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Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2635}2652

Pre-clinical in vivo evaluation of orthopaedic bioabsorbable devices

Yuehuei H. An*, Shane K. Woolf, Richard J. Friedman
Musculoskeletal Research Laboratory, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical University of South Carolina, 96 Jonathan Lucas Street,
Suite 708, Charleston, SC 29425, USA


The presence of bioabsorbable materials in orthopaedics has grown signi"cantly over the past two decades with applications in
fracture "xation, bone replacement, cartilage repair, meniscal repair, "xation of ligaments, and drug delivery. Numerous biocompat-
ible, biodegradable polymers are now available for both experimental and clinical use. Not surprisingly, there have been a wealth of
studies investigating the biomechanical properties, biocompatibility, degradation characteristics, osteoconductivity, potential toxic-
ity, and histologic e!ects of various materials. Promising results have been reported in the areas of fracture "xation, ligament repair,
and drug delivery. In this article we review the pre-clinical in vivo testing of bioabsorbable devices with particular emphasis on
implants used for these applications.  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bioabsorbable polymers; Orthopaedics; In vivo; Pre-clinical testing; Biocompatibility

1. Introduction Since Kulkarni et al. introduced the concept of bioab-

sorbable materials in the 1960s [3,4], animal models have
Over the past two decades, bioabsorbable devices have contributed to the success of the clinical use of these
been utilized and experimented in many aspects of ortho- materials. Rabbits have been the standard for in vivo
paedic surgery, including "xation of fractures, bone re- modeling of biocompatibility, but rats, dogs, sheep, and
placement, cartilage repair, meniscal repair, "xation of pigs have all been utilized to varying degrees. The typical
ligaments, and drug delivery. Absorbable materials areas of study have included soft tissue and bone implant
have been used in the form of screws, pins, plugs, compatibility, degradation properties, and mechanical
and plates for orthopaedic, oral, and craniofacial strength testing. The ultimate goal of this research is the
surgery. However, the major clinical orthopaedic development of bioabsorbable, biocompatible materials
applications thus far are "xation of fractures and with the appropriate strength and degradation character-
osteotomies and interference screws for ligament repairs. istics to allow for regular clinical use for treating ortho-
Depending upon their constituent polymers, these mater- paedic problems in human patients. This article reviews
ials can be tailored to provide su$cient rigidity to basic concepts of bioabsorbable materials, pre-clinical
allow bone healing, retain mechanical strength for a research, and evaluation techniques with emphasis on
period of time, and then eventually begin to undergo researching devices potentially useful in orthopaedic
degradation. The material properties of the ideal polymer applications.
are a delicate balance between mechanical, thermal, and
viscoelastic factors. The earliest and most commonly
used absorbable materials include polyglycolic acid
(PGA), polylactic acid (PLA), PGA}PLA copolymers, 2. Basics of bioabsorbable materials
and poly(ortho esters) [1,2]. Numerous other materials
have been developed and used experimentally in recent 2.1. Common bioabsorbable materials
Numerous biodegradeable polymers are presently be-
ing used or have potential roles in medical applications.
The most common types, high molecular weight poly-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: #1-843-792-8169; fax: #1-843-792-0243. hydroxyacids, are formed by a ring-opening polymeriz-
E-mail address: (Y.H. An). ation of cyclic diesters (Fig. 1) [5]. The polymers most

0142-9612/00/$ - see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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2636 Y.H. An et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2635}2652

