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Student Must Fill this Section
Qualification SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality Management

Student Name:

Student ID: Term: Year:

Privacy Release “I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the auditing,
Clause: assessment validation & moderation Process”.
“I declare that:
Authenticity  The material I have submitted is my own work;
Declaration:  I have given references for all sources of information that are not my
own, including the words, ideas and images of others”.

Student Signature: Date:

Assessment Outcome

Assessor Name:

Not Yet Assessor

Attempt Satisfactory Date
Satisfactory Signature

Initial attempt  

2nd attempt/Re-
assessment  

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M

Information for Student:
 All work is to be entirely of the student.

General Information for this assessment:

 Read the instructions for each question very carefully.

 Be sure to PRINT your FIRST name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
 Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided.
 For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, essay reports, etc. The student must attach
its own work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
 All activities must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of competency.
 If the student doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to interpret the
 Re-submission of assessment after the term will incur additional fees.

Re-assessment of Result & Academic Appeal procedures:

If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade via a written letter, clearly stating the
grounds of appeal to the Chief Executive Officer. This should be submitted after completion of the subject and within fourteen
days of commencement of the new term.

Re-assessment Process:
 An appeal in writing is made to the Academic Manager providing reasons for re-assessment /appeal.
 Academic Manager will delegate another faculty member to review the assessment.
 The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
 If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is formed comprising the
lecturer/trainer in charge and the Academic Manager OR if need be an external assessor.
 The Institute will advise the student within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal. The decision of the panel
will be deemed to be final.
 If the student is still not satisfied with the result, the he / she has the right to seek independent advice or follow external
mediation option with nominated mediation agency.
 Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-enrol in that subject.
The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her judgement based on principles
of assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair, practical and valid.
Academic Appeals:
 If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the re-evaluation process, you have a right to appeal through academic
appeals handling protocol.
 To appeal a decision, the person is required to complete the WSC- Request for Appeal of a Decision form with all
other supporting documents, if any. This form is available via our website. The completed Request for Appeal form is
to be submitted to the Student Support Officer either in hard copy or electronically via the following contact details:
Student Support Officer, Western Sydney College (WSC), 55 High St, Parramatta NSW 2150, Email:
 The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and submitted within seven days of
notification of the outcome of the re-evaluation process.
 If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand and you must re-enrol in the unit.
 In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, you must forward a medical certificate in
support of a deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within three working days of the concluding date
shown on the medical certificate.
 The decision of Chief Executive Officer will be final.
 Student would then have the right to pursue the claim through an independent external body as detailed in the
students’ complaint / grievance policy.

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Comments/Feedback to Students

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Assessment Task 1: Written questions

You are to answer all written questions.


 Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
 Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required).
 Access to current legislation.
 Access to plain English regulatory documents distributed by government regulators.
 Access to codes of practice and standards issues by regulatory authorities
 Sources of specialist legal advice, including:
 Industry associations
 Local, state/territory or commonwealth departments or regulatory agencies.
 Regulatory information and business management manuals issued by industry associations or commercial
 Current commercial policies and procedures used to manage regulatory issues.


 This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class
(where applicable).
 Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.


 Your answers to each question in this task.

 This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.
 You must answer all questions in this task correctly.
 You must answer the questions by typing your answers in Microsoft Word or a similar program – your
assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your completed assessment, submit the file on a
USB drive or hand in a hard copy.

List ten sources of information that can be used to research compliance requirements for operating a business.
Ten sources for data and direction on compliance are listed below:
 regulatory organizations located in states and territories, such safework Australia. In order to comply
with this regulation, businesses must maintain worker safety, create adequate preparations in case of
an emergency, create a plan to routinely test health and safety processes, among other criteria.
 An example of a government agency that falls under the Department of Treasury is the Australian
Taxation Office. Both businesses and individuals must abide by the ATO's guidelines for submitting tax
claims, Pay As You Go (PAYG), Goods and Services Tax (GST), payroll tax, etc.
 The Internet is a source of information, entertainment, education, and business in the modern world.
Because doing otherwise might have negative consequences, internet users should make sure they
have the absolute minimal configuration and resources needed to view the material online. accessing

