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Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87

1. All of his family members are engineers while he is a thief, which makes him the ______ of
his family.
A. the black sheep B. the apple
C. the cup of tea C. the piece of cake
2. Mark persuaded his parents to allow him to stay overnight in his friend's house until he
was _____ in the face, but they still didn't give in.
A. black B. blue C. green D. red
3. Tomorrow will be a _____ day to her because that is her wedding day.
A. red – stamp B. salad C. red – letter D. blue –
4. Thanks to his perseverance, he finally passed his entrance exam with _____
A. flying colour B. flight colour
C. flight colours D. flying colours
5. I see her once in a _____, which is why her showing up at my birthday party surprised me
a lot.
A. blue sun B. blue moon C. green moon D. red moon
6. Her face went _____ as a ghost at the moment she heard about her mother's passing away.
A. black B. green C. white D. yellow
7. My teacher required us to present our report of the survey's result in ______ in order for
her to see our points easily.
A. black and white B. black and green
C. white and black D. red and black
8. The police caught him _____ while he was gambling in a casino in Macao.
A. left – handed B. green – handed
C. red – handed D. black – handed
9. My younger sister has a _____ streak. She cannot even go to the toilet alone at night
because she is scared of ghost.
A. red B. blue C. yellow D. white
10. The government has given the _____ light to our tree – planting project, so we can go
ahead and start organizing things.
A. blue B. green C. red D. white
11. One day, out of the _____, she left us without saying any words to us.
A. green B. black C. red D. blue
12. They will _____ the town red if they win the running competition. However, I see that
there's no ray that they will become the championship.
A. draw B. paint C. sing D. turn
13. Government has always been making great efforts to cut through the ______.
A. red – tape B. green – tape C. blue – tape D. light – tape
14. My biggest wish is that my parents will always be in the ______.
A. red B. pink C. black D. green
15. The broken window on the ground floor lent _____to Mrs. Brown's story about that her
house had been burgled.
A. color B. signals C. signs D. colors
16. You are going to attend an interview for your next job tomorrow, aren't you? Break a
(n) _____!
A. arm B. leg C. hand D. finger
17. I did scratch his ____ with his English test so that he will help me with my Math exercise.
I am completely hopeless at this subject.
A. hand B. neck C. back D. mouth
18. I think Jonny hit the nail _____ when he said that what I am lacking is the self –
A. on the hand B. on the back
C. in the back D. in the arm
19. I cannot concentrate on what I am doing because I am having such a _____ headache. I
need to call it a day right now.
A. splitting B. dividing C. breaking D. messing
20. I know I will make my parents' blood ______ if I lie to them about this test. However, they
will absolutely hit the wall if they see this very bad mark.
A. heat B. boil C. melt D. adsorb
21. Hardly had I talked to my mom about the new leather jacket I've just bought when I
realize I did pay through the ____ for it.
A. mouth B. leg C. eyes D. nose
22. She didn't know any single thing about this subject because she hardly attended the
class. Luckily, she still passed the final test by the _____ of her teeth.
A. skin B. leather C. hair D. nose
23. I realize that my little brother really likes the next-door neighbor's daughter because
she is the only girl that my brother always tries to pull her _____.
A. leg B. arm C. feet D. hand
24. When I and my brother were both knee – high to a grasshopper, we did fight _____ for
many trivial things like the remote of the TV.
A. rank and file B. cat and dog
C. tooth and nail D. chalk and cheese
25. My mother didn't _____ an eye when I told her my plan to apply to an art university
while my father showed a lot of surprise.
A. catch B. show C. bat D. touch
26. This jacket doesn't cost such ______. You must have paid through the nose for it.
A. an arm and a leg B. an arm and a hand
C. a leg and a hand D. a shoulder
27. Parents should not pay too much compliment on their kids because it will go to their
A. hand B. brain C. head D. neck
28. I cannot make out the reason why she can let her boyfriend by the _____ in such a way.
He is like her servant, not her partner.
A. head B. nose C. feet D. hand
29. Whenever there's an important event coming up, I always have _____ feet so that I
always have to take a stick of chewing gum with me to eat if I am anxious.
A. cool B. hot C. bad – tempered D. cold
30. My friend, John, must have been _____ his head when he decided to go out in such an
extreme weather just to buy a cigarette lighter.
A. on B. off C. down D. up
31. I really put my ____ in it – I complimented on my teacher's new dress that could make
she look younger as a 30 – year – old woman. In fact, she's getting 30 on her next birthday
this September.
A. feet B. finger C. foot D. hand
32. Having two kids under age of five keeps me _____. I have to keep an eye on them every
single moment.
A. on my toes B. on my feet C. off my head D. in my mind
33. I am having Janice _____ for the position of this job because she fits all the job
A. in hand B. at will C. in mind D. in business
34. Toby is absolutely an artist at _____. However, his parents never know his enthusiasm
and always impose their footprint on him.
A. risk B. will C. instance D. heart
35. Mary did break the window in the dining room because she played a ball while cooking.
Now she will have to _____ when her mother comes home.
