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Department for Health Sciences, Faculty of Human Sciences, Mid Sweden University, O¨stersund, Sweden; 2Mid Sweden
University, Swedish Winter Sports Research Centre, O¨stersund, Sweden; 3Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split, Split,
Croatia; and 4Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

ABSTRACT 20.37, p = 0.02) were significant predictors of D2 perfor-

Pojskic, H, Sisic, N, Separovic, V, and Sekulic, D. Association mance. The countermovement jump (b = 0.39, p = 0.04), med-
between conditioning capacities and shooting performance in icine ball toss (b = 0.34, p = 0.04), and anaerobic endurance
professional basketball players: an analysis of stationary and (b = 0.46, p = 0.04) predicted the results of D3 performance.
dynamic shooting skills. J Strength Cond Res 32(7): 1981– Jumping, throwing, and anaerobic endurance capacities were
1992, 2018—Little is known about the influence of conditioning good determinants of the skill of dynamic shooting over a long
capacities on shooting performance in basketball. The aim of distance. These findings emphasize the importance of explo-
this study was to examine the relationship between different sive power and anaerobic capacity as determinants of shooting
conditioning capacities and shooting performance in profes- performance in high-level basketball players.
sional basketball players. In this investigation, we examined KEY WORDS accuracy, fatigue, speed, agility, anaerobic
38 males (all perimeter players; height: 185.5 6 6.73 cm; capacity
mass: 78.66 6 10.35 kg). Conditioning capacities were eval-
uated by tests of muscular strength, aerobic endurance, jump- INTRODUCTION

ing and throwing capacities, sprinting speed, preplanned
asketball is an intermittent physically demanding
agility, anaerobic endurance, and fatigue resistance. Shooting
sport with many defensive and offensive actions
performance was evaluated using game statistics, as well as 6
that require players to repeatedly engage in se-
tests of shooting performance performed in controlled settings: quences of intense activities (sprinting, shuffling,
(a) 3 tests of static (i.e., nonfatigued) shooting performance jumping, etc.) on the basketball court (28,32). Therefore,
(standardized execution of 1- [S1], 2- [S2] and 3-point shots basketball players must be physically prepared, which in-
[S3] in stationary conditions), and (b) 3 tests of dynamic (i.e., cludes having optimal levels of explosive power (jumping
fatigued) shooting performance (standardized execution of 1- and throwing capacities), agility, and both anaerobic and
[D1], 2- (D2), and 3-point shots [D3] in dynamic conditions). aerobic endurance (1,4,24,30). It is widely accepted that
All 3 dynamic shooting tests and the S1 test were significantly shooting performance is one of the most important skills
(p # 0.05) correlated with corresponding game statistics. Mul- in basketball (6,19). To achieve a high shooting percentage
tiple regression indicated that conditioning capacities were and a subsequent winning percentage, every team should
have players who can accurately shoot in all periods of the
significantly related to D1 (R2 = 0.36; p = 0.03), D2 (R2 =
game and under differing conditions of physiological or psy-
0.44; p = 0.03), S3 (R2 = 0.41; p = 0.02), and D3 (R2 = 0.39;
chological strain. Consequently, previous studies have exam-
p = 0.03) tests. Players with a higher fatigue resistance
ined the importance of different types of shooting (free
achieved better results on the D1 test (b = 20.37, p = throws, field goals, and the 3-point shot) on the overall
0.03). Preplanned agility (b = 20.33, p = 0.04), countermove- success of basketball teams, with the jump shot as the most
ment jump (b = 0.42, p = 0.03), and fatigue resistance (b = used and most efficient shooting technique (17,26).
Because players have to shoot under different physiolog-
Address correspondence to Damir Sekulic, ical and psychological conditions that frequently involve
32(7)/1981–1992 being fatigued, it is reasonable to presume that well-
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research developed conditioning capacities can affect shooting skills
Ó 2017 National Strength and Conditioning Association in basketball. Studies have already examined interventions

VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2018 | 1981

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Predictors of Shooting Performance in Basketball