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the dark Internet, where the majority of stolen identities are transferred, taking part in activities
connected to drugs and pornographic content, etc.
 Accreditation Suppliers have recommendations on the best ways to implement the necessary level of
risk management plans and convince people to take responsibility for how a business, system, or
organization operates. Businesses may be required to provide proof, certifications, and documents to
back up their claims that they conform to a certain standard in order to satisfy these requirements.
 Information about property ownership, the buying and selling process, how settlement dates work, and
other subjects may be provided by legal experts like Conveyance. To meet this requirement, the
consumer must present the required paperwork and prove their eligibility to acquire homes in
 Books and journals are fantastic resources for information on a wide range of topics, but readers
should be careful to follow copyright guidelines when reproducing the material, sharing the book's or
journal's contents without permission, and using conventional referencing methods when ideas are
used elsewhere.
 Every citizen of a country is obligated to uphold the laws of that country. To avoid breaking the law,
businesses must adhere to the Privacy Act's regulations while gathering client information.
 insurance: While persons seeking insurance must follow the criteria of supplying valid identity and an
appropriate payment method, insurance providers must ensure that the relevant information is
delivered in order to claim insurance, seek support, etc.
 diverse domains' subject-matter experts
 Personal encounters, educational initiatives, and resources

a) Name three sources from which you might obtain specialist legal advice when researching legal
compliance requirements for a business.
When looking into a company's legal compliance needs, you might consult the following three sources for
expert legal advice:
1. Organizations in the industry: Industry associations can give knowledge about the industry, such as
how legal changes will affect business operations, and they can also supply the resources needed
to run training and education programs that help to meet industry standards.

2. Discussions with knowledgeable industry professionals: discussions with knowledgeable industry

professionals assist in being current with industry trends, which will be useful for adhering to
industry requirements

3. Attorneys: Attorneys offer effective protection for corporate activities.

b) Give three factors you should take into account when determining whether or not to obtain specialist legal
advice regarding the legal compliance obligations imposed by operating a business.

When determining whether or not to obtain legal advice regarding legal compliance obligations, the
following factors need to be considered:

1. The records of the company: every company is supposed to keep a record of every activity happening in
the organization. This makes sure that things that are supposed to be done are done and highlights what is
required. This also holds everyone accountable for their actions. If the records of the company are not up to
date, they will need legal help in deciding the future course of action.

2. Structure of the company: not all companies follow the same organizational structure. Some are based on
sole proprietorship, some partnerships, etc. the structure of the company also decides whether or not the
company requires legal help.

3. The legislation followed by the company: there are various legislations that make a workplace a fit place to
work at and the products and services fit for consumption. These legislations change in time and according

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to the varying needs. All companies must abide by these legislations. If a company’s legislations are
outdated, they might require legal expertise to update their policies.

Describe three ways managers of a business can ensure their staff have ready access to the current regulatory
policies and procedures they have developed for the business?

Managers can ensure that staff has access to current regularity policies and procedures in the following way:
1. Providing staff with a copy of the policies: if the employees are provided with a copy of the regularity
policies they can refer to it any time that they want to refer to it. The copy can be physical or digital.
2. Keeping a live policy handbook: the legislations are ever-changing and the company needs to change
its policies according to the changing laws. So, all the updates regarding the changed policies can be
adjusted in the live handbook online and the update can be reminded to the employees with e-mails or
push notifications.
3. Checklists: You can strengthen your policies by using checklists. When a technique or practice
specifies a certain order of steps, incorporating a written checklist into the process helps highlight the
importance of completing the entire procedure. Because there are multiple important steps involved,
the termination procedure is a great example of why a checklist is useful.

