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: Maintaining the Sustainability of the Citizens Economic Activities by Online Shopping

I. Information of The Organization

Traditional Market is a market where the activities of sellers and buyers are carried out
directly in the form of retail on a temporary or permanent basis with limited service levels.

In the book Indonesian Culture (2009) by Rahmad Widiyanto, the traditional market is a
growing market in the community with native indigenous traders. Traditional markets
usually emerge from the needs of the general public who need a place to sell the goods
produced. Whereas consumers who need certain goods for their daily needs can get it there.

According to Wicaksono et al. (2011), A traditional market is a place where sellers and
buyers are themed and characterized by direct seller transactions, buildings usually consist of
stalls or outlets, and open doors opened by the seller and a market manager.

Traditional markets have several functions for the regional economy, i.e: as a source of
regional retribution, as a place to exchange goods, as a center for the development of the
people's economy, as a center for the circulation of regional money, and employment.

Traditional markets have several characteristics, including a bargaining system between the
seller and the buyer.

Traditional markets are owned, built, and managed by local governments. Diverse and
integrated business are premises in the same location. Most of the goods and services offered
are local production.

Bekasi City has 11 traditional markets, namely Kranji Baru Market, Harapan Jaya Market,
Bantargebang Market, Jatiasih Market, Bintara Market, and Wisma Asri Market. Next is,
Pondokgede Atrium Market, Bekasi New Market, Buyung Bay Market, Kranggan Market,
and Family Mart Market. This market is like a traditional market that provides a variety of
basic needs, ranging from rice, vegetables, fish, beef, chicken meat, to other foodstuffs.

Management Authority
Explained in the regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number:
53/M-DAG/Per/12/2008 concerning guidelines on the arrangement and construction of
traditional markets, shopping centers, and Modern stores, determined that the regional head,
in this case, the mayor is responsible for the traditional market, through the related service,
namely Perindustrrian Department, Trade and Cooperative city Bekasi

II. Background
Traditional market situation
The market as a meeting place for buyers and sellers, as well as the most real place of
transactions, makes it the most vulnerable location that allows the spread of Coronavirus.

For that, the government set the market closed, based on Presidential decree No. 7 the year
2020 about Task Force acceleration of Corona Disease Handling (Covid-19). Then
reemphasized through the governor of West Java leaflet No. 400 the year 2020. Highlighted
by the mayor of Bekasi City leaflet No 443/2024/SETDA of Social Ministry about increased
awareness of the risk of transmission of Coronavirus infection.

In a leaflet number 5111.2/2193/disdagperin signed by the Mayor of Bekasi dated March 22,
2020, the activity of street vendors on the sidewalk of the traditional market will be closed.
The ordinance will go into effect on March 23, 2020.

Meanwhile, economic activity that serves as the pulse of life must continue to run amid a

III. Definition
From the above explanation, the question arises:
1. How do traditional markets continue to be active amid the COVID 19 pandemic?
2. How do consumers meet their economic needs?
3. How can economic activities continue?
IV. Situation Analysis

Issue Life Cycle of Bekasi Market

SWOT Analysis
SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT analysis
organizes the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of activities into an
organized list and is usually presented in a simple grid.

Strengths and Weaknesses are internal. Things that can be controlled and can be changed.
Examples include who is on the team, patents and intellectual property, location, rank, and
position. Opportunities and Threats are external things that affect activities. Things that are
beyond the power to be changed.

The technique was made by Albert Humphrey, who led a research project at Stanford
University in the 1960s and 1970s by using data from Fortune 500 companies.

SWOT Analysis of Bekasi Market in the Middle of Pandemic

1) Place of Transaction
2) The number of sellers of various types of basic needs
3) The number of buyers
1) In a situation like this, it is very vulnerable to infected by Corona because of the high
level of interaction
2) A gathering place for many people, so it is not in accordance with the COVID 19
preventive health protocol established by the Central Government.


