1 KBS Introduction

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information systems
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information systems
The Nature of Intelligence

• Learn from experience & apply the knowledge

– Deep Blue improves its performance by playing with
• Handle complex situations
– Traffic problem in Istanbul
• Solve problems when important information is
– Based on available information
• Determine what is important
– Choose which facts to use to compute the solution
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information systems
The Nature of Intelligence

• React quickly and correctly to new situations

– Requires understanding the new situation
• Understand visual images
– Requires perception
• Process and manipulate symbols
– Computers are better at dealing with numbers
• Be creative and imaginative
• Use heuristics
– Rules of thumb from experience

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A comparison of Natural and Artificial

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A Conceptual Model of Artificial

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What is an Knowledge Based System?

• Hardware and software that contain knowledge and

manipulate knowledge by inferences
• Mycin (Shortliffe 1976): Expert system for medicine
– Program for advising physicians on treating
bacterial infections
– Question and answer dialogues with user
– Accounts for uncertainties
– Explains its reasoning

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Characteristics of an knowledge based
• Can explain their reasoning or suggested decisions
– Why recommend a certain medicine?
• Can display “intelligent” behavior
• Can draw conclusions from complex relationships
– A patient is diagnosed with two diseases,
– The cures for the diseases may have conflicts
• Can provide portable knowledge
– Capture knowledge in one’s brain
• Can deal with uncertainty
– A patient is diagnose without running all the tests

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Characteristics of an KB System

• Not widely used or tested

• Limited to relatively narrow problems
• Cannot readily deal with “mixed” knowledge
– Expert systems should talk to each other
• Cannot refine its own knowledge
– Should be able to keep a consistent knowledgebase
– Should have a way to gain new knowledge
• May have high development costs
• Raise legal and ethical concerns

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When to Use KB Systems

• High payoff
• Preserve scarce expertise
• Provide more consistency than humans
• Faster solutions than humans
• Training expertise

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Components of KB System

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The Relationships Among Data,
Information, and Knowledge

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Data – raw facts about an object, person,
place, etc
E .g age, name, photo, shoe size, name

Information – processed data/ summarized

data inform of charts, graphs etc that can
be used in decision making.

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Knowledge – ability to analyse. True rational
belief (philosophy)
Gained through education or experience.
Also, the ability to differentiate between
facts, information and relationships(
computational view)

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Rules for a Credit Application

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Components of KBS
• Knowledge acquisition facility
• Knowledge base
• Inference engine
• Explanation Facility
• User interface

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The Knowledge Acquisition Facility

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Knowledge Base

• Assembling human experts

– Combine knowledge from several experts
– Disagree on many items
• The use of fuzzy logic
– For relations that are not precise
– Is a 50-year old man old?
– Help computers deal with imprecise
– Ex: Washing machines; Auto-focus cameras

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Knowledge Base

• The use of rules

– Rule: Conditional statement (if … then)
– If the condition matches, the action fires
– More rules generally mean more precision
• The use of cases
– Template of problems or situations
– To find the solution of a new case, find similar
old cases and apply result

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Inference Engine (1)

• Use information and relations to derive new facts

to solve problems or predict possible outcomes
• Main reasoning component
• Find the right facts, apply the right relations, etc.
• Ex: Facts: male(Ali), female(Oya)
• Relations: father(X, Y) => male(X)
• The engine can conclude that Oya cannot be a

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Inference Engine (2)

• Backward chaining
– You start with conclusions
– You want to find out if you can get to the conclusion
from your facts

• Forward chaining
– You start with facts and try to reach conclusions
– More expensive since it can generate many

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Other Components

• Explanation Facility
– Enables the expert system to explain its reasoning
– Helps the user to judge the expert system
• Knowledge Acquisition Facility
– Get and update knowledge
– Provide a way to capture and store knowledge
– Can be semi-automated
• User Interface
– Help users interact with the system
– Improve usability
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Expert Systems Development

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Participants in Developing and Using
Expert Systems

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Domain Expert

• Recognize the real problem

• Develop a general framework for problem solving
• Formulate theories about the situation
• Develop and use general rules to solve a problem
• Know when to break the rules or general principles
• Solve problems quickly and efficiently

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Other participants

• Knowledge Engineer
– Works in design and implementation of the expert
– Has considerable information about expert systems
• Knowledge User
– End user who will benefit from the system
– No need to know anything about expert systems
– Can help in testing

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KB Systems Development Alternatives

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Applications of KB System and Artificial

• Credit granting and loan analysis

• Stock Picking
• Catching cheats and terrorists
– NORA (Non-obvious Relationship Awareness)
• Budgeting

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Applications of KB System and Artificial

• Games: Proverb solves crossword puzzles

• Writing: Evaluate and rate writings
• Information management and retrieval
• Virus detection
– Learns the actions of a virus
• Hospitals and medical facilities

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Virtual Reality

Enables one or more users to move and react in a

computer-simulated environment

• Immersive virtual reality - user becomes fully

immersed in an artificial, three-dimensional world that is
completely generated by a computer

• Virtual reality system - enables one or more users to

move and react in a computer-simulated environment

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Useful Applications

• Medicine – used to link stroke patients to

physical therapists

• Education and training – used by military for

aircraft maintenance

• Entertainment
– Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

• Real Estate Marketing and Tourism

– Used to increase real estate sales
– Virtual reality tour of the White House
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• Mechanical or computer devices that can

move autonomously
• Manufacturers use robots to assemble or
paint products
• Asimo in Istanbul: Shake hands, dance
• Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs):
Identify and destroy targets without human

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Vision Systems

• Capture, store, manipulate visual images

• Fingerprint analysis: Store a database of
fingerprints and information about the
• Match a fingerprint with an existing entry in
the database
• Mostly recognize black and white

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Natural Language Processing

• Understand and react to statements in

natural language
• Three levels of understanding
– Commands
– Discrete
– Continuous
• Talk to a computer; computer converts
languages to commands understandable
by computers
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Learning Systems

• Change its behavior over time

– Computer takes an action
– User gives feedback
– Based on the feedback, computer modifies its
• First train the system; then try on test data
• Amazon.com learns user models as users
browse and buy goods

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information systems
• GIS- Geographical information systems
• E- COMMERCE- Business transactions
• ERP- Enterprise resource planning
• EFT – electronic funds transfer
• ATM – automated teller machine

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• Artificial intelligence - used to describe computers with ability to
mimic or duplicate functions of the human brain

• Intelligent behavior - includes the ability to learn from experience

• Knowledge based systems - can explain their reasoning (or

suggested decisions) and display intelligent behavior

• Virtual reality system - enables one or more users to move and

react in a computer-simulated environment

• Special-purpose systems - assist organizations and individuals in

new and exciting ways

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