and optimization related to shooting (21), biomechanical ketball, we have studied only those players known to be
and proprioception parameters of shooting performance highly proficient in different shooting skills (i.e., perimeter
(18), and even nutritional interventions and their influence players) (31).
on shooting achievements (11). However, associations The study was performed in combined laboratory and
between conditioning capacities and shooting skills in bas- field conditions and consisted of several phases. In the first
ketball are rarely reported. Specifically, previous investiga- phase, the actual shooting efficacy during one competitive
tions examined long-distance accuracy and reported that season was recorded and analyzed for all participating
body explosive power and elbow extensor isokinetic players. Next, participants were tested on anthropometrics,
strength are significant determinants of shooting perfor- conditioning capacities, and shooting skill tests. In the final
mance (14,34); however, there is an evident lack of studies phase, the reliability of the applied tests and relationships
that have systematically examined different conditioning between variables were identified. Before this investigation,
capacities as determinants of shooting performance in bas- we determined an appropriate number of subjects using G-
ketball. Finally, to the best of our knowledge, no study has Power software (version; Heinrich Heine University
investigated the relationships that may exist between condi- Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany). For linear bivariate
tioning capacities and shooting under fatigued conditions regression (p value of 0.05, power of 0.80), the program
(i.e., dynamic shooting skills) in basketball players. This is recommended 34 participants (i.e., df = 32) as an appropriate
particularly important knowing that a key factor for success- sample size.
ful basketball performance is accurate shooting after high-
intensity movements (i.e., under fatigued conditions) (7,27). Subjects
From this brief overview of the previous literature, it is This study included 38 healthy perimeter basketball players
evident that information regarding the determinants of (mean 6 SD 18.97 6 2.86 years) who were members of 4
basketball shooting skills is lacking. Therefore, this study teams with the highest national ranking that competed in
aimed to define relationships that may exist between Bosnia and Herzegovina (i.e., first division). Because basket-
conditioning capacities that are known to be important in ball players are differentially oriented toward game duties,
basketball and performance in shooting skill tests. In which depend on their primary playing positions, we
addition, we examined possible relationships between included only perimeter players (i.e., positions 1, 2, and 3)
observed shooting skill tests and real-game shooting perfor- in this study because of their well-known proficiency in dif-
mance (i.e., game statistics). The knowledge regarding this ferent types of shooting (i.e., short-, middle-, and long-
relationship may have crucial practical value for both distance shooting performances) (31). All players had com-
basketball and conditioning experts for creating basketball peted at the national level, and they were required to have
strength and conditioning programs. Based on the factors of played in at least 16 games for at least 10 minutes per game
success in basketball that were identified in previous studies during the last season to be included in the study. All the
(1,4,24), we hypothesized that there would be a positive players were healthy without any history of neuromuscular
correlation between speed, agility, explosive power tests, diseases or reported injuries in the previous 6 months. At the
aerobic power, anaerobic capacities, and performance on time of the study, they had a mean of 7.5 6 2.6 years of
basketball shooting skill tests. competitive experience. They trained 10 hours a week (5
sessions of 2 hours each) on the court to improve technical
METHODS and tactical skills and 4.5 hours a week (3 sessions of 1.5
Experimental Approach to the Problem hours each) off the court in the gym to improve their
As previously mentioned, strength, power, agility, running strength and power. When tested on conditioning capacities
speed, and aerobic and anaerobic endurance (i.e., condition- and shooting skills, players were in a phase of maintaining
ing capacities) are believed to be important for successful conditioning capacities. They combined the strength training
basketball performance (4,20,22,29). Furthermore, there is with medium-intensity upper- and lower-body plyometric and
no doubt that a player’s shooting performance is a direct power training. Aerobic and anaerobic capacities were trained
determinant of final achievement in this sport (8). The main using basketball-specific interval-based drills. They also played
rationale of this study arose from the evident lack of knowl- a basketball game every Saturday or Sunday. Participants were
edge regarding the relationships that may exist between con- asked to refrain from heavy training and tobacco, alcohol and
ditioning capacities and shooting performance in high-level caffeine use, and to avoid sleep deprivation for at least 2 days
basketball players. This study aimed to evaluate associations before the testing sessions. To stay properly hydrated, players
between different conditioning capacities (independent var- were asked not to drink a large amount at once but to drink
iables) and different types of shooting performance (depen- water frequently in small amounts during the testing sessions.
dent variables) in a sample of professional basketball players. The ethics board of University of Split provided approval for
To avoid possible confounding effects of playing positions the research experiment (Ethical Board Approval No:
and known differences in shooting performance among play- 2181-205-02-05-14-001). All participants were informed of
ers who are oriented toward different playing duties in bas- the purpose, benefits, and risks of the investigation, and
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1982 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

all participants voluntarily participated in the testing. Written titions. The score was expressed as the number of repetitions
informed consent for the participation in the study was in 60 seconds. Participants performed 3 trials on 3 different
received from all participants older than 18 years of age. days, with the highest score used for analysis.
Parents or guardians signed informed consent for those par- A test of the maximal number of push-ups was used to
ticipants under the age of 18 years. Participants under the assess upper-body muscular strength and endurance. The
age of 18 also provided written informed consent. players performed the test as previously described (9). The
maximum number of correct repetitions accomplished in 60
Procedures seconds was recorded. The players performed 3 trials on 3
The variables in this study included anthropometrics (body different days, with the highest score used for analysis.
height, body mass, body fat percentage, and fat-free mass), For the test of straight-line sprinting, players performed
conditioning capacities, variables of shooting performance, three 20-m sprints on an indoor parquet floor with 3 minutes
and game statistics observed over a competitive season. of recovery between each sprint. The fastest time was used
Body height was measured to the nearest 0.01 m with for analysis. The players started from starting blocks, which
a portable stadiometer (Astra 27310; Gima, Italy). Body were individually set to the participants’ characteristics. The
mass, body fat percentage, and fat-free mass were measured 20 m dashes were timed with an automated timer (Speed-
with a bioelectric body composition analyzer (Tanita TBF- trap II; Brower Timing Systems, Draper, UT, USA). This
300, increments 0.1%; Tanita, Tokyo, Japan). timer used a pressure pad placed under the fingers of the
Conditioning capacities were evaluated using the follow- participant’s right hand in the starting position. The timing
ing: tests of vertical jump performance (countermovement device started when the participants lifted their fingers off of
jump [CMJ], and squat jump), seated medicine ball toss the pressure pad and stopped when they broke a single-laser
(MEDBALL), tests of dynamic muscular endurance (sit-ups light beam projected across the track 20 m from the starting
and push-ups), straight line sprinting, test of preplanned line. To avoid error, the laser beam was positioned so that
agility, one test of aerobic endurance, and a test of anaerobic the height above the ground was approximately at the
capacity. height of the players’ waist. Once the athletes were prepared,
Each player performed 3 maximal CMJs, with 3 minutes they started when they were ready.
of recovery in between. The highest score was used for Agility (preplanned agility) was measured using a standard
analysis. The squat jump begins with the subject at a knee T-test (T-TEST). The players performed 3 testing trials on
flexion of 908 with the feet hip-width apart. Hands remain on an indoor parquet floor with 3 minutes of recovery between
the hips throughout the jump. From this static position (with each trial. The fastest time was used for analysis. The test
no prestretching), the subject performs a quick upward ver- time was also recorded with the automated timer (Speed
tical jump as high as possible. The jumps were assessed using trap II; Brower Timing Systems).
a portable device called the OptoJump System (Microgate, Maximal aerobic power (V_ O2max) was estimated using the
Bolzano, Italy). 20-m shuttle run test (15). Anaerobic capacity was assessed
The MEDBALL was used to assess upper-body power. with the Running-based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST). The
The players were seated with their back and buttocks against test was performed according to the protocol described pre-
a chair, with the ball held at chest level with the arms viously (36). After completion of the test, the following var-
extended horizontally so that the ball was located above the iables were calculated: Maximal Power (MaxPOW), Average
starting line. The distance to the chair was adjusted for each Power (AvePOW), Minimal Power (MinPOW), Fatigue
player according to their arm length. During the toss, the Index (FI), and Relative Maximal Power (R-MaxPOW).
player’s feet were resting on the floor. The players were asked The variables were calculated with the following equations:
to move the ball toward their chest and then throw the 1 kg Power = body mass (kg) 3 Distance (m2) O Time (s).
medicine ball in a horizontal direction as far as possible using MaxPOW = the fastest time of 6 sprints, MinPOW = the
a 2-handed chest pass. During the throw, they were not al- slowest time of 6 sprints, AvePOW = sum of all 6 values O
lowed to move the back of their chair. The test performance 6, FI = (MaxPOW2MinPOW) O Total time for the 6
was measured with a measuring tape as the distance from the sprints, R-MaxPOW = MaxPOW/body mass, R-AvePOW
initial line to the point where the ball fell. An assessor fol- = AvePOW/body mass, R-Fatigue Index = FI/body mass.
lowed the ball’s flight to observe the correct position where The test reliability (r = 0.88) for the RAST test was reported
the ball made contact with the floor. Participants performed 3 by Zagatto et al. (36). In this study, we used only the relative
trials, with the longest result used for analysis. values of the average power and FI.
To assess muscular strength and endurance of the Tests of shooting accuracy included 6 tests, 3 of which
abdominal wall, players were tested on sit-ups. The players were performed under stationary (i.e., nonfatigued) condi-
performed the test according to Diener et al. (5). When the tions (free throw, 2-point, and 3-point stationary test),
examiner signaled “go,” a timer started, and the players per- whereas 3 tests were performed under dynamic (i.e.,
formed as many repetitions as possible in 1 minute. The fatigued) conditions (free throw, 2-point, and 3-point
examiner counted the number of correctly performed repe- dynamic test).

VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2018 | 1983

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Predictors of Shooting Performance in Basketball

The stationary free-throw shooting test (Stationary-1- Shooting positions were set at a distance of 5 m from the
point). After the warm-up protocol described in the testing vertical projection of the hoop’s center on the floor. There
procedures, every player performed 3 series of 10 free-throw was no time limit for the shots. Two other players caught the
shots, with a 3-minute rest period between each series. Two ball and passed it back to the participant. There was a 3-
players were positioned below the hoop, and they passed the minute rest period between each shooting series. The aver-
ball to the participant (Figure 1A). After one player had age percentage of shots made for the 3 trials was used for
completed 10 shots, another came to the free-throw line analysis.
and performed the same task. The average percentage of For the dynamic 60-second 2-point shooting test
shots made for the 3 trials was used for analysis. (dynamic-2-points), the player’s starting position was below
To assure easier organization of the dynamic 60-second the hoop, next to cone 1 (Figure 1D). After the tester
free-throw shooting test (dynamic-1-point), we used volley- sounded a signal, the player ran 5 m to the wing (cone 2),
ball court lines as illustrated in Figure 1B. Each player per- where he received the ball from the passer (P1) and per-
formed 5 series of 2 free throws with sprinting between the formed a jump shot. Then, he ran again around cone 1
series. Each free-throw series had to be completed in 12 sec- toward cone 3, where he received the ball again from the
onds. Each player started the test with an 18-m sprint along same passer (P1) and performed another jump shot. After
the volleyball court sideline, made a turn around a cone, and completing the same procedure for cones 4, 5, and 6, he
ran 4.6 m to the free throw line. After performing 2 free continued with the test by running in the opposite direction
throws, the player ran 4.6 m to another cone, where he waited toward the fifth cone, the fourth cone and so on, depending
for an auditory signal to start the next series. One tester used on the amount of time still available. The test finished after
a stopwatch to measure 12 seconds, and provided auditory 60 seconds. The players were encouraged to run as fast as
signals to the players. Another tester counted the number of they could and to perform as many shots as they could. One
free throws completed. Two other players passed the balls to rebounder and 2 passers were needed for the testing pro-
the participant. The players performed 3 dynamic-1-point cedure. The rebounder (R) caught all shots made and passed
tests with 5 minutes of recovery between each. The average the ball to passer 2. Passer 2 always received the ball from
percentage of the 3 trials was used for analysis. the rebounder and passed it to passer 1. Passer 1 always
For the 2-point stationary test (Stationary-2-points), play- passed the ball to the participant. The players performed
ers performed 2 jump shots from 5 different positions in one the 3 dynamic-2-point tests with 5 minutes of recovery
of 3 series (i.e., 10 shots in total; Figure 1C). The player’s between each. The average percentage of shots made for
starting position was on the right wing, at position number 1. the 3 trials was used for analysis.

Figure 1. Execution of the stationary (nonfatigued) and dynamic (fatigued) basketball shooting skill tests (R = rebounder; P = passer; S = shooter/participant).
A) The stationary free-throw shooting test. B) The dynamic 60-second free-throw shooting test. C) The 2-point stationary shooting test. D) The dynamic 60-
second 2-point shooting test. E) The stationary 3-point shooting test. F) The dynamic 60-second 3-point shooting test.

