do not have an economic value. For example, there may be a beautiful landscape whose beauty gives us pleasure. Such resources have aesthetic value, ‘Athing becomes a resource only when its utility isdiscovered. With the passage of time, the needs ofthe human beings change and to fulfill those reeds new resources are recognized and created. Jwo important factors that contribute to the creation of resources are time and technology. Haman beings are also important resources as they provide ideas, skills, knowledge, inventions and discoveries which convert many things to valuable resources, Thus, we canfeay ‘that anything that fulfills human needs/can be termed as a resource. In uilised may be termed as a resource. Resources can be natural, man-made or human resources. Peete ead Find out how allt 30h other, + Conservation of resources f Natural (Human (Resources Based on Biotic) Abiotic | Renewable Non- gh renewable Potential Actual or Developed Localized) Ubiquitous a Individual Community| National International ‘owned Natural Resources Natural resources are those which have been provided by nature to us. These include air, water, soil, rocks, minerals, natural vegetation and wildlife. Some of these resources are directly used by us in their natural form while others are modified with the help of technology to make them useful. 7 Thus, the utility of any natural resource is based on: + the place where it occurs + the form in which it occurs and + the technological processes required to convert it for our use. Natural resource can be further classified on the basis of: + Origin + Status of development + Exhaustibility or Renewability (renewable and non-renewable) + Distribution or Availability + Ownership On the Basis of Origin Natural resources can be classified as biotic or abiotic based on their origin. Biotic components A: Abiotic and biotic components Alll living resources can be classified as biotic resources. ‘They include plants, animals and microorganisms’. Biotic resources reproduce and increase in number with the passage of time Abiotic resources are obtained from the physical ‘or non-living environment. These resources can be easily exhausted? through excessive usage. organisms that are too small to he seen with unaided eyes * completely used up > These include land, minerals ang utility of these resource depends value and accessibility. Water, Th Hol On the Basis of Development On the basis of their level of resources are classified and potential. dey aS actual op ‘eee ed Actual or developed resources are th, are in existence and are being used ay, d a quantity and quality is known, oj eae of the Arab countries, gold deposit ff Alea and the hydroelectric power guna by the Bhakra-Nangal dam are all exam actual or developed resources, is Potential resources are those that exist bu quantity and location are not fully kno the resources are not being utilized completely at present. This may be due to the fact that We do not have sufficient technology or money, develop these resources fully and they can re developed in the future. For example, in Indi wind is being used to generate energy vig windmills only in some parts of Tamil Nadu and in Gujarat. Hence, wind is a potential resource in India. Similarly, solar energy is also a potential Tesource in India. tt Whose Wand ies From 2008-2012, the US doubled the renewable generation from wind, solar and geothermal sources. On the Basis of Renewabi ity On the basis of renewability, natural resources can be classified as renewable or non-renewable Natural resources which can be reproduced or regenerated within a given period of time are called renewable resources. Some natural resources like sunlight and air are unlimited in quantity. They are called inexhaustible resources, Their quantity is not limited 1 human consumption. However, some of them wot be used at times de to human activities cathe examples of Such resources ate polluted omgnd contaminated water, Even the renewable ate jurces need to be used judiciously to prevent sereuse al overexploitaion, tural resources which are limited in stock are Miled non-renewable or exhaustible resources, hese resources once exhausted cannot be renewed as the natural process oftheir formation is very S ike coal, petroleum and ral gas are examples of such resources, natu Brainstorm Js soil a renewable resource? on the Basis of Distribution Resources can be classified as ubiquitous* and Jocalized on the basis of distribution, Resources like sunlight and air which are present everywhere are ubiquitous resources. Resources like minerals which are found only in some places are known as localized resources. Fig. 1.2: Geothermal power, a localized resource There is an uneven distribution of resources depending on the type of landforms and climate. ‘The amount of usage also affects the quantity of resources present. For example, continuous mining of minerals depletes their quantities which might have been very high at some time. Ty pod dren res On the Basis of Ownership Resources can be divided into four categories on the basis of ownership. * Individual resources: These resources are owned privately by individuals. For example, farm land is owned by farmers and urban People own plots, houses and other property. + Community-owned These resources are available to all the members of @ community’, For example, ponds, public parks, picnic spots, playgrounds, etc. are available to all the community members + National resources: All the minerals, water resources, forests, wildlife, land within the Political boundaries and oceanic area up to 12 nautical miles (19.2 km) from the coast are included in national resources. + International resources: The oceanic resources outside 200 km of the Exclusive Economic Zone belong to open ocean and no individual country can utilise these without the agreement of international institutions. ¥, 1. What are resources? 2.| What are potential resources? 3.| Name any two inexhaustible resources. 