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The impact of computer technology on the society is growing at a high speed in

recent time. Digital communications networks now cover the globe and even reach out
into space. With the rise of computer connectivity, the physical system of organizations
across the world is becoming increasingly, integrated and interdependent.

The problem of the client is that they may have a low rate of sales and their
business is not very well known around the region (region 9). The client asks the
proponents how they are able to make their business known in this region and earn a high
rating in sales.

The owner of the miregalo asks the proponents to make a system for their
business because nowadays most of the transactions are now held on the internet or this
so-called “cloud”. Cake and Pastries Online Ordering Website for Miregalo is a web-
based application that enables customers to order cakes online. The internet users are
increasing rapidly, the proponents introduced Cake and Pastries Online Ordering Website
for Miregalo for taking the orders from customers. This application not only improves the
customer experience but also eases the workload on the employees of the cake shop.

It would be comfortable for the customer to have an online cake ordering system.
It will reduce the purchasing time for the customers. This Cake and Pastries Online
Ordering Website for Miregalo will provide customers the satisfaction they seek.

1.1 Project Context

Computers have invaded people's lives, be it on social or businesses. From the

time they have been invented to now, computer systems have given the arena a lift in

improvements of technology and businesses. Along with computer systems, net has

aided to the tendencies and technology. One probable cannot consider a day what

she/he did now no longer make use a few shapes of pc technology.

By conducting an interview with the owner of Miragalo, the proponent analyzes

the present process of their business and finding that they still using a manual process

which is it a technique that consuming their time and they mentioned that their

business is not very well-known and they are trying to achieve a high rate of sale. As

a system analysis it is my duty to find a solution to my client problem.

The proponent team proposed the Cake and Pastries Online Ordering Website for

Miregalo through the client. This proposed system will help their business to be

known and might get a high rate of sale, and minimize their paper work. The system

is friendly a user that can easily to use both the owner and the customer.

This proposed system will be the key to success of their business because the
function and the feature of the system is relevant to their business, once this proposed
system will register to the World Wide Web, all they need to do is to share the link of
their business through social media so that their business will be known in this region
which is Zamboanga City.

1.2 Purpose and Description

The Cake and Pastries Online Ordering Website for Miregalo is focused on

distributing the cake for each customer. Next, the ordered cake can pick up by the

customer if necessary or it can be delivered into the given address by the customer.

The customer can suggest the design and flavor of their own cake or can pick the own

design of the client that have been uploaded into the website.

The proposed project can help the client from day-to-day sales operations at their

home and measures them very thoroughly. The users can waste less much time as

compared to manual paperwork on an automatic device.

This are the following features of the system:

Log – in/Log – out – logging in is the process which a character profits get admission

to a pc gadget through figuring out and authenticating themselves. Logging out

informs the pc or internet site that the modern-day consumer needs to quit the login

session or wish to end the session in computer system.

Form – by purchasing a product the customer needs to fill up the form to confirming

their order and to use the input information of the customer for delivery.

Add to Cart – It allows the customer to reserve the product by adding it to the cart for

them finalize their choice and can keep looking for another product in to the system.

Admin module – Allows the owner to add a product or delete the product if in case

the existing product is not available, edit the info of the product, view order list.

This system will satisfy the customer by designing their own cake and help to

minimize their time by ordering a cake through this system. This system will help

their business to be known by sharing the system through social media and can easily

notify the order of the customer. They can use this system proposed to the other

related study of the system.

1.3 Objectives

The idea of the proponents is to increase their rating sales and be known in the region,
the customers can order instantaneously anywhere around the area, and whenever they
want at any time. The online cake ordering system will be computerized so that it has
fewer paper works and will both save money and time. Thus, the bakery will be known
and open to the public. So, everyone will have a win-win situation.


 To develop a system with the following features:

1. The users will consume less amount of time when compared to
manual paper work through the automated system.
2. It will be able to check any report at any time
3. Paperwork and manual work is reduced
4. The system is user friendly and easily to use
 To determine the success of the platform based on the following factors:
1. Usability
2. Performance
3. Security
 Aid the users by managing the business or purchasing a product.

1.4 Scope and Limitations

The main purpose of this system is to provide an easier and more efficient way of
ordering and producing cakes through an online ordering system. The admin will receive
a notification from the system when a customer purchases or places an order. The admin
is able to view the customer’s order. The customer is able to set a date of choice as to
when the cake shall be delivered.

