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Introduction to Microbiology

DISEASES Koch’s Postulates
WHY STUDY MICROBIOLOGY? Anton van Leeuwenhoek Medical and Clinical Microbiology


AFTER STUDYING THIS CHAPTER, YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO: The study of microbiology is Microbiology is the
essentially an advanced biol- study of microbes.
• Define microbiology, pathogen, nonpathogen, and op-
ogy course. Ideally, students Individual microbes
portunistic pathogen
taking microbiology will have can be observed only
• Differentiate between acellular microbes and microor-
some background in biology. with the use of various
ganisms and list several examples of each
Although biology is the study of types of microscopes.
• List several reasons why microbes are important (e.g., as
living organisms (from bios, re-
a source of antibiotics)
ferring to living organisms, and logy, meaning “the study
• Explain the relationship between microbes and infec-
of”), microbiology includes the study of certain nonliving
tious diseases
entities as well as certain living organisms. Collectively,
• Differentiate between infectious diseases and microbial
these nonliving entities and living organisms are called mi-
crobes. Micro means very small—anything so small that it
• Outline some of the contributions of Leeuwenhoek,
must be viewed with a microscope (an optical instrument
Pasteur, and Koch to microbiology
used to observe very small objects). Therefore, microbiol-
• Differentiate between biogenesis and abiogenesis
ogy can be defined as the study of microbes. Individual mi-
• Explain the germ theory of disease
crobes can be observed only with the use of various types of
• Outline Koch’s Postulates and cite some circumstances in
microscopes. Microbes are said to be ubiquitous, meaning
which they may not apply
they are virtually everywhere. The two major
• Discuss two medically related fields of microbiology
The various categories of categories of microbes
microbes include viruses, bacte- are called acellular
INTRODUCTION ria, archaea, protozoa, and cer- microbes (also called
tain types of algae and fungi infectious particles) and
Welcome to the fascinating world of microbiology, (Fig. 1-1). These categories of cellular microbes (also
where you will learn about creatures so small that they microbes are discussed in detail called microorganisms).
cannot be seen with the naked eye. In this chapter, you in Chapters 4 and 5. Because Acellular microbes
will discover the effects that these tiny creatures have on most scientists do not consider include viruses and
our daily lives and the environment around us, and why viruses to be living organisms, prions. Cellular microbes
knowledge of them is of great importance to healthcare they are often referred to as include all bacteria, all
professionals. You will learn that some of them are our “acellular microbes” or “infec- archaea, some algae, all
friends, whereas others are our enemies. You are about to tious particles” rather than protozoa, and some
embark on an exciting journey. Enjoy the adventure! microorganisms. fungi.
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2 SECTION I ■ Introduction to Microbiology

as the total number of cells (i.e., epithelial cells, nerve

Microbes cells, muscle cells, etc.) that make up our bodies (10
trillion cells ! 10 " 100 trillion microbes). It has
been estimated that perhaps as many as 500 to 1,000
different species of microbes live on and in us.
Acellular Infectious Agents
Cellular Collectively, these microbes are known as our indige-
Viruses nous microflora (or indigenous microbiota) and, for
the most part, they are of benefit to us. For example,
the indigenous microflora inhibit the growth of
pathogens in those areas of the body where they live
Procaryotes Eucaryotes
Archaea Algae by occupying space, depleting the food supply, and
Bacteria Fungi secreting materials (waste products, toxins, antibi-
otics, etc.) that may prevent or reduce the growth of
pathogens. Indigenous microflora are discussed more
FIGURE 1-1. Acellular and cellular microbes. fully in Chapter 10.
Acellular microbes (also known as infectious particles) • Some of the microbes that Opportunistic pathogens
include prions and viruses. Cellular microbes include the colonize (inhabit) our bodies do not cause disease
less complex procaryotes (organisms composed of cells are known as opportunistic under ordinary
that lack a true nucleus, such as archaea and bacteria) pathogens (or opportunists). conditions, but have
and the more complex eucaryotes (organisms composed of Although these microbes the potential to cause
cells that contain a true nucleus, such as algae, protozoa, usually do not cause us any disease should the
and fungi). Procaryotes and eucaryotes are discussed problems, they have the po- opportunity present
more fully in Chapter 3. tential to cause infections if itself.
they gain access to a part of
our anatomy where they do not belong. For example,
Your first introduction to Microbes that cause
microbes may have been when disease are known as
your mother warned you about pathogens. Those that
“germs” (Fig. 1-2). Although do not cause disease are Don’t touch that
filthy thing.
not a scientific term, germs are called nonpathogens.
It’s covered
the microbes that cause disease. with germs.
Your mother worried that you might become infected
with these types of microbes. Disease-causing microor-
ganisms are technically known as pathogens (also re-
ferred to as infectious agents) (Table 1-1). Actually, only
about 3% of known microbes are capable of causing
disease (i.e., only about 3% are pathogenic). Thus, the
vast majority of known microbes are nonpathogens—
microbes that do not cause disease. Some nonpathogens
are beneficial to us, whereas others have no effect on us at
all. In newspapers and on television, we read and hear
more about pathogens than we do about nonpathogens,
but in this book you will learn about both categories—the
microbes that help us (“microbial allies”) and those that
harm us (“microbial enemies”).