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Question 4
What are five ways you might organise/provide information updates to staff regarding legal compliance issues?
The following are five methods you might organize or inform personnel about legal compliance issues:
1. through emails
2. through push notifications
3. Through meetings
4. Through live handbooks
5. Through announcements

What are three ways to communicate with regulatory authorities when planning business operations?
The following are three ways to communicate with regulatory authorities when planning business operations:
1. Create a Plan of Action: Building effective connections with regulators requires preparation and
dedication. The secret is to have a sound plan for the bank's management of numerous regulatory
engagements and connections. By doing this, the bank will not only be in the best possible position to succeed
in its dealings with regulators, but will also be ready to handle any potential regulatory problems or risks that
might negatively affect their business operations.
2. Stabilize inspections properly: Each year or quarter, a company-wide calendar listing all scheduled
regulatory tests should be made public, along with regular updates if a schedule is changed. Generally
speaking, banks that make an effort to build these relationships with their regulators are more informed of
upcoming inspections, regulations, and timetable modifications than those that don't. Before an examination,
engagement managers would be advised to work with internal stakeholders to ensure adequate ownership and
distribution of the examination management activities. A pre-examination training can be arranged to acquaint
members of the regulatory team and affected firms.
3. Manage Regulatory Meetings Well: One strategy for maximizing the time and effort spent on regulatory
meetings is to standardize the process as much as possible, from the meeting preparation stage through the
actual interaction and subsequent follow-ups. Another choice is to appoint a coordinator for the engagement to
manage the planning of meetings and other activities. He or she may collaborate closely with other
stakeholders in order to ensure that the organization is effectively prepared for the regulatory engagement. At
the actual meeting, participants will be asked questions regarding their areas of accountability and will be
expected to respond honestly and completely. The engagement coordinator can speak with regulators about
follow-up responsibilities and compile the pertinent information from the meeting.

a) List three actions organisations can take to ensure they maintain required business licences for their

1. keeping renewals up to date and abiding by any extra guidelines or requirements set by organizations.

2. putting up early reminders to notify you of due dates in advance and maintaining a calendar system to
record all renewal dates.

3. hiring a provider to do research, analyze gaps, prepare, and file. These services are often provided on
an as-needed, one-time basis (e.g., when opening a new location or launching a new line).

b) Describe two types of contractors that should be checked for compliance prior to conducting work to avoid
risk to the business.

These are the two different categories of contractors whose compliance should be examined before work is
started to reduce company risk.

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1. Builders: construction work can be sometimes dangerous. Not only can construction workers be injured in
the process of building, but the construction may also not be up to par which can hurt employees and
customers alike in the future and can cause the business future liabilities. This is why builders need to be
checked for compliance prior to work.

2. Cleaners: cleanliness is a basic requirement anywhere. If a place does not have proper hygiene, it can
cause a lot of safety and health issues. This is why cleaners also need to be checked for compliance before

Identify six opportunities that can be used to maintain current regulatory knowledge.
1. monitor regulatory agency's website
2. Follow governmental entities on social media
3. Subscribe to blogs and newsletters
4. build relationships with regulators
5. Join industry associations
6. go to meetings

What are three ways a business might evaluate its operations for non-compliance with legal requirements?
1. Based on your standard, establish KPIs: A vital initial step is identifying the appropriate measurements
to prove your compliance since you cannot measure until you know what you are monitoring. Because there is
no one statistic that can be used to gauge legal compliance, compliance executives usually employ a mix of
measurements. Strong metrics combine quantitative and qualitative data sources, as demonstrated by a
comparison between focus group knowledge retention and compliance training statistics.
2. Monitor Your Compliance Measurements: The logical next step is to track your metrics once you have
determined the ones you will use to assess legal compliance. Organize your data sources, then start tracking
performance against those KPIs. In order to compare like with like, it is crucial to have a single source of truth
for all data and compliance information at this point.
3. Metrics for measuring compliance should be audited: Regularly conduct internal audits—typically once
a year—to evaluate the state of compliance across the organization, encompassing all distinct entities, while
bearing in mind that various nations will have various compliance requirements. Make sure to log and visualize
the data for each metric in any charts and compliance risk assessment plans you are keeping.

