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Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2623}2629

Bioscrew "xation of patellar tendon autografts

F. Alan Barber *, Burton F. Elrod, David A. McGuire, Lonnie E. Paulos
FACS, Plano Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center, 5228 West Plano Parkway, Plano, TX 75093, USA
Southern Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Center, Nashville, TN, USA
Knee and Arthroscopic Surgery, Anchorage, Al, USA
Orthopedic Specialty Hospital, Salt Lake City, UT, USA


Biodegradable interference screw "xation was studied using patellar tendon autografts in a randomized, prospective multicenter
comparison of the PLLA Bioscrew and a metal interference screw. sixty-eight of 114 (60%) patients (34 Bioscrew and 34 metal screw)
enrolled were available for follow up an average of 35 months after surgery (range 24}65). There were 42 males and 26 females with an
average age of 29 years (16}50). Tourniquet times and associated surgical "ndings were similar for the two groups. Postoperative KT,
Tegner, and Lysholm scores were not statistically di!erent between the two groups. Average follow up KT maximum manual
side-to-side di!erence was 0.9 mm for Bioscrews and 1.4 mm for metal screws. Postoperative Lachman and pivot shift testing were
equivalent for the two groups. Other than six of the 7 mm Bioscrews breaking during insertion in the femoral tunnel, there were no
problems related to the PLLA implants. No statistical di!erence was found between the Bioscrew and the metal screw groups, and
there were no osteolytic or other reactive bone changes observed associated with the PLLA Bioscrew. These data indicate that the
PLLA Bioscrew functions reliably as an interference "xation screw for patellar tendon autografts.  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights reserved.

Keywords: Interference "xation screw; Bioscrew; Polylactic acid; Patellar tendon autograft

1. Introduction Interference screws are commonly used with patellar

tendon autografts but have some technical problems.
Arthroscopically assisted anterior cruciate ligament Noncannulated interference screws can diverge or over
reconstruction is commonly performed using a patellar penetrate into the joint [6], and any metal screw can
tendon autograft [1}3] selected because of its inherent lacerate the graft [7]. A retained interference screw
strength, availability, and the secure "xation achieved by can complicate revision surgery, degrade magnetic
the associated bone plugs. Good initial "xation of the images, and make radiographic assessment of graft
properly positioned and tensioned graft is critical, but the placement di$cult. Graft "xation devices should
importance of this initial "xation decreases as the graft is not injure the graft, diverge, loosen, and become promin-
incorporated into the adjacent bone tunnels. Rodeo [4] ent. Ideally, the device should &disappear' when it is
demonstrated that this process is substantially complete no longer needed. A bioabsorbable screw avoids con-
by 6 weeks for those grafts with bone plugs (patellar cerns associated with metal implants including problems
tendon and quadriceps) and 12 weeks for tendons. Recent with postoperative imaging, graft laceration, cold in-
evidence from [5] suggests that good outlet "xation of tolerance, complication with any revision surgery, and
soft tissue grafts using interference screws can be as problems associated with retained metal in a subsequent
short as 6 weeks. Regardless of the "xation method, once infection.
graft incorporation is complete, the "xation device is The Bioscrew is a bioabsorbable interference screw
unnecessary. (Fig. 1) made from poly L-lactic acid (PLA). This report
reviews the results of a prospective randomized study of
the e$cacy of the Bioscrew compared to a standard
metal interference screw and discusses the biology of
PLLA and clinical experience with PLLA interference
* Corresponding author. Tel.:#1-972-250-5700; fax:#1-972-250-5747. "xation screws for patellar tendon autografts.

0142-9612/00/$ - see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 2 - 9 6 1 2 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 3 0 - 7
2624 F.A. Barber et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2623}2629

per inch and a tapering screw tip. The "rst entrance angle
is 303 and the second angle is 153. Both metal and
biodegradable thread thickness are comparable. Screw
lengths and diameters were also the same. The threads
are buttressed on the leading edge and tapered on the
trailing edge. The current version of the 7 mm Bioscrew
has an increased core thickness (minor diameter) that
reduces the risk of screw breakage. The minor core dia-
meters of the 7, 8 and 9 mm screws are now 0.192, 0.202,
and 0.222 in, respectively. The major diameters for the 7,
8, and 9 mm Bioscrews are 0.282, 0.315, and 0.358 in,
Fig. 1. The biodegradable Bioscrew is made of poly L-lactic acid.