Although they are very small, microbes play significant
roles in our lives. Listed below are a few of the many rea-
sons to take a microbiology course and to learn about
• We have, living on and in The microbes that live FIGURE 1-2. “Germs.” In all likelihood, your mother
our bodies (e.g., on our skin on and in the human was your first microbiology instructor. Not only did she
and in our mouths and intes- body are referred to as alert you to the fact that there were “invisible” critters in
tinal tract), approximately our indigenous the world that could harm you, she also taught you the
10 times as many microbes microflora. fundamentals of hygiene—like handwashing.
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CHAPTER 1 ■ Microbiology—The Science 3

TABLE 1-1 Pathogens


Algae A very rare cause of infections; intoxications (which result from ingestion of toxins)
Bacteria Anthrax, botulism, cholera, diarrhea, diphtheria, ear and eye infections, food poisoning, gas gangrene, gonor-
rhea, hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), intoxications, Legionnaires’ disease, leprosy, Lyme disease, meningi-
tis, plague, pneumonia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, scarlet fever, staph infections, strep throat, syphilis,
tetanus, tuberculosis, tularemia, typhoid fever, typhus, urethritis, urinary tract infections, whooping cough
Fungi Allergies, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, intoxications, meningitis, pneumonia, thrush, tinea (ringworm)
infections, yeast vaginitis
Protozoa African sleeping sickness, amebic dysentery, babesiosis, Chagas’ disease, cryptosporidiosis, diarrhea, giar-
diasis, malaria, meningoencephalitis, pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, trichomoniasis
Viruses Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), “bird flu,” certain types of cancer, chickenpox, cold sores
(fever blisters), common cold, dengue, diarrhea, encephalitis, genital herpes infections, German measles,
hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), hemorrhagic fevers, hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis, influenza,
measles, meningitis, monkeypox, mumps, pneumonia, polio, rabies, severe acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS), shingles, smallpox, warts, yellow fever

a bacterium called Escherichia coli (E. coli) lives in our that require oxygen—humans, for example—owe a
intestinal tracts. This organism does not cause us any debt of gratitude to the algae and cyanobacteria (a
harm as long as it remains in our intestinal tract but group of photosynthetic bacteria) that produce oxygen.
can cause disease if it gains access to our urinary blad- • Many microbes are involved in the decomposition of
der, bloodstream, or a wound. Other opportunistic dead organisms and the waste products of living or-
pathogens strike when a person becomes run-down, ganisms. Collectively, they are referred to as decom-
stressed-out, or debilitated (weakened) as a result posers or saprophytes. By definition, a saprophyte is
of some disease or condition. Thus, opportunistic an organism that lives on dead or decaying organic
pathogens can be thought of as microbes awaiting the matter. Imagine living in a world with no decom-
opportunity to cause disease. posers. Not a pleasant thought! Saprophytes aid in
• Microbes are essential for life on this planet as we fertilization by returning inorganic nutrients to the
know it. For example, some microbes produce oxygen soil. They break down dead and dying organic mate-
by the process known as photosynthesis (discussed in rials (plants and animals) into nitrates, phosphates,
Chapter 7). Actually, microbes contribute more oxygen and other chemicals necessary for the growth of
to our atmosphere than do plants. Thus, organisms plants (Fig. 1-3).

organic material

Nitrates Ammonia
Phosphates Carbon dioxide
Sulfates Water and other chemicals

FIGURE 1-3. Saprophytes. Saprophytes break down dead and decaying organic material into
inorganic nutrients in the soil.
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4 SECTION I ■ Introduction to Microbiology

Nitrogen gas in the air


Nitrogen returns
to air

Nitrogen- Nitrates to replenish

fixing the soil nutrients

FIGURE 1-4. Nitrogen fixation. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria that live on or near the roots of
legumes convert free nitrogen from the air into ammonia in the soil. Nitrifying bacteria then
convert the ammonia into nitrites and nitrates, which are nutrients used by plants.