Describe three strategic actions a business might take when it identifies it is non-complaint with a legally-
imposed obligation?
1. Check for conformity: Since there is no "one size fits all" approach to compliance, each organization's
needs and challenges must be taken into consideration. This requires a close review of the numerous
compliance challenges that your company is already dealing with. Although the audit should be performed by
an objective third party, few firms have the resources to do so. If not, you may start by leveraging your own
internal resources to identify the important issues.
2. Create a Compliance Officer position: It is crucial to name a compliance officer since someone must be
in charge of the compliance function. Although it frequently is the general counsel, it is not necessary. In fact,
there is a heated argument about whether or not the legal department should oversee compliance. The
compliance officer must have the personnel and tools necessary to carry out their duties effectively. Although it
need not be an empire, it must be suitable considering the scale of the business and the variety of compliance
risks that are now being faced.
3. Bring together internal teams: One common misunderstanding is that the compliance department is
responsible for all aspects of compliance. As you likely already know, many firm departments are in charge of

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different aspects of "compliance." For instance, HR is responsible for complaints of sexual harassment, Legal is
responsible for import/export laws and antitrust regulations, IT security is responsible for data protection and
security training, Internal Audit is responsible for employee theft, and so forth. The compliance department
deals directly with some compliance-related concerns even though it typically acts as the company's
compliance coordinator.

Describe three ways to support and ensure continuous review of plans, policies and procedures to ensure
compliance with regulatory requirements.
1. maintain adherence to changing laws and regulations: Your business is not always in compliance. All of
these continuing procedures, which involve keeping an eye out for changing laws and regulations, entail
monitoring, identifying the areas where it affects your organization, changing policy, and putting that change
into practice. Keep an eye on changes and ascertain the laws and regulations that apply to your company. If
you are prepared for upcoming changes, you do not run the risk of being overloaded when new law starts to be
2. incorporate experts: Particularly small and growing firms run the danger of unintentionally breaching
the law. To prevent this, confirm that the business is transparent in its operations. It is also crucial to contact
professionals or hire consultants to make sure everything is in order. This enables owners and employees to
request assistance as necessary and allows for the verification that operations and procedures are compliant.
3. Ensure that the staff follows the procedures: It is useless if staff do not follow corporate policies.
Employees may not always welcome policy changes, in particular, and they may be hesitant to implement new
practices in their daily work routines. Involving HR in this process is necessary.

What are five functions and general operating procedures of regulatory authorities with relevance to tourism,
hospitality and events industries?
1. protecting the general welfare.
2. Keeping track of compliance with numerous legal and regulatory requirements, as well as obligations
under contracts with the government and users.
3. establishing and monitoring technical, safety, and quality standards.
4. Estimating penalties for infractions.
5. assisting in the resolution of disagreements between parties

What two requirements apply to notification regarding environmental incidents to authorities?

The following two conditions must be met in order for authorities to be notified of environmental incidents:

1. A pollution incident: entails the possibility of a material leak, spill, or escape, or circumstances in which
these events are likely to occur. The phrase "pollution occurrence" is defined in the Dictionary to the Act.

2. Material harm to the environment: The term is defined in Section 147. Both on-site and off-site
environmental harm brought on by a pollution incident is referred to as "material injury."

Explain what is meant by ‘public liability’ for businesses.
public liability is a situation where a business' actions or products hurt a member of the public or their property.

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Explain what is meant by ‘duty of care’ for businesses.
The duty of care is a fiduciary requirement that requires a company's executives and/or directors to behave with
reasonable care and caution and in the best interests of the firm. Directors and executives are liable to the
corporation, not to its shareholders or the broader public, under a fiduciary duty.

What are four things employers are obliged to do under WHS legislation?
1. guaranteeing the crucial supervision, instruction, and training in health and safety
2. ensuring that each employee is informed of their responsibilities
3. providing the necessary tools and safety equipment
4. decision-making that impacts workplace safety should involve the workforce

What are five key practices businesses are prohibited from doing by tax legislation?

1. false or deceitful statements: Businesses must describe their products and services in a precise, sincere,
and reasonable manner. Laws forbid businesses from making false or deceptive claims.
2. refusing to provide purchased goods and services It is against the law for businesses to accept payments
for products or services they do not intend to provide.
3. consumer intimidation and pressure: It is forbidden for a business to physically harm, pressurize, or
otherwise harass clients.
4. Pyramid schemes: It is prohibited to take part in pyramid schemes or to encourage others to do so. To
participate in a pyramid scheme, participants must pay (a participation payment). They will be compensated for
adding new participants to the plan (a recruitment payment).
5. Using referrals: In an effort to increase sales, businesses routinely ask consumers to refer friends. The
legality of these reference offers will depend on the specific situation.