1) Transactions can be carried out anywhere

2) Sellers who still have a large stock of commodity
3) Suppliers who still actively distributing products
4) Buyers who continue to fulfill their needs


May easily infected by Corona

V. Goal
Guaranteed the survival and the economic activities of the citizens of Bekasi.

VI. Objectives
1. Maintain trading activities in Bekasi market through online transactions
2. Creating online buying and selling habits in the community
3. Invite the community to have economic activities, while strictly implementing the
preventive health Protocols of COVID 19

VII. Key Stakeholders

Stakeholders are individuals, organizations, or groups with interests in a particular natural
resource (Branco et al 2007). A stakeholder is a person who has something to gain or lose
through the outcomes of a planning process, program, or project (Dialogue by Design
Stakeholders include all parties related to the management of resources. According to Witold
Henisz, a professor at the Wharton Business School, Including everyone from local and
national politicians, figures or community leaders, rulers, paramilitary groups, NGOs, and
international bodies.

Stakeholders in this context are:

1. Bekasi City Government

The Mayor as the head of the region, through the Department of Industry and Trade, is
responsible and has authority in terms of market management in the region. How the
mechanisms are happening in the market, what is the policy, and everything that happens in
the market becomes the responsibility of the Government.

2. Traditional Market Traders

One of the parties most interested in the market is the seller. Those who rent stall, shops, and
those who hold commodities there.

3. Suppliers
Suppliers of commodities for distribution to salesman in the market.

4. Association
Trade unions, porters' associations, and any associations that join with market activities
every day.

5. Consumers
Buyers who routinely shop at traditional markets. Usually housewives for daily needs at
home, or retail salesman in the villages. They buy for resale.

6. Taxi bike Station

Two-wheeler delivery services, both for people and items that can be found around the
market. Usually have regular customers.
7. Online taxi bike
Two-wheeler delivery services, both for people and items. Do not have a regular customer
because the order is based on an online order. The advantage is that it can be faster because it
can be ordered from anywhere.

8. Society at large
Residents who happen to pass by, residents who do not routinely shop at the market,
residents who only occasionally shop at the market.

VIII. Strategy

The strategy was born out of planning, "strategy" comes from the Greek word "strategos"
which refers to the overall role of the command as a military general command. The strategy
determines the scope and direction of competitive organizational development (Butterick,
2012: 153).

United State Public Affairs Council (Regester & Larkin, 2003:44-46) states that the
functions needed for issue management are, identifying various issues and trends, evaluating
their impact and placing priorities, establishing the position of a company, designing the
actions and response of the company to help obtain the position as well as implementing the

Using the public relation strategy

a. Publication
Market managers and management disseminate information and ideas to audiences about the
importance of maintaining economic stability by online shopping.
b. Event
By avoiding direct events, public relations must hold events that share information with the
public about the transfer of market functions from face to face to online.

From this event, it was further developed into:

 Regular event, events that are routinely held.
 Special event, special activities and carried out at certain moments.
 Moment event, momentum activities.

c. News (Messages/News)
PR gives information to be communicated to the public indirectly through banners and
pamphlets. This information is in the form of explaining the current pandemic situation and
the efforts of all parties so that economic activities can run well. The information conveyed
aims to be accepted by the public and get a positive response.

d. Identity (Image)
Bekasi City Government must convince the residents that the market is still active, albeit in
different ways, to meet their daily needs.

e. Community Involvment (Relations with audiences)

Bekasi City Government should always build relationships built with audiences
(stakeholders, stockholders, media, society).

Using Media Strategies

1. As Fulfillment of Community Information Needs

The development of modern society now has created a relationship of dependency between
the community and the media. This also causes the increasing development of mass media.

The Bekasi city government must utilize various media in its area to optimize the objectives
of the activity.

2. As a power in forming public opinion

In situations, when society is influenced by various news, the media becomes a determining
force in change. The media is able to shape, focus, and accelerate public opinion. So there is
a dictum that says the media creates but also destroys the image.