• Some microbes are capable of decomposing industrial point of many food chains. Tiny marine plants and
wastes (oil spills, for example). Thus, we can use mi- algae are called phytoplankton, whereas tiny marine
crobes—genetically engineered microbes, in some animals are called zooplankton.
cases—to clean up after ourselves. The use of microbes • Some microbes live in the intestinal tracts of animals,
in this manner is called bioremediation, a topic dis- where they aid in the digestion of food and, in some
cussed in more detail in Chapter 10. Genetic engi- cases, produce substances that are of value to the host
neering is discussed briefly in a following section and animal. For example, the E. coli bacteria that live in the
more fully in Chapter 7. human intestinal tract produce vitamins K and B1,
• Many microbes are involved in elemental cycles, such which are absorbed and used by the human body.
as the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and phospho- Although termites eat wood, they cannot digest wood.
rous cycles. In the nitrogen cycle, certain bacteria con- Fortunately for them, termites have cellulose-eating
vert nitrogen gas in the air to ammonia in the soil. protozoa in their intestinal tracts that break down the
Other soil bacteria then convert the ammonia to ni- wood that the termites consume into smaller molecules
trites and nitrates. Still other bacteria convert the nitro- that the termites can use as nutrients.
gen in nitrates to nitrogen gas, thus completing the
cycle (Fig. 1-4). Knowledge of these microbes is impor-
tant to farmers who practice crop rotation to replenish
nutrients in their fields and to gardeners who keep
compost pits as a source of natural fertilizer. In both
cases, dead organic material is broken down into inor-
ganic nutrients (e.g., nitrates and phosphates) by mi-
crobes. The study of the relationships between
microbes and the environment is called microbial
ecology. Microbial ecology and the nitrogen cycle are FIGURE 1-5. Food chain. Tiny living organisms such as
discussed more fully in Chapter 10. bacteria, algae, microscopic aquatic plants (e.g., phyto-
• Algae and bacteria serve as food for tiny animals. Then, plankton), and microscopic aquatic animals (e.g., zoo-
larger animals eat the smaller creatures, and so on. plankton) are eaten by larger animals, which in turn are
Thus, microbes serve as important links in food chains eaten by still larger animals, etc., until an animal in the
(Fig. 1-5). Microscopic organisms in the ocean, collec- chain is consumed by a human. Humans are at the top of
tively referred to as plankton, serve as the starting the food chain.
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CHAPTER 1 ■ Microbiology—The Science 5

Products Requiring Microbial Participation

in the Manufacturing Process
Foods Acidophilus milk, bread, butter, buttermilk, chocolate, coffee,
cottage cheese, cream cheese, fish sauces, green olives, kimchi
(from cabbage), meat products (e.g., country-cured hams,
sausage, salami), pickles, poi (fermented taro root), sauerkraut,
sour cream, sourdough bread, soy sauce, various cheeses (e.g.,
cheddar, Swiss, Limburger, Camembert, Roquefort and other blue
cheeses), vinegar, yogurt
Alcoholic beverages Ale, beer, brandy, sake (rice wine), rum, sherry, vodka, whiskey, wine
Chemicals Acetic acid, acetone, butanol, citric acid, ethanol, formic acid,
glycerol, isopropanol, lactic acid
Antibiotics Amphotericin B, bacitracin, cephalosporins, chloramphenicol, cy-
cloheximide, cycloserine, erythromycin, griseofulvin, kanamycin,
lincomycin, neomycin, novobiocin, nystatin, penicillin, polymyxin
B, streptomycin, tetracycline

• Many microbes are essential in various food and bever- about the composition and inner workings of cells, in-
age industries, whereas others are used to produce cluding human cells.
certain enzymes and chemicals (Table 1-2). The use • Finally, we come to diseases. Pathogens cause two
of living organisms or their derivatives to make or Microbes cause two cate- major types of diseases:
modify useful products or processes is called biotech- gories of diseases: infectious infectious diseases and
nology, an exciting and timely topic that is discussed diseases and microbial intox- microbial intoxications.
more fully in Chapter 10. ications (Fig. 1-6). An infec-
• Some bacteria and fungi produce antibiotics that are tious disease results when a pathogen colonizes the
used to treat patients with infectious diseases. By defi- body and subsequently causes disease. A microbial
nition, an antibiotic is a substance produced by a mi- intoxication results when a person ingests a toxin (poi-
crobe that is effective in killing or inhibiting the sonous substance) that has been produced by a mi-
growth of other microbes. The use of microbes in the crobe. Of the two categories, infectious diseases cause
antibiotic industry is an example of biotechnology. far more illnesses and deaths. Infectious diseases are the
Production of antibiotics by microbes is discussed in
Chapter 9.
• Microbes are essential in the field of genetic engineer-
ing. In genetic engineering, a gene or genes from one Infectious Disease Microbial Intoxication
organism (e.g., from a bacterium, a human, an animal, A pathogen colonizes A pathogen produces
or a plant) is/are inserted into a bacterial or yeast cell. a person’s body. a toxin in vitro.
Because a gene contains the instructions for the pro-
duction of a gene product (usually a protein), the cell
that receives a new gene can now produce whatever
The pathogen A person ingests the toxin.
product is coded for by that gene; so too can all of the causes a disease. The toxin causes a disease.
cells that arise from the original cell. Microbiologists
have engineered bacteria and yeasts to produce a vari-
ety of useful substances, such as insulin, various types
of growth hormones, interferons, and materials for use This type of disease is known
as an infectious disease.
This type of disease is known
as a microbial intoxication.
as vaccines. Genetic engineering is discussed more
fully in Chapter 7.
• For many years, microbes have been used as “cell mod- FIGURE 1-6. The two categories of diseases caused
els.” The more that scientists learned about the struc- by pathogens. Infectious diseases result when a
ture and functions of microbial cells, the more they pathogen colonizes (inhabits) the body and subsequently
learned about cells in general. The intestinal bacterium causes disease. Microbial intoxications result when a per-
E. coli is one of the most studied of all microbes. By son ingests a toxin (poisonous substance) that has been
studying E. coli, scientists have learned a great deal produced by a pathogen in vitro (outside the body).
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6 SECTION I ■ Introduction to Microbiology

