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Bicol University

College of
Education Daraga,

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 8
Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

If you want the cooperation of humans around y


At the end of this episode, you will be able to:

Identify learning environments that are responsive to community contexts;

Describe the parents’ roles and the wider school community in the educative process;
Enumerate school policies and procedures that link/connect school to other

 You must actively engage in collaborative learning with the

professional community and other stakeholders for mutual
growth and advancement.

 As proficient teachers, you are expected to value personal

growth and professional development and exhibit high
regard for the profession.

 You also need to assume responsibility for personal growth

and professional development for lifelong learning.

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“The problem of education is everybody’s problem. As building literacy is our
collective responsibility, so too is improving our schools, our collective
responsibility. We must build bridges between the school and the community.”
Forencio Adab, Former DepEd Secretary

Learning Tasks
1. Identify the various stakeholders within the school and community in relation to
teaching profession, and identify the different ways in which we involve these
stakeholders in the educative process.

YOUR STAKEHOLDERS How do you engagement the STAKEHOLDERs

2. Being a pre-service teacher, how will you be able to build relationship with the
different community partners?

As a teacher I know…….

As a teacher I do…….

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As a teacher I feel…….

3. Read the situation below and try to reflect on it.

It was the last week of February and the School Head of Benzon High School called the first Parent-Teacher Confe

1. Based on Teacher Janelle’s case, what do you think is the challenge for her?

2. If you experience the same problem in the future. What would you think is the reason why many parents do not atte

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3. What are your realizations on Teacher Janelle’s case?

4. What specific steps will you take to encourage parents to attend Parent- Teacher Conferences and other schoo

Building relationships with parents/guardians and the wider

school community to facilitate involvement in the educative process is
challenging. However, it is important since a sustainable relationship
and partnership with various stakeholders is one key in bringing
quality education to our learners.

Aside from these there are several ways by which schools and teachers can effectively build
relationships, engage parents and stakeholders, and sustain partnerships with the community.

Conduct Home Visits. A teacher who conducts a home visit will have a clear understanding of the
learner’s home conditions. Getting to know the parents and their children well is the first step in
fostering relationships.

Organize Seminars for Parents. There are various seminars which are appropriate for the parents.
Topics such as responsible parenthood, child development and understanding learners are close to the
hearts of parents. These seminars can equip parents with the skills and understanding necessary to help
their children.

Maximize Parent Conferences. The adviser must take the opportunity to talk to parents during
conferences. The purpose of the conference must be clear to the parents. The achievement and needs
of the learners must be communicated to their parents. The teacher must honest, direct to the point
and organized. The conference may be informal to facilitate more fluid communication.

Create School-Home Projects. Busy parents have a hard time attending school affairs. However,
there are alternatives such as sending letters to parents informing them of the school programs. Printed
materials can be sent to parents to update them on various school events.

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Establish Two-Way Communication with Parents/Community. A dialogue between the school
and parents/community can develop open communication. In this way, trust and honesty develop
between the school and the parents/community.

Explore other professional networks. Except from the regular sessions, meetings, conferences
and trainings held by the department, school or division, you may also participate in professional
development programs sponsored by professional teacher organizations and development centers.

Create professional networks among peers. Professional networks may also be formed among
peers such as focus groups, co-planning and collaborative teaching teams. There are also a number of
online communities for educators that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. You may choose to
participate in any of these professional networks depending on your needs and purpose.

Adhere to norms while sharing knowledge. Observe ground rules and confidentiality of
information to ensure a respectful and smooth group discussion. You may also share knowledge with
your colleagues through co-planning lessons, collaborative teaching, and using online platforms/tools
like, Google Drive, Facebook, etc. Contribute to these networks by combining your own
strengths with others’ in developing instructional innovations.

Set objectives for enhancement of practice. There are a number of professional networks that
you may participate in. However, not all of them specifically target your needs to improve teaching
practice. As a reference, use tools such as the Classroom Observation Tool (COT-RPMS) to assess which
indicators require improvement. You may set objectives to enhance specific areas of practice by
participating in professional networks that target such areas.

More so the best practices in the field are essentially substantial. The substantiality convey that
they conform to the standards that are being looked for among the teachers in the public schools. It is
envisioned that these standards shall become the language of quality in order to build relationships with
parents/guardians and the wider school community to facilitate involvement in the educative process.

List down school activities that you still

remember that involves the community
(colleagues, parents, and the community)
and their role / functions in the activity.

Activities Persons Involves Roles/Functions in the Activity



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Based on your professional reflection, think of ways you can further enhance
your knowledge, skill and attitude in this indicator.
Below is a personal plan for you to map up your
journey to the REAL WORLD of TEACHING!

What are What are your What action plan will Target of What resources do
your skills that need you recommend for Implementation you need to
strengths? improvement? your development? implement the plan?

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