A. face the music B. win a place
C. crake a joke D. pull her leg
36. Luckily, Anna agreed to help me with my math exercises. She knows this subject like the
_____ of her hand.
A. neck B. knee C. back D. heart
37. One of the students in this class is such a gifted pupil. I did try giving him a very difficult
task, but he successfully managed it in _______.
A. twinkling of an eye B. the house
C. a shadow of doubt D. a kick in the pants
38. I know who the girl wearing a red dress over there is. Her name is on the _____ my
tongue, but it won't come to me.
A. tip B. edge C. tick D. verse
39. It put my foot in my ____ when I congratulated her on her pregnancy. In fact, she hasn't
got married.
A. tongue B. mouth C. nose D. eyes
40. Liam, stop sticking your ____ in your brother's affair. He can manage his relationship
better than you can imagine.
A. nose B. hand C. feet D. finger
41. Something bad is going to happen tonight. I can feel it in my _____.
A. skin B. leather C. hair D. bone
42. Thanks God. I did _______ with that answer of the interviewer, which helped me to be
offered that dream job.
A. have a tantrum B. hit the nail on the head
C. ring a bell D. speak my mind
43. That child is absolutely a real _____. He is always making noise in the neighbor while
others are sleeping and kick all the garbage bin along the street.
A. pain in the neck B. a blue – eyed boy
C. sweetheart D. significant other
44. Nowadays, due to the very fast development of high technologies like smartphones and
computers, _____ conversations are gradually reduce.
A. mouth to mouth B. face to face
C. online D. direct
45. I cannot see ____ with my brother when he decided to drop out of his university to
follow his dream to become an artist. It is too challenging.
A. face to face B. head to head
C. ear to ear D. eye to eye
46. We have so little money that we can hardly keep our heads _______ the water. Maybe we
need to borrow some from somebody.
A. above B. under C. off D. on
47. He did told everyone that he passed the interview with flying colors. Now, he is having
_____ on his face because the company ploughed him.
A. egg B. mango C. fish D. cock
48. We don't have so much money for a big marketing campaign, so we'll have to hope that
buzz about our shop will get spread by _____.
A. world of mouth B. word of mouth
C. word of saying D. world of words
49. I know you two don't see eye-to-eye, but if you really sat down and had a _____
talk, I think you'd realize you are both working toward the same goal.
A. heart to heart B. eye to eye
C. ear to ear D. face to face
50. When I met my husband, I just knew, _____, that we were match made in heaven.
A. body and soul B. rank and file
C. tooth and nail D. cat and dog
51. One of my _____ and blood will drop in on tomorrow to give me some souvenirs she
bought when she was on her holiday in Japan.
A. fresh B. flesh C. tooth D. pure
52. The children in the village were ______ by the time this infectious disease arrived. Unless
there hadn't been any cure, they would have died.
A. skin and bones B. skin and blisters
C. bone and blood D. flesh and blood
53. I am really grateful to my best friend for all she did to help me surpass my hardship. She
did lend a (n) _____ to me.
A. ear B. eye C. hand D. help
54. I wouldn't have tripped over my _____ feet in my business if I had listened to my
mother's advice. I should have followed what she instructed.
A. huge B. great C. big D. tall
55. Before I give in my notice next week, I will try my best to leave everything in your _____
A. capable B. able C. disable D. impossible
56. I would love to come for a pint, but I'm up to my _____ with work for my class on
A. eyes B. noses C. heads D. hands
57. My brother has a ____ for fixing objects. Whereas, I don't know the first things about it.
A. brain B. hand C. head D. heart
58. If you are looking for a snack, go talk to Jenny. She has a real sweet _____, so she
probably keeps candy bars in her desk.
A. teeth B. head C. love D. tooth
59. Thanks to the easy access to the Internet these days, we have every resource
imaginable at our ______.
A. fingertips B. fingers - tip C. hand D. finger
60. If you are so serious – minded that you can't make the ____ out of yourself once in a
while, you are going to have a hard time enjoying most of life.
A. jerry B. mickey C. donald D. tom
61. I always have _____ in my stomach if I am get stuck in traffic jam for too long.
A. worms B. butterflies C. bees D. flies
62. I have a _____ in my bonnet about the songs of girlgroup Black Pink. My friend keeps
replaying them many times.
A. fly B. worm C. bee D. butterfly
63. Only when _____fly will Jack feel happy to pay for everyone. He is such a kind of selfish
A. dogs B. pigs C. fishes D. chickens
64. Joana's classmates call her the teacher's ____ after she volunteered to supervise the class
while the teacher was away.
A. fruit B. pet C. animal D. castle
65. How could our mom know about our plan to go to the beach next week? Who did let the
cat out of the ______?
A. pocket B. pants C. shoes D. bag
66. In order to survive from overnight, the sheep usually huddle into a ______.
A. pencil B. pen C. book D. notebook
67. Bike – to – work is a great way of killing two birds with one ______: keeping our body in
shape and protecting the environment.
