Week 8 Topic

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video: Enduring Love.

How I felt- Pleasant Intense.

I think i felt this way because I was amused and excited about the beautiful love story in that

Video: The Innocents.

How I felt- Pleasant Intense because I kind of got an astonishment when a figure show up when
the child starts to sing, pleasant its rather scary and when watching such stuff, it is rather more
pleasant than actually experiencing them real life.

Video: Pride & Prejudice

How i felt: Pleasant mild.

I felt this way because the clip for me looked rather calm, from the music to the tone of speech
by the actors.

Video: The Bourne Identity (2002).

How I felt: Unpleasant Intense.

I felt this way I was worried the whole time of who the actor driver might run over with the way
he was driving.

Video: The Naughty Nineties, Abbot and Costello -Who's on first (1945)

How I felt: Pleasant Intense.

I felt this way because this was very exciting to watch, it was so funny, I felt so happy watching

There are a few emotional responses I have noticed that we share in common with some of my
fellow students. Although there are similarities in these responses, each individual student has
varying reasons as to why they emotionally reacted the way they did.On the other side, most of
my emotional responses differ from the responses of others. To me, this doesn't mean that my
reactions are abnormal. I think it's
brought about this way because of the different backgrounds, acquired knowledge and social
environment of each individual. With these differences, there is always a possibility of having
different emotional reactions to specific stimulus among people.

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