This system is not capable of online or bank payments and is only limited to Cash
on Delivery or upon Pick-up payments. The system is not capable of receiving an order
from other regions, only within the set region (region XI). (OFFLINE)

1.5 Definition of Terms

Computer - an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in

binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

Internet - a global computer network providing a variety of information and

communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized
communication protocols.

System - a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an

interconnecting network.

Web base - It is usually used to describe applications that run in a web browser.

Media - the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and

the internet) regarded collectively.

Online ordering - can be defined as a simple and convenient way for customers
to purchase food online, without having to go to the store.

Cash on delivery - the system of paying for goods when they are delivered.

Ratings - a classification or ranking of someone or something based on a
comparative assessment of their quality, standard, or performance.



This chapter presents the study of literature and research reviewed to present insights to

the content of the study. Literatures and researchers that yield implications and relevance

to the subject matter being investigated have been additionally covered on this chapter.

2.1 Foreign Literature and local related literature/studies

SERVCON measurement developed in the context of offline shopping does not

apply unique aspect approach of online shopping comfort since the online retailers utilize

internet as the shopping platform. Various previous literature has proven the online

service quality concept by identifying same dimensions of service comfort like unique

feature with dimensions like facilitation in interactivities usage, information browsing,

information in depth and richness, and security. Vijay (2017) suggests that both

internal and external elements have direct influence on website satisfaction. They

highlight on why and how satisfaction with website matters in the contribution of

shopping values and website atmospherics to behavioral outcomes by presenting its

mediating role. The U.S. has the highest total revenue from online shopping out of every

country in the world. However, the United Kingdom has the highest ecommerce spend

per capita. Chinese citizens spend a higher percentage of their salaries online than any

other country. (Ecommerce Wiki, World Atlas)

2.1.1 Local Literature

Online shopping started on 1979 by English Entrepreneur named Michael

Aldrich. His system connected a modified domestic TV to a real time transaction

processing computer via a domestic telephone line. Today the online shopping becomes

the hot trend of today’s generation because of the different benefits that it gives

through the buyers and the sellers. Consumers are more confident about purchasing a

product when they have done their own research online. (Eunyu Nis, March 2014).

According to Svonavec (September, 2017), online shopping has proved to have

many positive advantages for consumers. Online stores are open 24 hours a day, so the

issue of a store closing before the consumer can make it on time exceptionally efficient

during the holidays;

shoppers do not have to bother with the long, exasperating lines. Due to lack of operating

costs online retailers can sell goods at lower prices so that this makes the experience of

online shopping not only faster and convenient, but it is also for cheaper than going to

the physical store. Although online shopping has advantages, there are many downsides

to doing online business. Back order goods can be proving to be exceeding trying for

shoppers, especially during the holidays, shoppers also lose the person to person

communication that online retailer cannot provide. As said by Francia (October, 2018),

Filipino shoppers also prefer inspecting the products themselves before making a

purchase, while others factored in the cost of shipping and the length of delivery time.

Research Tech Lab (RTL) noted that Filipinos more assured when they examine the

products before checkout, while being able to take the item immediately after payment

gives them peace of mind. It also recorded the enticements of online shopping from July

to September, which coincided with the sale promo of leading e-commerce sites Lazada

and Shopee. Here, the company found that 68. 61% of Filipinos Still favor traditional

shopping. The market has rapidly grown since then. According to, there

are at least37.7 million e-commerce users in the country in 2018 from the 30. 2 million

estimated in 2016.The number is expected to rise to 53.8 million by 2020. A report

published in May 2018 found that despite its growing popularity, the Philippines lags in

terms of e-commerce sales in the Southeast Asian region.(

According to Willy Kruh, he said that today’s consumer no longer goes shopping, but

shopping all the time and everywhere. In a truly global online marketplace, competition

is no longer limited to local shops during regular business hours. Consumers can easily

buy from retailer and manufactures located anywhere in the world or from those with no

physical retail locations at all.