The Bekasi City Government must utilize the media to form public opinion that the
government still exists and continues to serve the needs of its citizens.
IX. Key Message

Butterick (2012) revealed that "a public relations strategy is a holistic approach to a
campaign or program, and the rational explanation behind a tactical program, and will be
dictated and determined by the problems that arise from analysis and research".

'Key messages’ in public relations are the main messages that the organization wants to
convey. An organization must have a key message because it is a simple form of
organizational strategy or things that people need to know about the organization's focus.

‘Key messages’ can be a bridge between organizations and society. When the message is
relevant to the target audience, they can grasp, even support the aims of the organization.

Later, the potential for audience loyalty to the organization will be way better. Key messages
are also useful to attract the attention of people who are not yet an organizational audience,
invite the media to preach the organization, and attract other parties to collaborate with the

Before making a key message, several things need to be considered as follows.

1. Unique
Any organization or even campaign is obliged to look for different and unique things.
The Key message will affirm what characterizes an organization from other
organizations. That way, the organization's key message will dominate, easily
remembered, and be understood by the society and audience.

The team can formulate a short and unique message, for example, "Shop from Home"
or "Shopping While Sitting On The Terrace".

2. Relevant to the audience

Before creating a key message, the organization must know who the target audience
is. Next, the key message must be as relevant as possible to the audience. Relevancies
will establish closeness between the organization and the society because they feel
they have an identical vision. This is the heart of people's trust in the organization.

The buyers who are the main target market in Bekasi are the lower classes. For that,
we need a message that is populist and hit.

3. Aligned with the goals of the organization

Each organization certainly has the main goal that has been established since its
inception. The key message must be made aligned with the organization's main goal,
not to differ in direction or the opposite.

That way, the main message can then be scaled down to other messages that are
aligned and strengthen the organization's position

The purpose of this activity is to activate the economic activities of citizens, while
still obeying the health protocol of covid 19 prevention.

4. Consistent key message

The next thing to note in producing a key message is consistency. When we
communicate the same message regularly, the society and the audience will
remember more easily.

Key messages of the organization are generally related to strategy and are long-term.
Try to make general key messages so they can be easily implemented in other
messages according to campaigns or specific activities.

If there is a special condition faced by the organization, the key message will not
change. The typical thing to do is change the way it is delivered.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, not all organizations were able to push key messages
like they did activities or campaigns as usual. However, organizations can modify
key messages such as adding information that is relevant to the current situation but
still following the main objectives of the organization. That way, the organization
stays with its key message while adjusting to certain conditions to make it more

5. Adjustable
Bekasi Market team also need to create a key message that is easy to be passed down
to various campaigns or activities. Although an organization has different activities, a
strong key message will be easily adjusted. Teams will create activities that are
generally aligned with their vision and target.

Key messages are delivered in a structured way with the following steps:

Step # 1: Start with the Answer First

To communicate structurally with audiences, first, we must start with answers to
general questions and then express our arguments.

In building and developing the policy about online shopping in Bekasi market, the
questions will be:
1. How to control Covid 19?
2. Will the market be closed forever?
3. When will the market open normally as before the Covid 19?
4. What is online shopping?
5. How to shop online
6. Do every item we buy while shopping online have the same quality
compared to when we shop normally?
7. Can we choose the items we like when shopping online?
8. Can we choose our merchant customers when shopping online?
9. Can bargaining be done when shopping online?
10. Is online shopping more expensive or cheaper than usual shopping?
11. Who will deliver the goods when we shop online?
12. Are the costs when delivering online shopping charged to us as a
13. What are the benefits for me shopping online?
14. Do I have to pay in cash when shopping online?
15. How do I pay for merchandise when I shop online?
16. If using a bank account is required, what if I don't have a bank

Step # 2: Convey our Arguments

The audience will naturally begin to group and summarize our arguments to
remember it. So, we can help them to make the whole argument to be more effective
and easily remembered by them.