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a) What does ‘Public Liability’ insurance protect a business against?

Public liability insurance covers the cost of public claims made for incidents related to business
activities. Public liability insurance covers the cost of compensating for death, property loss or damage, and
personal harm

b) What does ‘Professional Indemnity’ insurance protect a business against?

Professional indemnity insurance shields you from lawsuits brought by clients or other parties who claim
they suffered loss or injury as a result of your negligent services or advice. You might still be the target of
compensation claims even if you offer a service or advice without charge.

c) What does ‘Product Liability’ insurance protect a business against?

Having product liability insurance can protect your business from claims that a product you created or sold
caused third parties to suffer harm or property damage. While an insurer might offer this protection as a
separate policy, we combine it with your general liability insurance. Without product liability insurance, your
business would have to pay for costly general liability litigation brought about by faulty items.

Under WHS legislation an employer must provide a safe and healthy workplace for workers and contractors:
what are ten primary responsibilities in this regard?
1. make sure that work areas, tools, and equipment are kept in a secure condition.
2. Establish safe working procedures.
3. Provide personnel with information, direction, training, and oversight so they can work safely.
4. Make sure that any potential risks are communicated to employees.
5. Where threats cannot be eliminated, provide safety equipment and tools.
6. collaborate with health and safety officials and other employees.
7. By informing workers about potential hazards at work, you may improve their understanding of safe
work procedures. (The content need not be written; it can be be spoken, exhibited in films, or heard on audio
8. Provide new employees with customized induction training so they may become used to the rules,
procedures, equipment, and supplies of their new workplace and do their tasks safely. More than just seeing
your boss, doing some paperwork, and getting to know your co-workers should be included in the induction
9. It is important to convey information about hazards and measures taken to lessen workplace dangers
(including the use of personal protective equipment where necessary).
10. Provide oversight to ensure that workers are not put in danger. As part of monitoring, there should be
routine checks to make sure that health and safety laws are being observed.

List four responsibilities employees have for participating in WHS practices?
1. respect and adhere to all rules and regulations pertaining to your job, health, and safety (WHS)
2. Wear all appropriate PPE while using equipment, and follow the correct guidelines, instructions, and
3. Neither drugs nor alcohol should be used before or during the working.
4. Review all policies and guidelines thoroughly, paying specific attention to those that could have an
impact on your safety and health.

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What ‘anti-discrimination’ provisions exist under Commonwealth EEO legislation?
This legislation prohibits discrimination on the grounds of, among other things, sexual orientation, gender
identity, and racial or ethnic origin. Additionally, this regulation forbids harassment at the workplace.

By virtue of this statute, the Anti-Discrimination Board is established. Anyone, or someone on their behalf, may
complain to this board if they believe they are the victim of prejudice.

What ‘bullying and harassment’ provisions exist under Commonwealth EEO legislation?
Employers are expected by common law to take reasonable care for the health and safety of their employees in
addition to their additional obligations under federal, state, or territorial work health and safety legislation. A
workplace where there is bullying or harassment (including sexual harassment) may go against the employer's
duty of care to its employees. The requirements and obligations established in each state's and territory's
applicable work health and safety regulations must be understood by employers.

In accordance with the Australian Solicitors' Conduct Rules and the Legal Profession Uniform Conduct
(Barristers) Rules, solicitors and barristers are expected to practice law in accordance with a shared set of
professional requirements and ethical standards.

What six topics are covered under Australian consumer law?
1. product labeling
2. unscrupulous commercial practices
3. price surveillance
4. industry codes
5. Industry regulations apply in the telecommunications, power, gas, and airport industries.
6. mergers and acquisitions

d) Under Australian Consumer Law when is a contract deemed to be unfair?

The following requirements must be met in order for a term to be deemed unfair:

cause a significant disparity between the parties' rights and obligations, not be reasonably needed to
protect the legitimate interests of the party benefitting from the term, and if depended upon, cause a small
business to suffer financially or in another manner (like a delay).

e) What is a ‘consumer contract’?

A consumer contract is a legally binding arrangement between you and the customer for the purchase of
goods, access to digital content, or provision of services (with or without goods).