leading cause of death in the world and the third lead- inhabited the planet. We know that human pathogens
ing cause of death in the United States (after heart dis- have existed for thousands of years because damage
ease and cancer). Worldwide, infectious diseases cause caused by them has been observed in the bones and inter-
about 50,000 deaths per day, with the majority of nal organs of mummies and early human fossils. By
deaths occuring in developing countries. Anyone pur- studying mummies, scientists have learned that bacterial
suing a career in a healthcare profession must be aware diseases, such as tuberculosis and syphilis, and parasitic
of infectious diseases, the pathogens that cause them, worm infections, such as schistosomiasis, dracunculiasis
the sources of the pathogens, how these diseases are (guinea worm infection), and tapeworm infections, have
transmitted, and how to protect yourself and your been around for a very long time.
patients from these diseases. Physicians’ assistants, The earliest known account of a “pestilence” oc-
nurses, surgical technologists, dental assistants, labora- curred in Egypt about 3180 BC. This may represent the
tory technologists, respiratory therapists, orderlies, first recorded epidemic, although words like pestilence and
nurses’ aides, and all others who are associated with pa- plague were used without definition in early writings.
tients and patient care must take precautions to prevent Around 1900 BC, near the end of the Trojan War, the
the spread of pathogens. Harmful microbes may be Greek army was decimated by an epidemic of what is
transferred from health workers to patients; from pa- thought to have been bubonic plague. The Ebers pa-
tient to patient; from contaminated mechanical devices, pyrus, describing epidemic fevers, was discovered in a
instruments, and syringes to patients; from contami- tomb in Thebes, Egypt; it was written around 1500 BC. A
nated bedding, clothes, dishes, and food to patients; disease thought to be smallpox occurred in China around
and from patients to healthcare workers, hospital visi- 1122 BC. Epidemics of plague occurred in Rome in 790,
tors, and other susceptible persons. To limit the spread 710, and 640 BC and in Greece around 430 BC.
of pathogens, sterile, aseptic, and antiseptic techniques In addition to the diseases already mentioned, there
(discussed in Chapter 12) are used everywhere in hos- are early accounts of rabies, anthrax, dysentery, smallpox,
pitals, nursing homes, operating rooms, and laborato- ergotism, botulism, measles, typhoid fever, typhus fever,
ries. In addition, the bioterrorist activities of recent diphtheria, and syphilis. The syphilis story is quite inter-
years serve to remind us that everyone should have an esting. It made its first appearance in Europe in 1493.
understanding of the agents (pathogens) that are in- Many people believe that syphilis was carried to Europe
volved and how to protect ourselves from becoming in- by Native Americans who were brought to Portugal by
fected. Bioterrorist and biological warfare agents are Christopher Columbus. The French called syphilis the
discussed in Chapter 11. Additional information about Neapolitan disease; the Italians called it the French or
microbial intoxications can be found in CD-ROM Spanish disease; and the English called it the French pox.
Appendix 1 (“Microbial Intoxications”). Other names for syphilis were Spanish, German, Polish,
and Turkish pocks. The name “syphilis” was not given to
FIRST MICROORGANISMS the disease until 1530.
Perhaps you have wondered how long microbes have ex- OF MICROBIOLOGY
isted on Earth. Scientists tell us that the Earth was formed
about 4.5 billion years ago and, for the first 800 million to Bacteria and protozoa were the first microbes to be ob-
1 billion years of Earth’s existence, there was no life on this served by humans. It then took about 200 years before a
planet. Fossils of primitive microbes (as many as 11 differ- connection was established between microbes and infec-
ent types) found in ancient rock formations in northwest- tious diseases. Among the most significant events in the
ern Australia date back to about 3.5 billion years ago. By early history of microbiology were the development of
comparison, animals and humans are relative newcomers. microscopes, bacterial staining procedures, techniques
Animals made their appearance on Earth between 900 and that enabled microorganisms to be cultured (grown) in
650 million years ago (there is some disagreement in the the laboratory, and steps that could be taken to prove
scientific community about the exact date), and, in their that specific microbes were responsible for causing spe-
present form, humans (Homo sapiens) have existed for only cific infectious diseases. During the past 400 years, many
the past 100,000 years or so. Candidates for the first mi- individuals contributed to our present understanding of
crobes on Earth are archaea and cyanobacteria; these types microbes. Three early microbiologists are discussed in
of microbes are discussed in Chapter 4. this chapter; others are discussed at appropriate points
throughout the book.
DISEASES Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723)
Because Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to
In all likelihood, infectious diseases of humans and ani- see live bacteria and protozoa, he is sometimes referred
mals have existed for as long as humans and animals have to as the “Father of Microbiology,” the “Father of
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CHAPTER 1 ■ Microbiology—The Science 7

