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From the first to the last lesson, I have learned a lot about communication and its role in

different aspects. One thing that I still remember from the first lesson is; communicating
effectively sounds so simple: say what you mean, but all too often, what you try to
communicate gets lost in translation despite your best intentions.

Aside from that, I learned that communication is regarded as the fundamental concept
in building and reinforcing all relationships and terms. In one's life, we individuals need
to communicate with each other in an efficient manner to enrich one’s lives. When the
communication processes are not effective, it arouses displeasure and discontent
among individuals. I also discovered that communication comes in different forms,
including verbal communication, nonverbal communication, written communication, and
visual communication. Furthermore, in order to be a competent communicator, I must
overcome prejudices that might be communicated through my verbal and nonverbal

I will apply all of these lessons in my future career by simply doing everything I need to
do to be a good communicator and using all of the complimentary disciplines and strong
business elements for success.

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