What Will I Leave Before I Die - JOSHALIE

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“What will I leave before I die”

No matter what happen, you do well or bad, either be you are a friend or
a foe for other, time will come that you’ll leave this world and the world will
forget you.

We live our life to die, that’s the destiny

Most of the famous people that history positively remembers are the
people who lived to serve other people. If you don’t want to end up forgotten,
but want your sons and daughters saying wonderful stories to their grandkids
about how you made life easy and happy for others around you, start helping
people around whenever you can.

A very popular thing of my generation today is something called bucket list.

People create this list, and it is a list of things that people want to do before they
die. Those things are supposed to be something that is meaningful to people.

Personally I have never created a bucket list, it is something I would eventually

like to do and try and complete. I think that doing something like this can bring
a lot of meaning to our lives and give us some sort of purpose.

As a young teens and a student, I don’t have that much of memories for them to
cherish nor wealth for them to spend, but if I given a chance I would like to
leave behind the legacy of truth, love, compassion and kindness. I want people
around me, specially my family to find comfort, wisdom, and loving-kindness in
my words, thought, and deeds. I want to leave behind a remembrance of teen
who was real and genuine, for better or worse, and in the process, learned to
stand up for herself and others.

I want people and my family to know that, I passed through obstacles and
hardship, accepted life on its term, and owned my own shit. I want to leave
behind legacy that will help people and my family, long after I am gone, to stand
up for the truth, to own their own flaws and mistake and the flaws and mistake
of others, to practice compassion toward themselves and others, to not let
people of intended cross their boundaries, and to not let life pass you by not
letting any problems that make them down and stressing their selves over things
that don’t really matter.

Instead focused, and valued those little and simple things and the people loves
you, I hope to leave behind a sweet and savoury presence, an aura, a spirit, that
will strengthen the hearts of many people and my family, a sweet smile that can
be seen on their lips and faces whenever they remember or think of me, and
leaving love and hope in their hearts.

I became frightened when I began to vanish while I was still living, but I'm not
too anxious about leaving a legacy once I'm gone. I hope to live long enough to
see my loved ones and friends again. I want to believe that my existence is/was
significant and that I contributed in some small way to making the world more
fascinating and better.
I want to know that my existence has not been in vain and that I have
accomplished something for which I can be justly extremely proud. I want to
know before I pass away that my life was a significant source of joy for other
people. We can all agree that friendship is one of life's greatest pleasures, and I
wish to have plenty of friends.

However, unless I was certain that the people I had shared an intimate
relationship with had experienced true joy as a result of their friendship with me,
I could never die contentedly. In addition, I think there is a genuine pleasure to
be found in making people happy that cannot be found anywhere else.

A lot of the time, we don't know what to do next in our life journey. Even if
you're an adult. So you look up to your parents and grandparents for guidance
on what to do. Whether it's what to avoid or what to do. Be the best parent you
can be, and your child will follow in your footsteps. They all automatically
mention you to their child, proudly telling them that they wish to be the same in
their hearts as you were in his/hers.

It matters less what profession you have or your "achievements" than that you
leave behind an honest tale of your experience in the world, what you saw and
did, and your comments on it if you live your life honestly, open to the world,
and true to yourself. People in future generations will be inspired by this to live
authentically themselves. That, in my opinion, is one of the nicest things one can
leave behind for future generations.

The two sides of my coin are joy and sadness, triumph and loss, day and night.
Similar to this, life is filled with moments of happiness, pleasure, success, and
comfort that are interspersed with unhappiness, failure, defeat, and issues. No
person on Earth, no matter how powerful, wise, or wealthy they are, has never
gone through hardship or failed.

End-of-life preparation, which includes much more than just creating a final will
and testament, can help even those with small assets. Death, as we all know,
has no regard for age or any other criterion.A little planning now for how you
want things to proceed when you pass away or become handicapped can offer
you great peace of mind and save your loved ones a lot of worry later.

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