ined scrapings from his teeth, water from ditches and

ponds, water in which he had soaked peppercorns, blood,
sperm, and even his own diarrheal stools. In many of
these specimens, he observed various tiny living crea-
tures, which he called “animalcules.” Leeuwenhoek
recorded his observations in the form of letters, which he
sent to the Royal Society of London. The following pas-
sage is an excerpt from one of those letters (Milestones in
Microbiology, edited by Thomas Brock. American Society
for Microbiology, Washington, DC, 1961):

Tho my teeth are kept usually very clean, neverthe-

less when I view them in a Magnifying Glass, I find
growing between them a little white matter as thick
as wetted flower . . . I therefore took some of this
flower and mixt it . . . with pure rain water wherein
were no Animals . . . and then to my great surprize
perceived that the aforesaid matter contained very
many small living Animals, which moved them-
selves very extravagantly . . . The number of these
Animals in the scurf of a mans Teeth, are so many
that I believe they exceed the number of Men in a
kingdom. For upon the examination of a small par-
cel of it, no thicker than a Horse-hair, I found too
FIGURE 1-7. Portrait of Anton van Leeuwenhoek by many living Animals therein, that I guess there
Jan Verkolje. (Courtesy of en.wikipedia.org) might have been 1000 in a quantity of matter no
bigger than the 1/100 part of a sand.

Bacteriology,” and the “Father of Protozoology”.a Leeuwenhoek’s letters finally convinced scientists of
Interestingly, Leeuwenhoek was not a trained scientist. the late 17th century of the existence of microbes.
At various times in his life, he was a fabric merchant, a Leeuwenhoek never speculated on their origin, nor did
surveyor, a wine assayer, and a minor city official in he associate them with the cause of disease. Such rela-
Delft, Holland. As a hobby, he ground tiny glass lenses, tionships were not established until the work of Louis
which he mounted in small metal frames, thus creating Pasteur and Robert Koch in the late 19th century.
what today are known as single-lens microscopes or The following quote is from Paul de Kruif’s book,
simple microscopes. During his lifetime, he made more Microbe Hunters, Harcourt Brace, 1926:
than 500 of these microscopes. Leeuwenhoek’s fine art of
grinding lenses that would magnify an object to 200 to [Leeuwenhoek] had stolen and peeped into a fantas-
300 times its size was lost at his death because he had not tic sub-visible world of little things, creatures that
taught this skill to anyone during his lifetime. In one of had lived, had bred, had battled, had died, com-
the hundreds of letters that he sent to the Royal Society pletely hidden from and unknown to all men from
of London, he wrote: the beginning of time. Beasts these were of a kind
that ravaged and annihilated whole races of men ten
My method for seeing the very smallest animalcules million times larger than they were themselves.
I do not impart to others; nor how to see very many Beings these were, more terrible than fire-spitting
animalcules at one time. This I keep for myself dragons or hydra-headed monsters. They were
alone. silent assassins that murdered babes in warm cradles
and kings in sheltered places. It was this invisible,
Apparently, Leeuwenhoek had an unquenchable cu- insignificant, but implacable—and sometimes
riosity, as he used his microscopes to examine almost friendly—world that Leeuwenhoek had looked into
anything he could get his hands on (Fig. 1-7). He exam- for the first time of all men of all countries.