excreted by the kidneys as well [20]. It is known that

PGA is also broken down by enzymes like esterase [21],
and that breakdown of PLA may be in part mediated by
enzymes [5]. Hydroxyl radicals are thought to contribute
to the biodegradation of polycaprolactone (PCL) and
possibly other polyhydroxyacids [15]. The degradation
Fig. 1. Ring-opening polymerization of cyclic diesters to create poly- of bulky PGA, PLA and some poly(ortho ester) implants
hydroxyacids. releases acidic by-products via hydrolysis which can ac-
celerate the process over time. This is due to the slower
rate of outward di!usion of high molecular weight degra-
widely used in medicine today are PGA, PLA, and their dation products from the inner portion of the material
copolymers [6,7], although various polyhydroxyacids compared to di!usion from the surface into surrounding
are increasingly available on the commercial market tissues. An acidic environment is created in this central
[5,8}11]. Other materials more recently available include portion as the concentration of carboxylic end groups
poly(ortho esters), poly(glycolide-co-trimethylene car- increases relative to surrounding tissues, thus
bonate), poly(p-dioxanone) [PDS], poly(e-caprolactone) autocatalyzing the hydrolytic reaction. Subsequently,
[PCL], poly(b-hydroxybutyrate) [PHB], and poly a heterogenous process ensues with resorption of the
(PHB-hydroxyvaleric acid) [1,7,12}15]. In addition, surface and central material occurring before the implant
pseudo-poly(aminoacids) or polyiminocarbonates, for- mantel [5,7,22]. With other more hydrophobic
med when amino acids are linked by nonamide bonds, poly(ortho esters), water is restricted to the surface of the
have shown promise for their biocompatibility and material where nonacidic degradation products are "rst
mechanical properties. Poly(Dat-Tyr-Hex), for instance, produced. Acidic degradation products slowly accumu-
has potential as a high strength "xation material in late as surface hydrolysis predominates [18].
orthopaedics because of its stability and biocompatibility In addition, the molecular characteristics of R-groups
[7,16,17]. and degree of crystallinity of the polymer dictate hydro-
phobicity and thus in#uence the rate of hydrolysis by
2.2. Biodegradation a!ecting di!usion of water into the material. Hydrophilic
and amorphous regions of polymers allow better access
The rate of polymer biodegradation depends on many to water molecules. For example, PLA with a methyl
factors, such as the size of the implant, the kind of R-group degrades slower than PGA (R"hydrogen). The
materials, the molecular weight of the material, the ma- L-isomer of PLA (PLLA) is much more crystalline than
terial phase (crystalline versus amorphous), the racemic its amorphic D-isomer (PDLA) and subsequently more
mixture of the polymer, the presence of additives or biostable. Copolymers of PLA}PGA or PDLA}PLLA
impurities, the mechanism of degradation (enzymatic (PDLLA), however, are less crystalline, less hydrophobic,
cleavage versus hydrolysis), the implantation sites (sub- and tend to have faster rates of hydrolysis [9,10,23].
cutaneous tissue or bone), stress on the implant, and even The degradation of bioabsorbable polymers begins
the age of the host animals [12,18,19]. Likewise, the upon contact with tissues in vivo. Some polymers de-
desired biodegradation properties of these materials vary grade completely in about 5}8 weeks. SR-PGA exhibits
depending upon the intended orthopaedic use (e.g. frac- complete strength loss by one month and fully degrades
ture "xation versus drug delivery). in about three months. Other polymers, such as pure
Polyhydroxyacids are thought to degrade by stages in PLLA and SR-PLLA, may take years to break down
vivo. The "rst stage is a nonspeci"c hydrolytic scission of [20,23}25]. Depending upon the rate of polymer degra-
their ester bonds which begins upon contact with water dation, mechanical strength may decline well before ad-
(Fig. 2). The carboxylic acid end groups of the polymers equate union of fractures or healing of tissues is achieved.
autocatalyze this reaction. Through hydrolysis, PLA Thus, a race between biological repair and mechanical
molecules are degraded in vivo to lactic acid and PGA to strength of the implant ensues. Rate of absorption has
glycine which can enter the tricarboxylic acid cycle and other important considerations. With some bulk mater-
be excreted in the form of water and carbon dioxide ials, the degradation product load is either too great or is
(Fig. 3). PGA and PDS degradation products are too rapidly released for it to be completely absorbed and

Fig. 2. Nonspeci"c hydrolytic cleavage of ester bonds begins upon contact with water.
Y.H. An et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2635}2652 2637

Fig. 3. Routes of elimination for commonly used polyhydroxyacids. Enzymes, free radicals, and immune cells are also thought to play various roles in
the degradation of bioabsorbable materials.

excreted. PGA implants have been found to produce about 30 MPa and #exural strength of 65}66 MPa
#uid-"lled sterile sinuses with subsequent drainage [39,40]. The greatest #exural strengths demonstrated in
[2,26]. Conversely, pure PLLA is highly crystalline and fully biodegradable polymers are between 195 and
resorbs slowly. SR-PLLA takes up to 5}6 years to resorb 375 MPa for PGA-"ber-reinforced PGA composites
completely. The somewhat more amorphous PDLLA (SR-PGA) [8]. PGA reinforced with PLA "bers has
resorbs over 2}3 years, leaving behind crystallites that a #exural strength of 250 MPa [41]. These values com-
can elicit an in#ammatory response. A PGA}PLA pare favorably with stainless steel at 280 MPa. Although
copolymer will resorb di!erently depending upon the "ber reinforcement can improve the maximum strength
copolymer ratios [20,23,25]. of the material, it does not always improve the #exural
modulus of the material, which remains very low
2.3. Mechanical properties of bioabsorbable materials (1.6}27 GPa for various reinforced and non-reinforced
polymers compared to 200 GPa for stainless steel) [24].
The requirements for polymer implants used to hold Another advantage of bioabsorbable plates is that they
fracture or osteotomy fragments together are that they may be adapted to "t bone geometry in vivo by heating
remain strong until bone union is achieved, normally above the glass transition temperature (¹ ). Pietrzak

about 4}8 weeks, and yet degrade completely once their et al. [6] heated plates made of PLLA/PGA copolymers
mechanical strength is no longer needed. For drug deliv- above their ¹ and found a transient 20% reduction in

ery, a consistent, predictable rate of degradation and the #exural modulus with an increase of approximately
drug release is desirable. Carriers for bone morphogenic 50% in energy to failure. Upon cooling, the plates
proteins should promote osteogenesis with concurrent demonstrated baseline mechanical properties and did
polymer degradation. Most of the polymer screws and not appear to lose strength any faster than nonheated
rods have been applied in areas of low stress [27]. Poly- plates [6].
mer screws are not recommended for use without ex-
ternal support in sites of high mechanical stress [27,28].
Displacement of bone fragments has been reported, 3. Biocompatibility
ranging from minor (several millimeters) to severe
[29}31]. However, quality and strength of "xation is 3.1. Biocompatibility and biodegradation testing
a function of the type of polymer material. Self-reinforced in soft tissues
PGA (SR-PGA) has been reported to perform better
[32}35]. Subcutaneous or intramuscular implantation is the
The tensile yield strength for PLLA has been reported "rst in vivo step of testing a bioabsorbable polymer for
in the range of 11}72 MPa [18] and for PGA, 57 MPa its biocompatibility and degradation properties (Table 1).
[36]. Tensile yield strength for PCL is 19}21 MPa Rats are suggested as the "rst choice for soft tissue
[37,38]. Flexural strengths for PLA are reported between degradation studies because of their low cost and the
45 and 145 MPa [18]. POE has a tensile strength of rich background data for the animal. In the rat, bone

