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Bicol University

College of Education
Daraga, Albay

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 6

Classroom Management

Awesome day, Pre-service Teachers!  Tap yourself for doing your best to learn
and be a skilled observer in the field. Welcome to our sixth learning episode in FS 1.
You are almost at the last leg on the first part of Field Study courses. For this
episode, you will be provided with opportunities to have a more in-depth
understanding on classroom management and its importance. The focus will be on
classroom routines, classroom discipline, as well as time and resource management.


Learning Episode 6 presents Domain 2 which emphasizes the essential role of

teachers to provide a conducive learning environment for the learners to feel safe,
secure, has friendly and caring environment in order to promote learner responsibility
and achievement. Also, this domain stresses the importance of classroom
management practices by the teacher and examine how classrooms are structured
to allow everyone’s maximum participation for effective learning. This episode will
require you to observe and gather data to deepen your understanding on how
classroom management affect learning.

In this sixth learning episode, you are expected to:

 identify the classroom routines set by the teacher in the classroom;

 determine the classroom management strategies that the teacher employed in
his/her class; and
 plan on how to manage time, space, and resources.

Activities or Learning Tasks

For this learning episode, you need to do the following tasks:

Activity 1: Observing Classroom Routines

A. Instruction: Observe the classroom routines of the resource teacher by
accomplishing the given checklist.

Classroom Routines Observed Not Observed Remarks/Notes

1. Movement into the classroom ✓ The students come on time as advised by th
e teacher.
2. Movement out of the classroom ✓ The students come out of the class after the l
3. Transition in classroom activities ✓ The teacher prepares different activities for t
he students
4. Use of lavatories/CR/washrooms ✓ There are washrooms and comfort rooms av
ailable inside the school
5. Passing of papers ✓ There is a certain way of passing the papers
created by the teacher to ensure that the cla
ss is organized
6. Passing of books ✓ There is certain way of passing the books cr
eated by the teacher to ensure that the class
remains organized
7. Working with pairs/groups ✓ The teacher prepares activities which involve
s being with group or partnering. This happe
ns usually to make use of the available resou
8. Dealing with Tardy students ✓ The teacher asks if the students are ready fo
r class
9. Dealing with Absent students ✓ The teacher checks on absent students as to
why they are absent
10. Submission/Collection of materials ✓ Submission/collection of materials happens b
efore and after the class
11. Submission of projects ✓ Projects usually are performances and the te
acher lets the students perform
12. Asking questions during lessons ✓ This helps the teacher assess the students’ u
13. Asking for assistance ✓ This happens in checking the attendance or t
o make the room more comfortable for the st
14. Joining classroom activities ✓ The teacher joins practical activities of the st
udents if the students need assistance for th
e activity
15. Lining up ✓ This usually happens when an activity is abo
ut to begin
16. Walking in line ✓ Does not have the opportunity to observe wa
lking in line
17. Fire drill/emergencies ✓ Does not have the opportunity to observe fire
18. Movement between activities ✓ The teacher creates a good atmosphere to s
hift from one activity to another
19. Use of classroom supplies ✓ The teacher uses classroom supplies to kee
p the students more engaged
20. Checking of assignments ✓ This happens at the beginning of the class
21. Checking of attendance ✓ This happens at the beginning of the class

B. Instruction: Answer the following questions…

1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why or
why not?

 Yes. Classroom routines ensure order and discipline inside the classroom.
The students know what and what not to do and this creates a good learning
environment for them. These routines make the students more responsible of
their action and should be done for the benefit of the students as well as the

2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented? Explain

your answer.

 The classroom routine that re frequently observed are checking of attendance

and checking of assignments. These routines are always done before the
class starts. It is to check students’ performance and if they do their given
tasks. Also, assignments are given to teach students about responsibility.

3. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behaviour?

 The learners’ become more responsible of their action and they learn to be
obedient to their teacher. Aside from being responsible, they also learn to be

Activity 2: Demonstrating knowledge of positive and non-violent discipline in

the management of learner behavior

A. Instructions: Observe the classroom management strategies that your resource

teacher employs in the classroom. You may also conduct an interview to
substantiate your observation. You may do it in-person or give the answer sheet
to them.