2.1. Surgical technique

2. Methods A central third patellar tendon autograft was har-

vested through an anterior incision and prepared for
A randomized, prospective study compared patella insertion. A notchplasty cleared any impinging bone
tendon autografts interference "xed using either the Bio- from the superior and lateral intercondylar notch. After
screw or a titanium interference screw (Linvatec, Largo, a tibial drill guide located the tibial tunnel site, a tibial
FL). The inclusion criteria were unilateral knee instabil- guide wire was advanced into position and then the
ity, positive Lachman's and positive pivot shift tests, KT tunnel was created using a cannulated drill (usually
maximum manual side-to-side di!erences greater than 10 mm) over the guide wire. A transtibial aiming guide
3 mm, a minimum age of 16 years with nearly closed knee was passed into position at the posterior superior inter-
growth plates, adequate bone density, compliance with condylar notch and the femoral guide wire was passed
the study protocol, and a commitment for at least two through the femur. The transtibial guide was removed
years follow up. The exclusion criteria were active infec- and a cannulated reamer advanced over the guidewire to
tion, a history of blood supply limitations and/or pre- create the femoral tunnel. The slotted femoral guide wire
vious infections that might retard healing, PCL tears, was threaded with the heavy sutures attached to the
and prior knee ligament surgery. Randomization was patellar tendon autograft and pulled up through the
accomplished by using sealed envelope opened after ac- femur delivering the sutures out the side of the thigh.
ceptance into the study that revealed the patient's assign- These sutures then advanced the autograft into position.
ment to either the Bioscrew group or the metal screw The autograft was "xed into position with the selected
group. interference screw "rst in the femur, and then, after
Preoperative assessment included history, physical ex- proper tensioning of the graft, in the tibia. Seven-mil-
amination, radiographs, and preoperative Lysholm knee limeter diameter interference screws were usually selected
scoring scale [8] and Tegner [9] activity level scales. KT for femoral "xation and 9 mm screws for the tibia. In
measurements were obtained. The surgical "ndings and a few cases, an outside}in method through a second
procedures were recorded. All patients underwent an incision was used to create the femoral tunnel and facili-
arthroscopic patellar tendon autograft ACL reconstruc- tate graft passage. This technique was phased out as
tion "xed by interference screws. more experience was gained with the single incision tech-
Postoperative assessments included Lysholm and nique.
Tegner scales, meniscal tests, ligament tests, KT tests, Postoperative management emphasized achieving
and knee radiographs. Statistical comparisons of cat- and maintaining full extension, progressive weight bear-
egorical variables were performed using Fisher's exact ing with the elimination of crutches within the "rst
test while continuous variables were compared by the two weeks postoperatively, and a rapid return to normal
Student's t-test. All data summaries and statistical com- daily activities. CPM and ice therapy and knee exten-
parisons were performed by statistical analysis system sion bracing was used as well. Open-chain exercises
(SAS) software. Statistical signi"cance was assigned at were avoided and the patients were instructed to
p(0.05. avoid knee extension against resistance in the ter-
The Bioscrew is made from puri"ed poly L-lactide. The minal thirty degrees for six months. Closed-chain
screws used in this study were 7 or 9 mm in diameter and exercises including stationary biking, stair climbers, and
either 20 or 25 mm long. Currently available Bioscrews ski machines were allowed. Jogging began at two
also come in 8 mm diameters. These cannulated screws months, noncontact pivoting at three months, and, with
slide over a Nitinol guide wire and are inserted by a tri- a derotational brace, unlimited contact sports at four
angular #uted screwdriver. The screw pitch is 10 threads months.
F.A. Barber et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2623}2629 2625