Table 1
Degradation of bioabsorbable materials in vivo * subcutaneous and intramuscular implantation (Adapted from An and Friedman [115])

Animal References Implant site Material tested Period Mass/mol. weight In#ammatory Mechanical strength
(Wks) (MW) degradation reaction after implantation

Mouse Gogolewski [116] SC PLA, PHB, PHB/VA 24 56}99%/24 weeks #or## N/A

Rat Schakenraad [117] SC Glycine/DL-lactic acid discs 10 100% ### N/A

Bos [118] SC PLA 143 14%/80 weeks #or## N/A
Gerlach [42] IM PLA rods 108 N/A # 50% of original at 4 weeks
Pistner [119] IMC PLA (crystalline; 429,000 Mvis) 116 No change #at "rst few weeks N/A
PLA (amorphous; 203,000 Mvis) 116 100% ### N/A
PLA (amorphous; 120,000 Mvis) 116 100% ## N/A

Rabbit Nakamura [120] IM PLA, puri"ed 52 No change/40 weeks N/A 50% decrease
Richards [121] IM 4 Poly (phosphoesters) 70 80%/70 weeks # N/A
TormaK laK [35] SC PGA 8 N/A N/A Lost mech. strength at 4}7 weeks
Kumta [43] SC PGA rods 21 N/A N/A 64% decrease at 2 weeks
Matsusue [44] SC PLA rods 78 91% (MW)/12 weeks # 100% decrease at 25 weeks
Bhatia [12] SC, IM, bone Absorbable pins (Orthosorb) 5 N/A N/A Decreased di!erently at each site
Tschakalo! [60] SC PLA plates 6 87% (MW) No N/A
Ertel [16] IM, bone Poly(DTH carbonate) 26 Started at 26 weeks No N/A
and PDS pins PDS partially absorbed ##, bone resorption N/A
Y.H. An et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2635}2652

Matsusue [45] SC PLA rods 276 100%/27 6 weeks No 100% decrease at 276 weeks

SC"subcutaneous; CIM"intramuscular.
PHB"poly (3-hydroxybutyrate).
PHB/VA"poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate).
Note:#"slight; ##"moderate; ###"signi"cant.
Y.H. An et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2635}2652 2639

elongation ceases by age 6}9 months, and the remaining by many investigators [35,42}45]. We recommend
lifespan of the animal after that time is about 12}15 a standard disc measuring 10 mm in diameter and 1 mm
months. If the observation period is planned to be longer in thickness be used for histological studies of mass
than 12}15 months, rabbit models should be considered degradation or molecular weight degradation studies us-
instead. ing a viscosimeter. A sample of this size is easy to make
Implants are inserted into pouches in the subcu- and readily implantable.
taneous tissue or into muscles. The exact site in the
subcutaneous tissue (back, inner aspect of the thighs, or 3.2. Biodegradation in bone tissue
abdominal wall) or into which muscle group (back
muscles, thigh muscles, or abdominal muscles) the im- If the material is to be used inside of or in contact with
plant is placed does not matter. However, most re- bone, testing of bioabsorbable implant degradation in
searchers use the back subcutaneous tissue or the back bone tissue should follow soft tissue implantation once
muscles for implantation simply because of the conveni- biocompatibility has been established. Although di!erent
ence reaching the samples and the large area and volume animal models have been used, the rabbit has been the
of these tissues. most popular model for testing these conditions
Up to six implants, discs 10 mm in diameter and 1 mm [16,43}45]. Implants in the forms of rods, plugs, pins, or
thick, can be implanted on the back of each rat (Fig. 4), screws are most often placed in the cancellous bone of the
while 8}10 implants can be inserted into the back of each distal femur in the rabbit through drill holes (Fig. 5A and
rabbit. Implantations can be performed either through B) [16,43}49]. Diaphyseal implantation has also been
one large midline incision or through multiple small ones. used in di!erent animals (Fig. 5C) [48}50]. Table 2
The key is that the sample is placed into the correct layer;
the loose subcutaneous tissue space or the paravertebral
muscles. For testing degradation of mechanical properties,
rod-shaped samples (3.2 mm in diameter and 50 mm long)
are often used. At least six rods can be implanted into the
back of an adult rabbit. The time duration used to observe
degradation ranges from 1 month to 5 years. As stated
above, for studies greater than 1.5 years, the use of rabbit
models should be considered.
Standardizing sample shape and size is very important
for comparing data between research groups. Soft tissue
implantation is suitable for standardized testing of mech-
anical and mass degradation because the implant is more
retrievable compared to bone implantations. An absorb-
able material sample measuring 3.2 mm in diameter and
50 mm in length is suggested for studying changes in the
mechanical properties of the material and has been used

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram showing soft tissue implantations inserted

subcutaneously or intramuscularly into the back of a rat. (Reprinted Fig. 5. Schematic diagram showing di!erent in-bone implantation sites
with permission from Animal Models in Orthopaedic Research. Chap- useful for testing bioabsorbable materials. (Reprinted with permission
ter 12. Animal models for testing bioabsorbable materials. Yuehuei from Animal Models in Orthopaedic Research. Chapter 12. Animal
H An, Richard J Friedman, editors. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1999. models for testing bioabsorbable materials. Yuehuei H An, Richard
Copyright Lewis Publishers, an imprint of CRC Press, Boca Raton, J Friedman, editors. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1999. Copyright Lewis
FL.) Publishers, an imprint of CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.)

