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Nazism and The Rise Of

1. Define each of the following words-:
 Nazism
 Allies
 Genocide
 Reichstag
Ans. Nazism – It is a political body which put totalitarian principle of government. Especially
dominated by Germanic groups which assume to be racially superior than any other ethnic groups.
Allies – It is the allies of several country those joined hands to fight against other group of countries
for example during the 2nd world war UK, France, USSR and USA joined hands to fight against the
Axis power (Italy, Germany, Japan).
Genocide – Killing on large scale leading to destruction of large sections of people. The number of
people included 6 million Jews, 200000 Gypsies, 1 million Polish civilians and 70000 Germans who
were considered mentally and physically challenged.
Reichstag – German parliament was called Reichstag. Which was located at Weimar.
2. Who was Goebbels? Why did he commit suicide?
 Goebbels was the propaganda minister of Hitler.
 He committed suicide in the month of April,1945 anticipating to be caught by the Allies (UK,
USSR, USA, France).
 He committed suicide along with his family.
 He was the most important member in Hitler’s cabinet.
3. Where is Nuremberg? What is it?
Ans. Nuremberg is located in Germany where the International Military Tribunal was set up to
prosecute Hitler and The Nazi for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity.
4. What do you mean by Genocidal War?
Ans. The war led by Hitler and The Nazi which killed a large-scale destruction of large section of
people. This includes-:
Jews – 6 million
Gypsies – 200 thousand
Polish – 1 million
Mentally and physically challenged Germans – 70,000
Political oppositions – Innumerable
5. What is Auswitz?
Ans. It is killing center by poisonous gas. Some other processes followed by Nazi were-:
Holocaust, Concentration Camp, etc.
6. How was the Weimar Republic Born?
Ans. After the death of Kaiser Welham II, the imperial Germany got defeated by the Allies (UK, USSR,
USA, France).
A national assembly was called at Weimar. The Reichstag (Parliament of Germany) was formed
through election in which all the people including women had one vote, one value. This is how
Weimar Republic was formed.
7. Who was the last emperor of German Empire?
Ans. Kaiser Welham II was the last emperor of Germany.
8. Name the countries that become the allies during the World War I.
Ans. UK, USSR and France. Later USA joined in 1917.
9. Which treaty was signed in Versailles?
Ans. The Treaty of Versailles or The Peace Treaty
10.What were the conditions mentioned in the peace treaty?
 Germany lost its position over the overseas.
 Lost 1/10th of the population.
 Lost 13% of territories.
 Lost 75% of iron.
 Lost 26% of coal to France, Poland, Lithuania, Denmark.
 Due to the war guilt clause Germany had to pay 6 billion compensations.
 Germany got Demilitarized.
11.Who were called the ‘November Criminals’ by whom and why?
Ans. The Members of Weimar republic who signed the Peace Treaty at Versailles were called
November Criminals by the Conservatives. The reasons are -:
 It got devastated psychologically and economically.
 It was forced to pay the compensations of World War I.
 Lastly it was humiliated and devastated by the sins of Kaiser Welham II.
12.What do you mean by Spartacist League? What did they demand? How was it crushed?
 It is a political body which brought revolutionary movement trough Radicalism.
 They demanded rapid or fast change in the government and founded the Communist Party of
 They are one of the greatest enemies of the Weimar Republic.
 In return the Weimar Republic joined hands with Free Cops (Private Army) and crushed the
Spartacist League.
13.State the major reasons that led to economic crisis of Germany in 1923?
Ans. The reasons are-:
 The impact of the 1st World War.
 Germany lost the war and had to pay War reparations in Gold.
 When Germany refused to pay France occupied The Ruhr Valley of Germany (The Coal Mines).
 To meet the situation Germany printed paper currency/money by which the value of Mark fell
down. For example, US Dollar = 24,000 Mark to Trillions.
 To buy a loaf of Bread people used to carry a trunk of Paper Currency. Thus, the economic
condition of Germany crashed.
 This particular period is known as Hyper Inflation.
 In the end US interfered and introduced Dawes Plan which helped to overcome the financial
burden in Germany.
14.What is Wall Street Exchange? How did it affect the great economic depression? Explain it.
 The wall street exchange is the biggest stock exchange in the world located in USA.
 In 1924 to 1928 Germany position was stable.