Once scientists became convinced of the existence of

Although Leeuwenhoek was probably the first person to see live pro- tiny creatures that could not be observed with the naked
tozoa, he may not have been the first person to observe protozoa. Many
scholars believe that Robert Hooke (1635-1703), an English physician,
eye, they began to speculate on their origin. On the basis
was the first person to observe and describe microbes, including a fos- of observation, many of the scientists of that time believed
silized protozoan and two species of live microfungi. that life could develop spontaneously from inanimate
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8 SECTION I ■ Introduction to Microbiology

substances, such as decaying corpses, soil, and swamp discovered what occurs during alcoholic fermentation
gases. The idea that life can arise spontaneously from (discussed in Chapter 7). He also demonstrated that
nonliving material is called the theory of spontaneous different types of microbes produce different fermen-
generation or abiogenesis. For more than 2 centuries, tation products. For example, yeasts convert the
from 1650 to 1850, this theory was debated and tested. glucose in grapes to ethyl alcohol (ethanol) by fermen-
Following the work of others, Louis Pasteur (discussed tation, but certain contaminating bacteria, such as
later) and John Tyndall (discussed in Chapter 3) finally Acetobacter, convert glucose to acetic acid (vinegar) by
disproved the theory of spontaneous generation and fermentation, thus, ruining the taste of the wine.
proved that life can only arise from preexisting life. This • Through his experiments, Pasteur dealt the fatal blow
is called the theory of biogenesis, first proposed by a to the theory of spontaneous generation.
German scientist named Rudolf Virchow in 1858. Note • Pasteur discovered forms of life that could exist in the
that the theory of biogenesis does not speculate on the absence of oxygen. He introduced the terms “aerobes”
origin of life, a subject that has been discussed and debated (organisms that require oxygen) and “anaerobes” (or-
for hundreds of years. ganisms that do not require oxygen).
• Pasteur developed a process (today known as pasteur-
Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) ization) to kill microbes that were causing wine to
Louis Pasteur (Fig. 1-8), a French chemist, made spoil—an economic concern to France’s wine industry.
numerous contributions to the newly emerging field Pasteurization can be used to kill pathogens in many
of microbiology and, in fact, his contributions are con- types of liquids. Pasteur’s process involved heating
sidered by many people to be the foundation of the sci- wine to 55°Cb and holding it at that temperature for
ence of microbiology and a cornerstone of modern several minutes. Today, pasteurization is accomplished
medicine. Listed below are some of his most significant by heating liquids to 63° to 65°C for 30 minutes or to
contributions: 73° to 75°C for 15 seconds. It should be noted that pas-
teurization does not kill all of the microbes in liquids—
• While attempting to discover why wine becomes
just the pathogens.
contaminated with undesirable substances, Pasteur
• Pasteur discovered the infectious agents that caused
the silkworm diseases that were crippling the silk in-
dustry in France. He also discovered how to prevent
such diseases.
• Pasteur made significant contributions to the germ
theory of disease—the theory that specific microbes
cause specific infectious diseases. For example, anthrax
is caused by a specific bacterium (Bacillus anthracis),
whereas tuberculosis is caused by a different bacterium
(Mycobacterium tuberculosis).
• Pasteur championed changes in hospital practices to
minimize the spread of disease by pathogens.
• Pasteur developed vaccines to prevent chicken cholera,
anthrax, and swine erysipelas (a skin disease). It was
the development of these vaccines that made him fa-
mous in France. Before the vaccines, these diseases
were decimating chickens, sheep, cattle, and pigs in
that country—a serious economic problem.
• Pasteur developed a vaccine to prevent rabies in dogs
and successfully used the vaccine to treat human rabies.
To honor Pasteur and continue his work, especially
in the development of a rabies vaccine, the Pasteur
Institute was created in Paris in 1888. It became a clinic
for rabies treatment, a research center for infectious dis-
eases, and a teaching center. Many scientists who studied
under Pasteur went on to make important discoveries of

FIGURE 1-8. Pasteur in his laboratory. A 1925 wood b

“C” is an abbreviation for Celsius. Although Celsius is also referred to
engraving by Timothy Cole. (From Zigrosser C. Medicine and as centigrade, Celsius is preferred. Formulas for converting Celsius to
the Artist [Ars Medica]. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., Fahrenheit and vice versa can be found in Appendix C (“Useful
1970. By permission of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.) Conversions”).
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CHAPTER 1 ■ Microbiology—The Science 9

An Ethical Dilemma for Louis Pasteur
In July 1885, while he was developing a vaccine that
would prevent rabies in dogs, Louis Pasteur faced an
ethical decision. A 9-year-old boy, named Joseph
Meister, had been bitten 14 times on the legs and
hands by a rabid dog. At the time, it was assumed that
virtually anyone who was bitten by a rabid animal
would die. Meister’s mother begged Pasteur to use
his vaccine to save her son. Pasteur was a chemist,
not a physician, and thus was not authorized to treat
humans. Also, his experimental vaccine had never
been administered to a human being. Nonetheless,
2 days after the boy had been bitten, Pasteur injected
Meister with the vaccine in an attempt to save the
boy’s life. The boy survived, and Pasteur realized
that he had developed a rabies vaccine that could be
administered to a person after they had been infected
with rabies virus.

