ATFM Daily Plan

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ATFM Daily Plan - Friday 25 November 2022

ADP Version 1
Airport Planned GDPs Total Arr/Dep Affected Flights Total Ground Delay Av. Ground Delay 36 Hr Synoptic Forecast

YSSY NONE 898 n/a 0 0.00

YMML NONE 654 n/a 0 0.00
YBBN NONE 577 n/a 0 0.00
YPPH-A NONE 383 n/a 0 0.00 Synoptic not AVBL
YPPH-D NONE n/a 0 0.00 Please see BOM Website
Totals 2512 0 0 0.00
* denotes a revision has taken place

ATFM Daily Plan Summary Notes

Slight risk of oversubscription indicated between 2030z and around 2145z, with no other network issues presenting at this stage.

Slight risk of oversubscription indicated in the 2000z-2100z, with no other network issues presenting at this stage. RWY09/27 and multiple taxiways closed as per NOTAM.

Nil significant network risk/s identified at this stage.


Nil significant risk/s identified for the morning departure push. Slight risk of oversubscription indicated in the 0900z-1000z peak arrival hour in the evening but no other network
YPPH issues presenting at this stage. RWY06/24 and multiple taxiways closed as per NOTAM.

Refer NOTAM for latest estimated airborne traffic delay advice.

Other Significant

Change Summary: [07:36pm] Version 1: Initial.

Teleconference Details
1800 062 923 CAP THREAT: 25/0630z-25/0815z PRM: NOT REQ
Participant Code 7207 9651
Guest Code 3064#

NCC: 1800 020 626 YMEN SLOT SCHEME: NO

Issues expected to impact service delivery

Location Issue/NOTAM Details

YMML C936/22 RWY 16/34 CLSD DUE WIP FM 11 23 1130 TO 11 24 1930 DAILY 1130/1930

YMML C937/22 RWY 09/27 CLSD DUE WIP FM 11 251130 TO 11 251930

YPPH C714/22 RWY 06/24 CLSD DUE WIP FM 11 242330 TO 11 250730

Report generated by the NCC at 7:44 PM. Please consult METCDM for up to date ATFM Daily Plan information.

Network Weather Overview

From now to +72 hours
Friday 25 November 2022
Weather Overview
Mean Sea Level Pressure Satellite Picture Rainfall Outlook for tomorrow

Picture NOT AVBL - please see BOM website Picture NOT AVBL - please see BOM website Picture NOT AVBL - please see BOM website

Weather impact risk assessment Major Airports

Brisbane Melbourne Perth Sydney
Cloud 3000ft lowering to 1500-
Cloud 1500- 2000ft increasing to Cloud 1800-2500ft. Light coastal
Likely CAVOK. Light to moderate 2000ft with showers developing
AM Friday SW to SE winds.
around 4000ft early. Light SW
during the morning. Light SW
showers. Light NW winds tending
winds. NE during the morning.

Chance of a light shower inland.

Showers easing. Cloud 2500-3500ft, Patchy cloud 2000ft developing in
Patchy cloud around 2000ft in the Patchy 4000ft cloud clearing. Light
PM Friday evening. Light to moderate SE to to moderate S to SSE winds.
1500ft in showers. Moderate SW the evening. Light to moderate NE
winds. to ESE winds.
NE winds.

Patchy cloud 3000-4000ft. Light

CAVOK. Light SW winds tending CAVOK. Moderate NNE winds. 20- showers offshore. Light to Cloud 2000-3000ft. Light E to SE
AM Saturday ENE late morning. 30kt N winds aloft. moderate S to SE winds tending winds.
SW late morning.

CAVOK until high-based evening

showers with cloud above 5000ft,
and the chance of a thunderstorm Cloud above 4000ft. Moderate SW Patchy cloud 2000ft. Moderate NE
PM Saturday CAVOK. Moderate NE winds.
in the TMA. Moderate and gusty N winds. winds.
winds, 30-40kt winds aloft,

Early cloud 2000-3000ft and

Morning cloud 1500-2000ft. Light N showers. Cloud lifting to 3500- CAVOK. Moderate ESE winds, 20- CAVOK. Light NW winds tending
AM Sunday to NW winds. 4000ft late morning. Moderate SW 25kt winds aloft early. moderate NNE winds.

