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SECTION – A (Very short answer type questions):

Q1. Tick the correct answer:

i) 1 V m-1 is equal to :
a) 1 NC-1 b) 1 NC-2 c) 1 Jm-1 d) 1Jm- 2
ii) The slope I-V gives:
a) Resistivity b) 1/ Resistivity c) Resistance d) 1/ Resistance
iii) The electric power of an appliance cannot be expressed by:
a) VI b) I2R c) I2 /R d) V2/R
iv) Unit of electric power may also be expressed as:
a) volt ampere b) kilowatt hour c) watt second d) joule second
v) If a wire is stretched to make its length three times, its resistance will
a) three times b) one-third c) nine times d) one-tenth

Q2. In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a

statement of reason(R).
1. If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the reason is the correct
explanation of the assertion.
2. If both Assertion and Reason are correct but the reason is the not the
correct explanation of the assertion.
3. If Assertion is correct but the Reason is incorrect.
4. If both the Assertion and the Reason are incorrect.

a) Assertion- Tungsten cannot be used as a fuse wire

Reason- The melting point of tungsten is very high.
b) Assertion – Thin wire has less resistance.
Reason – The resistance of a wire is inversely proportional to its cross –
sectional area.
c) Assertion – Electric bulbs are filled with air
Reason – This is done to prevent the oxidation of the filament of the


i) Resistance of the air gap a) alloy of tin and lead
ii) Safety fuse b) High melting point
iii) 1Ampere c) Infinity
iv)Tungsten d) 103 mA

Q4 Define-
a) 1 Ohm b) 1 volt c) 1 Ampere d) 1 watt
Q5 Which component is used to regulate current without changing the voltage
source in an electric circuit?
Q6. What do you mean by rating of an electric appliance?
Q7. Which common factor affects both resistance as well as resistivity and how?
Q8. State the law relating the potential difference across a conductor and the
current through it?
Q9. What is the commercial unit of electrical energy? Represent it in terms of
Q10. How many electrons are there in 2 Coulomb of charge?

SECTION – B (Short answer type questions):

Q11. Two fuse wires are rated 5A and 15A. Which of the two wires will be thinner?
Q12. List the advantages of parallel connection over series connection in a
domestic circuit.
Q13. How is an ammeter connected in an electric circuit? Give reason.
Q14. Figure (a), (b) and (c) show three cylindrical copper conductors along with
their face area and length. Which will have highest resistance?

(a) (b) (c)

SECTION – C (Long answer type questions):

Q15. Derive the expression for the effective resistance for three resistances
connected in parallel to each other in an electric circuit.

Q16. State Joule’s law of heating. Derive the mathematical expression for the

SECTION – D (Numericals):

Q17. Two resistors, with resistances 5 Ω and 10 Ω respectively are to be connected

to a battery of emf 6V. Find the value of minimum and maximum current
that can be obtained by combinations.

Q18. The resistance of the two conductors in parallel is 12 Ω and in series is 50 Ω.

Find the resistance of each conductor.

Q19. A wire of resistance 8 ohm is bent in the form of a closed circle. What is the
effective resistance between two points at the ends of any diameter of the

Q20. In the given circuit, calculate:

a. effective resistance of the circuit
b. reading of ammeter
c. reading of voltmeter across 5 ohm
d. p.d across 3 ohm and 2 ohm each
e. current flowing through 3 ohm.

Q21. Resistance of a metal wire of length 25m is 6.5 Ω. If the diameter of the wire
is 0.3mm, calculate the resistivity of metallic wire.

Q22. A set of ‘n’ identical resistors each R are connected in series and the effective
resistance is found to be ‘X’. When these ‘n’ resistors are connected in
parallel, the effective resistance is found to be ‘Y’. Find the ratio of X and Y.

Q23. In the circuit given below find the value of -

i)current through each resistor ii) p.d across 5 ohm iii) I through 20 ohm

Q24. The resistors, R1, R2 and R3 are connected as shown below in the given

Find: i) the total resistance of the circuit. ii) total current flowing in the
circuit iii) the potential difference across R1 and R3.

Q25. A 24 V battery is connected to the arrangement of resistances as shown in

the given figure.Calculate the:
i) the total effective resistance of the circuit
ii) the total current flowing in the circuit
iii) the current flowing through 20 Ω resistor.
iv) the potential difference across 10 Ω and 15 Ω resistors.

Q26. What should be the length of a nichrome wire of resistance 4.5 Ω, if the
length of a similar wire is 60 cm and resistance 2.5 Ω?