Give a straightforward and clear answer to the questions that have been arranged in
the first step. Decide the answer precisely and not change even if asked by another

Step # 3: Explain Ideas Logically

We need to ensure that the ideas we convey have the same interests and are logical.

In formulating and providing answers to questions posed by the public, the team must
provide answers based on the interests of the audience, not the interests of the team,
in this case the interests of the Bekasi City government. Avoid the following
- Because of the Government
- For the Government
- For the sake of the Government

Use sentences that prioritize the interests of a wide audience, such as the following
- For the sake of society
- For the sake of the seller and buyer
- For the sake of public safety in general

The following is a pyramid diagram to make it easier for the team to make tactical
and strategic steps for delivering ideas:
Diagram 1
Structure of Steps for Presenting the Message of Bekasi Market Team

X. Agenda of activities

The following is a table of events of the Bekasi market team.

Table 01. Bekasi Market Team Agenda

Special purpose Strategy Activity Target Objective

Explain to the Through mass Press o Bekasi City Audiences
public about media, releases, society understand about
Covid 19 messaging broadcasts, the dangers of
applications, banners, Covid 19
banner distribution
publications, of
pamphlets pamphlets.
Explain to the Through mass Press o Bekasi City Audiences
public about media, releases, society understands that
the economic messaging broadcasts, economic activity
activity amid in applications, banners, must continue to
the pandemic banner distribution run
publications, of
pamphlets pamphlets.
Explain the Through mass Press o Bekasi City The public
audiences media, releases, society understands
about health messaging broadcasts, things that are
protocol during applications, banners, still permissible or
the pandemi banner distribution not during the
publications, of pandemic.
pamphlets pamphlets.
Introduce the Through mass Press o Bekasi City People know that
public to a new media, releases, society there are ways to
way of messaging broadcasts, shop without
shopping applications, banners, needing to come
without face- banner distribution to the market
to-face. publications, of directly.
pamphlets pamphlets.
Explain to the Through mass Press o Consumen, The public
public about media, releases, citizen nearby understands the
the online messaging broadcasts, the market, procedures for
shopping applications, banners, Bekasi city online shopping
system banner distribution society
publications, of
pamphlets pamphlets.
Explain to the Through mass Press o Consumen, People know the
public about media, releases, citizen nearby nearest location
the market in messaging broadcasts, the market, to shop
Bekasi applications, banners, Bekasi city geographically
banner distribution society
publications, of
pamphlets pamphlets.
Explain to the Through mass Press o Consumen, The public knows
public about media, releases, citizen nearby which markets are
closing markets messaging broadcasts, the market, closed and which
in Bekasi applications, banners, Bekasi city are still open
banner distribution society
publications, of
pamphlets pamphlets.
Explain to the Through mass Press o Consumen, The public knows
public about media, releases, citizen nearby the legal basis for
the legal basis messaging broadcasts, the market, closing markets
for closing applications, banners, Bekasi city
markets in banner distribution society
Bekasi publications, of
pamphlets pamphlets.
Explain to the Through mass Press o Consumen, The public knows
public that the media, releases, citizen nearby that the market
market is still messaging broadcasts, the market, still serves buyers
active online applications, banners, Bekasi city online
banner distribution society
publications, of
pamphlets pamphlets.
Explain to the Through mass Press o Consumen, The public knows
public about media, releases, citizen nearby the technical
the procedures messaging broadcasts, the market, procedures for
for shopping applications, banners, Bekasi city shopping online in
online in the banner distribution society Bekasi market
Bekasi market publications, of
pamphlets pamphlets.
Explain to other Through mass Press o Association, Other
stakeholders media, releases, community, stakeholders
that the market messaging broadcasts, suppliers know that the
serves online applications, banners, market serves
sales banner distribution online sales
publications, of
pamphlets pamphlets..
Inviting the Through mass Press o Consumen, Communities and
public and media, releases, citizen nearby other
other messaging broadcasts, the market, stakeholders
stakeholders to applications, banners, Bekasi city rollicking online
enliven the banner distribution society shopping in the
market online publications, of Bekasi market
pamphlets pamphlets.

