Day 6

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The diktats of nature are in the air.

It is indeed for the first time in living

memory that the peace amongst the ingredients of nature is in existence. Birds
are chirping and are being heard. The dogs are roaming freely and barking,
perhaps confused witnessing only a handful of humans present as their
company. There has been news of even wild animals from the adjoining forest
areas joining in at the roads and highways. The Connaught place area of
Iutyens Delhi is now the den of swarm of pigeons who have occupied every
nook and corner of the white pillars of the famed circled area. The severest
impact of the lockdown seems to have fallen on the daily wage labourers and
those working on contract whose sources on income have suddenly vanished.
The exodus of these labourers from the cities to the cities to their home towns
are a cause of concern for the central and the state government. The very
purpose of lockdown for social distancing is getting nullified duo to the
gathering of large swathe of these have-nots on their way back home. even the
half of bus and train services is not enough to stop them as since they home
been left with on source of income and as such, they are proceeding their
journey on foot itself all the way to hundreds and thousands of miles to their
respective villages and towns specifically in the north Indians of Bihar and Uttar
Pradesh. the government is forced to resume of the bus services to cater needs
for the time being but this decision is infested with prospective ramifications of
the virus getting spread in numbers. Indeed, a sorry state of affairs for the
unfortunate. State of affairs for the unfortunate state of society whose life is
depending on daily wages. Though the Indian government has announced
stimulus package to ward off the impact on the income and very survival of the
hapless people but for the moment, due o sheer vast numbers of the needy, it
can at best translate into food for these families. In the past, amidst any
tragedy, in any part of the world, be it natural or man-made, nations and the
international organisation used to come to rescue of the affected country by all
means. For the first time since the world war a tragedy has befallen on
practically the whole world indiscriminately when nations at best can
collaborate with each other to fight unitedly but not in a position both
psychologically and through resources to help each other significantly. Here
comes the role of international organisations like international labours
Organisation (ILO), under the auspices of UN to have the inherent resources
and means of distribution to respond to the needy. The participant member
nations must pool their optimum contributions during all times especially
during periods of absence of any eventuality to dilute the consequences of loss
of livelihood leading towards cusp of survival. The world needs to understand
that the continuance of infrastructure depends on the labourers, be it
agricultural, constructional, Industrial and all other trades. The resources laden
lands will be futile if there is no ample availability of trained labour. The
functioning of the economies as such will be impacted if the labour is not
looked after properly. It has come to notice that even those well-off owners of
the industrial units and the farmlands who can afford to feed and monetize the
labour washed their hands off of the responsibility. They have taken the plea of
impasse of the production cycle which has led to the logjam to the generation
of income. This is pathetic state of affairs which is avoidable. The labour that
works with the sweat of the brow should not be treated as seasonal means of
earning only. it is an indispensable cog which id to be taken Of in all weathers.
The Indian leadership has exhorted the businessmen to not to resort to any
means which are averse to the governments have announced stimulus
packages is required to be structurally streamlined globally by creation of a
pool of funds so that the countries do not come in the way of helping a vital of
the humanity. Member nations must pool their optimum contributions during
all times especially during periods of absence of any eventuality to dilute the
consequences of loss of availability of trained labour. The functioning of the
e4conimices as such will be impacted if the labour is not looked after properly.
The G-8/G-7 is a group of world’s supposedly richest economies consisting of
US, Italy, Germany, UK, France, Canada, Japan, and Russia. The situation has
come to such a pass that some of these nations who controlled the movement
of economic decisions for decades and considered to be superior in health
systems are now bearing the brunt of COVID-19. The tall claims and sense of
superiority of some have nosedived and they are clueless. For the second
consecutive day, it has been reported that there is no positive case of corona
virus in Punjab. The might of the Officials state machinery and administrative
acumen of the officials have played a yeomen’s role in containing the situation
for the time being. There is no glaring exodus of the daily wage labourers and
the petty workers Punjab as such. The abundance of food materials and its
swift distribution to the needy is the reason for stability. The world has already
started thinking about the gloomy prospects of aftermath of the pandemic
from the point of pedestal of economic consequences. The world order seems
set to change with chine gaining upper hand over America and Europeans
getting vanquished from the top pedestal of the economic scenario. Indeed, in
view of the loss of steady lives, world war is in progress with respect to lack of
control as such over the damage. The unpredictability of this crisis and absence
of human control over it makes it more severe than just terming it as a war. In
a war or armed conflict situation, at least the stakeholders may explore the
possibility of ceaseless and has spread comprehensively across all the corners
of earth with varied intensities in one way or the other. The prowess of the
west in the field of science, tech and industrialization has indeed taken a
beating. For any nation, the workforce is the most important determining
factor in the march towards development. But when any pandemic is on a
spree of mass slaughter, it also causes harm to the helplessness of the human
being. in the wake of the harm to the life and property caused by any natural
disaster like earthquake, floods, tsunami, wildfires, landslide, and the like, it is
termed have ‘force majeure’ or ‘act of god ‘over which humans have no
control and it come and goes away quickly within a short span of time though
causing massive carnage to human lives and property within on time. But the
impact of pandemic and that, to novel one is different. Here, the lives are lost
in trickles, day by day, hour by hour with might of science and technology and
advanced medical science apparently dumbfounded. It is just like teasing the
arrogance of humans by the natural forces to contain their wrath if one can.
Divine help is being sought across the planet. The chanting of mantra ‘Om’ and
adoption of Indian trading with greeting “Namaste’ or Namaskar (gesture of
greeting with folded hands) is in vogue as a potent that nature effective social
distancing. It seems that nature has come to a full circle as the mother earth is
getting detoxified of exploitative particles begin infested into it by the greedy
and materialistic humans. Time has come for Indian to hold the reins of
civilization and is since of leadership of the world. The might of ancient Indian
civilization and its core concepts have become the torchbearer of the universe.
India is a line of thinking that believes that this pandemic is a revelation for the
west that this is just the beginning of endeavour of china to entrench its
economic dominance by all means, even unethical. The tongues are wagging
and social media is agog with the reports of real stories behind the origin of
this malaise and the benefits to be garnered by whom. The nation especially
the G-8 block and other upcoming ones from the developing world are holding
the opining that in view of immense profiles garnered by the Chianese amidst
this tragedy, there is a possibility of another pandemic raising its head. The
process of nature’s fury is continuing. The inhabitants of this planet have now
come to terms with this way of life. The option is simple which is, that there is
no straitjacket option. In India attention is diverted from the role of NRIs and
the foreigners. The gun of blame has moved to the meeting or congregation of
the religious clerics and the followers at Delhi recently which has become a
cause of concern. The authorities all over the country are now looking for all
those who have come into contact with this set of attendees who have also
travelled by some train or bus on way back to their respective home states.
The act of the religious meet amidst alarming situation in the country is
nothing less than a war crime.

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