2.2 Foreign and Local Related System

The statistical results revealed that online customers monthly spending amount as

well. There was a statistically significant positive relationship between the amount of

time and money spent on the internet. The three most popular online shopping sites were

determined as trendyol, hepsiburada and alibaba. The products must online customers

bought were clothing, stationery products, online tickets, and electronic devices (Kilic,

Z., Ates V. 2018).Ayden and Demir (2011) pointed out that e- commerce consumers

behaviours and preferences that those who are 26-35 years of age and have a Bachelor’s

Degree, whose income is 1500 Turkish Liras and above are more likely to prefer e-

commerce. In another study, they have a conducted a research on the behavior of civil

servants purchasing products from the internet. As a result of the research, it has been

found out those customers who have a high education level and high income level are

shopping more on the internet. The study also pointed out that the delay in the delivery of

products and deceptive and misleading advertisements were the major hindering factors

for online buying. (Ayden and Demir, 2011) According to Choudhury (2014), the study

highlighted that there is a significant relationship of online shopping with gender, internet

literacy and online product price. Similarly, the study also highlighted that there is no

significant relationship of online shopping with education and website usability.

Mehboob examine the relationship between various factors that affect the

consumer’s behavior towards online shopping. He explained the influence of five major

variables that were derived from literature. These variables are trust, time, product

variety, convenience and privacy which determine how consumer buying behavior is

reflecting online shopping trends. Based on the result of the study by Mehboob, trust is

being considered as the most relevant factor affecting the customers buying behavior

towards online shopping when it comes to younger generation.

2.2.1 Cakelicious: Web App for Designing a Customised Wedding Cakes

In the fast-paced changing world, the Internet keeps people connected to each

other. Online shopping has changed the way people buy things, and so does how people

book flight tickets and movie passes. Cakelicious Web App is another interesting story of

how we revolutionize the way people book wedding cakes the way they love it. The

system is designed to replace the current manual booking methods used by Dr. Munie’s

Kitchen for managing cakes order, thus is more efficient and effective, as well as meets

the user requirements. Prototyping methodology approach has been used to develop and

test the system in a systematic manner, which includes the development phases of

planning, design, and testing and implementation. This system is developed using the

PHP programming language, MySQL database, and runs on an Apache web server.

Cake customization page

Figure 2.2.1 Cakelicious: Web App for Designing a Customised Wedding Cakes

2.2.2 Online Shopping

According to Naresh Prajapati, (March 22, 2012) An online shopping system that

permits a customer to submit online orders for items and/or services from a store that

serves both walk-in customers and online customers. The online shopping system

presents an online display of an order cut off time and an associated delivery window for

items selected by the customer. The system accepts the customer’s submission of a

purchase order for the item in response to a time of submission being before the order cut

off time. The online shopping system does not settle with a credit supplier of the

customer until the item selected by the customer is picked from inventory but before it is

delivered. Therefore, the customer can go online and make changes to the order. In

addition, available service windows are presented to the customer as a function of

customer selected order and service types and further, the order picking is assigned in

accordance with a picker’s preference. When ordering goods, many shopping systems

provide a virtual shopping cart for holding items selected for purchase. Successive items

selected for purchase are placed into the virtual shopping cart until a customer completes

their shopping trip.

Virtual shopping carts may be examined at any time, and their contents can be edited or

deleted at the option of the customer. Once the customer decides to submit a purchase

order, the customer may print the contents of the virtual shopping basket in order to

obtain a hard copy record of the transaction.

2.2.3 Online Food Delivery Platforms

During the global 2020 COVID-19 outbreak, the advantages of online food

delivery (FD) were obvious, as it facilitated consumer access to prepared meals and

enabled food providers to keep operating. However, online FD is not without its critics,

with reports of consumer and restaurant boycotts. It is, therefore, time to take stock and

consider the broader impacts of online FD, and what mean for the stakeholders involved.

Using the three pillars of sustainability as a lens through which to consider the impacts,

this review presents the most up-to-date research in this field, revealing a raft of positive

and negative impacts. From an economic standpoint, while online FD provides job and

sale opportunities, it has been criticized for the high commission it charges restaurants

and questionable working conditions for delivery people. From a social perspective,

online FD affects the relationship between consumers and their food, as well as

influencing public health outcomes and traffic systems. Environmental impacts include

the significant generation of waste and its high carbon footprints. Moving forward,

stakeholders must consider how best to mitigate the negative and promote the positive

impacts of online FD to ensure that it is sustainable in every sense.