Table 2
Animal models of bioabsorbable implant degradation in bone tissues (updated from An and Friedman [115])

Animal Bone References Site Material tested Period Degradation In#ammatory Mechanical property of
(weeks) reaction materials

Rat Femur Cutright 1974 [25] Upper femur drill hole PGA, PLA, copolymers 31 100% in 14}31 weeks No N/A

Rabbit Femur VainionpaK aK 1986 [122] Intercondylar area PGA rods 12 Started in 6 weeks No N/A
MaK kelaK 1989 [123] Intercondylar area PDS rods 36 Nearly 100% in 36 weeks N/A N/A
Knowles 1992 [48] Diaphyseal drill holes PHB plugs 19 - N/A N/A for the material
Kumta 1992 [43] Medullary canal PGA rods 3 Broken down in 3 weeks N/A 73% bending strength
Matsusue 1992 [44] Intercondylar area PLA rods 70 22%52 weeks,70%78 weeks # 100% loss at 25 weeks
BoK stman 1994 [46] Intercondylar area PGA pins and screws 48 100% in 36 weeks ? N/A
Fini 1995 [47] Medullary canal PLA (high MW) rods 64 0% No Flexural sti!ness
Matsusue 1995 [45] Intercondylar area PLA rods 248 100%/24 in 8 weeks No N/A
Voche 1995 [124] Medullary canal PLA rods 156 100% macroscopically No N/A
Tibia VainionpaK aK 1986 [49] Diaphyseal drill holes PGA rods 12 Started in 6 weeks No N/A
Ertel 1995 [16] Medial tibial plateau Poly(DTH carbonate) 26 Started at 26 weeks No
and PDS pins PDS partially absorbed ##, osteolysis N/A
Peri-orbital Kellman 1994 [125] 1.5 mm drill holes PLA, PLA/TMC , PGA 32 N/A ## No strength at 32 weeks

Dog Femur Miettinen 1992 [126] Intramedullary implant SR-PGA implant 24 Started in 3}6 weeks No N/A
Suganuma 1993 [127] Distal metaphysis PLA in a bone chamber 24 20% in 24 weeks ## N/A
Andriano 1999 [114] Intramedullary implant SR-PGA pin 12 Pasty at 3 months N/A not tested
Y.H. An et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2635}2652

POE pin 78 Some internal resorption N/A '99% strength loss

Goat Femur Verheyen 1993 [50] Diaphysis drill holes PLA, PLA/HA plugs 104 Obvious for pure PLA Lymph nodes N/A

Pig Femur van der Elst 1996 [128] Medullary cavity PLLA powder 8 - # N/A
Mandible Schliephake 1993 [129] Hole below the mandibular PDS pins 26 100% in 22}26 weeks N/A N/A

PLA/TMC"polylactic acid/trimethylene carbonate copolymer.

Note: #"slight; ##"moderate.
Y.H. An et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2635}2652 2641

demonstrates the biocompatibility and degradation pat- bioabsorbable screws on the cancellous bone healing can
terns of various materials when implanted into living be evaluated with a trephined plug model in the canine
bone. distal femur (Fig. 7) [54].
Very few diaphyseal models are available (Table 4).
The "rst diaphyseal model was reported by VainionpaK aK
4. Experimental applications et al. [56], in which a tibial osteotomy was "xed with
a T-shaped PGA/PLA copolymer implant (Fig. 8A). Ob-
4.1. Fixation of fractures and osteotomies lique fractures of metacarpal bones in calves were also
"xed with PLA tension screws (Fig. 8B) [57]. Models of
The representative models of epiphysometaphyseal os- femoral osteotomy "xed with PLA, SR-PLA, or SR-PGA
teotomies (Table 3) include the osteotomy of medial tibial intramedullary rods have been reported in the dog, rab-
plateau in the rabbit (Fig. 6A) [51], Salter}Harris type IV bit, and cat (Fig. 8C and D) [52,58,59]. The intramedul-
fracture in the dog (Fig. 6B) [52], the femoral transcon- lary rod can be inserted through the greater trochanter or
dylar osteotomy in the rabbit (Fig. 6C) [49,53], and the retrograde through the intercondylar notch. These stud-
lateral femoral condyle osteotomy in the dog (Fig. 6D) ies showed that the bioabsorbable rods were strong
[54]. enough to be used for intramedullary nailing of femoral
Femoral transcondylar osteotomy in rabbits is a well- diaphyseal osteotomies in the three animal species
established model [49,53]. Salter}Harris type IV fracture tested. In the authors' laboratory, healing of a trephined
in the dog femur or a similar osteotomy created at the femoral diaphyseal osteotomy in the dog has been used
medial tibial plateau by Matsusue et al. [51] are other to observe the e!ect of "xation using a PGA/PLA (80/20
excellent models for the epiphysometaphyseal area. The ratio) screw (Fig. 7) [54]. In most of the reports, bone
forces that the absorbable screw is subjected to are consolidation normally occurred in 6}8 weeks
simple, either on the lateral or the medial side of the knee [54,56,59].
joint. The proximal-to-distal shearing force is sustained Models of mandibular osteotomies are most popular
by the transverse portion of the osteotomy. Another and well established in dogs and sheep (Fig. 9A). Rabbits
interesting model is the subcapital femoral neck os- are not suitable for mandibular models because they do
teotomy in sheep, which is a more demanding site for not have a long enough mandible for "xation with im-
"xation because of weight bearing [55]. plants. Few models using zygomatic or nasal bones have
For the lateral femoral condyle osteotomy in dogs, been reported using rabbits (Fig. 9B and C) [60,61].
a unilateral model is recommended because of the Based on anatomical features, dogs can be used for these
amount of surgical injury created [54]. Through a lateral two models. The most common form of bioabsorbable
approach, an osteotomy from the superolateral aspect of "xation devices for these models are mini plate and
the condyle to the intercondylar notch in the knee joint is screws although the use of absorbable suture and screws
made and the osteotomy is secured with two screws. The only has also been reported (Table 5). More recently,
advantage of this model is the instability of the os- bioabsorbable materials have seen some application in
teotomy (high shear force to the screws), which chal- "xation of fractures and osteotomies in human patients
lenges the e$cacy of the "xation devices. The e!ect of (Table 6).