Q27. Two lamps , one rated 100 W at 220 V , and the other 60 W at 220 V are
connected in parallel to electric mains supply. What current is drawn from
the line if the supply voltage is 220 V.

Q28. In a factory, an electric bulb of 500 W is used for 2hrs & electric motor of
0.5horsepower is used for 5hrs every day. Calculate the cost of using bulb &
motor for 30 days if cost of electrical energy is Rs 3per unit.

SECTION – E (Practical based questions):

Q29. Ammeter and Voltmeter when not being used in a circuit are as shown below

i) the least count and Zero error of Ammeter and voltmeter

Q30. If the least count of an ammeter is 0.05 A and the needle rests on sixth
division. Find the current passing through the circuit.

Q31. The values of current flowing through the coil and the corresponding
potential difference across the coil is given below in the table. Plot a graph
between V and I and calculate the resistance of the coil from the graph.
V (volts) 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
I (milli 100 200 300 400 500
Q32. Suppose in an experiment you see that the deflection on ammeter (or
voltmeter) scale goes beyond the full scale. What will you infer from such
an observation? What will you infer if the deflection takes place in opposite


SECTION – A (Very short answer type questions):

Q1. Tick the correct answer:

i) Magnetic field due to a current carrying straight wire depends on
(a)current only (b)distance from the wire only
(c) both a) and (b) (d)none

ii) Choose the incorrect statement

a) Flemings left-hand rule is a simple rule to find the direction of induced

b)The right-hand thumb rule is used to find the direction of magnetic field
due to current carrying conductors.
c) The difference between the direct and alternating current is that the direct
current always flows in one-direction, whereas the alternating current
reverses its direction periodically.
d) In India, the AC changes direction after every 1 /50 second.

iii) In Fleming’s left hand rule, the index finger denotes the direction of -
a) magnetic field b) induced current c) motion of conductor
d) force on the conductor

iv) A headlight bulb of 48 W works on the car battery of 12 V. The correct fuse
for the circuit of the headlight bulb will be:
a) 5A b) 10 A c) 3A d) 13A

v) In an electric motor, the direction of current in the coil changes once each:
a) one-fourth rotation b) two rotations c) one rotation d) half rotation.

Q2. In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a

statement of reason(R).
1. If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the reason is the correct
explanation of the assertion.
2. If both Assertion and Reason are correct but the reason is the not the
correct explanation of the assertion.
3. If Assertion is correct but the Reason is incorrect.
4. If both the Assertion and the Reason are incorrect.

a) Assertion- No two magnetic field lines cross each other.

Reason- Intersection would mean too much of crowding of field lines that
points towards strong magnetic field.

b) Assertion- In the figure given below, the direction of the current in the
wire is north to south.

Reason- The direction of the magnetic field due to straight current carrying
wire is given by Right hand thumb rule.

c) Assertion- The p.d. between the live wire and the neutral wire in India is
220 V
Reason- Both the live and the neutral wire are at the potential 110 V each.

Q3. Give one word:

1.Type of current given by a cell.
2. Colour code for the Neutral wire.
3. He discovered that a wire carrying electric current behaves like a magnet.
4. A device that detects the presence of electric current in a circuit
5. The p.d between live and neutral wire in our country.

Q4. Identify the north pole of the bar magnet, show below?

Q5. What does the degree of closeness of field lines signify?

Q6. Under what conditions does a moving charge in a magnetic field experience
a) maximum force and b) minimum force?

Q7. Define: i) Short circuiting ii) Overloading.

Q8. What is the basic principle of an electric fuse?

SECTION – B (Short answer type questions):

Q9. What does the direction of thumb indicate in the right-hand thumb rule. In
what way this rule is different from Fleming’s left-hand rule?

Q10. How does the strength of the magnetic field at the centre of a circular coil of
wire depend on i) radius of the coil, ii) number of turns of wire in the coil and
iii) the strength of current flowing in the coil?

Q11. (a) What is a solenoid?

(b) Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines produced around a current
carrying solenoid. Compare this field to that of a a bar magnet.
(c) What happens to the magnetic field when the current through the
solenoid is reversed?

Q12. An electron enters a magnetic field at right angles to it as shown. What will be
the direction of force acting on the electron? State the rule used to find the

direction of this force.

Magnetic Field ‘B’

Q13. A vertical wire is carrying a current in the upward direction. It is placed in a

magnetic field pointing towards the east. Find the direction of the force on
the wire.

Q14. What type of magnetic field do the following magnetic field lines represent?

Q15. AB is a current carrying conductor in the plane of the paper as shown in the
figure. What are the directions of the magnetic field produced by it at points
P and Q? Given r1>r2, where will the strength of the magnetic field be larger?