List of order and the details of the customers

Figure 2.2.3 Online Food Delivery platform

2.3 Table of Comparison

System Cakekilicious Online Online Food Miregalo

shopping Delivery

Sign up ✖ ✓ ✓ ✓

Login/logout ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

View Order ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Add Product ✓ ✓ ✖ ✓

View Product ✓ ✓ ✖ ✓

Add to Cart ✖ ✖ ✖ ✓

Monitor ✖ ✓ ✓ ✓


2.4 Synthesis

The system that the proponents are about to making has many similarities to each

one on the local and foreign studies. Local and foreign both has many features similar

into the propose system of the proponents, seeing that all the system that we included in

this synthesis aims to help save lives. The corresponding practice is being observed by

Local and Foreign studies. Compared to the manual processing of both transactions and

records of online ordering can be a hassle and time consuming.

In connection to the proposed system, the system will be used by the Cake and Pastries

Online Ordering Website for Miregalo. The related system will be the basis of the

proponents to develop this Cake and Pastries Online Ordering Website for Miregalo.



In this chapter will discuss the technical background of the propose system, like the
hardware and software that will use for implementing the system along with the phases of
methodology that will use.

3.1 Technicality of the Project

The proponents conduct an interview to their client to gather an idea for

implement this propose project. The gathered idea from the business of miregalo shall be
used to build this project and find a way to their business problem. This project will help
the owner of miregalo to their business work faster and get a chance to have a high rate of

3.2 Details of the Technologies to be used


The proponent will use the Xampp application which provides the apache web
server, MySQL database, PHP and Perl all in one package. The proponent chose this
Xampp apps because the proponent where they comfortable to use.


Computer – This where all the data will have stored.

People ware

 Project Manager – The one who assign a task for each member.
 System Analysis – The one who gathering a data for able to implement this
propose project.
 Programmer – The one who developing the system.

3.3 How the project will work

The proponents will be using the Agile Methodology to create the said software
for their project. The Agile Methodology is an adaptive methodology that is used by

developers and researchers. The Agile Methodology has overcome the traditional
methods of the waterfall model by becoming flexible, fast, lean, responsive, and
consistent. Agile Methodology remembers normal examination in a restrained way,
which thus improves the initiative characteristics to help the cooperation. Requirement, It
is proceeding of conceiving and classifying the activities that we acquired to hit the
desired goals. It involves the creation and maintenance of a plan, such as psychological
aspects that required conceptual skills. Planning is a fundamentals property of intelligent
behavior. The proponent sees Miregalo as a perfect to make this propose system. The
proponent had designed the propose system using system data flow diagram by using
under proposed system. It is designed to show and follow the Cake and Pastries Online
Ordering Website for Miregalo. The interface of the program is user friendly. In order to
secure database, it must have a username and password to log in the system.



This chapter discusses the methodology that will be used to achieve the objectives
of the project. Knowing that the project only contains software development, the
advocate will be using only one methodology for developing the whole project, namely
the Agile software development.


4.1 Requirement Analysis

The background for this systems from the miregalo, by this project, shows that the
admin will easily know what might be the customers design that they want and the
information of the customer where will be their place to be deliver their order, by simply
check the Order interface. They don’t need to ask the address of the customer or
information all they need to do is just go to the Order Interface and it will automatically

show all of the detail of the customer. A more Graphical User Interface is a great that can
increase functionality which also reducing confusion when running through these
command – line task.

The proponent will create a simple GUI which the users would easily understand
on how to use the system.

4.2 Requirements Documentation

The proponent gathered the problems from the said client were provided to the
system that can help to monitor their customer and view the desire order of the customer.
This propose system is to become the work more efficient, faster and easier, to avoid
wasting of time and less the workload. By this, the system will manage the Miregalo.


The proponents had to acquire the required data needed to be used in the

development of the Cake and Pastries Online Ordering Website for Miregalo, namely

from the client or the owner of the bakery, which is all gathered from their shop as the

main source.


The proponents then examined the information that has now been gathered,

separated it into equal manageable development jobs. Picking the innovation stack, plan

design, finishing the framework's activities and highlights of the proposed system.


Once the gathering of information and designing has been completed, it becomes

the first development of creating the Web-page. Both of the first two stages will be

unified into the online ordering website in this stage. The system will now be a web-page

and is programmed using Php, CSS, Xampp and Sublime Text.


This phase is where the proponents present the develop system and get some

feedback from the client using some survey questionnaire which consist five question

regarding the user interface and functionality of the system.