3. Results unimpeded radiographic assessment of the graft and tun-

nel location immediately postoperative (Fig. 2). Radio-
For this review, 68 of a total of 114 (60%) patients who graphs were consequently able to clearly demonstrate
underwent a patellar tendon autograft reconstruction bone plug incorporation into the tunnels. Over the sub-
had complete follow-up data at a minimum of 24 months sequent follow up period, radiographs continued to dem-
(34 Bioscrew, 34 metal). Average follow-up was 35 onstrate complete osseous incorporation without lytic
months (range, 24}65 months) with 42 males and 26 changes or reactive bone (Fig. 3). Magnetic resonance
females. The average Bioscrew group age was 29 years imaging was possible with the Bioscrew and gave a clear
(range, 16}50 years) and the average metal screw group assessment of the graft status (Fig. 4). No lytic or in#am-
age was 30 years (range, 16}46 years). Tourniquet times matory response was ever demonstrated at the Bioscrew
for both groups averaged 67 min. Additional surgical locations. The PLLA Bioscrew gradually reabsorbed
"ndings (such as chondromalacia and meniscal tears) over the postoperative period as observed on various
were similar for both groups. No demographic di!er- incidental MRIs obtained at di!erent intervals extending
ences existed between these two groups including age, to four years.
height, weight, race, sex, side of dominance, number of
subluxation episodes, or side of injury. No statistically
signi"cant di!erences were present between the two 4. Discussion
groups, and no di!erences were found related to com-
plications, motion loss, or results at follow-up based on The clinical use of the absorbable Bioscrew began in
the time from injury to surgery. 1992 and since then there have been no reports of adverse
Only one interference "xation screw (Bioscrew or events related to this biodegradable material used as an
metal screw) was placed in the femoral tunnel to secure interference "xation device. Reports of this clinical ex-
the femoral side of the graft. In the Bioscrew group, perience have been previously published [10,11]. Paral-
a single tibial tunnel Bioscrew was used except in one case leling this clinical e!ort is an in vivo sheep study on the
that required two &nested' Bioscrews. In the metal group Bioscrew that examined the tissue response over a four-
a single metal interference screw was used as well except for year period [12]. Both the human clinical experience and
three cases in which staples were used for tibial "xation. the sheep histology data show that the PLLA interfer-
Tegner scores for the Bioscrew group (3.97) and metal ence "xation screw works well with no material related
screw group (3.88) at "nal follow up were equivalent. problems. PLLA has several clinical advantages: absorb-
Average Lysholm scores for Bioscrews (94) and metal ability, degradation to products that are nontoxic and
screws (95) also were not statistically di!erent. The fol- naturally occurring metabolites, and an initial high
low-up Lysholm scores showed excellent (95}100) or mechanical strength with good strength retention over
good (84}94) results in 94% of Bioscrews and 91% of time [13]. The gradual strength decline associated with
metal screws. Follow-up KT tests showed an average KT PLLA allows for a similar slow gradually decreased
maximal manual di!erence at follow-up of 0.9 mm for stress shielding.
Bioscrews and 1.4 mm for metal screws. Again, no statis- PLLA interference screws should be di!erentiated
tical di!erences were found. from other bioabsorbable fracture "xation devices that
Motion was measured with the patient supine by have been associated with local sterile in#ammatory
a goniometer. There was no loss of extension greater than reactions in the early post implantation period [14].
63 in any Bioscrew or metal screw cases. One Bioscrew Adverse reactions to absorbable implants have also oc-
and one metal screw failed to achieve at least 1203 curred in the shoulder [15]. These cases show intense
#exion. A Lachman test was performed at follow-up and in#ammatory reactions and foreign-body-type giant cells
for the Bioscrew group was absent in 19, 1# in 14, and in a granulomatous pattern. The implants in questions
2#in none. The Lachman was absent for the metal screw were made of polyglycolide (PGA). Osteolytic areas in
group in 22, 1# in 10, and 2# in 1. The pivot shift test the ankle up to a centimeter in diameter accompanied
was negative in 27 and 1#in 6 Bioscrews and negative in implant decomposition and developed 6 and 12 weeks
29 and 1#in 4 metal screws at follow-up. A joint e!usion after implantation [16]. These "ndings are consistent
was found in 1 Bioscrew and 1 metal screw knee at follow with animal studies in which in#ammatory reactions
up. Patellofemoral crepitus was present in 9 of 34 Bio- occurred associated with polyglycolide, lactide}glycolide
screws and in 11 of 34 metal screws. Patellofemoral copolymers, and polydioxanone implants [16]. Recently,
tenderness was present in only 3 of 34 Bioscrews and 3 of subcutaneous cyst formation and tibial bone tunnel en-
34 metal screws at follow-up. largement were attributed to an in#ammatory response
Radiographs at intervals up to 65 months failed to caused by a biodegradable screw composed of poly-D,
demonstrate any lytic changes associated with the Bio- L-lactic acid. This material biodegrades much more
screws. Normal osseous incorporation and maturation rapidly that the PLLA used for the Bioscrew, which
were consistently observed. The Bioscrews also permitted may contribute to this "nding [17].
2626 F.A. Barber et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2623}2629

Fig. 2. The biodegradable interference screw permits clear radiographic assessment of graft and tunnel placement.