Q16. Write any three important features of the domestic circuit.

SECTION – C (Long answer type questions):

Q 17. Describe the Oersted’s experiment to explain the magnetic effect of electric

Q18. Draw a sketch of the pattern of field lined due current flowing into a circular
coil. Also write the factors on which the strength of the magnetic field
depends upon.

Q19. Draw a sketch of the pattern of field lined due to a solenoid carrying current.
How can you increase the magnetic field produced in this case?

Q20. An electrician designed the following circuit for the ‘electric wiring’ in a

certain household. His senior told him to make five important
changes/corrections in this circuit.

Identify the faults in the above circuit and suggest the corrections needed.


SECTION – A (Very short answer type questions):

Q1. Fill in the blanks:
i. SI unit of electric potential is _________.
ii. An insulator has higher _______ than that of a conductor.
iii. The device used to measure potential difference _______ .
iv. The device used to maintain the potential difference in a circuit is____.
v._________ number of electrons make one coulomb of charge.
vi. Fleming’s left hand rule enables us to find the direction of ______.
vii. The resistance of a wire ______ if its length is made double.
viii. Black colour is used for insulating ______ wire.
ix. _____ and ____ are the two safety measures in every domestic circuit.
x. The unit of specific resistance is ________ .

Q2. Tick the correct option:

(i) If a car headlight bulb working on a 12V battery draws a current of 0.5 A, the
resistance of the light bulb is:
a) 6ohms b) 12ohms c) 24 ohms d) 0.5 ohms
(ii) Keeping the potential difference same, the resistance of the circuit is
reduced to one fourth. The current will become-
a) Half b) one fourth c) double d) four times
(iii) If the diameter of a wire is halved, its resistance becomes:
a) Half b) one fourth c) double d) four times

(iv) In Fleming’s left hand rule, the index finger denotes the direction of the
a) magnetic field b) induced current c) motion of conductor d) force on
the conductor
(v) Which of the following describes the common domestic power supplied in
a)220V, 100Hz b)110V, 100Hz c)220V, 50Hz d)110V, 50Hz

Q3. Write the relation between 1Ampere and 1Coulomb.

Q4. The radius of a conducting wire is doubled. What will be the ratio of its new
resistivity to the old one?

Q5. An electric geyser of 1 kW power rating is operated in a domestic electric

circuit (220 V) that has a current rating of 3A. What result do you expect?

Q6. A fixed wire AB carries current I. An electron is moving parallel to the wire, in
which direction does the electron tend to move?

Q7. Write the difference between the term ‘resistance’ and ‘resistivity’.

SECTION – B (Short answer type questions):

Q8. An electric bulb is rated at 60W,240V. Calculate its resistance. If the voltage
drops to 192V, calculate the power consumed and the current drawn by the
bulb. ( Assume that the resistance of the bulb remains unchanged).

Q9. A wire of length L and resistance R is stretched so that its length is doubled and
area of cross-section is halved. How will its
a) resistance change, b) resistivity change?

Q10. How do you connect a voltmeter in a circuit? why ?

Q11. Two wires of equal length, one of manganin and the other of copper have the
same thickness. Which one can be used for heating electric device? Why?

Q12. V-I graph of two wires A and B are shown in the figure. If both wires are of the
same thickness and same length, which of the two is made up of high
resistivity? Justify.

Q13. Five resistors are connected in a circuit as shown. Find the ammeter reading
when circuit is closed.

Q14. The beam of electrons is about to enter a magnetic field. The direction of the
field is into the page. What will be the direction of deflection, if any, as the
beam passes through the field.

Q15. Find the value of current I in the circuit given below:

Q16 Define a magnetic field line. Write the characteristics of magnetic field lines.

Q17. Write the points of differences between an electromagnet and a permanent


Q18. You are given following current – time graphs from two different sources.

(a) Name the type of current in two cases.
(b) What is the frequency of the current in case II in India?
(c) Write the advantage of current (II) over current (I).

Q19. Two wires A and B of the same metal and of the same length have the areas of
the cross-section in the ratio 2:1. If the same potential difference is applied
across each wire in turn, what will be the ratio of the current flowing in A and

SECTION – C (Long answer type questions):

Q20. Three resistances R1 R2 and R3 are connected in parallel across potential V. If
the total current flowing through the circuit is I. Derive expression for the net
effective resistance of the combination.

Q21. Draw a circuit diagram, showing two electric bulbs, a three-pin socket and a
fan connected in a household circuit. Also show the position of the fuses,
switches and Earth.


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