Fig. 6. Schematic diagrams showing di!erent epiphysometaphyseal implantation models: (A) osteotomy of medial tibial plateau in the rabbit; (B)
Salter}Harris type IV fracture in the dog; (C) the femoral transcondylar osteotomy in the rabbit; and (D) the lateral femoral condyle osteotomy in the
dog. (Reprinted with permission from Animal Models in Orthopaedic Research. Chapter 12. Animal models for testing bioabsorbable materials.
Yuehuei H An, Richard J Friedman, editors. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1999. Copyright Lewis Publishers, an imprint of CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.)

Table 3
Animal models of "xation of epiphysometaphyseal osteotomies of long bones and irregular bones of the limbs using bioabsorbable materials (Adapted from An and Friedman [115])

Animal Bone Reference Osteotomy or fracture Material Period Degradation In#ammatory Fracture healing
(Weeks) reaction

Rat Femur Majola [130] Transcondylar SR-PLA, SR-PDLA/PLLA 48 Started at 12 Weeks No 95% healed (48 weeks)

Rabbit Femur VainionpaK aK [49] Transcondylar PGA thread and rods 24 Started at 6 weeks N/A Healed (6 weeks)
Vihtonen [131] Transcondylar PGA thread (Dexon) 24 N/A N/A 79% healed (6 weeks)
Vihtonen [132] Transcondylar Bone cement, PGA thread 48 N/A N/A 65% healed
Vasenius [133] Transcondylar SR-PGA rods 48 100% in 24-36 weeks No 99% healed
Plaga [134] Oblique medial condyle PDS pins 6 N/A N/A 86% healed
BoK stman [135] Transcondylar PGA screws 36 100%/36 weeks ## Healed
Otsuka [136] Transphyseal PDS pins 16 100%/16 weeks No Physes intact
PaK ivaK rinta [137] Transcondylar PGA screws 48 100%/36 weeks # or ## Healed
PLA screws 48 0%/48 weeks # or ## Healed
PihlajamaK ki [53] Transcondylar PLA expansion plug 24 N/A No Healed
PihlajamaK ki [138] Transcondylar SR-PLA expansion plug 24 N/A No 75% Healed (24 weeks)
Cady [13] Transphyseal PDS pins 12 Started at 3 weeks 0%/12 weeks Physes intact
Tibia Matsusue [51] Prox. tibial osteotomy PLA or stainless steel screws 16 N/A # Healed

Dog Femur An [54] Lateral condyle osteotomy PGA/PLA screws 68 '95%/68 weeks No Healed at 8 weeks
Total hip Otsuka [139] Fixing acetabular component PLA screws 14 N/A N/A Healed
Y.H. An et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2635}2652

Sheep Femur Jukkala-Partio [55] Subcapital osteotomy SR-PLA lag-screws 12 N/A ? 86% healed
Tibia Weiler [140] Medial condyle PGA rods (Bio"x) 12 N/A ### Healed
Ulnae Manninen [28] Transverse olecranon PLA screws 12 N/A N/A Healed

Goat Femur Donigian [30] Salter}Harris IV fracture PLA, polydioxanone pins 8 N/A No Healed

PHBA"poly-b-hydroxy butyric acid.