 In 1929 the Wall Street Exchange got crashed by which people withdraw their shares from the
exchange that led it to get crashed.
 In one day over 13 million Share were sold, this marked the beginning of The Great Economic
15.How was Germany affected by the Economic Depression?
 German’s economy was stable between the years 1924-1928.
 Its economy had the worst effect due to the crash of Wall Street Exchange in the year 1929.
 The people become Jobless.
 They were found on the streets without jobs.
 The middle class got affected by the WSE and suffered form proletarianization.
 The large masses of peasants were the Worst Sufferers.
16.State the defects of the Weimar Republic that gave a way for The Rise of Hitler.
 The Weimar Republic was very fragile.
 It had no. of defects that made it unstable and vulnerable.
 The republic had no majority to form the government it mostly depends on coalition
 The president had tremendous power due to the Article 48 which gave the Power of Decree.
 The parliament had witnessed 20 different cabinets in 239 days due to the implementation of
Article 48 by the President.
 These were the defects that gave a way for the Rise of Adolf Hitler.
17.Who was Hitler? Give a short description about is early childhood.
 Adolf Hitler was the 4th of 6 children born to Alois Hitler and his wife Klara.
 He was born in Austria but by nationality he was German.
 He spent his childhood in Poverty and Sufferings.
 He wanted to be an Artist by choice but joined the Army during the 1 st world war.
 From the very early age Hitler considered Jews, as the enemy of Germans.
 He joined the German’s Worker Party in the year 1919.
 When he took over the party as the leader he renamed it as National Socialist German’s Worker
Party, which later came to be known as NAZI party.
18.How was NAZI Party formed?
 Adolf Hitler formed a party known as German Worker’s Party.
 When he became the leader of this party, he renamed it as National Socialist German’s Workers
Party which became the NAZI Party.
19.What do you mean by Propaganda?
Ans. A specific type of message displayed through Films, Speeches, Posters, Processions or Rallies.
20.Who was Propaganda Minister of Hitler?
Ans. Goebbels was the Propaganda Minister of Adolf Hitler. He committed suicide along with his
family in the Berlin Bunker anticipating to be caught by the allies.
21.Describe about the new style of politics introduced by Hitler in his Political Party.
 Adolf Hitler adopted new style of politics which paid respect to the rituals and dignity of the
common peoples.
 He introduced Red Banner with Swastika and made it the flag for the NAZI.
 He introduced a Unique style of NAZI Salute.
 He also introduced ritualized rounds of applause after every speech.
22.Who became the president of Germany in the Year 1933?
Ans. Von Hindenburg.
23.Who became the chancellor in Reichstag in 1933?
Ans. Adolf Hitler
24.Who were the First Targeted by Hitler and sent to Concentration camps and why?
Ans. The Conservatives because they were the Arch Enemies of Hitler. They were hurriedly packed to
the Concentration Camps.
25.What is Fire Decree of 28th February, 1933?
Ans. After the mysterious fire set in Reichstag, the Fire decree of 28 th February, 1933 was issued by
Adolf Hitler. According to this the Civil rights like Freedom of Speech, Press, Media, rallies etc. were
suspended for an indefinite period of time.
26.What do you mean by Enabling Act? What is its impact?
 On 3rd March, 1933, the famous enabling act was passed
 It established dictatorship in Germany.
 It gave Adolf Hitler all powers to Rule by decree and sideline the Parliament.
 All the political parties and the Trade Unions were banned except The Nazi Party and The Party
 The state established complete control over Media, Economy, Army and Judiciary.
27.Name the different security forces bought by Hitler to control the Society.
 Police in Green Uniform
 The SA or The Strom Troopers.
 Criminal Police.
 The SS or The Protection Squad.
 The SD or The Security Force.
 The Gestapo or The Secret State Police.
28.Who was Hjalmar Schacht?
1. Hjalmar Schacht was a famous economist in Germany, given assignment by Hitler to bring
Economic Development.
2. He did 2 important projects. That are-:
I. Construction of the Famous German Super Highway.
II. The production of the people’s car, Volkswagen.
29.List some the foreign policies bought by Hitler?
 Hitler pulled himself out of the League of Nations.
 He reoccupied Rhine land.
 He integrated Austria with Germany under the slogan “One People, One Empire, One Leader.”
 He then occupied Czechoslovakia.
30.How did Germany enter into 2nd World War?
