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Fortune Institute of International Business

Plot No. 5, Rao Tula Ram Marg, Opposite Army R&R Hospital,
Vasant Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi - 110057

“Analyse and apply motivation concept

in organizational situations”

Submitted by Team 11:


Under the Guidance of:

Prof. Vibhor Kataria

Assistant Professor,
Managing People and Teams
Motivation is defined as a physiological or psychological need that activates behaviour or
a drive that's geared toward a goal or ‘incentive’. it's a continual and unending process.
Goals form part of the motivation process. Goal achievement leads to the satisfaction of
want. Goal fulfilment ends up in reduction of drives and fulfils deficiencies. Thus goal
achievement ends the motivation process. Human being distinctly possess the need or
desire to achieve something. For this purpose, they compete to reach or achieve a certain
standard of excellence or make a unique contribution which will speak of their
achievement. Thus achieving motivation refers to their drive to excel, to achieve in
relation to set standards which leads to success.

The success and failure of any organization depends upon the employee’s motivation.
Without a motivated workforce, productivity, profits product and service delivery suffers.
To be in the race, organizations must invest in effective strategies to motivate the
workforce. Some people are motivated by money, some are by the opportunity for
professional development, flexible schedules are a sense of accomplishment. Everyone is
motivated for their own reasons. There was a stage where employees worked in the same
company till they retired. In contrast, today’s employees will have three to seven careers
throughout their lifetime. Here we can understand that job security is no longer the golden
nugget it once was for employers to offer employees. Today’s workforce considers a
plethora of life/work factor throughout their professional career. For a company to have a
competitive environment, it must have a keen understanding of the employee’s
motivational factor, and this is the challenge managers face.

Characteristics of motivation:
 A psychological phenomenon which generates within an individual. It develops
the mental power and motivates to perform better.
 It is an ongoing and continues process because human wants are unlimited, if one
particular want is satisfied, another one takes its place.
 The entire system of an individual reacts to the motivation. Each individual is a
self-contained unit and his needs are inter-related.
 Goals form a part of the motivation process. Goal achievement results in
satisfaction of wants which leads to reduction of drives.
 Motivation can be either positive or negative. Positive motivation results in
rewards, negative results in force or fear.

Importance of motivation:
 Motivated workers exert all the energies towards the job which leads to increase
in employee efficiency and productivity.
 Motivated employees are the valuable assets of the organization. They develop a
sense of loyalty towards their work and organization.
 Motivation maintains discipline, sound superior, sub-ordinate relations and sound
relations among colleagues.
 Motivated employees formulate alternative and effective strategies to achieve
organizational goals and compete with the competitors. It helps in improving the
image of an organization.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs:
According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, human needs form a hierarchy starting at the
bottom with physiological needs and ascending to the highest need i.e. self-actualization.
According to him when one set of needs are satisfied, they no longer work as motivators
because man seeks to satisfy the next higher level, as human wants are unlimited

Application based on daily life:

When we talk about the application bases, we have different perspective about the
motivation theory. These perspectives are from different characters of the report. It comes
in an order firstly we will see Manisha’s perspective, then comes Shivam, following by
Ujjwal and Alisha.
1. Motivation energises, directs and sustains a person’s efforts. Motivation differs
from person to person, from situation to situation and from time to time. For
example, a bottle of water will have more value to a person lost in a dessert as
compared to a person who is not. Rescue the person and put him in a hospital here
the motivational value of the bottled water will depreciate. Health becomes more
important. Using a simple illustration to overtime. When doing overtime
employees have a choice between doing extra work and getting extra money, or
less work and less money. Some individuals may find that the idea of earning
more money outweighs the drawback of having to do extra work. On the other
hand, some people give more importance on spending time with their families,
and they are not comfortable at work. The same item may therefore motivate
according to the person’s circumstances at the time. By these above instances, it is
clearly demonstrated that motivation is relative and has different values to
different people dependant on circumstances.

2. Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy’s of needs, there are some more real life
applications, they are as follows:
The basic necessities of human like food, water and other needs. Until the needs
are satisfied to the required level we cannot aim for the satisfaction of the next
higher level needs. In an organization context, these needs include like basic pay,
allowance and incentives therefore we all are working for money and if we are not
able to fulfil the basic amount of money which are required to fulfil are basic
necessities of life from that job. We feel dissatisfy and this will not motivate us to
do the job.
We all need to feel safe. Whether that be physically, financially or job security
and health. For instance, I belong to a well settled business family and I am
working on my own start up just to prove myself and if something goes wrong in
the future then I have a backup plan to run my own export business (family
business) that give me motivation to initiate a start up without having fear of
future security.
When physiological and safety needs are reasonably satisfied, Social needs begin
to occupy the mind of a man. This is the reason why he looks for the association
of other human and strives hard to be accepted by its group. Social need at work
place include human relations, formal and informal groups. Therefore, same as
with the student in a college we try to connect with other students (formal or
informal) to full feel the social needs so that so we feel more motivated to attend
our class and other activities.
Esteem needs refer to the need for respect, self-esteem, and self-
confidence. Esteem needs are the basis for the human desire we all have to be
accepted and valued by others. For instance, before joining this institute I am part
time working in a start-up where we have to meet supreme court as well high
court judge and lawyers. So many big names (Lt. Pranab Mukherjee) know our
team by face which motivate us more as we are increasing personal Goodwill in
the market. This is realising one’s full potential and this will differ from person to
person. This is the highest level on the hierarchy and what we are all striving for.
For instance, as I want to become one of the most successful businessman in India
so I am working on my all strength and weakness so that one day I will achieve
my goals. This vision of mine motivates me to work hard.

3. When I apply Maslow’s hierarchy of needs on my daily schedule, when we talk

about the first step, i.e., physiological needs which talks about the basic
necessities of human like food, water and other needs. Until the needs are satisfied
to the required level we cannot aim for the satisfaction of the next higher level
needs. In an organization context, for me the basic necessity is job satisfaction Am
okay if they are paying me less but I need to understand what I’m working on and
how well am I performing. I feel dissatisfy and this will not motivate us to do the
job. We all need to feel safe. Whether that be physically, financially or job
security and health. For instance, I belong to a well settled working class family
and I working on my technical skills in my PGDM college just to prove myself,
that gives me motivation without having fear of future security.
When physiological and safety needs are reasonably satisfied, Social needs begin
to occupy the mind of a man. This is the reason why we look for the association of
other human and strives hard to be accepted by its group. Social need at work
place include human relations, formal and informal groups. When I talk about my
social needs, I don’t have any complaints or needs as such as I like working in a
team of 2. Since I’m not comfortable hanging out with many people, I feel
anxious when I’m around a lot of people.  Esteem needs are the basis for the
human desire we all have to be accepted and valued by others. For instance,
although I’m an introvert I would like to be a part of the projects or events
happening around me, if it’s necessary I will talk to people who are a part of the
event. Finally, I would like to conclude by saying that, I will try to cope up with
my weaknesses and would like to be in a top position of a MNC company.

4. Basic human needs, such as food, water and other needs.
Until the needs are satisfied to the required level we cannot aim for the
satisfaction of the next higher level needs. In an organization context, as a woman,
the basic necessity would be safety if the company expects me to work at night,
either I expect accommodation or I expect them to have cab facility with home
pick-up and home-drop. I feel safe and this will motivate me to do the job. We all
need to feel safe. Whether that be physically, financially or job security and
When physiological and safety needs are reasonably satisfied, Social needs begin
to occupy the mind of a man. This is the reason why we look for the association of
other human and strives hard to be accepted by its group. Social need at work
place include human relations, formal and informal groups. When I talk about my
social needs, I would like to be part of all the projects and teams as I want to
explore more about the technical skills as I like having healthy competition
between my colleagues. Esteem needs are the basis for the human desire we all
have to be accepted and valued by others. For instance, I would appreciate a lot
when someone respects my opinion when there’s a group discussion going on. I
would respond in the same way too. Finally, my ultimate goal is to get placed in a
well reputed company where I can get a platform to explore myself
Identification of the characters and application of concepts on each
Character Ujjwal Shivam Alisha Manisha
Identification Baranwal Kumar Paul Mittimani
Physiological Job Basic pay, Accommodation High salary
Need Satisfaction with incentives
Security/ Job Security Medical Women Safety Medical
Safety Insurance (Home pick up insurance for
Need and home drop the entire
cab services) family
Social Needs To work in a To be in a Healthy To work in a
very small large social competition Team projects
group of group between
people employees
Esteem Needs To be the part Face value Respect given Recognition
of organization by the sub-
Need for Self- To be in a top Leading To get placed in To become a
Actualization position of a businessman a well reputed transactional
company company/ To leader.
start a company
on my own

Conclusion: To conclude we can say that motivation is a major factor in the success or
failure for any organization. To stay competitive, organization must invest in effective
strategies to motivate the work force. Although we see a lot of characters in an
organization, it’s necessary to work with them if they are a part of your team. Motivation
is one of the factor which will help us to work effectively and efficiently in any
environment, it can we an official or unofficial environment.

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