The comparison of postoperative subjective perfor- between the tunnel wall and the autograft bone, conform-
mance as evaluated by the Tegner activity scores showed ing to the walls of the tunnel.
no di!erence between those reconstructions using metal PLLA can be produced in amorphous, crystalline, and
or Bioscrew interference "xation. Similarly, a review of self-reinforced forms that can be controlled by polymer
the objective data provided by physical examinations, preparation and manufacture. The form or combination
Lysholm scores, and KT testing showed no di!erences clearly a!ects implant behavior. The Bioscrew is princi-
between the cases in which metal screws and Bioscrews pally amorphous. Less than half of the material is crystal-
were used. The radiographic examinations demonstrated line. Amorphous implants are produced by injection
a progressive incorporation of the autografts into the molding or extruded with the melted material rapidly
femoral and tibial bone tunnels without adverse occur- shaped after melting. The polymer in such a manufactur-
rences. Careful attention was given to the Bioscrew ing process is not kept at a high temperature for pro-
radiographs and no evidence of osteolysis or reaction longed times. Predominately crystalline implants are
was found. There was no evidence of Bioscrew divergence produced when the amorphous PLLA polymer is an-
from the bone tunnels as was occasionally observed in nealed at a high temperature (above the glass transition
the metal screws. This absence of divergence is believed temperature) to obtain a higher yield strength and higher
to be the result of the less rigid and more malleable modulus (than the amorphous PLLA). Self-reinforced
nature of the PLA material that will conform to and material is created when the PLLA polymer is injected or
follow the drilled tunnel rather than &"nd' a new course. extruded (&orientruded') into a rod that is then drawn
No cases of graft laceration occurred in either Bioscrew along a single axis imparting a molecular orientation to
or metal group. It is believed that the &softer' nature of the the polymer. This results in very high tensile strength and
Bioscrew would make such an occurrence less likely than tensile modulus, and creates a highly oriented crystal-
with the metal screw. The Bioscrew actually compresses line/semicrystalline composite structure [18]. The cry-
slightly as it is inserted into the interference position stalline content of implants ranges from 15 to 74% for
F.A. Barber et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2623}2629 2627

Fig. 3. The AP (a) and lateral (b) radiographs 50 months after surgery show no lytic change or reactive bone formation. Complete osseous
incorporation and Bioscrew absorption occurred.

PLLA [19}21] and can be 0% or completely amorphous day half-life of some copolymers of polylactic acid and
when there is a combination of levo and dextro stereo- polyglycolic acid. The slow hydrolysis of the Bioscrew
isomers as in PDLLA [20]. was not associated with any localized osteolysis or other
While the initial material con"guration is signi"cant, appreciable reaction. The osteolytic phenomena asso-
in the biologic environment the amorphous crystalline ciated with other polymers, when present, appear be-
ratio is in constant #ux and the crystallinity percentage tween 6 and 12 weeks after implantation [24].
changes [22]. Even implants with very low crystallinity The short-term changes of the PLLA Bioscrew up to
demonstrate an increase over time to become a very high 12 weeks are minimal. During this period the bone plugs
crystalline structure prior to absorption. Degradation of the patellar tendon autograft become completely in-
induced crystallization and increased mobility of the corporated into the femoral and tibial tunnels. This is
polymeric fragments allow the fragments to rearrange supported by the clinical experience that demonstrated
themselves spatially and enhance the crystallinity [22]. no di!erence between the Bioscrew and metal screw
At the same time, there is a marked drop in the molecular implant sites. The in vivo data showed that no lytic
weight. Based upon this information, it is presumed that change occurred and the PLLA screw functioned as if it
the Bioscrew undergoes such a process with declining were histologically inert [12]. There were no adverse
molecular weight at the same time as the amorphous e!ects on the tendon or surrounding tissue.
crystalline ratio changes and degradation proceeds. Final Bioscrew degradation occurs by four years.
Poly L-lactic acid implants degrade principally by hy- Fragments of PLLA are found encapsulated by multi-
drolysis. The lactic acid generated is incorporated in the nucleated giant cells and macrophages in dense "brous
tricarboxylic acid cycle and excreted by the lungs as tissue surrounded by a sclerotic rim. The associated
carbon dioxide and water [23]. The six-month half-life of lymph nodes contain multinucleated giant cells and clus-
this polymer contrasts sharply to the seven to fourteen ters of macrophages with an amorphous eosinophilic
2628 F.A. Barber et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2623}2629

femoral tunnel. This was in an earlier version of the screw

and later design changes increasing the core diameter,
helped resolve this situation. No 9 mm screws broke.
There was no statistical di!erence between the two clini-
cal groups studied. The PLLA Bioscrew performance
was equivalent to the metal interference "xation screw in
the patellar tendon autograft, and provides a reasonable
alternative to metal interference screws.


The authors gratefully appreciate the technical assis-

tance provided by James N. Click PA-C, Victor Gonzales
ORT, Stephen Hendricks, Suzanne Zastrow RN, Sandra
K. Starkey RN, Laura Sene!, and Ann E. Greenwald MS
as well as the statistical analysis provided by Carol A.
Weideman Ph.D.


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