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2018 Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT’18)

Handwritten Text Recognition in Bank Cheques

Rajib Ghosh Chinmaya Panda

Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering
National Institute of Technology Patna National Institute of Technology Patna
Patna, India Patna, India

Prabhat Kumar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
National Institute of Technology Patna
Patna, India

Abstract—In spite of rapid evolution of digital technologies, makes the process not only time consuming but also error-
a huge number of applications still rely on the use of paper prone and costly. As many countries use cheque truncation
based medium. This is especially true for processing of bank systems (CTS) nowadays, much time, effort and money can
cheques. The pre-printed account number and cheque number
might be easily readable and processed automatically. However, be saved if this entire process of recognition, verification and
the handwritten texts in cheque are usually processed manually data entry is done automatically using images of cheques.
involving important time and cost. An attempt has been made in
this paper to develop a bank cheque handwritten text recognition The account number and the cheque number are printed
(BCHWTR) system for cheques of Indian banks by recognizing on the cheques in magnetic ink (MICR). Since the MICR
the handwritten characters present in the ’payee name’, ’courtesy
amount (both in words and figures)’ and ’date’ fields by using character set is a special type font, these fields can be au-
image processing techniques on handwritten cheque images. tomatically read using magnetic machines or optical character
Images of bank cheques are fed as input to the proposed recognition (OCR) systems. Recognition of handwritten char-
system. There are four stages in the proposed system: cropping acters by computing approach is a serious problem because of
the image at a specific location; segmentation of handwritten variations of handwritten style and shapes written by different
lines, words and characters; feature extraction from individual
characters and digits using Histogram of Oriented Gradients individuals. Moreover, lack of a specific pattern for characters
(HOG) method and Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) make it a daunting task. Differences in size, style of cheques,
texture features; recognition of isolated characters and digits low image contrast and complex background often makes the
using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) based classification process of automatic text extraction an extremely challenging
process that ensures correct recognition. The performance of task. The basic goal of the present research work is to develop
present BCHWTR system is evaluated on a self-generated dataset
of bank cheques and it has provided a promising result. a fast and accurate bank cheque handwritten text recognition
Index Terms—Handwritten text recognition, Bank cheques, (BCHWTR) system able to read the handwritten text (payee
Line segmentation, HOG feature, GLCM texture features, SVM name, courtesy amount and date) in a cheque automatically
based classification. with minimal errors. This will largely automate the system
by reducing workload, time and cost per transaction. The
I. I NTRODUCTION present system has been proposed for Indian bank cheques.
The character recognition process has been carried out using
Automatic bank cheque processing is a field of interest in Support Vector Machine (SVM) based classification technique.
banking industry, as a large part of cheques is still processed The overall framework of the proposed BCHWTR system is
manually that involves the manual reading of the cheques and shown in Fig. 1.
keying their respective values into the computer. Bank cheques
are still widely used all over the world for financial transac- The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
tions where the cheques are usually processed manually in details the related works. The process of data collection and
almost all countries. In such manual verification, handwritten pre-processing steps have been discussed in Section III. The
text portions such as payee name, courtesy amount (both in proposed methods of line, word and character segmentation in
words and figures), date and signature of each cheque are to bank cheques are discussed in Section IV. Section V details
be verified through observation by the bank employees. This the proposed feature extraction approach. Performance of the
proposed system is detailed in Section VI. Section VII presents
the conclusion of the paper.

978-1-5386-8215-9/18/$31.00 2018
2018 Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT’18)

scheme based on HMMs is presented by Morita et al. [8].