Note: #"slight; ##"moderate; ###"signi"cant.
Y.H. An et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2635}2652 2643

Fig. 9. Schematic diagrams showing maxillofacial bone osteotomy and

"xation with bioabsorbable plate and screws: (A) a mandibular os-
teotomy in the goat, (B) and (C) a zygomatic bone and nasal bone
Fig. 7. Schematic diagrams showing trephine osteotomies made at osteotomies in the rabbit. (Reprinted with permission from Animal
both diaphyseal and epiphysometaphyseal areas in the dog. (Reprinted Models in Orthopaedic Research. Chapter 12. Animal models for
with permission from Animal Models in Orthopaedic Research. Chap- testing bioabsorbable materials. Yuehuei H An, Richard J Friedman,
ter 12. Animal models for testing bioabsorbable materials. Yuehuei editors. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1999. Copyright Lewis Publishers, an
H An, Richard J Friedman, editors Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1999. imprint of CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.)
Copyright Lewis Publishers, an imprint of CRC Press, Boca Raton,
[62,63], as a part of the substitute (with hydroxyapatite
[64,65], or proteolipid [66]), or as carriers for growth
factors [67,68], bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs)
[69}72] and other bone elements [73}76]. Another func-
tion of bioabsorbable materials may be as a sca!olding
for bone conduction [65,77] or guided bone regeneration
[78]. Racemic D,L-PLA implants with pore sizes in the
300}350 lm range and 60% void volume were found to
be capable of promoting osteoconduction in calvarial
defects [79]. A porous PDLLA-PGA copolymer matrix
was found to induce bone formation in rat calvarial
defects via a mechanism based on hematoma stabiliz-
ation [80]. Table 6 lists studies in which bioabsorbable
materials have been used as bone "llers or as carriers for
osteogenic substances.
Fig. 8. Schematic diagrams showing di!erent diaphyseal fracture mod-
els: (A) An oblique fracture of metacarpal bone in calves "xed with 4.3. Repair of cartilage defects and meniscal lesions
polymer screws (lateral view); [57]; (B) a femoral osteotomy "xed with
a bioabsorbable intramedullary rod inserted through greater trochan- With variable results, the typical studies of repairing
ter in the dog [59]; (C) a femoral osteotomy "xed with a bioabsorbable cartilage defect using bioabsorbable materials include the
intramedullary rod inserted through intercondylar notch in the rabbit use of PGA rods [46], PGA or PLA combined with
[58]; and (D) a potential fracture "xation model using a intramedullary
rod in the rabbit. (Reprinted with permission from Animal Models in perichondrium in the rabbit [81,82] and PLA/PGA im-
Orthopaedic Research. Chapter 12. Animal models for testing bioab- plants impregnated with demineralized bone powder
sorbable materials. Yuehuei H An, Richard J Friedman, editors. Boca [83] or TGF-b [84,85]. Seeding cells onto porous PLA
Raton: CRC Press, 1999. Copyright Lewis Publishers, an imprint of polymers is a new approach. Freed et al. studied neocar-
CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.) tilage formation in vitro and in vivo using porous PGA
and PLA sca!olds [86]. Chondrocyte-seeded absorbable
devices have also been implanted to attempt repair of
4.2. Bone replacement cartilage defects with promising results [87]. In recent
years, more investigations have been reported on the
In the case of repairing bone defects, bioabsorbable repair of cartilage defects using cell-seeded absorbable
materials are used independently for bone conduction implants (Table 6) [88,89].

Table 4
Animal models of "xation of diaphyseal osteotomy using bioabsorbable materials (Adapted from An and Friedman [115])

Animal Bone Reference Osteotomy or Fixation method Period Degradation In#ammatory Fracture healing
fracture (Weeks) reaction

Rabbit Femur Manninen [58] T SR-PLA intramedullary rods 48 N/A No Healed

Humerus Lowry [14] T PCL pin 12 N/A Minimal Healed &38% malunion
(6 weeks)
Tibia VainionpaK aK [56] T Carbon "ber-reinforced 24 Started at 6 weeks N/A Healed at 6 weeks
PGA/PLA and PHB implant

Dog Femur Miettinen [59] T SR-PLA or SR-PGA 48 Disappeared at 24 weeks No Healed/6 weeks
An [54] Trephined PGA/PLA screws 68 '95%/68 weeks No Healed/8 weeks

Cat Femur Hara [52] T PLA intramedullary rods 16 N/A No Healed/Large callus

Calf Metacarpal Illi [57] 453 PLA or AO metallic screws 6 0% or N/A No Healed

Table 5
Animal models of "xation of maxillofacial bone osteotomies using bioabsorbable materials (Adapted from An and Friedman [115])

Animal Bone Reference Osteotomy or fracture Fixation method Period Degradation In#ammation Fracture healing
(Weeks) reaction

Rabbit Calvarial bone Eppley [141] Circular defect PLA/PGA plate/screws 52 100%/52 weeks No Healed/24 weeks
Y.H. An et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2635}2652

Nasal bone Tschakalo! [60] Transverse osteotomy PLA plate and screws 6 75% Mol. Weight No N/A
Zygomatic Thaller [61] Saw osteotomy PGA plate and screws 16 N/A N/A Healed
Dog Mandible Getter [142] Transverse osteotomy PLA plate and screws 32 100%/32 weeks # Healed
Leenslag [143] Transverse osteotomy PLA plate and screws 11 Some at 11 weeks No Healed
Gerlach [42] Transverse osteotomy PLA plate and screws 100 N/A # Healed/8 weeks
Hara [144] Salter-Harris IV fracture PLA screws 24 Started/24 weeks No Healed/4}8
Tams [145] Transverse osteotomy PLA plate and screws 18 Not much/18 weeks No Healed/12 weeks
Sheep Mandible Leenslag [143] Transverse osteotomy PLA plate and screws 11 Some at 11 weeks No Healed
Bos [146] Transverse osteotomy PLA plate and screws 11 Not much/11 weeks No Healed
Suuronen [34] Neck of condylar process SR-PLA screws 24 N/A N/A Healed