Contracts may be established orally, in writing, or by actions taken by both parties (known as "silent
contracts"). An illustration of a silent contract is when a customer uses a self-service checkout to pick up
things and pay for them. Even when no words are said, a contract is still in place.

f) What is a ‘standard form contract’?

As with the terms and conditions of an electricity service or a gym membership application form, a standard
form contract is often thought to be a set of identical terms and conditions that are routinely supplied to

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various parties. A complex business lease or a contract for the sale of a corporation, for example, are the
kinds of agreements that are typically the topic of protracted discussions.

g) What are the three categories of employees covered by superannuation guarantee legislation?

1. Full-time employees

2. Part-time employees

3. Casual employees

h) What are the seven basic obligations imposed on employers by superannuation guarantee legislation?

1. Give a range of financial options: Employers must typically allow employees to choose their own
super fund. A new employee at your company has the choice to specify their chosen super fund.
As long as it complies with superannuation law and the employee has given you the necessary
information, you must make the requisite super contributions into that fund. An existing employee
may at any moment disclose their chosen super fund to you. Staff must fill out a Standard Choice
form in both scenarios and submit it back to you soon away.

2. If an employee lacks enthusiasm, search for a stapled fund: Beginning on November 1, 2021, all
eligible Australian employees will be registered by default in their primary superannuation fund.
This suggests that if new hires do not disclose information about a nominated fund, employers
must use the ATO database to find out if they have a stapled fund. As long as the stapled fund
complies with superannuation law, you must make the mandatory super contributions into it.

3. Guaranteed Payment for Superannuation: Super Guarantee (SG) contributions must be made by
all employers on behalf of each qualifying employee. The payment is made straight to each
employee's specified super fund or a default fund acting on their behalf.

4. Never attempt to influence an employee's choice of fund: Unless you have a financial services
license, you are not allowed to provide your employees with any information about a fund other
than factual information or information about the default fund. It is the duty of the employee to get
information on how to join a fund, to collect disclosure papers and product information, and to
ensure that their membership applications are complete.

5. Calculate your income accurately: Since Super Guarantee payments are based on an employee's
income, it is essential that this information be approximated with precision. Regular Ordinary Time
Earnings are subject to a predetermined contribution rate. The base salary of the employee, as
well as any shift loadings, commissions, paid time off, and other perks, are all included in this.

6. Educate the workforce: The Fair Work Act mandates that you include super contribution
information on employee pay stubs. Additionally, within 28 days of a worker's start date of
employment, you must notify them of the default super fund into which their payments will be
placed. On demand, offer salary sacrificing support to employees: Although you are not allowed to
give employees financial advice (unless, of course, you have a Financial Services Licence), you
can do so if they want to raise their superannuation. Salary sacrifice agreements are necessary
between the employer and the employee.

i) What are the ‘cut-off dates’ and ‘payment due dates’ for making superannuation contributions?

Cut-off dates are the last dates when superannuation contributions can be made in order for them, to be
recorded and payment due dates are the dates by which the contributions are supposed to be paid.

j) Under the superannuation guarantee legislation what requirements are imposed regarding the keeping of

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1. Every transaction and other act that an employer conducts or is required to conduct in accordance
with this Act must be recorded in the employer's records.

2. The records must contain all information required to ascertain the employer's specific
superannuation guarantee shortfalls for a given quarter.

3. The records must be kept in writing in the English language, or in such a way that they can be
quickly accessed, converted to writing in the English language, and that makes it simple to
ascertain the employer's legal obligation under this Act.

4. An employer must keep any documents they maintain or buy for this Act's purposes for at least five

k) What are the 10 minimum entitlements of the National Employment Standards (NES)?

1. hours maximum per week

2. requests for flexible working hours

3. requests for and offers of transitioning from temporary to long-term employment

4. family leave and related rights

5. annual leave

6. Family and domestic violence leave without pay, personal or caretaker's leave for community work, and
compassionate leave

7. Long-term impairment

8. Holidays in the Open

9. Two of the ten fundamental rights outlined in the National Employment Standards are redundancy pay

10. termination notice.

l) Under NES what are ‘ordinary hours’ and what is designated as the ‘maximum weekly hours’?