The following are the steps of activities carried out:

1. Before the activity

1) Formation of a training team for sellers
2) Providing material to sellers
3) Online training for sellers about the procedures for selling online
4) Formulate material for online buying procedures
5) Formation of information and socialization teams
6) Providing material to the socialization and information team
7) Forming a cooperation team
8) Providing material to the collaboration team
9) Make a schedule of activity
10) Establish an evaluation team

2. Activity

1) Explain to the public about COVID 19 by mass media using press releases. It can also use
broadcast messaging applications so that it can massively spread. A lot of information has
been received by the public from various sources. So, the team should use simple sentences
with points related to the activities of citizens in the market. For example: "Wash hands
before shopping", "Wash hands after shopping". The target is for the public to understand the
dangers of COVID 19 and its preventive measures.
2) Explain to the public about economic activities during a pandemic through mass media and
PR. Can use press releases, banners, pamphlets. The target is for the public to understand
that economic activity must continue.
3) Explain to the public about health protocols in the pandemic through mass media. Can use
press releases, traveling from point to point. The target community understands the things
that are still permissible and not permitted during the pandemic.
4) Introduce the public to a new way of shopping without face to face using the mass media and
PR. Press releases, pamphlets, and distribution. The public knows there is a way to shop
without needing to come to the market directly.
5) Explain to the public about the online shopping system. Through mass media and PR. It can
be with press releases and through the messaging application group. The target community
understands the procedure for online shopping.
6) Explain to the public about the market in Bekasi through mass media. It can be with PR and
press releases. It can also be through the short messaging application group. People know the
nearest location to shop geographically.
7) Explain to the public about closing markets in Bekasi through mass media and PR. It can be
with a press release. Through the short messaging application group. The public knows
which markets are closed and which are still open.
8) Explain to the public about the legal basis for closing markets in Bekasi. Through mass
media, through PR and press releases. Through the short messaging application group. The
public knows the legal basis for closing markets.
9) Explain to the audience that the market is still active online. Through mass media and PR,
with press releases or through short messaging application groups. The public knows that the
market still serves buyers online.
10) Explain the procedures to the public for shopping online in the Bekasi market. Through mass
media and PR. It can be through a press release or a short messaging application group. The
public knows the technical procedures for shopping online in Bekasi market
11) Explain to other stakeholders: associations, suppliers, and the wider community concerned,
that the market serves online sales. It can be through mass media and PR. With a press
release. It can go through the short messaging app group. Other stakeholders know that the
market serves online sales.
12) Inviting the public and other stakeholders to enliven the online market. Through mass media
and PR. By using Press Releases and short messaging application groups. Communities and
other stakeholders are together doing online shopping in the Bekasi market

XI. Evaluation
According to A.D Rooijakkers, the concept of evaluation is an effort or process in
determining values. Specifically, evaluation or assessment is also interpreted as a process of
assigning values based on quantitative data measuring results for decision-making purposes.

According to Norman E. Gronlund (1976), evaluation is a systematic process for

determining or making decisions to what extent an organization's goals have been achieved.

The purpose of the evaluation is as follows:

1) To find out how good a person level of mastery of competencies being determined.

The Bekasi city government routinely and periodically evaluates the extent to which
the team has worked. Whether the target has been reached. Whether the team has
masters the material of buying and selling online. Whether the traders already know
how to sell online. Whether the buyers already understand how to buy online.

2) To find out the difficulties experienced by someone in their activities so that

diagnosis can be made and the possibility of providing remedial teaching.

Bekasi City Government routinely controls and sets targets at a certain level to
determine the level of difficulty experienced by the team. If there is a lack in the
team, retraining can be done.