#"slight reaction.
Table 6
Compilation of use of bioabsorbable materials in animal models for orthopaedic research and in human subjects clinically (Adapted from An and Friedman [115])

Application Subject Location Materials References

Fixation of fracture or osteotomy Animals Various Various (see Tables 3}5)

Human Thumb arthrodesis PLA pins Voche [124]
Human Maxillofacial fractures PLLA miniplate and screws Bessho [147]
Human Fixation of chevron bunionectomy PDS pins Gill [97]
Human Ankle fracture "xation PGA, PLLA screws George [77]

Bone "ller or substitute Rat Tibia and humerus drill holes PLA/PGA Hollinger [62]
Rat Femur, drill hole PLA/HA composite Higashi [65]
Dog Mandibular discontinuities PLA/PGA and proteolipid Hollinger [66]
Rabbit Calvarial defects PLA/PGA/HA Antikainen [64]
Rat Critical size defect (5 mm) in mandible PLA/PGA membranes Sanberg [148]
Rat Femur/around metaphyseal bone SR-PGA membranes Ashammakhi [149]
Rat Femur/around bone surfaces SR-PGA membranes Ashammakhi [78]
Rabbit Augmenting distal femoral drill holes SR-PGA membranes Ashammakhi [63]
Rabbit Calvarial defects Porous PDLLA Robinson [79]
Rat Calvarial defects Porous PDLLA-coPGA matrix Whang [80]

Carriers for osteogenic substances Human Femoral nonunion h-BMP in PLA/PGA copolymer Johnson [150]
Rabbit Calvarial defect DFDB in PLA/PGA Schmitz [73]
Rat Osteogenesis in muscles DBM in POE Pinholt [74]
Rabbit Calvarial defect Osteoinductive protein in PLA/PGA Turk [68]
Y.H. An et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2635}2652

Dog Osteogenesis in SC tissue PCBM in PLA mesh Kinoshita [75]

Rat Osteogenesis in SC tissue DBM in PLA Saitoh [76]
Rat Calvarial defect BMP in PLA disc Miki [69]
Rat Calvarial defect BMP in PLA/PGA microparticles Kenley [70]
Rat Osteogenesis in calvarial defect IGF-I in POE Busch [67]
Rat Osteogenesis in SC tissue BMP in PLA/PGA/blood clot Alpaslan [72]
Mouse Osteogenesis in muscles BMP in PLG/PEG reservoirs Yamazaki [71]
Rat Mandibular defects rhBMP-2 in PDLLA-coPGA beads Zellin [151]


Table 6*continued

Application Subject Location Materials References

Repair of cartilage defect Goat Defect on medial femoral condyle PDLLA-PGA # TGF-b Athanasiou [84]
Rabbit Defect in distal femoral joint PLA/periosteum von Schroeder [81]
Rabbit Defect in distal femoral joint PGA sca!old # chondrocytes Freed [87]
Rabbit Defect in distal femoral joint PLA sca!old # chondrocytes Vacanti [88]
Rabbit Defect on medial femoral condyle Porous PLA # perichondrocytes Chu [89]
Human Osteochondritis/osteochondral fracture PLLA pin Matsusue [98]

Repair of meniscus Dog Lateral menisci Porous PLA implant Klompmaker [90]
Dog Lateral menisci PLLA/PCL copolymer de Groot [91]
Dog Medial menisci peripheral 1/3 incision PGA/PLA staples or 3-0 PDS suture Koukoubis [92]

Repair or replacement of ligament and tendon Dog/rabbit Patellar/achilles/MCL PLA-carbon sca!olding ribbons Parsons [93]
Sheep ACL reconstruction Braided PLA augmentation Laitinen [95]
Sheep PDS-augmented patellar tendon PDS cords Holzmuller [96]
Rabbit Achilles tendon laceration or defect PGA/Dacron device Rodkey [94]

Fixation of ligament and tendon Human Arthroscopic patellar tendon graft PLA interference screws Barber [99]
Human Ulnar collateral ligament of the SR-PLA mini tack "xation Juutilainen [100]
1st metacarpophalangeal joint
Human Arthroscopic bone-patellar tendon-bone graft PLLA, PDLLA-coPGA, PDLLA interference StaK helin [103]
Cow/sheep Patellar tendon graft Interference screws Pellacci [152]

Drug delivery Rabbit Implanted into distal femur PLA/kanamycin Wei [104]
Rabbit Tibial fracture, infection PLA/cefazolin microspheres Jacob [153]
Dog Tibia osteomyelitis PLA/PGA implant plus gentamicin Garvin [105]
Rabbit Inserted into proximal femur PGA/cipro#oxacin cylinder Overbeck [106]
Y.H. An et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2635}2652

Rabbit Tibial osteomyelitis PLA, PLA/PGA plus vancomycin Calhoun [154]

Conduits for nerve repair Human Digital nerve defect PGA tube Mackinnon [110]
Primate Median nerve defect PGA tube Hentz [111]
Rat Ischiatic nerve defect PLA/6-caprolactone conduit Nicoli Aldini [112]