Cloud well above 5000ft. Gusty

CAVOK. Possible thunderstorms in high-based thunderstorms
Cloud 3500-4000ft. Light showers in CAVOK. Moderate S to SE winds
PM Sunday the western TMA. Moderate NE
the TMA. Moderate SW winds. possibly turning SSW later.
developing. Moderate NE winds
winds. tending NW, then gusty southerly
change in the evening.

Significant other phenomena potentially affecting Australian FIRs

Volcanic Ash (VA) ≥ FL200 Nil current.
Potential Tropical Cyclones Nil current.

Weather risk assessment provided by NCC Meteorological Unit – Bureau of Meteorology

Contact NCCMET for further detail or advice

Phone: 02 6268 4448


Detailed advice from major Airport MET CDM products available at Airservices NOC Portal,

Report generated by the NCC at 7:44 PM. Please consult METCDM for up to date ATFM Daily Plan information.

SYDNEY - Nil GDP Friday 25 November 2022


[1] 1900-2159: A mostly fine day with a ridge of high pressure over the NSW coast. Patchy morning cloud possible around 1800-2500ft, however this cloud may all be offshore if winds above the
surface are W/NW. DVAB rates planned initially with light N to NW winds favouring RWY 34; improving quickly to IVA.
[2] 2200-0359: Cloud lifting above 3500ft during the morning, with a few showers developing about the coastal fringe in this period along a weak convergence line between NW winds inland and E
to NE winds at sea. Significant uncertainty around how the winds will behave as they turn onshore in this period. Winds are most likely to settle at 080-100 degrees for most of the afternoon, but a
period of NE winds is planned here first. RWY 16 may be preferred as early as 00UTC. Possible fluctuation across the 080 degree threshold from 02UTC until 08UTC.
[3] 0400-1159: Showers clearing by mid-afternoon. Moderate E winds becoming more established, before tending lighter ENE by the end of the day ahead of a southerly change likely to arrive
after curfew. Mostly clear skies with a few small patches around 2000ft, becoming scattered in the evening.

NCC DLM Notes:

[Nil DLM Notes]

SM Notes:
[1] 0700-1059: No SYTM Rostered

GDP Notes
Slight risk of oversubscription indicated between 2030z and around 2145z, with no other network issues presenting at this stage.

Tabulated Data
Time (Hour UTC) 241900 242000 242100 242200 242300 250000 250100 250200 250300 250400 250500 250600 250700 250800 250900 251000 251100 0

Runway Mode 34 DVAB 34 DVAB 34 DVAB 34 DVAA 34 IVA 34 IVA 34 IVA 16 IVA 16 IVA 16 IVA 16 IVA 16 IVA 16 IVA 16 IVA 34 DVAB 34 DVAB 34 DVAB

Rate 33 39 39 42 50 50 50 46 46 46 46 46 38 38 38 38 32

Segmentation and Notes

METCDM Notes 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0

Segmentation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Bar Graph

Report generated by the NCC at 7:44 PM. Please consult METCDM for up to date ATFM Daily Plan information.

MELBOURNE - Nil GDP Friday 25 November 2022


[1] 1900-0159: A mild and mostly fine day with a high pressure system over Victoria. Light W to SW winds. 2500-3500ft cloud. Lower cloud possible earlier in the night, but drier SW winds should become
established by about 18UTC pushing most cloud east of the aerodrome, with just a few patches remaining around 1500ft. IMCA rates planned to account for this cloud, improving to VMCA by mid-morning.
[2] 0200-1259: Cloud lifting to just a few patches around 4000ft. Moderate SW winds, tending SSE later in the afternoon then S'ly in the evening.
[3] 1900-1959: RWY 16 not available due WIP, see NOTAM C936/22

NCC DLM Notes:

[Nil DLM Notes]

SM Notes:
[Nil SMTM Notes]

GDP Notes
Slight risk of oversubscription indicated in the 2000z-2100z, with no other network issues presenting at this stage. RWY09/27 and multiple taxiways closed as per NOTAM.