their own and create a vast international network of

Pasteur Institutes. The first of the foreign institutes was
founded in Saigon, Vietnam, which today is known as
Ho Chi Minh City. One of the directors of that institute
was Alexandre Emile Jean Yersin—a former student of
Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur—who, in 1894, discov-
ered the bacterium that causes plague. FIGURE 1-9. Robert Koch. (Courtesy of
Robert Koch (1843–1910)
Robert Koch (Fig. 1-9), a German physician, made nu-
merous contributions to the science of microbiology. one type of organism is growing on a solid culture
Some of them are listed here: medium or in a liquid culture medium in the labora-
tory; no other types of organisms are present.
• Koch made many significant contributions to the germ
• Koch discovered the bacterium (M. tuberculosis) that
theory of disease. For example, he proved that the an-
causes tuberculosis and the bacterium (Vibrio cholerae)
thrax bacillus (B. anthracis), which had been discovered
that causes cholera.
earlier by other scientists, was truly the cause of an-
• Koch’s work on tuberculin (a protein derived from M.
thrax. He accomplished this using a series of scientific
tuberculosis) ultimately led to the development of a skin
steps that he and his colleagues had developed; these
test valuable in diagnosing tuberculosis.
steps later became known as Koch’s Postulates (de-
scribed later in this chapter). Koch’s Postulates
• Koch discovered that B. anthracis produces spores,
During the mid- to late-1800s, Robert Koch and his col-
capable of resisting adverse conditions.
leagues established an experimental procedure to prove
• Koch developed methods of fixing, staining, and pho-
that a specific microbe is the cause of a specific infectious
tographing bacteria.
disease. This scientific procedure, published in 1884, be-
• Koch developed methods of cultivating bacteria on
came known as Koch’s Postulates (Fig. 1-10).
solid media. One of Koch’s colleagues, R.J. Petri, in-
Koch’s Postulates (paraphrased):
vented a flat glass dish (now known as a Petri dish) in
which to culture bacteria on solid media. It was Frau 1. A particular microbe must be found in all cases of the
Hesse—the wife of another of Koch’s colleagues—who disease and must not be present in healthy animals or
suggested the use of agar (a polysaccharide obtained humans.
from seaweed) as a solidifying agent. These methods 2. The microbe must be isolated from the diseased
enabled Koch to obtain pure cultures of bacteria. The animal or human and grown in pure culture in the
term pure culture refers to a condition in which only laboratory.
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10 SECTION I ■ Introduction to Microbiology

The microorganism must The microorganism must

1 always be found in similarly 2 be isolated from a
diseased animals but not in diseased animal and
healthy ones. grown in pure culture.


The isolated microorganism must

3 cause the original disease when
inoculated into a susceptible

The microorganism can be

4 reisolated from the experimentally
infected animal.

FIGURE 1-10. Koch’s Postulates: proof of the germ theory of disease. (From Harvey RA et al.
Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews, Microbiology, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007.)

3. The same disease must be produced when microbes organisms can be grown in cell cultures (cultures of
from the pure culture are inoculated into healthy sus- living human or animal cells of various types), embry-
ceptible laboratory animals. onated chicken eggs, or certain animals (referred to as
4. The same microbe must be recovered from the exper- laboratory animals). In the laboratory, the leprosy
imentally infected animals and grown again in pure bacterium (Mycobacterium leprae) is propagated in ar-
culture. madillos, and the spirochetes of syphilis (Treponema
pallidum) grow well in the testes of rabbits and chim-
After completing these steps, the microbe is said to
panzees. Microbes having complex and demanding
have fulfilled Koch’s Postulates and has been proven to
nutritional requirements are said to be fastidious
be the cause of that particular infectious disease. Koch’s
(meaning fussy). Although certain fastidious organisms
Postulates not only helped to prove the germ theory of
can be grown in the laboratory by adding special mix-
disease, but also gave a tremendous boost to the develop-
tures of vitamins, amino acids, and other nutrients to
ment of microbiology by stressing laboratory culture and
the culture media, others cannot be grown in the labo-
identification of microbes.
ratory because no one has discovered what ingredient(s)
Exceptions to Koch’s Postulates to add to the medium to enable them to grow.
• To fulfill Koch’s Postulates, it is necessary to infect
Circumstances do exist in which Koch’s Postulates can-
laboratory animals with the pathogen being studied.
not be fulfilled. Examples of such circumstances are as
However, many pathogens are species-specific, mean-
ing that they infect only one species of animal. For ex-
• To fulfill Koch’s Postulates, it is necessary to grow (cul- ample, some pathogens that infect humans will only
ture) the pathogen in the laboratory (in vitroc) in or on infect humans. Thus, it is not always possible to find
artificial culture media. However, certain pathogens a laboratory animal that can be infected with a
will not grow on artificial media. Such pathogens pathogen that causes human disease. Because human
include viruses, rickettsias (a category of bacteria), volunteers are difficult to obtain and ethical reasons
chlamydias (another category of bacteria), and the bac- limit their use, the researcher may only be able to
teria that cause leprosy and syphilis. Viruses, rickettsias, observe the changes caused by the pathogen in human
and chlamydias are called obligate intracellular pathogens cells that can be grown in the laboratory (called cell
(or obligate intracellular parasites) because they can cultures).
only survive and multiply within living host cells. Such • Some diseases, called synergistic infections, are
caused not by one particular microbe, but by the com-
bined effects of two or more different microbes.
Examples of such infections include acute necrotizing
As used in this book, the term in vitro refers to something that occurs
outside the living body, whereas the term in vivo refers to something
ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG; also known as “trench
that occurs within the living body. In vitro often refers to something mouth”) and bacterial vaginosis. It is very difficult to
that occurs in the laboratory. reproduce such synergistic infections in the laboratory.
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CHAPTER 1 ■ Microbiology—The Science 11