The authors have considered frequent occurring words in
Brazilian bank cheques and have used concavity measurements
features viz., concavities, feature vector, auxiliary directions,
and 4-Freeman directions. Cursive unconstrained handwritten
word recognition based on input and class (lexicon) feature
vector was proposed by Guillevic et al. [9]. This work has
used K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) classifier for classification
purpose and has shown a promising result. A method to
extract the items of a cheque by applying three sub processes
was proposed in [11]. First, elimination of the horizontal
lines and background pixels by image subtraction method was
performed, which is followed by the second step, in which
each connected object on the image is described by its minimal
rectangular bounding box, which is represented by a label.
In the last step, reconstruction of truncated written lines was
performed on basis of geometrical parameters. Suen et al. [12]
presented an approach by combining image processing and
pattern recognition techniques for handwritten text recogni-
tion in bank cheques. Initially, authors used different image
Fig. 1. Overall framework of the proposed BCHWTR system processing techniques to isolate and detect handwritten text
portions on a cheque. Various recognizers were then used
to recognize the handwritten legal amounts as well as the
II. R ELATED WORK date on the cheque. Freitas et al. [13] proposed a system to
The foremost technique in offline character recognition is to recognize handwritten legal amount in Brazilian bank cheques.
extract different characters appearing in the image and there Yu et al. [14] presented a system for recognizing handwritten
by recognition of individual characters. Several research ex- legal amount on bank cheques written in Chinese script. A
plorations are available in the literature on offline handwritten method for legal amount recognition written on bank cheques
text recognition, but works on handwritten text recognition in is proposed in [15] based on word segmentation hypothesis.
bank cheques are very little. Some of those related works are Tang et al. proposed [16] a spiral recognition method to rec-
discussed below. ognize handwritten text in Chinese bank cheques. Jayadevan
Roy et al. [3] dealt with the segmentation of a word image et al. [17] proposed a lexicon driven segmentation-recognition
containing native Indian language Bangla script into three scheme of words from legal amounts of Indian bank cheques.
zones- upper, middle and lower. The components in middle The authors have considered a lexicon of 36 different words
zone are modeled using Hidden Markov Model (HMM). occurring frequently in the courtesy amount in Indian bank
The authors have considered local gradient histogram (LGH) cheques. Water reservoir concept was used to pre-segment the
features for their character dataset and have achieved an words into primitive components.
promising result. A fuzzy logic based sliding window approach
is described in [4] to extract signatures from cheque and III. DATA COLLECTION AND PRE - PROCESSING
other legal document images. In another study [5], Roy et As the input to the proposed system is a scanned image
al. have proposed an HMM-based Indic script handwritten of a bank cheque, hence to generate the test dataset we had
word recognition using zone segmentation, considering LGH, to collect images of bank cheque with different handwriting
GABOR and pyramid histogram of oriented gradient (PHOG) styles from various persons for introducing variations in the
features but could not achieve a promising result. Recognition collected data. To generate this dataset, 100 different people
of multi-oriented text in Devanagari and Bangla scripts has provided their handwritten text in 100 separate bank cheques.
also been reported [6], where convex hull technique and water Fig. 2 shows the image of a sample bank cheque.
reservoir principle were applied. After character segmentation It is found that, usually, in Indian bank cheques, the hand-
from the document using the background information of the written part to be filled manually, is located in the upper part
text, individual characters were recognized using rotation of the cheque, which if suitably and automatically cropped out,
invariant features (e.g. Relative angular information of the will ease the process of detection. Hence we have cropped the
pixel with respect to its neighboring pixels) obtained from the original cheque image at specified coordinates. The cropped
foreground portion of the characters. Roy et al. [7] proposed part (at a coordinate of [166.5 62.5 4135 1074] of the original
a method to develop an automated system for detection of scanned image) contains the name of the payee, date, courtesy
seal (stamp) from documents with cluttered background by amount both in words and digits. Whereas, the other part
considering angular radial transform features and SVM based contains primarily the information related to branch, IFSC
classification technique. A word recognition and verification code and the logo of the bank, which are irrelevant portions in
2018 Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT’18)

the same threshold.

Step 4: Calculate centroids for connected components in the
white spaces.
Step 5: Concatenate structure array containing centroids into
a single matrix.
Step 6: Extract only Y- co-ordinates of the centroid and this
will constitute a line.
Step 7: Repeat the process until all lines are collected.

Fig. 4 shows the extracted lines after segmentation of

Fig. 2. Sample image of a bank cheque
various lines from the handwritten portion of a cheque.

light with the objective of the proposed system. Fig. 3 shows

the image of a cropped cheque.

Fig. 3. Cropped part of the bank cheque at a specific location

Fig. 4. Extracted lines after segmentation of various lines from the handwrit-
ten portion of a cheque- (a) Line containing date, (b) Line containing payee
To accomplish the training phase, we have collected 100 name, (c) Line containing amount in words and (d) Line containing amount
handwritten samples of each character and digit in Latin script in digits
as in the proposed system character based classes have been
considered during training. These samples were collected from B. Word segmentation
100 different persons of various educational backgrounds. After line segmentation, each word in a line need to be
Each person provided one sample of each character and digit. segmented so that each word can further be passed to the
IV. P ROPOSED APPROACHES OF LINE , WORD AND individual character segmentation process.
The step-wise algorithm for word segmentation is given
As in the proposed system character based classes have Step 1: Take a previously segmented line as input image.
been considered during training the system using SVM, so, Step 2: Convert it into a binary image.
to accomplish the recognition of handwritten text in bank Step 3: Remove small objects (noise) from the image.
cheques, we need to segment each line of the cheque portion Step 4: Calculate areas and the bounding boxes (the smallest
where handwritten text is written, each word in a line and each rectangle containing the region) for connected components in
character in a word. the binary image.
A. Line segmentation Step 5: Concatenate structure array containing areas into a
single matrix and store the length of the matrix in a new
Though in printed text line segmentation is quite easy variable k.
but in handwritten text it is quite difficult due to existence Step 6: Crop the bounding box region and display the region.
of several issues like overlapping of characters, touching of Repeat the process k number of times. This will extract all
characters and variability in writing styles of different writers. words in that line.
In the present system, a connected component based line
segmentation algorithm has been proposed on the basis of Fig. 5 shows the extraction of each word from the line
threshold from input image. containing payee name.
The step-wise algorithm for line segmentation is given
below. C. Character segmentation
Step 1: Convert scanned cheque image to grayscale. This After extracting each word from a line, we need to segment
process minimizes the intensity level information. each character from a word which will allow the recognition
Step 2: Find vertical profile of the image. of each character using SVM.
Step 3: Convert grayscale image to binary image on the basis The step-wise algorithm for word segmentation is given
of certain threshold. below.
Step 3: Find white spaces from vertical profile on basis of Step 1: Input the binary image of the word.
2018 Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT’18)