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1984 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

For the stationary 3-point shooting test (stationary 3 After completing the same procedure for cones 4, 5, and 6,
points), players performed 2 jump shots from 5 different he continued with the test by running in the opposite direc-
positions in one of 3 series, i.e., 10 shots in total (Figure 1E). tion toward the fifth cone, the fourth cone and so on de-
The player’s starting position was on the right wing, at posi- pending on the amount of time still available. The test
tion number 1. Shooting positions were set at a distance of 3 finished after 60 seconds. Players were encouraged to run
points from the vertical projection of the hoop’s center on as fast as they could and to perform as many shots as they
the floor. There was no time limit for the shots. Two other could. One rebounder and 2 passers were needed for this
players caught the ball and passed it back to the participants. testing procedure. The rebounder (R) caught all shots made
There was a 3-minute rest period between each shooting and passed the ball to passer 2. Passer 2 always received the
series. The average percentage of shots made for the 3 trials ball from the rebounder and passed it to passer 1. Passer 1
was used for analysis. always passed the ball to the participant. The players per-
For the dynamic 60-second 3-point shooting test formed the 3 dynamic-3-points tests with 5 minutes of
(dynamic 3 points), the player’s starting position was below recovery between each. The average percentage of shots
the hoop, next to cone number 1 (Figure 1F). After the made for the 3 trials was used for analysis. More details on
auditory signal, the player ran to 3-point line to the wing preliminary validation of basketball shooting tests are avail-
(cone 2), where he received the ball from the passer (P1) and able elsewhere (25,27).
performed a jump shot. Then, the player ran again around The players were tested immediately after the completion
cone 1 toward cone 3, where he received the ball again from of the season during a 2-week break in May. To avoid diurnal
the same passer (P1) and performed another jump shot. variation, the assessment sessions were conducted over 6

TABLE 1. Descriptive statistics and reliability parameters for the studied variables of the perimeter basketball players
(N = 38).*

Variables Mean SD ICC (95% CI) SEM

Age (y) 18.97 2.86 —

Body height (cm) 185.35 6.73 —
Body mass (kg) 78.66 10.35 —
Body fat (%) 12.39 1.74 —
Fat-free mass (kg) 68.63 7.26 —
CMJ (cm) 38.48 3.45 0.92 (0.75–0.97) 0.98
SJ (cm) 31.09 31.09 0.91 (0.72–0.96) 1.33
MEDBALL (m) 10.01 1.15 0.89 (0.66–0.95) 0.38
Sit-ups (repetitions in 60 s) 54.34 5.29 0.91 (0.72–0.96) 1.59
Push-ups (no. of repetitions) 42.21 4.44 0.90 (0.66–0.95) 1.40
20-m sprint (s) 3.14 0.09 0.91 (0.72–0.96) 0.03
T-TEST (s) 10.48 0.409 0.89 (0.66–0.95) 0.14
V_ O2max (ml 3 kg21 3 min21) 63.67 6.79 —
Repeated Anaerobic Sprint Test—maximal power (W) 761.21 124.80 —
Repeated Anaerobic Sprint Test—minimum power (W) 494.46 96.91 —
Repeated Anaerobic Sprint Test—average power (W) 619.53 99.40 —
Repeated Anaerobic Sprint Test—relative maximal power (W$kg21) 9.68 0.93 —
Repeated Anaerobic Sprint Test—relative average power (W$kg21) 7.88 0.80 —
Fatigue index (W$s21) 8.21 1.44 —
Relative Fatigue Index (W$s21$kg21) 0.104 0.03 —
Stationary-1-point (%) 81.22 10.26 0.92 (0.75–0.97) 2.90
Dynamic-1-point (%) 66.66 12.10 0.82 (0.46–0.92) 5.13
Stationary-2-points (%) 63.25 11.76 0.82 (0.46–0.92) 4.99
Dynamic-2-points (%) 52.83 12.58 0.75 (0.27–0.89) 6.29
Stationary-3-points (%) 49.21 15.96 0.85 (0.54–0.94) 6.18
Dynamic-3-points (%) 42.00 13.20 0.81 (0.43–0.92) 5.75
1Point (%) 66.61 13.86 —
2Points (%) 46.74 16.47 —
3Points (%) 36.21 15.55 —

*ICC = Intraclass coefficient; 95% CI = 95% confidence interval; CMJ = countermovement jump; SJ = squat jump; MEDBALL =
seated medicine ball toss; T-TEST = Agility T Test; 1Point% = percentage of successful free throws; 2Point% = percentage of
successful field shots for 2 points; 3Point% = percentage of successful field shots for 3 points.

VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2018 | 1985

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Predictors of Shooting Performance in Basketball

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

TABLE 2. Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients (r) with 95% confidence interval (95% CI) between players’ conditioning capacities and basketball
shooting tests (N = 38).*

Stationary-1-point Dynamic-1-point Stationary-2-points Dynamic-2-points Stationary-3-points Dynamic-3-points

r (95% CI) r (95% CI) r (95% CI) r (95% CI) r (95% CI) r (95% CI)

CMJ 20.05 (20.36 to 0.27) 0.12 (20.21 to 0.42) 0.11 (20.22 to 0.41) 0.34 (0.02 to 0.59)† 0.39 (0.08 to 0.63)† 0.49 (0.20 to 0.70)†