According to NES, ordinary hours any anywhere less than 38 hours a week and maximum weekly hours
are 38 hours exactly.

m) Under NES what is annual leave, who is entitled to it and how much is available?

One of the 10 National Employment Standards is annual leave (NES). Every employee, with the exception
of casual workers, is entitled to at least four weeks of paid vacation per year. In accordance with the
relevant contemporaneous award, agreement, or the Fair Work Act of 2009, shiftworkers may be entitled to
supplementary leave.

n) How much ‘community service leave’ is available under NES, who is it available to and under what

Employees, including those hired on a temporary basis, are allowed to utilize their paid time off to fulfill
civic duties like jury duty or voluntary emergency management activities. There is no time limit on how
much of an employee's time can be used for volunteering.

Under the Fair Work Act 2009 what is the role of the Fair Work Commission and the Fair Work Ombudsman?

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M

The Commission is the official name of the independent national workplace relations tribunal. In addition to
maintaining a safety net of minimum wages and working conditions, it is responsible for a range of extra
workplace responsibilities and laws.

The Fair Work Ombudsman is responsible for enforcing compliance with the Fair Work Act of 2009, related
legislation, awards, and registered agreements. They help businesses and employees by providing direction,
knowledge, and assistance on pay scales, employment rights, and responsibilities.

What are the key elements of the workplace relations framework under the Fair Work Act 2009?
1. utilizing the National Employment Standards, contemporary awards, and national minimum wage
orders to offer a safety net of reasonable, applicable, and enforceable minimum terms and conditions.
2. ensuring that workplace relations rules serve as a reliable safety net and are fair to working
Australians, flexible for companies, and supportive of productivity and economic growth for Australia's long-term
3. providing flexible working arrangements to enable people to juggle work and family commitments
4. It is possible to promote fairness, representation, and the prevention of discrimination at work by
recognizing the rights to freedom of association and the right to be represented, protecting against unfair
treatment and discrimination, providing accessible and effective procedures to resolve grievances and disputes,
and providing effective compliance mechanisms.
5. improving enterprise-level collective bargaining backed by transparent agreements to negotiate in good
faith and clear rules for industrial action to promote fairness and productivity
6. acknowledging the particular challenges faced by small and medium-sized businesses

o) What is ‘Workers Compensation’ and what does it cover?

Employees who are harmed on the job or get ill as a direct result of their work are provided with financial
assistance and/or medical care through workers' compensation insurance. Workers' compensation
provides financial assistance for medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs for employees who
get ill or injured "in the course and scope" of their employment. It also offers death benefits to the families
of workers who pass away while on the job.

p) What are the names of the workers’ compensation regulator in each state/territory?

1) Australian Capital Territory: WorkSafe ACT

2) New South Wales: State Insurance Regulatory Authority (NSW)

3) Northern Territory: NT WorkSafe

4) Norfolk Island: Norfolk Island Workers Compensation Agency

5) Queensland: WorkCover Queensland

6) South Australia: ReturnToWork SA

7) Tasmania: WorkCover Tasmania

8) Victoria: WorkSafe Victoria

9) Western Australia: WorkCover WA

Where can you access information about land management and protecting neighbouring residents?

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M

A landowner or developer may request through the Local Court an order granting access to adjacent or
adjacent land for work that includes "carrying out of construction, repair, maintenance, improvement,
decoration, alteration, adjustment, renewal or demolition of buildings and other structures" under the ANL Act
(including airspace).
An access order can only be obtained when the applicant has made a good faith effort to obtain the necessary
permission(s) to enter the land and, barring waiver, has given the landowner at least 21 days' notice before
submitting the application. The applicant must then satisfy the Court that access is required for the specified
purpose and that access is reasonable under all the circumstances.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to all questions 

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Yes No Comments

Did the student answer all written questions correctly?

(Please note which questions were answered
incorrectly, if applicable.)

If ‘no’ to the above, did you identify gaps in the

student’s understanding and knowledge?

If ‘yes’ to the above, what arrangements have been

made for reassessment?

Please add any feedback to the student about this task on the Assessment Cover Sheet. Keep a
copy of the completed Assessment Task Cover Sheet.

Please note any reasonable adjustments for this task below.

Assessment Task 1
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name: signature:

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M

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