4. | What are localized resources? resources: Answer Orally aoe Elma Certain resources fall under more than one classification. For example, air and sunlight are inexhaustible resources as well as ubiquitous resources. Man-made Resource With the passage of time, some natural endowments’ are converted into items of utility that have value and worth. The technology to convert such resources is implemented by man. 7 people who are considered as a unit because of their common ete, socal group, oF nationality ais sn-made resources, .d from nature is gasoline, ete ‘These resources are called mat eg. crude petroleum obtaine refined to produce petrol, diesel, Human Resource duals who nization oF jase it is Human resource is a group of indivi make up the workforce of any ongar society. They are called a resource beca the human beings whose ability and demand tum the natural endowments into a resource. A population which is healthy, active and skilled is prpsouree fora country. People have the skill and Knowledge to develop technology and with its help they can create new which their needs. Human beings explore, develop and exploit the original sources. Human resource development is a practice that combines training, organization development and career development efforts to encourage improvement of an individual, a group or an organizational performance. resoure’ +2 Identify the resource in the above picture. ‘2. Whyis this resource the most valuable resource? +3, How does this resource create new resources? Conservation of Resources The term resource conservation refers to the careful use of resources. The reserves of most of the natural resources are limited and once they get exhausted it takes an extremely long time to renew them. The demand for resources is increasing because of the rise in population, as the resources are being used at a very fast rate, Since the demand is more than the supply, the Tile tobe maintained ata certain rae or level ral resources are being depletey te reserves of natul ‘é it is very impor Portant tg view of this, fast. In enseive curenatirdl Fesottcen Conservatie of resources means using natural resource, judiciously without wasting them: s Gustainable’ development is the development that meets the needs of the / present population without owteperne the needs compromising of the future generations. It involves identifying the for the depletion natural resources, preventing wastage and excess consumption, r Gycling reusable resources, preventing pollution g our environment, preserving natural tegetation and wildlife, and also using alternative vecources which are abundantly available, Quy motto of sustainable development should be to: (a) Improve the quality of life and general standard of living. (b) Conserve the Earths diverse resources. (c) Reduce depletion of natural resources, (d) Adopt a proper attitude towards the environ- Fig. 1.3: Sustainatje reasons development of our protectin; ment. (c) Save for the future generation. The easiest. and — most duc, successful way of conser- § ger 1@e\ vation of resources is to 3 z follow the three Rs method, which is: Oye Aa + Reduce +Reuse + Recycle % Fig. 1.4: Three Rs 1. | How are human resources important to the country? 2.| What is human resource development? § 3.|What is sustainable development? 4, |Define conservation of resources \ ee ° | Answer Orally 2 «ing that fulfills human needs can be called a resource Any + Aa es provided DY Nate 10 WS are natural resources 50 oe peel 3 sources are biotic while all non-living resources are abiotic ailliving ® faie'el ul eos a Sea aunty and quality are known and that are being used completely + A epotential resources are those which exist but are not being utilized completely at present. esources Which can be renewe oral sources whicl nat we renewed by certain processes are called renewable resources while tral resources having limited stock are called non-renewable resources esources which are present every nat n where are called ubiquitous resources while resources present only in mre areas are called localized resources, Resources which are converted from their original form by human beings using technology to suit their sjeare called man-made resources, needs 3 themselves are reso ale es and are thus termed as human resources. sing natural resources without wasting them is called conservation of resources. sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present population without Sompromising with the ability of the future generations to meet its own needs. Ces a. Choose the correct answer. Which one of the following is a non-renewable resource? (@) Air (b) Sunlight (©) Water (@) Minerals 2, Which one of the following is an abiotic resource? (a) Plants (b) Animals (©) Water (d) Microorganisms 3, Which type of resource is air? (a) Biotic (b) Ubiquitous (c) Localized (d) Potential Which of the following is not a man-made resource? (a) Forest (b) Road (©) School (d) Bridge 8, Fill in the blanks. Petroleum is converted to petrol and diesel in 2. Resource refers to careful use of resources. 3, Resources which are present everywhere are called. resources. 4. resources are those which are likely to be used in the future. 5. resources are the most valuable resources. €. Match the columns. Column A Column B Air (a) Machinery (b)_ For the need of future generations Non-renewable resource Man-made resource Sustainable development Rocks (c) Natural resource (d) Petroleum (ce) Ubiquitous resource D. Write short notes on the following. 1. Conservation of resources 2. Man-made resources 3. Non-renewable resources E. Give short answers for the following questions. (20-30 words) 1. What are resources? 2, What are potential resources? 3. Define biotic resources with examples, 4, Whatis sustainable development? F. Give long answers for the following questions. (50-Go words) 1, Distinguish between ubiquitous and localized resources. 2. Explain the importance of human resource. 3. Compare natural resources with man-made resources. 4. Whats the difference between actual and potential resources? G. Give very long answers for the following questions. (100-120 words) 1. What are natural resources? What do their utility depend on? 2. Write about the resources that are classified on the basis of their utility. 3. How can resources be conserved? H. Projects and Activities Make a presentation depicting potential resources. Have a class discussion mentioning how these can influence our environment in the future. I. Values and Life Skills ‘The number of vehicles is increasing rapidly and the consumption of fuel is rising at an alarming rat. 1. What problems can be caused if there are too many vehicles on the road? 2. Suggest some ways of conserving fuel. Some NCERT Textbook Questions 1. Whats resource conservation? 2. Why are human resources important? 3. What is sustainable development? BB —

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