3) To find out the level of efficiency and effectiveness of a method, media, and other
resources in carrying out an activity

The Bekasi City Government assessed whether the use of media, the use of
messaging applications, the use of pamphlets was effective to introduce and
familiarize the public with new economic activities for them.

4) As feedback and important information for the evaluator to improve the existing
lacks where it can be used as a reference in making decisions in the future.

All lacks are corrected and then adjusted to be better in implementation.

Evaluation Stages
In the evaluation activities, several important stages sustain each other. Referring to
the definition of evaluation, the evaluation stages are as follows:
1. The Bekasi city government determines the evaluation topic, which is the
activity of determining the topic to be evaluated.

It can be started from the topic of team establishment, the media use, the aim
topic, the target topic, the use of resources that are owned and utilized.

2. The Bekasi City Government designed an evaluation activity, which is an

activity to design an evaluation process so in its implementation it did not
miss important things

3. Bekasi City Government conducts data collection, which is the activity of

collecting and recording any information through planning based on scientific

4. The Evaluation Team technically carries out data processing and analysis,
which is processing information by grouping data to make it easier to do the
analysis, as well as determining the timeline as a result of the evaluation.

5. The evaluation team reports the results of the evaluation to the supervisor,
specifically the Bekasi city government, by making an evaluation report so
that it is known by the parties concerned.

XII. Timeline

The following is a timeline table for online shopping socialization in the Bekasi market

Table 02. Timeline of online shopping socialization in the Bekasi market

Activity June July August September October November Desem
Explain to the public
about Covid 19

Explain to the public

about economical
activity during the

Explain to the public

about the health
protocol during the

Introduce the public

to a new way of
shopping without

Explain to the public

about online
shopping system
Explain to the public
about the market in

Explain to the public

about closing
markets in Bekasi
and its legal basis

Explain to the public

that the market is
still active online

Explain to the public

about the
procedures for
shopping online in
the Bekasi market

Explain to other
stakeholders that
the market serves
online sales

Inviting the public

and other
stakeholders to
enliven the market
XIII. Budget

This is an illustration of the costs incurred by the Bekasi City Government in the context of
online shopping policies in the Bekasi Market

Pre Activity

1. Formation of a training team for sellers : Rp. 2.000.000

2. Providing material to sellers : Rp. 30.000.000
3. Online training for sellers about the procedures for selling online : Rp. 100.000.000
4. Formulate material for online buying procedures : Rp.5000.000
5. Formation of information and socialization teams : Rp. 2.000.000
6. Providing material to the socialization and information team : Rp. 10.000.000
7. Forming a cooperation team : Rp. 2.000.000
8. Providing material to the collaboration team : Rp. 10.000.000
9. Make a schedule of activity : Rp. 500.000
10. Establish an evaluation team : Rp. 2.000.000

Total Pre Activity: Rp. 163,500,000

The following is a cost table for doing the agenda:
Table 03. Costs for carrying out activities of the Bekasi Market Team
Activity Budget
Explain to the public about Covid 19 Rp. 25.000.000

Explain to the public about economical Rp. 25.000.000

activity during the pandemic

Explain to the public about the health Rp.25.000.000

protocol during the pandemic

Introduce the public to a new way of Rp. 50.000.000

shopping without face-to-face

Explain to the public about online Rp. 50.000.000

shopping system
Explain to the public about the market in Rp. 25.000.000
Explain to the public about closing markets Rp. 50.000.000
in Bekasi and its legal basis

Explain to the public that the market is still Rp. 100.000.000

active online

Explain to the public about the procedures Rp. 200.000.000

for shopping online in the Bekasi market

Explain to other stakeholders that the Rp. 75.000.000

market serves online sales

Inviting the public and other stakeholders Rp. 300.000.000

to enliven the market online
Total Rp. 925.000.000

Total amount: Rp. 1,088,500,000


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