31.What made the US enter into the 2nd world war?
 The US had suffered a lot economically in the 1 st World War and was unwilling to enter into the
2nd World war.
 Seeing the involvement of Japan in the war and supporting Hitler, US turned towards Japan
who was planning to bomb US Naval Base and Bombed the US base at Pearl Harbor.
 US entered the war in December 1941 and defeated Germany and bombed at Hiroshima and
Nagasaki and bought an end to the 2nd world war.
32.Write a short note NAZI ideology that synonyms with Hitler’s view.
Ans. Being inspired from the Ideology of Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer, Hitler bought the Nazi
bought the Nazi Ideology. They were-:
 There should be racial hierarchy in which the Nordic German Aryan could be placed in top and
the Jews at bottom.
 The Strongest Race would survive and the Weakest Race would perish.
 Another Ideology was related to Geographical concept that is acquiring land (Lebensraum
means living space) which would give the feeling of living in our Motherland.
33.Distinguish between Desirables and Undesirables.
Ans. Desirables – Those who are considered as Pure and Healthy they were considered as Desirables.
Example – Nordic German Aryan.
Undesirables – Those who are Impure, Unhealthy and Sub-Human as considered by the Nazi were
called Undesirables. Example – Jews, Gypsies, Black, Mentally and Physically Challenged Germans,
Russian and Polish.
34.Why were the Jews considered the Arch Enemies of NAZI?
 It was believed by Hitler that the Jews are the killers of Jesus Christ.
 He believed that they were the Usurers charging excessive interest during Medieval period.
 So, they were forced to live separately in a place called Ghettos where they were tortured and
systematically killed by the Nazi.
 Hitler hatred of Jews was based on Pseudoscientific theories of race.
35.Define each of the following-:
 Usurers – They were the Jews who lend money charging excessive interest rates.
 The Ghettos – The place marked for the Jews to live in.
 The Pseudoscientific – It is a collection of beliefs and practices based on scientific methods.
 The Euthanasia – Mass killing of the Disabled.
 Lebensraum – Living Space (An ideology of Nazi)
 The Gypsies – The groups those are traced to have origin in India
 Persecutes – It is a systematic organized punishment for the people belonging to a particular
religion or race
 Arch Enemy – Extremely hostile to someone
 The Nordic German Aryan – Pure blooded German
 The Polish – The people of Poland
36.What were the New Educational Policies introduced by Hitler?
 All the schools were cleansed and purified by removing the students and the teachers those who
were considered as Undesirables (The Jews).
 By 1940’s, all the undesirables were taken to the Gas chamber.
 German and the Jews were not allowed to go to school.
 The school textbook was written and racial science was introduced to justify the Nazi ideas of
 Children were taught to hate Jews and worship Hitler.
 Sports like boxing were introduced to make the boys Iron Hatred, strong and Masculine.
37.Name some of the major youth organizations introduced by Hitler.
Ans. JungVolk – Children between the age 10 to 14 years (Boys) had to join this organization and
they were learnt to hate war and worship Hitler.
The Hitler Youth - Boys at 14 years had to join this organization to worship war, condemn
democracy and glorify aggression and violence.
Labours Service – At the age of 18 years boys had to join the armed forces and enter into one of the
NAZI organizations.
38.State the position of women in NAZI Society.
 According to Hitler Mother are the most important citizen in the country.
 However not all the women were treated equally.
 Girls were taught to become mother and rear pure-blooded Aryan.
 Girls were instructed to maintain the purity of their race and distance from the Undesirables.
 Those had any relationship with Undesirables were paraded through out the town with shaved
head, Blackened face and a placard around their neck announcing “I have sullied the honour of
the Nation.”
 Other those who followed NAZI Ideology were Rewarded.
39.How the media used to popularize their ideology in Germany?
 Media was very carefully used by the Nazi to win the support for the Regime and to Popularize
their Ideologies.
 Nazi ideas were propagated through Films, magazines, posters, radio etc.
 Jews were identified as the enemies of German and described as devil by the Media.
 Propaganda films were made to create hatred for the Jews by the media.
 One such film was ‘The Eternal Jew’ where they were shown with flowing beard and wearing
Kaftans whereas in reality the Jews were Highly assimilated Community.
 Media showed the Jews as Rodents, Vermin and bought immense hatred and anger among the
40.Who was Pastor Niemoeller?

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