In this phase the develop system should be one hundred percent functional

because it will be now presented to the client. It will be tested to ensure design

specification and functions are met. The proponent will train the user on how to use the



The proponents review similar related studies, then reviews and analyses the
problems found to provide better services and improvements that would of help to the

4.3 Design of Software, Systems, Product, and/or Processes

Use Case

Figure 4.3.1 Use Case Diagram

In this Figure shows who manage each features of the system

Data Flow Diagram

Context Diagram

Figure 4.4.1 Context Diagram

In this figure shows that the admin will manage and add a product through
miregalo and customer who will purchase a product.

Data Flow Diagram

Figure 4.4.2 Data Flow Diagram

In Figure 4.4.3 It shows the flow of the diagram which was the Data Flow
Diagram, with the use of this kind of diagram it helps the proponent to design the system
in proper ways. All of the data that the Admin would input it would automatically save
into the Database of the system and same process once the customer choose what may
they want put into the Cart table.

Entity-Relationship Diagram

Figure 4.4.1 Entity – Relationship Diagram

In this Figure show all of the attributes the each of the features has and it also
shows that user who manage all the major task that the system had.

Architectural Design

Figure 4.3.5 Architectural Design

In this Figure shows the Architectural Design of the system, the user the one that
manage the system. The user need to log in first then the user will add the product and
check if there are any orders, after the user input their business product the data will
automatically save into the data same as the customer after purchasing a product.

4.4 Development and Testing Plan

In this phase shows how the proponent designed the propose project, test the
project, the date of plan and all of the possible technique that they desire to use for to
implement this propose project.

Testing Plan

In this task the Project Manager had already assigned a member for testing task,
The need to write down all of the major information and if there is any error on the
system so that the programmer will automatically find a solution if there’s any problem
on the system.

Project Work Plan

Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. By using Gantt
chart will help researcher to have a guide and to help them keep in track on what are the
things that must be done every day.

Figure 4.4.2 Gantt Chart

In Figure 4.4.2 shows the estimated time of propose project of the proponent. It takes two
weeks for preparing the requirements need to used, three weeks for designing the project,
three months of developing the project, one week conducting a testing and same goes for
deployment and of the review.

Project Team Work Assignment and Responsibilities

Phase Team Task

- Requirements Team Leader: Christian The Team Leader prepared

C. Sanoh and gathered information

that is related to the topic

and has made researched

for the systems needed


Team Member: All Aided the leader into

gathering useful

information for the

requirements, and studied

the topic to be able to find a

solution for the

implementation of the said

proposed system.

- Design Team Leader: Christian The Team Leader encodes

C. Sanoh and designs the system,

Team Member: All The members analyze and

assists in constructing and

adding suggestions for the

design, and in finalizing the


- Development Team Leader: Jacob G. The Team Leader develops

the UI by using Php, CSS,

Xampp, and Sublime Text.

Team Member: All Assisted the Team Leader

in constructing the system’s


- Testing Team Leader: Jacob G. The team leader will

perform a series of multiple

tests after the development

of the system using the

browser to check if the

system runs smoothly or or

malfunctions in the system.

Team member: All The team member had

members navigate whatever bugs are

found and be able to debug

the system if found


- Deployment Team Leader: Jacob G. The leader is the who

Candido deploy the finish project

proposal because the client

is his older sister

Team member: All The team member list some

members feedback and

recommendation of the


Review Team Leader: Christian The team leader review

C. Sanoh similar related studies, then

reviews and analyses the

problems found to provide

better services and

improvements that would

of help to the User

Team member: All The member will fix if

members there’s any problem

through the existing


Cost-Benefit Analysis

This propose project does not cost anything because this project was meant for the
sister of our groupmate and all of the gadget that we have used is to be able to build this
project is their own, we the proponent choose this project for us to know if our current is
enough to build this the system for the business of Miregalo.

The benefits that would they acquire once this project is done they easily monitor
the orders and for the customer they can easily order the cake without going outside of
their houses and also set when would be the cake be deliver.

4.5 Description of the Prototype

By making the prototype of the propose project the proponent decide to make this
a simplicity by making the system user friendly, the purpose of making a simple design is
for the customer for them by not taking too long to understand site and can easily
understand or how to use the of Miregalo.

4.6 Implementation Plan

The leader of the proponent assigned each member an individual task for them to
implement this propose project. We the proponent conduct a meeting for us to know what
might be the requirements that need to use for the project would work. The System
Analysis and the Programmer has the major role for this project, because the System
Analysis the one who collect all of the information that the proponent would use to this
chosen project and once this project documents will approve by the panel that’s the time
that the programmer will develop system for Cake and Pastries Online Ordering for


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