SJ 20.13 (20.43 to 0.20) 0.16 (20.17 to 0.46) 0.07 (20.26 to 0.38) 0.25 (20.08 to 0.53) 0.34 (0.02 to 0.59)† 0.37 (0.06 to 0.62)†
MEDBALL 0.05 (20.27 to 0.36) 20.00 (20.32 to 0.32) 0.28 (20.04 to 0.55) 0.14 (20.19 to 0.44) 0.14 (20.19 to 0.44) 0.39 (0.08 to 0.63)†
Sit-ups 0.15 (20.18 to 0.45) 20.11 (20.41 to 0.22) 0.30 (20.02 to 0.57) 0.16 (20.17 to 0.46) 20.07 (20.38 to 0.26) 20.15 (20.45 to 018)
Push-ups 0.27 (20.05 to 0.54) 0.17 (20.16 to 0.46) 0.11 (20.22 to 0.41) 0.16 (20.17 to 0.46) 0.04 (20.28 to 0.36) 0.018 (20.15 to 0.47)
20-m sprint 20.10 (20.41 to 0.23) 20.30 (20.57 to 0.02) 0.12 (20.21 to 0.42) 20.23 (20.51 to 0.10) 20.27 (20.54 to 0.05) 20.28 (20.55 to 0.04)
T-TEST 20.14 (20.44 to 0.19) 20.04 (20.36 to 0.28) 20.03 (20.35 to 0.29) 20.29 (20.56 to 0.03) 20.26 (20.53 to 0.07) 20.19 (20.48 to 0.14)
V_ O2max 20.02 (20.34 to 0.30) 0.09 (20.24 to 0.40) 20.07 (20.38 to 0.26) 0.23 (20.10 to 0.51) 20.16 (20.46 to 0.17) 0.14 (20.19 to 0.44)
R-AvePOW 0.18 (20.15 to 0.47) 0.12 (20.21 to 0.42) 20.11 (20.41 to 0.22) 0.22 (20.11 to 0.50) 0.27 (20.05 to 0.54) 0.40 (0.09 to 0.64)†
R-Fatigue 0.12 (20.21 to 0.42) 0.34 (0.02 to 0.59)† 0.16 (20.17 to 0.46) 0.37 (0.06 to 0.62)† 0.18 (20.15 to 0.47) 0.25 (20.08 to 0.53)
_ O2max = Maximal aerobic
*95% CI = 95% confidence interval; CMJ = countermovement jump; SJ = squat jump; MEDBALL = seated medicine ball toss; T-TEST = Agility T Test; V
power estimated using the 20 m shuttle run test; R-AvePOW = Relative Average Power achieved using Repeated Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST); R-Fatigue Index = Fatigue Index
estimated using RAST.
†Statistical significance of p # 0.05.

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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

(V_ O2max). On the second day,

participants were evaluated on
TABLE 3. Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients (r) with 95%
confidence interval (95% CI) between basketball-specific shooting tests and their performance of a counter-
competitive shooting efficiency observed as game statistics (N = 38).* movement jump and a squat
jump, the MEDBALL, a 20-m
Game statistics sprint and an agility T test. On
2Points% r the third day, the parameters
1Point% r (95% CI) (95% CI) 3Points% r (95% CI) of anaerobic capacity were as-
sessed using the RAST. On the
Stationary-1- 0.35 (0.04–0.60)† fourth, fifth, and sixth days, the
point specific shooting accuracy of
Dynamic-1-point 0.48 (0.19–0.69)†
Stationary-2- 0.32 (0.00–0.58) free throws, field goals, and 3-
points point shots were tested in
Dynamic-2- 0.34 (0.02–0.59)† a sport hall where the athletes
points regularly train and play games.
Stationary-3- 0.26 (20.07 to 0.54) Sit-ups and push-ups were as-
Dynamic-3- 0.33 (0.01 to 0.58)† sessed 3 times during the last 3
points testing days after assessing bas-
ketball shooting accuracy.
*95% CI = 95% confidence interval; CMJ = countermovement jump; MEDBALL = seated
To minimize the variation in
medicine ball toss; 1Point% = percentage of successful free throws; 2Point% = percentage
of successful field shots for 2 points; 3Point% = percentage of successful field shots for 3 climatic and other conditions,
points. all measurements were per-
†Statistical significance of p # 0.05.
formed in a sport hall on a par-
quet floor except for RAST,
which was performed in a track
and field stadium. All players
separate days, between 9 and 11 AM, with 48 hours between were familiar with the testing procedures because they rou-
the sessions. During the first testing day, body composition tinely performed the tests during individual strength and
was assessed for each subject. The subjects then performed conditioning programs. All of them were encouraged to
the warm-up, following which a multistage shuttle run test make as much effort as possible during all tests. A 10-
was used to estimate maximal oxygen consumption minute general warm-up (jogging) and 7 minutes of active
dynamic stretching and activi-
ties to increase intensity
(sprints and jumps) were per-
formed before physical fitness
TABLE 4. Multiple regression results between conditioning capacities and
testing. Twelve minutes of spe-
stationary basketball shooting skill tests (N = 38).*
cific basketball shooting drills
Stationary-1-point Stationary-2-points Stationary-3-points were additionally included
before testing basketball shoot-
b p b p b p
ing accuracy.
CMJ 0.42 0.18 20.81 0.60 0.40 0.14 The real-game shooting per-
MEDBALL 20.14 0.64 0.19 0.47 0.15 0.57 formance was observed over
Sit-ups 0.16 0.49 0.11 0.60 0.10 0.62 the competitive season. The
Push-ups 0.37 0.15 0.21 0.35 20.11 0.63 official statistics for participat-
20-m sprint 0.04 0.90 0.34 0.21 20.17 0.56
T-TEST 20.09 0.69 20.01 0.99 20.10 0.64 ing subjects were collected for
V_ O2max 20.30 0.25 20.03 0.89 20.28 0.24 all official games played during
R-AvePOW 0.41 0.56 20.54 0.38 20.31 0.10 the competitive season. For the
R-Fatigue Index 0.01 0.98 0.01 0.99 20.78 0.80 purpose of this study, we
Model summary R2 = 0.23; p = 0.75 R2 = 0.16; p = 0.14 R2 = 0.41; p = 0.02 observed the following: (a)
*b = Standardized Coefficient; CMJ = countermovement jump; MEDBALL = seated med- the percentage of the shooting
icine ball toss; T-TEST = Agility T Test; V_ O2max = Maximal aerobic power estimated using the efficacy for one point; i.e., the
20 m shuttle run test; R-AvePOW = Relative Average Power achieved using Repeated Anaer- free-throw percentage (1Point
obic Sprint Test (RAST); R-Fatigue Index = Fatigue Index estimated using RAST; R = coef-
ficient of determination. %), (b) the percentage of the
jump shot shooting efficacy for
2 points; only attempts taken

VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2018 | 1987

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Predictors of Shooting Performance in Basketball

from outside the paint area (2Points%), and (c) the percent- anthropometric characteristics. The ICC for conditioning
age of the shooting efficacy for 3 points (3Points%). capacity variables was fairly high, ranging from 0.89 to 0.92,
with relatively small SEM (from 0.03 to 1.59). A slightly
Statistical Analyses lower reproducibility was observed for the basketball shoot-
Descriptive statistics (mean and SD) were calculated for ing tests (the ICC ranged from 0.75 to 0.92; with SEM
each variable. Data sets were tested for normality using the between 2.90 and 6.29) (Table 1).
Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test and by visual observation of Countermovement jump performance was significantly
normality plots. The reliability of all conditioning capacities correlated with the performance of dynamic-2-point shots (r
was evaluated by the calculation of intraclass coefficients = 0.34, p # 0.05, 95% confidence interval [CI] [0.02–0.59]),
(ICCs) and SEM with using freely available MS Excel charts dynamic-3-point shots (r = 0.49, p # 0.05, 95% CI [0.20–
(12). Univariate associations between variables were exam- 0.70]) and stationary-3-point performance (r = 0.39, p #
ined by Pearson’s product-moment correlation. A series of 0.05, 95% CI [0.08–0.63]). The seated medicine ball throw
multiple regression analyses were calculated to examine the test significantly correlated with dynamic-3-point perfor-
following: (a) the overall multivariate relationships between mance (r = 0.39, p # 0.05, 95% CI [0.08–0.63]). A significant
conditioning capacities and basketball shooting perfor- moderate correlation existed between the relative average
mance, and (b) the contribution of each independent vari- power achieved in the RAST test and performance on the
able to the established relationship. Before the calculation of dynamic-3-point test (r = 0.40, p # 0.05, 95% CI [0.09–
multiple regression, we checked the colinearity between the 0.64]). The relative FI correlated with performance on the
predictors. The variance inflation factor (VIF) for most of the dynamic one-point and dynamic-2-point shooting tests (r =
predictors was below 2.5, but the VIF for the squat jump and 0.34, p # 0.05, 95% CI [0.02–0.59]; r = 0.37, p # 0.05, 95% CI
CMJ showed high multicollinearity. When the squat jump [0.06–0.62], respectively). There were no significant correla-
was excluded from the predictor set, the VIF for the CMJ tions between estimated V_ O2max and performance on any of
was appropriate. Therefore, the squat jump was not included the applied basketball shooting tests (Table 2).
in multiple regression calculations. The significance for all Correlations between basketball shooting tests and shoot-
statistical tests was set at p # 0.05. All statistical analyses ing performance in real-game situations (i.e., statistics for the
were completed with the SPSS Ver. 14.0 software statistical competitive season) are presented in Table 3. All 3 dynamic
package (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). shooting tests were significantly correlated to corresponding
game statistics (r = 0.48, p # 0.05, 95% CI [0.19–0.69]; r =
RESULTS 0.34, p # 0.05, 95% CI [0.02–0.59], and r = 0.33, p # 0.05,
The results of the K-S test showed that the data for all 95% CI [0.01–0.58] for dynamic one-point, dynamic-2-point,
measures were normally distributed. Descriptive statistics and dynamic-3-point tests, respectively). In addition,
were calculated for all tested variables including age and achievement on the stationary-1-point shooting test was sig-
nificantly correlated with
1Point% achievement for the
competitive season (r = 0.35,
TABLE 5. Multiple regression results between conditioning capacities and
p # 0.05, 95% CI [0.04–0.60]).
dynamic basketball shooting skill tests (N = 38).*
A significant overall relation-
Dynamic-1-point Dynamic-2-points Dynamic-3-points ship was found between pre-
dictors and performance on
b p b p b p
the stationary-3-point test (R2
CMJ 20.51 0.78 0.42 0.03 0.39 0.04 = 0.41; p = 0.02), with no sig-
MEDBALL 0.07 0.82 20.13 0.64 0.34 0.03 nificant partial regressors
Sit-ups 20.17 0.48 0.06 0.80 20.24 0.29 (Table 4). Predictors signifi-
Push-ups 0.09 0.73 20.10 0.69 0.18 0.46 cantly explained dynamic-1-
20-m sprint 20.61 0.06 20.27 0.37 20.01 0.96
T-TEST 0.22 0.35 20.33 0.04 0.13 0.57 point, dynamic-2-point, and
V_ O2max 20.05 0.85 20.01 0.96 0.07 0.79 the dynamic-3-point tests
R-AvePOW 20.08 0.91 20.03 0.97 0.46 0.04 (R2 = 0.36; p = 0.03; R2 =
R-Fatigue Index 20.37 0.03 20.37 0.02 20.38 0.41 0.44; p = 0.03; R2 = 0.39; p =
Model summary R2 = 0.36; p = 0.03 R2 = 0.44; p = 0.03 R2 = 0.39; p = 0.03 0.03, respectively). The anaero-
*b = Standardized Coefficient; CMJ = countermovement jump; MEDBALL = seated med- bic power (b = 0.46, p = 0.04),
icine ball toss; T-TEST = Agility T Test; V_ O2max = Maximal aerobic power estimated using the medicine ball toss (b = 0.34,
20 m shuttle run test; R-AvePOW = Relative Average Power achieved using Repeated Anaer- p = 0.03), and CMJ (b = 0.39,
obic Sprint Test (RAST); R-Fatigue Index = Fatigue Index estimated using RAST; R = coef-
ficient of determination. p = 0.03) were significant
predictors of dynamic 3 points.
In addition, the T-TEST
the TM

