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Q1. Why did Swami Haridas say Tansen was ‘talented’?

A.Swami said so because of his skills to make different sounds.

2. Why did Akbar ask Tansen to join his court?

Akbar asked Tansen to join his court because he was impressed by his singing.

3. How do we know that Akbar was fond of Tansen? Give two reasons.

A. Akbar was fond of Tansen because he used to call him for singing in his court very often.
Secondly, when his courtiers expressed distrust in his singing, Akbar was full of trust that
Tansen could sing anything.

4. What did the other courtiers feel about Tansen?

A They felt jealous of him.

5. (i) What happens if Raga Deepak is sung properly?

A. It produces heat which can burn everything.

(ii) Why did Tansen’s enemies want him to sing the Raga?

A They wanted him to sing Raga Deepak because they didn’t like him and wanted to get rid of

6. Why did Tansen agree to sing Raga Deepak?

A He agreed to sing Raga Deepak because he didn’t want to say no to the Emperor. He didn’t
want to displease him. So he agreed to keep his master’s trust.

7. (i) What steps did he take to save himself?

A. He trained his daughter and her friend to sing Raga Megh. He also instructed them to sing
the Raag when the lamps would be lit.

(ii) Did his plan work? How?

A. Yes, his plan worked well.The girls started singing just as planned and rain showers came
and he was saved.

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