Sca!old for vessel regeneration Rat Abdominal aorta graft Microporous polyurethane/PLA van der Lei [109]
Rabbit Infrarenal aorta Woven PDS graft Greisler [155]

DFDB"demineralized freeze-dried bone

DBM"demineralized bone matrix
SC"subcutaneous tissue
PCBM"particulate cancellous bone and marrow
PLG/PEG"poly(lactide-co-glycolide)/poly(ethylene glycol)
Y.H. An et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2635}2652 2647

A porous PLA sca!old was used by Klompmaker et al. 4.6. Small blood vessel and nerve regeneration
to repair meniscal lesions [90]. It was found that biode-
gradable implants with a porous structure (100}300 lm Absorbable materials have been used for small vessel
pores) could provide guidance for vascular ingrowth into and nerve regeneration (Table 6). Animal studies of vessel
the defect. Recently, the same investigators reconstructed regeneration using absorbable materials were reported
canine menisci using a porous copolymer material by van der Lei et al. [109]. Microporous, compliant
(L-lactide/e-caprolactone) and found gap formation be- vascular grafts made from a mixture of polyurethane
tween implant sides and meniscal tissue could be pre- (95%) and PLA (5%) can function as a sca!old for the
vented, but the adherence of implant to the underlying regeneration of small-caliber arteries [109]. Common
meniscal tissue seemed to be a problem [91]. More models for studying small vessel graft include rat abdom-
recently, a new PGA/PLA staple has been tested for inal aorta, rabbit carotid artery and infrarenal aorta, and
meniscal repair [92]. The results showed that the staple canine femoral artery, carotid artery, and aorta.
provided greater tensile strength than PDS suture to the For nerve regeneration, several materials, such as PGA
repaired meniscus. There is no doubt that tissue engin- tubes [110,111], PLA/PCL conduits [112], and other
eering principles for cartilage and meniscal repair will be forms of absorbable guides [113] have been investigated
a major direction of research in the future (Table 6). with controversial results. The common model for ex-
perimental nerve regeneration is an ischiatic nerve defect
4.4. Repair of tendons and ligaments in the rat [112].

The replacement of tendons and ligaments with bioab-

sorbable materials is still in the early stages of research. 5. Evaluation methods
The concept was introduced in 1983 when Parsons et al.
reported the use of a PLA-"lamentous carbon "ber to Methods for evaluating the in vivo performance of
replace tendons and ligaments [93]. Rodkey et al. found bioabsorbable polymers consist of physical examination,
that a PGA/Dacron material had adequate strength and radiography, histology, and biomechanical testing. Re-
physical properties to be used both for primary tenorrha- gardless of the tissue being studied, live animals should
phy and bridging tendon defects in a rabbit Achilles be inspected daily for evidence of foreign-body reactions
tendon model [94]. Braided PLA and PDS cords have (sterile sepsis) and sinus drainage. Radiographs are used
been used to augment fascia lata and patellar tendon in for determining the location of an osteotomy, the quality
sheep for ACL reconstruction with promising results of the "xation, the existence of osteolysis, and the pro-
[95,96]. gress of bone healing.
Although few animal models have been reported, "x- After sacri"cing the animal, histological analysis is
ation of tendon, ligament, and cartilage to bone by ab- used to evaluate bone healing, bone and soft tissue re-
sorbable interference screws, staples, pins, and mini tacks sponse to bioabsorbable devices, and the mass degrada-
clinically in humans has become well established (Table tion of the polymer. Lymph nodes are also examined
6) [97}103]. histologically. Ground sectioning can be useful for its
advantages that the residues of polymer may be preser-
4.5. Carriers for drug delivery ved during specimen processing.
A materials testing device is used to analyze bio-
Typical bioabsorbable drug delivery systems are de- mechanical aspects of implant}bone complexes. To
signed to introduce antibiotics for local use in tissues evaluate bone ingrowth, shear strength is tested by
(Table 6). PLA with oligomer dideoxykanamycin B was pin/screw pull-out or push-out studies [114]. Bending
used as a delivery system to treat osteomyelitis in the and tensile tests are commonly performed to evaluate the
rabbit femur [104]. Garvin et al. reported the use of strength of absorbable devices before and after implanta-
a PLA/PGA-gentamicin implant in the treatment of os- tion. A three-point bending apparatus, similar to that
teomyelitis in a canine model [105]. Overbeck et al. later used in the testing of metals, is the typical method used to
implanted a novel cipro#oxacin-containing PGA cylin- assess the implant device itself. However, when an os-
der into the medullary canal of the proximal femur in teotomy or fracture model is being evaluated, a four-
rabbits and showed that a signi"cantly greater concen- point bending test is more appropriate. In this case, the
tration of cipro#oxacin was obtained in bone than that actuator is centered over the osteotomy or fracture site
reported for gentamicin cement beads [106]. Langer re- with equal distance between contact points on either side
viewed drug delivery systems made from bioabsorbable (Fig. 10). An indentation test can be performed to study
materials [107]. Biodegradable polymers have also been the compressive strength and sti!ness of bone around
used for the controlled release of insulin-like growth a bioabsorbable screw or rod [54,114]. The "xation
factors, indomethacin, and angiogenesis inhibitors strength at osteotomy sites in the diaphysis of long bones
[67,71,108]. can be assessed under simulated physiologic stresses by
2648 Y.H. An et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2635}2652

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