Tabulated Data
Time (Hour UTC) 241900 242000 242100 242200 242300 250000 250100 250200 250300 250400 250500 250600 250700 250800 250900 251000 251100 251200
16/27 16/27 16/27 16/27 16/27 16/27 16/27 16/27 16/27 16/27 09/16 09/16 09/16 09/16 09/16 16/27 16/27
Runway Mode 27 IMCA
Rate 22 23 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

Segmentation and Notes

METCDM Notes 1&3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Segmentation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Bar Graph

Report generated by the NCC at 7:44 PM. Please consult METCDM for up to date ATFM Daily Plan information.

BRISBANE - Nil GDP Friday 25 November 2022

[1] 2000-1259: Stable weather continues under a ridge of high pressure. CAVOK. Light SW winds tending moderate NE in the afternoon through the SE. There is some weak instability inland
during the afternoon so the odd shower is possible in the western TMA. Chance of patchy cloud 1200-2000ft from 11UTC, x-factor added.

NCC DLM Notes:

[Nil DLM Notes]

SM Notes:
[Nil SMTM Notes]

GDP Notes
Nil significant network risk/s identified at this stage.

Tabulated Data
Time (Hour UTC) 242000 242100 242200 242300 250000 250100 250200 250300 250400 250500 250600 250700 250800 250900 251000 251100 251200

Runway Mode 19 VMC 19 VMC 19 VMC 19 VMC 19 VMC 01 VMC 01 VMC 01 VMC 01 VMC 01 VMC 01 VMC 01 VMC 01 VMC 01 VMC 01 VMC 01 VMC 01 VMC

Rate 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 33 33

Segmentation and Notes

METCDM Notes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

Segmentation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Bar Graph

Report generated by the NCC at 7:44 PM. Please consult METCDM for up to date ATFM Daily Plan information.

PERTH Departures - Nil GDP
Friday 25 November 2022

[1] 2200-2359: Moist onshore flow at Perth on Friday with a broad area of low pressure to the south and east. Cloud around 3000ft at first with light NE surface winds and moderate W winds
above the surface. A few light showers possible in the TMA, particularly about the hills at first. Very slight chance of a thunderstorm in the far southern TMA, more likely further away to the south.
[2] 0000-0559: Showers developing across the TMA as a weak trough moves ashore during the day. Cloud bases lowering to about 2000ft, dropping to 1500ft in showers. X-factor added for
chance of visibility below 8000m at times. Winds turning onshore making RWY 21/24 favourable from around 02Z but possible an hour either side of that.
[3] 0600-1359: Showers easing as the trough moves inland and dissipates; showers clearing entirely by late afternoon. Moderate SW winds tending more southerly in the evening. VMC rates
planned on RWY 21/24; improvement to VMC may occur as early as 03Z with only light showers after then.
[4] 2300-0759: RWY 06/24 not available due WIP, see NOTAM C714/22

NCC DLM Notes:

[Nil DLM Notes]

SM Notes:
[Nil SMTM Notes]

GDP Notes
Nil significant risk/s identified for the morning departure push. Slight risk of oversubscription indicated in the 0900z-1000z peak arrival hour in the evening but no other network issues presenting at
this stage. RWY06/24 and multiple taxiways closed as per NOTAM.

Tabulated Data
Time (Hour UTC) 242100 242200 242300 250000 250100 250200 250300 250400 250500 250600 250700 250800 250900 251000 251100 251200 251300
03/06 21/24 21/24 21/24 21/24 21/24 21/24
Runway Mode 03 VMC 03 IMCA 03 IMCA 21 IMCA 21 IMCA 21 IMCA 21 VMC 21 VMC 21 VMC
Rate-Arrs 24 24 23 22 22 22 22 23 24 24 26 26 26 26 26 26

Rate-Deps 37 37 37 37

Segmentation and Notes

METCDM Notes 1 1&4 2&4 2&4 2&4 2&4 2&4 2&4 3&4 3&4 3 3 3 3 3 3

Segmentation 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Bar Graph

Report generated by the NCC at 7:44 PM. Please consult METCDM for up to date ATFM Daily Plan information.

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