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Lesson Plan in Chemical Equation

I. Objectives:

The learners will be able to…

 Perform how to balance chemical equation using the number of atoms in the
reactants and products by answering individual assessment at the end of
 Evaluate chemical equation either they are balance or not through a group
 Identify the parts of a chemical equation through an activity called
“ Paspas, para di maimpas”

II. Subject Matter

1. Topic : Chemical Equation
2. Reference : Google
3. Materials: DLP, Laptop, chalk, printed materials, tape

III. Learning Task

1. Review.
 What is Molecular Mass?
 What is the formula for Molecular Mass?

2. Motivation
 The teacher will show the class several pictures of compound that has gone
through chemical reaction and let the students examine the observable
 After a few minutes of examining, the teacher will randomly call the students
to share their observations decode the scramble word “ CLAMCIHE

3. Lesson Proper
3.1 Activity – By group
The teacher will conduct an activity called “Paspas, para dili maimpas”
 The class will be divided into 2 groups.
 Each group will be given several papers that has letters printed on it
 Each member of the group must carry one or two letters with them
 The teacher will present scrambled words on the screen with their hint
 The students will have to arrange themselves accordingly to spell out the
decoded scrambled word
 The first group to complete the task will earn 1 point and there 5 scrambled
words to decode
 The group with highest point will be declared as a winner and will received
a mystery price.
3.2 Analysis
 The teacher will ask the following question to the students:
- What are the parts of a chemical equation
- What is the difference between reactants and products
3.3 Abstraction

Chemical Reaction - The process in which one or more substances are changed into one
or more new substances

Reactants - the starting materials in a reaction

Products - materials present at the end of an reaction

Word equation - describes chemical change using the names of the reactants and

Chemical equation - is the shortest form of equation by writing its scientific form

Phases in Chemical Equation

Solid Phase (s) - the substance is relatively rigid and has a definite volume and shape e.g
NaCl (s)

Liquid Phase (l) - the substance has a definite volume, but is able to change shape by
flowing H20 (I)

Gas Phase (g) - the substance has no definite volume or shape as it shows little response
to gravity

Balanced chemical equation - a chemical equation in which the number of each type of
atom is equal on the two sides of the equation

Subscripts - part of the chemical formulas of the reactants and products that indicate the
number of atoms of the preceding element

Coefficient - a small whole number that appears in front of a formula in a balanced

chemical equation
Law of conservation of mass - is having the same number of each type of atom on both
sides of the arrow

How can you write a balanced chemical equation?

1. Write the chemical equation and identify the reactants on the left side separating each
atom by a plus sign and the product on the right side of the arrow in between the reactants
and products e.g

2. Count the number of atoms of each element in reactants and products

3. Identify if the chemical equation is balanced or not

4. If not, use coefficients to increase the number of atoms until the equation becomes stable
containing the same number of atoms in each element in the equation

3.4 Application
-With the same group answer the following below
Put a check (✓) on the table if the equation is balance and an (x) if not and solve it.
E. g
Equation Balance Not Balance Solution
Xe + 3F2 ---> XeF6 ✓
Equation Balance Not Balance Solution
C3h8 + O2 ---> CO2 + H2O
2Ga+3CuBr2 ---> 2GaBr3+3Cu
I2+7F2 ---> 2IF7
Na + S8 ---> Na2S

IV. Assessment
Instructions : Balance the following chemical equation and highlight your final answers
(5 points each )

H2 + O2 ---> H2O 2H2 + O2 ---> 2H2O

H-2 H-2 H-4 H-4
O-2 O -1 O-2 O-2

1. Ag + H2S ---> Ag2S + H2

2. KOH + CO2 ---> K2CO3 + H2O
3. Na + Cl2 ---> NaCl
4. FeO + C ---> Fe + CO2
5. SiO2 + C ---> SiC + CO

V. Assignment
In a minimum of 3 sentences and maximum of 5 answer the question below

“What is the connection between Molar Mass and Chemical Reaction?”

Prepared by:
Nel Jane C. Pedrita

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