Effective Classroom Management Stra Observed Not Observe No Opportunity t Remarks/Notes

tegies d o observe
1. Model to the students how to act in ✓ The teacher always demonstrate th
different situations e correct way of doing things for the
students to observe
2. Establish classroom guidelines ✓ There are guidelines established by
the teacher for students to follow
3. Document the rules ✓ Documenting the rules is not observ
ed by the resource teacher
4. Refrain from punishing the entire cl ✓ When a student did something unne
ass cessary, the teacher punishes that s
tudent only and not the entire class
5. Encourage initiative from class ✓ The teacher always ask students to
do things by themselves and do not
rely on the teacher or the classmate
6. Offers praise and rewards ✓ The teacher always recognize if a st
udent did something good
7. Use non-verbal communication ✓ The teacher uses his hands and/or
eyes to communicate to the student
s and the students quickly understa
8. Take time to celebrate group effort ✓ No opportunity to observe
9. Let students work in groups. ✓ Majority of the class activities are do
ne in groups
10. Interview students to assess their ✓ No opportunity to observe
11. Address bad behaviour quickly ✓ The teacher does not tolerate bad b
ehaviours inside the class and addr
ess it right away
12. Consider peer teaching ✓ The teacher lets some students me
ntor their classmate or lower grades
13. Continuously engage the students ✓ The teachers create activities to eng
age the students in learning
14. Assign open-ended project ✓ Not observed just yet
15. Write group contracts ✓ Not observed just yet

Guide for the Interview of the Resource Teacher

Name of the Resource Teacher: Ms Angelica Madrid

Grade/Year Level: 7-10 Subjects handled: SPA Theatre
Years in Service: 3 years

Guide Questions:
1. What is the most effective classroom discipline strategy you have applied in your cl
 The teacher believes that in her 3 years of teaching in grades 7-10, the most
effective classroom discipline she applied in her class is to let the students
establish their own guidelines. In this way, the students approve of the rules
and they will not break it because they made it themselves.
2. Do you allow your students participate in making the classroom rules? Can you des
cribe the process? If not, how did you come up with your classroom rules?
 Yes. The teacher allows the students to create their own rules. Firstly, the
teacher asks the students what they expect in the class and then proceeds to
making their own rules. This allows the students to be more aware of the
classroom environment and they will be more responsible of their actions.
3. How do you maintain good behaviour in your classroom? How do you motivate you
r students?
 In maintaining good behavior inside the classroom, the teacher sets a good
role model for them. She shows them what and how to act inside the
classroom through how she acts as well. She also motivates the student to be
more disciplined by also imposing it to them through her actions.

B. Answer the following questions:

1. How many strategies were employed by the resource teacher? Did these
contribute to better classroom management? Explain your answer.
 There were two strategies employed by the teacher. No. 1 is letting the
students establish their own guidelines and no. 2 is setting a good example to
them through her actions. I think that it definitely contributed to having good
classroom management because according to my observations, the students
are disciplined and they mimic what the teacher do inside the classroom.

2. Which specific behaviour strategies do you think were effective in the grade
level you were assigned to do an observation?
 Since I am assigned to observe in Special Program in the Arts, I think that the
most effective behaviour strategies are direct instruction and modelling. In
these way, the students will be able to know what to do and what not to do
inside the classroom.
Activity 3: Management of Time, Space, and Resources

A. Instruction: Draw the structure of and set-up in the classroom. Make sure to
indicate the areas for specific purposes (e.g. storage of teaching aids, books,
students’ belongings, supplies, demo table, teacher’s and students’ table and
chair, etc.)

Bla Entrance
Blackboard Blackboard
Teacher’s Table

Chairs &

Teacher’s Corner Announcement Corner Exit

B. Answer the following questions:

1. Describe the areas found in the classroom. Will it make a difference if these
areas for specific purposes are not present?

 I would say that the classroom illustrated above is complete and is essential
for creating a good learning environment. There is a blackboard in front,
teacher’s table and a teacher’s corner. There is also a complete set of chairs
and tables as well as closets to put necessary learning materials. There are
two doors for entrance and exit and also an announcement corner. The room
is also well ventilated with windows on each side. I think that these areas in
the classroom are necessary. The students and teachers benefit from it and if
there is one missing among the areas, the students and the teachers might
find it hard to create good learning environment.
2. How did the teacher manage time, space, and resources?

 Based on my observation, every corner of the classroom has specific function.

The teacher utilized the space very well so the classroom became more
functional for learning.

Reflection Questions:

1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade level do
you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this
level? Why?
 Since I entered the college and studied to become an educator, I always
envisioned myself teaching in junior or in senior high school. I didn’t want to
teach in elementary because I thought that it will be difficult having to deal
with children. Now that I am in my last year in college, I am starting to like
teaching children. If ever I get to teach in an elementary school, I would
probably want to teach from grades 4 to 6. I will see to it that they are literate
both in English and in Filipino. I will make sure that the children are good in
reading and writing. I believe that this is fundamental learning that they will
carry on forever.

2. What does this statement mean to you as a future teacher? Explain.

“No amount of good instruction will come out without effective classroom
 For me, I definitely agree with the statement. You can be a very intelligent
teacher and always know the right answer, but without effective and proper
classroom management, you will not be able to teach more effectively and

3. What are your plans in ensuring effective classroom management (including time,
space, and resources)? Briefly discuss your answer.
I plan on being consistent with classroom management. I will see to it that my
future students know how serious I am when it comes to managing the class and
imposing discipline so that they can learn better.

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