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Lesson for Week 8 Hedonism (Bentham) - the belief that people choose

Criminal Behavior pleasure and avoid pain.


I. Primary Schools of Thought in Criminology CRIMINOLOGY
The neo-classical school of criminology argued
1. PRE-CLASSICAL ERA that situations or circumstances that made it
The Demonological Theory Before the impossible to exercise freewill are reasons to
development of more scientific theories of criminal exempt the accused from conviction. This school of
behavior, one of the most popular explanations was thought maintains that while the classical doctrine
Demonology (Hagan, 1990). According to this is correct in general, it should be modified in
explanation individuals were thought to be certain details that children and lunatics should not
possessed by good or evil spirits, which caused be regarded as criminals and free from
good or evil behavior. The theory maintains that punishment, it must take into account certain
criminal behavior was believed to be the result of mitigating circumstances.
evil spirits and demons something of natural force
that controls his/her behavior. Centuries ago, Guilt 4. POSITIVIST/ITALIAN SCHOOL (1838-
and Innocence were established by a variety of 1909)
procedures that presumably called forth the It maintained that crime as any other act is a
supernatural allies of the accused. The accused natural phenomenon and is comparable to disaster
were innocent if they could survive an ordeal, or if or calamity. That crime as a social and moral
miraculous signs appeared. They were guilty if phenomenon which cannot be treated and checked
they died at stake, or if omens were associated with by the imposition of punishment but rather
them (Bartol 1995). Harsh punishments were also rehabilitation or the enforcement of individual
given. measures. Cesare Lombroso and his two students,
Enrico Fernand Rafaele Gerofalo advocated this
This is the school of thought advocated by Cesare Cesare Lombroso (1836-1909) - The Italian leader
Beccaria whose real name is Cesare Bonesera of the positivist school of criminology was
Marchese de Beccaria together with Jeremy criticized for his methodology and his attention to
Bentham (1823) who proposed "Utilitarian the biological characteristics of offenders, but his
Hedonism: the theory, which explains that a person emphasis on the need to study offenders
always acts in such a way as to seek pleasure and scientifically earned him the "father of modern
avoid pain. criminology. His major contribution is the
Cesare Beccaria in his "ESSAY on Crimes and development of a scientific approach to the study of
Punishment" presented his key ideas on the criminal behavior and to reform the criminal law.
abolition of torture as a legitimate means of He wrote the essay entitled "CRIME Its Causes and
extracting confessions. The Classical theory Remedies that contains his kay ideas and the
maintains that man is essentially a moral creature classifications of criminals.
with absolute free will to choose between good and
evil therefore tress is placed upon the criminal Classifications of Criminals by Lombroso
himself: that every man is responsible for his act 1. Born Criminals - there are born criminals
Freewill (Beccaria) - a philosophy advocating according to Lombrosa, the belief that being
punishment severe enough for people to choose, to criminal behavior is inherited.
avoid criminal acts. It includes the belief that a 2. Criminal by Passion - are individuals who
certain criminal act warrants a certain punishment are easily influenced by great emotions like
without any punishment without any variation. fit of anger.
3. Insane Criminals - are those who commit
crime due to abnormalities or psychological III. GENERAL APPROACHES IN THE
disorders. They should be exempted from STUDY OF CRIMES
criminal liability.
4. Criminoloid - a person who commits crime There are numerous theories that must be
due to less physical stamina/set self-control. considered in studying the causes of crimes. There
5. Occasional Criminal - are those who is a need, therefore, to categorize or group these
commit crime due to insignificant reasons theories for the purpose of more systematic and
that pushed them to do at a given occasion. simplified discussion. The 3 general groups of
6. Pseudo-criminals - are those who kill in self criminological approaches are subjective, objective
defense and contemporary approaches

Enrico Ferri (1856-1929) - He was the best-known A. SUBJECTIVE APPROACHES

Lombroso's associate. His greatest contribution was
Subjective approaches deal mainly on the biological
his attack on the classical doctrine of free will,
explanation of crimes. Subjective explanations are
which argued that criminals should be held
focused on identifying the forms of abnormalities
morally responsible for their crimes because they
must have made a rational decision to commit the that was experienced by criminals before, during
crime and after committing the crime. They are the
Raffaele Garofalo (1852-1934) - Another follower of following:
Lombroso, an Italian noblemen, magistrate,
1. Anthropological Approach-focused in
senator, and professor of law. Like Lombroso and
studying the physical characteristics of
Ferri he rejected the doctrine of free will and
offenders in the attempt to discover physical
supported the position that the only way to
understand crime was to study it by scientific differences between criminals and non-
methods. Influenced on Lombroso's theory of criminals: (Earnest Hooton's theory)
atavistic stigmata (man's interior) a***istic 2. Medical Approach - the application of
behavior), ne traced the roots of criminal behavior medical examinations on offenders in order
not to physical features but to their psychological to explain the mental and physical
equivalents, which he called “moral anomalies”. condition of the individual prior and after
committing a crime (Positivist theory
theories of Fem and Garofalo)
II. Types of Explanation to Criminal Behavior
3. Biological Approach-the evaluation of
a. Single or Unitary Cause – Crime is
genetics in explaining criminal behavior,
produces only by one factor or variable,
under this approach heredity is the main
they are either social, biological or mental.
factor that push people to commit crimes
This theory is no longer in use at present.
(Positivist theory)
b. Multiple Factor Theory - Crime is a
4. Physiological Approach-focused on the
combination of several factors some factors
study on the nature of human beings-how
are playing a major reason while the other is
they satisfy their physical needs, this
playing the minor role. This is the accepted
approach explains that the cause of crime is
theory of crime causation
the deprivation of the physical body from
c. Electric Theory-Crime is one instance
the basic needs of life (Maslow's Theory)
maybe caused by one or more factors, while
5. Psychological Approach - explains that
in other instances it is cause by another set
development of criminal behavior
of factors.
(deviations of normal behavior resulting to
unpleasant emotions) is caused by
deprivation from psychological needs of C. CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES
man (Theories of Freud and Maslow)
Criminologists today put emphases on scientific
6. Psychiatric Approach-cause of the criminal
explanation of crime and criminal behavior.
behavior, according to this approach, is
Contemporary approaches are focused on the
mental disease as diagnosed by a trained
psychoanalytical, psychiatric and sociological
authorized person (Positivist theory)
explanations of crime in an integrated theory
7. Psychoanalytical Approach-explanation of
Integrated theory is an explanatory statement that
crime is based on the Freudian Theory-this
combines ideas or concepts from different sources.
theory states that criminal behavior is
caused by repression (suppression) of the
basic drives (Freud's theory)


These approaches deal on the study of groups,

social processes and institutions as factors that
influence the human behavior. They are primarily
derived from social sciences

1. Geographic Approach-topography,
natural resources. geographical location,
and climate are factors that lead a
person to commit crime (Adolph
Quetelet's Theory)
2. Ecological Approach-the biotic
grouping of men resulting to migration,
competition, social discrimination
division of labor, and social conflict are
factors that cause crime (Ezra Park's

3. Economic Approach-financial insecurity

and inadequacy of the necessities to
support life are important factors to
criminality (Robert King Merton's
4. Socio-Cultural Approach-causes of
crimes can be traced from the effects of
institutions. economics, education,
politics, and religion to the people
(Albert Cohen's Theory)

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