A. arrow B. knife C. stone D. scissors
68. Since she was so well – known within the walls of her small high school, Julian used to
think that she was a big fish in a _____ pond. Once she started attending a large state
university, however, she suddenly realized that it would take a lot more effort to make
A. big B. huge C. small D. tiny
69. It is raining _______. However, Janet still decides to go out just to buy a newspaper about
her idol.
A. cats and dogs B. cats and mice
C. fishes and chickens D. rank and file
70. I was like ______ when I first got into university life. It took me a long time to get along
with a lonely life without my parents.
A. a big fish in a small pond B. a fish out of water
C. few and far between D. up and down
71. It seems like water off a ______'s back when I keep talking about the disadvantages of
overusing smartphone but he still stay up late to play games on his phone.
A. duck B. cat C. fish D. chicken
72. She wanted to buy the latest version of Iphone, but I told her not to _______.
A. put the cart before the horse B. break the ice
C. count her chickens before they hatch D. reach the end of the road
73. You have to catch the _______ immediately it comes. Chances wait for no one.
A. butterflies B. bees C. bulls D. worms
74. I am being in the ______ - I used all the money my mother gave to gamble.
A. cathouse B. dump C. doghouse D. mouse house
75. Don't look a gift horse in the _____. You should be grateful because you are having such
good things.
A. mouth B. nose C. head D. hand
76. They always cook up _____ stories about me and then spread them to others to make fun
at me.
A. cock and hen B. cock and bull C. bull and hen D. cock and cock
77. I cannot stand staying in his team any longer. He is always changing ____ in the
midstream that I can hardly follow what his plans are.
A. dog B. bull C. cow D. horse
78. I am really grateful to John. He was the only one who did not leave me when I was in
_____ water.
A. deep B. cold C. cool D. frozen
79. I was so nervous about oversleeping that I set three alarms. Better safe than _____, you
A. excuse B. apology C. sorry D. thank
80. The quote "money is the good servant _____ but a bad" is always true.
A. leader B. master C. evil D. monitor
81. I sometimes think I'd be happier if I would work as a secretary. Oh well, the ______ is
always greener on the other side!
A. tree B. grass C. plant D. sky
82. The company's brief but disastrous attempt was enough for them to vow never to
venture into the mobile phone market again. Once bitten, twice _______.
A. shy B. afraid C. embarrass D. scared
83. The quote "In Rome _____ as the Romans _____" means when you come to somewhere,
you should follow the culture and custom there.
A. do / do B. follow / do C. do / act D. follow / act
84. My best advice for you is honesty is the best _____ - you should tell your mother the truth
about your test result.
A. task B. gift C. thing D. policy
85. He has left and come back after 10 years, she accepted. They say a woman ______, a man
A. gives and forget / gets and forgives
B. gives and gets / forgives and forgets
C. gives and forgives / get and forgets
D. get and forgets / give and forgives
Bill: My bride is lovely and gracious, but I'm discovering that she has a terrible temper.
Mike: There's no rose without a _____.
A. leaf B. thorn C. branch D. fruit
87. I invited him to eat out on his payday, but refused because he wanted to save his money
for the _____.
A. sunny day B. hot day C. wet day D. rainy day
A: "I accidentally scratched his car pulling out of the parking lot last night. Should I offer to
pay for it?"
B: "No, he might not even notice. Even if he does, he wouldn't know who did it. _____"
A. never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you
B. spring to your defence
C. make a stranger of yourself
D. blow your trumpet.
89. No, Sarah is actually one of the smartest people in the company. She may not talk or
socialize much, but still _____ run deep.
A. waters B. oceans C. beverages D. drinks
90. A: "My only interest is in making money." B: "Like father, like _____, I see."
A. daughter B. son C. mother D. brother
91. In the stock market, as with house racing, money makes the mare _____.
A. run B. come C. go D. fly
92. The political candidate knew the issue was a hot _____, so he deferred to his chief of staff,
who directed questions to the committee chairperson.
A. tomato B. potato C. carrot D. apple
93.I know these training sessions are hard work, but you've got to do it if you want to be a c
ontender for the championship. No _____, no gain!
A. pain B. venture C. work D. try
94. Benjamin Franklin once said, “Don't _____ until tomorrow what you can do today. ” It's
good advice for all of us.
A. delay B. put off C. cancel D. stop
95. I used to try to get him to do some exercise but then decided he was a _____ cause.
A. lost B. miss C. loss D. missing
96. Everything’s ok, Mei. A bad ______ makes a bad ending, right?
A. start B. launch C. beginning D. dawn
97. It is said that _____ is man's true touchstone, which is a very useful advice.
A. calamity B. accident C. hardship D. disaster
98. My mom always teaches me that: " A clean fast is better than a dirty _____."
A. dinner B. lunch C. snack D. breakfast
99. - "Adam must have studied so hard that he got the highest mark in his test."
"Well, ______ is the mother of success"
A. diligence B. hard – working
C. loss D. failure
100. It’s always diamond _____ diamond when those two schemers get together.
A. meet B. cut C. see D. watch

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