• Another difficulty that is sometimes encountered while with epidemiology, transmission of pathogens, disease-
attempting to fulfill Koch’s Postulates is that certain prevention measures, aseptic techniques, treatment of
pathogens become altered when grown in vitro. Some infectious diseases, immunology, and the production of
become less pathogenic, whereas others become non- vaccines to protect people and animals against infec-
pathogenic. Thus, they will no longer infect animals tious diseases. The complete or almost complete eradi-
after being cultured on artificial media. cation of diseases like smallpox and polio, the safety
of modern surgery, and the successful treatment of vic-
It is also important to keep All infectious diseases
tims of infectious diseases are attributable to the many
in mind that not all diseases and microbial
technological advances in this field. A branch of medical
are caused by microbes. Many intoxications are caused
microbiology, called clinical microbiology or diag-
diseases, such as rickets and by microbes.
nostic microbiology, is concerned with the laboratory
scurvy, result from dietary de-
diagnosis of infectious diseases of humans. This is an
ficiencies. Some diseases are inherited because of an ab-
excellent career field for individuals with interests in
normality in the chromosomes, as in sickle cell anemia.
laboratory sciences and microbiology. Diagnostic mi-
Others, such as diabetes, result from malfunction of a
crobiology and the clinical microbiology laboratory are
body organ or system. Still others, such as cancer of the
discussed in Chapter 13.
lungs and skin, are influenced by environmental factors.
However, all infectious diseases are caused by microbes,
as are all microbial intoxications.

A microbiologist is a scientist who studies microbes. He • Terms Introduced in This Chapter
or she might have a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral de- • Review of Key Points
gree in microbiology. • Insight: Additional Careers in Microbiology
There are many career fields within the science of mi- • Increase Your Knowledge
crobiology. For example, a person may specialize in the • Critical Thinking
study of just one particular category of microbes. A bacte- • Additional Self-Assessment Exercises
riologist is a scientist who specializes in bacteriology—
the study of the structure, functions, and activities of
bacteria. Scientists specializing in the field of phycology
(or algology) study the various types of algae and are called SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISES
phycologists (or algologists). Protozoologists explore
After studying this chapter, answer the following multiple-
the area of protozoology—the study of protozoa and
choice questions.
their activities. Those who specialize in the study of fungi,
or mycology, are called mycologists. Virology encom- 1. Which of the following individuals is considered to
passes the study of viruses and their effects on living cells be the “Father of Microbiology?”
of all types. Virologists and cell biologists may become a. Anton von Leeuwenhoek
genetic engineers who transfer genetic material (deoxyri- b. Louis Pasteur
bonucleic acid or DNA) from one cell type to another. c. Robert Koch
Virologists may also study prions and viroids, acellular d. Rudolf Virchow
infectious agents that are even smaller than viruses (dis- 2. The microbes that usually live on or in a person are
cussed in Chapter 4). collectively referred to as:
Other career fields in microbiology pertain more to a. germs.
applied microbiology—that is, how a knowledge of mi- b. indigenous microflora.
crobiology can be applied to different aspects of society, c. nonpathogens.
medicine, and industry. Two medically related career d. opportunistic pathogens.
fields are discussed here; other microbiology career fields 3. Microbes that live on dead and decaying organic
are discussed on the CD-ROM that accompanies this material are known as:
book. The scope of microbiology has broad, far-reaching a. indigenous microflora.
effects on humans and their environment. b. parasites.
c. pathogens.
Medical and Clinical Microbiology d. saprophytes.
Medical microbiology is an excellent career field for in- 4. The study of algae is called:
dividuals having interests in medicine and microbiol- a. algaeology.
ogy. The field of medical microbiology involves the b. botany.
study of pathogens, the diseases they cause, and the c. mycology.
body’s defenses against disease. This field is concerned d. phycology.

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