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Matric No. : 212945
Group :7

Exercise 1

This is a part of a presentation script entitled The Benefits of Financial Literacy among
Students. Fill in the blanks with the correct transition signals to show transition of main ideas,
supporting ideas and details.

There are two major benefits of financial literacy among students that I’m going to talk about
today which are helping students to manage expenditure and achieving their financial goals.
___First_____1, the benefit of financial literacy among students is it can help to manage
expenditure. As students, financial literacy enables you to distinguish between wants and
needs. ______For example_____2, you would only purchase things that you need the most
and would not spend on unnecessary things______Therefore______3, you will learn to
make good financial decisions as you have to manage your budget well for living expenses,
books, tuition fees and etc. ________According to_________4 Staffordshire University
Financial Services, financial management is an important skill and knowledge that need to
be practised among students for future career. ______This is because_____,5 with financial
literacy, you would be able to have savings at early age. _____For example_____,6 you can
manage your study loan wisely so you can repay the loan later. ____Similarly_____,7 with
proper spending, you can monitor your spending and have consistency in savings. Chen
____also agree____8 that when finance topics are included in university courses, it will
positively impact the decisions, saving and spending habits in adulthood.

Achieving financial goals is the __________second_______9 benefit why financial literacy is

important for you. I’ve divided this point into two parts which are short-term goals and long-
term goals. ____To illustrate this________,10 it is necessary for you to set your short-term
and long-term goals. Short-term goals are your more immediate expenses. Although
timelines vary, these are the things you will spend money on generally within a few months
or years. _______For examples__________,11 personal goods, travelling, emergency fund,

credit card debts and etc. Roger __________said_______12 in her research that people born
between 1980 and 1984 on average, carry, more of credit card debt than their parents did at
their age. ________However________,13 managing long-term goals is also essential. Long-
term goals usually take more than five years to achieve. These goals typically involve more
money and regular attention than short-term goals. These goals require you to develop good
saving and investing habits. ________For instance_________14 in starting a business,
paying off a mortgage, retirement fund and others. ________Also_________ 15
Berger in his
article “How much do you really need to retire?” that students who learn to navigate the
world of debt and credit will tend to have more money for savings, which can help pay for
large expenses without relying on credit, and they can set aside money for retirement

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