image is defined using (1) (Here L denotes the luminance value

of pixel):
m(x, y) = (L(x + 1, y) − L(x − 1, y))2 + (L(x, y + 1) − L(x, y − 1))2 (1)

Using the magnitude and orientation of the gradient, the

Fig. 5. Extracted words from the line containing payee name ’luminance gradient histogram’ for each cell area is calculated.
To normalize this histogram, the orientation bins are evenly
divided in 9 bins over 0°– 180°. We have tried with other
Step 2: Find vertical projection and from there find the
bin divisions also, but the one using 9 bins provided best
location of letters.
performance. So, the feature vector of one cell is having 9
Step 3: Find rising and falling edges of starting and ending
columns from the difference in letter locations.
We have also extracted the GLCM texture features along
Step 4: Continuous connected pixels from starting edge to
with the HOG features and combined the feature values
ending column will form a letter.
obtained from these two techniques into a single feature vector.
In GLCM texture features, following three parameters are
Fig. 6 shows the extraction of each character of the payee
evaluated using (2 - 4 ):
first name.
X −1
Energy = Pij2 (2)

N −1
X (i − µ)(j − µ)
Correlation = Pij (3)

N −1
X Pij
Homogeneity = (4)
1 + |i − j|
Fig. 6. Extracted characters of the payee first name
Where i and j denote row and column of a pixel respectively,
N is the number of grey levels in the image as specified by
V. P ROPOSED APPROACH OF FEATURE EXTRACTION number of levels in quantization, σ 2 is the variance of the
Features are distinctive properties of input patterns that help intensities of all reference pixels and µ is the GLCM mean.
in differentiating between the classes of input patterns. As in
the proposed system the patterns are basic characters and digits
of Latin script, so we have extracted Histogram of Oriented In the proposed system, SVM classifier has been used
Gradients (HOG) [18] features along with Grey Level Co- for training and testing purpose to recognize the handwritten
occurrence Matrix (GLCM) texture features [19] from each text of bank cheques. Different kernels of SVM like linear,
basic character and digit. Fig. 7 demonstrates the overview of polynomial and (Gaussian) radial basis function (RBF) have
the proposed feature extraction approach. been tested. As in the proposed system character based classes
have been considered during training the system using SVM,
so in testing phase, after segmenting each character from a
word, HOG and GLCM texture features (mentioned in section
V) are extracted from each character and digit. Next, feature
values obtained from HOG and GLCM texture features are
combined into a single feature vector. Finally, this feature
vector is fed to SVM classifier to know the label of the
character or digit.
A. Results of character segmentation
Fig. 7. Block diagram of the proposed feature extraction approach
The accuracy of the line segmentation in handwritten text
Initially, luminance gradient is calculated at each pixel of the highly depends upon the type of the text. If sufficient gap
binary image of segmented character and a gradient orientation exists between text lines and the document scanned properly
histogram is created for each cell. Here, the cell area is an area then the performance of line segmentation method will be
that consists of 8 x 8 pixels. Next, features are normalized better. In the present system, results of the proposed line
for each descriptor block. Luminance gradient represents the segmentation algorithm from the cropped cheque image are
change in luminance in terms of magnitude m and orientation satisfactory. Similarly, accuracy of word segmentation from
θ. So, luminance magnitude m of (x, y) coordinates of any a line depends upon the nature of the text obtained from
2018 Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT’18)

a line. If the space between words is high, then words are present on the bank cheques as well as handwritten text
easily extracted. In the present system, except for some noise, recognition of cheques of various foreign banks. Application
the proposed word segmentation algorithm performed satis- of this proposed system for the real world scenario will be our
factorily. The accuracy has been increased by using the noise real challenge.
removal technique before word extraction. Finally, despite of
encountering some faulty segmentation, the proposed character R EFERENCES
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