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Functions of the organelles of an animal cell.

 The cell membrane is a double-layered membrane made up of phospholipids that surrounds the
entire cell. The membrane is selectively permeable and allows only certain molecules to pass through.
 Cytosol is the fluid present within a cell that is made up of water and ions such as potassium, proteins
and small molecules.
 Cytoskeleton is the network of tubules and filaments found throughout the cytoplasm. It provides
proper shape to the cell and plays a role in cell signalling.
 The nucleus contains the genetic material DNA located in the nucleolus region of the nucleus. The
nucleus is separated from the rest of the cell by a nuclear membrane. It also regulated the growth and
division of cells.
 Ribosomes are found freely in the cytoplasm of the cell or attached to the membranes of endoplasmic
reticulum. They help in the synthesis of proteins.
 The endoplasmic membrane consists of a network of membranous sacs called cisternae that
branches off from the nuclear membrane. It is of two types, rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth
endoplasmic reticulum. It helps in transporting proteins synthesised by the ribosomes.
 The vesicles help in transporting molecules from one organelle to another.
 Golgi apparatus receives proteins from endoplasmic reticulum and packages them into vesicles.
 Mitochondria is also known as the “powerhouse of the cell”. The process of cellular respiration occurs
here during which energy is released in the form of ATP.

The Organ system of the body

Organ system
 Skin
 Barrier to invading organisms and chemicals
Integumentary  Hair
 Temperature control
 Subcutaneous tissue

 Supports and moves body  Bones

 Protects internal organs  Cartilage
Skeletal  Mineral storage  Ligaments
 Blood formation  Bone marrow

 Locomotion  Muscles
Muscular  Heat production  Tendons

 Brain
 Spinal cord
 Coordinates activities of other organ systems
 Nerves
Nervous  Responds to sensations
 Eyes
 Ears

Endocrine  Regulates body functions by chemicals (hormones)  Pituitary gland

 Parathyroid gland
 Thyroid gland
 Adrenal gland
 Thymus
 Pancreas
 Gonads

 Heart
 Transports oxygen and nutrients to tissues
 Blood
Cardiovascular  Removes waste products
 Blood vessels

 Spleen
 Returns tissue fluid to blood  Lymph nodes
Lymphatic  Defends against foreign organisms  Thymus
 Lymphatic vessels

 Lungs
 Trachea
 Oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange  Larynx
 Nasal cavities
 Pharynx

 Stomach
 Intestinal tract
 Processes foods  Liver
Digestive  Absorption of nutrients into body  Pancreas
 Esophagus
 Salivary glands

 Kidneys
 Elimination of wastes
 Urinary bladder
Urinary  Regulates pH and volume of blood
 Urethra

 Ovaries
 Uterus
 Produces germ cells (eggs and sperm)  Mammary glands
Reproductive  Environment for growth of fetus (female)  Testes
 Prostate gland
 External genitalia

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