1988 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

(b = 20.33, p = 0.04), FI (b = 20.37, p = 0.02), and CMJ (b mance. Because of a similar physiological basis and the
= 0.42, p = 0.03) were good predictors of dynamic-2-point necessity to rapidly produce force, the positive relationship
performance. Also, the anaerobic FI was the single signifi- between the CMJ and dynamic shooting tests is logical (33).
cant predictor of dynamic-1-point performance (b = 20.37, Briefly, players who present superior vertical jumping ca-
p = 0.03), indicating generally better shooting performances pacities perform the jump shot with a lower release velocity,
in those players with better jumping, throwing, and anaero- which provides them with more time for executing the cor-
bic endurance capacities (Table 5). rect shooting technique. By contrast, the players with inad-
equate levels of jumping capacity are not able to generate
DISCUSSION enough force; therefore, they use compensatory strategies of
This study investigated the association between conditioning increasing segmental velocity to achieve the necessary ball
capacities and different shooting skills in basketball players. distance (13). The compensatory strategies involve addi-
The main finding of this research was the existence of tional muscle activation, which detrimentally affects move-
a positive relationship between studied physical capacities ment coordination and shooting technique and
and specific basketball shooting performance with stronger consequently impairs shooting accuracy (6,7). Indirectly,
relationships for dynamic shooting tests. Furthermore, no our findings are in agreement with previous reports where
relationship was evident between the observed conditioning authors highlighted appropriate levels of lower limb explo-
capacities and stationary shooting performance for the sive power and superior jumping ability as essential compo-
short- and middle-distance tests. Finally, all 3 dynamic nents in basketball (4,10). Finally, these results are in
shooting tests were significantly related to corresponding agreement with the results of the study by Pojskic et al.
real-game shooting statistics, whereas the stationary one- (27), who reported a positive relationship between vertical
point test was correlated with the corresponding statistics jump performance and 3-point shooting accuracy during one
over the competitive season. Before discussing those find- competitive season.
ings, we will provide a brief overview of the appropriate The previous explanation for the observed association
reliability of the shooting skill tests used in the investigation. between the CMJ and dynamic shooting performance is
Shooting performance (i.e., shooting accuracy) is one of further supported by a significant association between the
the most important determinants of overall success in medicine ball toss performance and achievement on the
basketball; however, tests of basketball shooting achieve- dynamic-3-point test. Our results suggest that there is
ment (shooting skills) are rarely reported with regard to a synergy between explosive power of the lower and upper
reliability (3,27). To the best of our knowledge, only 2 studies limbs when shots are performed from longer distances.
directly investigated and reported the reliability of basketball Knowing that the MEDBALL is basically a test of upper-
shooting tests. In brief, De Groot et al. (3) reported poor body explosive force (32), the obtained relationship is in
reliability of shooting tests in wheelchair basketball players, agreement with the results of Tang and Shung (34) who
and Pojskic et al. (27) systematically investigated shooting reported a significant correlation between long-distance
tests used herein and reported appropriate reliability with shooting accuracy and the ability to rapidly produce force
Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.75–0.92, an average interitem in the upper limbs, (i.e., in their study, force was measured as
correlation of 0.74–0.92. The experimental approach where isokinetic strength of the elbow extensor muscles). In addi-
only perimeter players were observed as subjects most likely tion, Justin et al. (14) reported that training for maximum
led to a high consistency of the shooting performance, and strength of the elbow extensors improved the accuracy of 3-
consequently resulted in appropriate reliability of the shoot- point shooting. In this regard, players with more developed
ing tests. The higher reliability of the stationary shooting strength will invest less muscular force into the movement of
tests was a logical consequence of fewer factors that could shooting at the basket than those with less developed
influence the performance (i.e., stationary tests are per- strength. It is hypothesized that less trained individuals
formed in nonfatigued conditions). This is consistent with would likely activate additional musculature and make com-
previous studies in which investigators compared the reli- pensatory movements, which may contribute to shooting
ability of precision performance in water polo players, and technique modifications, i.e., impairment of the correct tech-
reported better reliability for the tests of specific precision nique and accuracy (7). This is particularly important for
performed in nonfatigued conditions (35). shooting over a longer distance and in fatigued conditions
Vertical jump performance evaluated using the CMJ when one is less able to exert muscular force (6,7).
showed a positive correlation with the shooting skill tests, Moreover, the findings of this study are supported by
predominantly with dynamic tests performed from longer Pojskic et al. (25), who reported similar results that empha-
distances. In general, these findings are logical, given the sized significant correlations between upper-limb explosive
biomechanical and physiological characteristics of basketball power and achievement in long-distance shooting observed
shooting. Specifically, the dynamic shooting tests are per- over one competitive season. Ultimately, the findings
formed in high-intensity conditions that include repeated showed that explosive power capacity of both the lower
changes of direction, variations in speed, and jump perfor- and upper limbs had significant positive regression weights,

VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2018 | 1989

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Predictors of Shooting Performance in Basketball

which indicates that players with a better explosive power longer distances. It is a well-known fact that anaerobic
capacity have higher accuracy in the shooting tests per- capacity is very important in intensive basketball activities
formed over longer distances. This is in agreement with that last between 30 and 90 seconds (4). Our results indi-
other studies that have shown that a quicker and higher cated that the players with a higher anaerobic capacity had
jump height enables a shooter to easily establish an advan- a higher percentage of completed shots in the dynamic tests
tageous shooting position by releasing the ball from a higher of shooting from short and middle distances (i.e., dynamic-1-
point (13,29) and disrupt the timing of defending players point and dynamic-2-point tests). The relationship between
(16), which makes it difficult for the defender to block a shot the anaerobic capacity and shooting accuracy can be ex-
or to cover the target. plained in light of fatigue resistance. It has been reported
Straight-line sprinting performance has not been shown to that moderate and high fatigue could negatively influence
be a good determinant of shooting accuracy. The dynamic the jump shot height and other biomechanical determinants
shooting tests require a player to constantly make short of the long-distance shooting technique (6). Players with
sprints and change direction and speed before performing superior anaerobic endurance capacity and greater fatigue
a jump shot. Therefore, the authors originally expected that resistance are more capable of coping with the negative
linear sprinting speed would be correlated with dynamic effects of fatigue during repeated bouts of high-intensity
shooting test performance. The lack of association between intermittent activities and have a better capacity to continu-
sprinting capacity and shooting accuracy may be explained ously shoot with proper technique, which is one of the most
by the fact that very fast sprinting could actually negatively important determinants of accuracy.
influence optimal positioning for shooting. Specifically, with Our results generally indicate that jumping and throwing
increased speed, momentum increases (p = mv), which con- capacities and anaerobic endurance were better determi-
sequently puts a player’s body out of optimal balance and nants of shooting accuracy than aerobic power. These results
therefore alters shooting performance (22). are in agreement with results of previous studies in which
Preplanned agility performance was assessed by the T- the authors reported that basketball success was more
TEST and proved to be a good determinant of dynamic-2- dependent on anaerobic power and capacity than on aerobic
point performance, which is most likely related to the power (4,10). It should be emphasized that the relationship
similarity in movement templates between dynamic shoot- between conditioning capacities and shooting performance
ing tests and the T-TEST. Specifically, both performances was more evident when the players performed shots in
include stop-and-go movement patterns. Initially, we ex- dynamic (i.e., fatigued) conditions. The physical demands
pected to find a significant relationship between the T-TEST and induced fatigue during the dynamic tests can be ex-
and dynamic-3-point performance; however, this was not plained by the tests’ intermittent nature and a design that
shown in our results. The lack of a significant association continuously required players to accelerate and decelerate
between agility and this shooting performance could most while overcoming their body inertia. In other words, the
likely be attributed to a stronger contribution of explosive dynamic tests are very similar to real competitive shooting
power tests, such as the CMJ and MEDBALL, to long- situations when players need to stop and perform jump shots
distance shooting accuracy (25). after sprinting and after they have performed quick changes
Although it has previously been reported that aerobic of direction.
power affects game performance with a positive correlation Tests of basketball shooting in fatigued conditions (i.e.,
between V_ O2max and the number of high-intensity and dynamic shooting tests) are significantly related to the
repeated sprint activities in basketball, in this study, aerobic corresponding performance in a real basketball game (i.e.,
capacity was not shown to be a good determinant of perfor- game statistics) observed over the competitive season. These
mance in the shooting skill tests (1,2). We hypothesized that findings additionally support the previous discussion, where
aerobic capacity could play an important role in dynamic dynamic shooting tests are highlighted as more appropriate
shooting performance because of a potentially shorter recov- for evaluating the real-game shooting performance of
ery time between the intensive bouts of testing trials and basketball players than stationary tests. Moreover, dynamic
because the aerobic energy system is an important pathway shooting tests were originally designed to simulate sport-
for the removal of blood lactate and replenishing the crea- specific situations and mimic real-game situations that occur
tine phosphate (23). However, our results did not support in basketball; they require a player to sprint, receive the ball,
the importance of aerobic capacity in shooting performance. turn to the basket, and perform a jump shot from middle and
This finding is most likely because the players were very long distances (27). Evidently, such simulated fatigued con-
homogenous in terms of aerobic power, which consequently ditions contributed to higher ecological validity of the
truncated the variance and reduced the correlation between dynamic tests. Although we are not able to compare our
this conditioning capacity and shooting performance. findings to other studies involving basketball, the results
The anaerobic endurance capacities, which are expressed from studies conducted in other team sports support our
as relative values, are important predictors of performance results. In brief, Uljevic et al. (35) found that fitness tests
on dynamic shooting tests, especially those performed over performed after standardized exhaustion were more valid
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1990 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

determinants of the quality of water polo players than cor- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

responding fitness tests performed in nonfatigued conditions. Authors thank all athletes who voluntarily participated in
There are several limitations of the study. First, this study the study. The authors have no conflicts of interest to
failed to evaluate physiological responses such as heart rate disclose. The results of this study do not constitute
and blood lactate concentration during the dynamic shoot- endorsement of the product by the authors or the National
ing tests, which could help in explaining the underlying Strength and Conditioning Association.
mechanisms responsible for supporting the physiological
loads imposed during the assessments and facilitate better
understanding of the induced fatigue and observed relation- REFERENCES
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1992 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

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