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2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT)

Pune, India. Apr 02-04, 2021

Online Digital Cheque Clearance and Verification

System using Block Chain
Bogahawatte W.W.M.K.A Isuri Samanmali A.H.L Perera K.D.M
Department of Computer Systems Department of Computer Systems Department of Computer Systems
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Sri Lanka Institute of Information Sri Lanka Institute of Information
Technology Technology Technology
Malabe, Sri Lanka Malabe, Sri Lanka Malabe, Sri Lanka

Kavindi M.A.T Senaratne A.N Rupasinghe L.P

Department of Computer Systems Department of Computer Systems Department of Computer Systems
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Sri Lanka Institute of Information Sri Lanka Institute of Information
Technology Technology Technology
Malabe, Sri Lanka Malabe, Sri Lanka Malabe, Sri Lanka
2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) | 978-1-7281-8876-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/I2CT51068.2021.9418132

Abstract— Cheque Truncation System (CTS) is an image-

based cheque clearing framework used in Sri Lanka. This semi
manual process has certain limitations and takes up to 3
working days to clear an inter-bank national cheque in Sri
Lanka. Faced with the limitations of this system, cheque users
and commercial banks must need an efficient and a secured
system which can clear a cheque within less than 24 hours
along with providing integrity and confidentiality to the
system. This research portrays an automated solution, which is
feasible for any commercial bank in Sri Lanka, to address
above-mentioned issues. The proposed system is based on the
blockchain where all banks willing to take an interest in this
framework must connect the proposed blockchain based Fig. 1. Elements of a paper cheque in Sri Lanka
system to supply the quicker cheque clearance to its clients.
Answers were proposed with a complete framework consisting cheques, by avoiding physical delivery and enhancing
of four main phases: (i) paper cheque clearing process, (ii) efficiency of the system. With the introduction of the CIT
digital cheque issuing and clearing process, (iii) cheque fraud system, cheque clearing time was reduced to T+1, where T is
detection process and (iv) cheque transaction securing process. the day on which clearing house receives the cheque for
Python along with Flutter framework and Ethereum were the clearing and 1 indicates one business day from T, but usually
major technologies used for implementing the system. The it takes up to 3 working days to complete the entire process.
proposed system is highly scalable as Ethereum provides added Faced with this traditional cheque clearing process, cheque
integrity to the system. The approach advocates the customer users and commercial banks need an efficient, and a secured
as well as the bank with much simpler and speedier cheque cheque clearing system which clears a cheque with in less
clearing process with increased security. It also contributes time.
with a paper cheque fraud detection system with faster and
reliable results. The proposed system provides benefits to the Presently, frauds executed on cheques had become a
user as well as the bank by addressing the requirement of regular incident as technical advancements empower these
producing a secure, effective and environment friendly system. frauds to difficult to distinguish. In Sri Lanka, fraudulent
Finally, CheckMate permits a consistent stream of cheque cheques are ordinarily distinguished by bank employees by
clearance operation for the payer and the payee without any utilizing its attributes. Further, several commercial banks use
mediators. software development kits (SDK) and scanner based
hardware tools. These procedures are tedious and ineƥcient;
Keywords—blockchain, cheque, fraudster, image processing, for sure, it is infeasible for arrangement in every commercial
OTP bank.
I. INTRODUCTION Through the proposed system, the untouched drawbacks

A Cheque is one of the most predominant reports of a of the current CIT based cheque clearing systems such as the
bank where being duplicated is greatest. Cheques are time consuming process will be addressed by producing a
the excessively delighted non-cash payment method secure and effective system which only takes only 5 minutes
with about 96.8 billion dollars worthy worldwide in 2018 to clear a cheque, along with a mechanism for paper cheque
[1]. Clearing a cheque is a tiresome and a time-consuming fraud detection. For this, block chain has appeared as a novel
task. In Sri Lanka, the current cheque clearing system is a technology and the traditional paper cheques will be replaced
semi-manual process. Cheque Imaging and Truncation (CIT) using digital cheques. This paper proposes the utilization of
System which commenced operations on 11th May 2006, CheckMate system to the cheque clearing process of
reduced the time taken for clearing and settlement of

978-1-7281-8876-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 1

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commercial banks of Sri Lanka. Mainly the system contains B. Drawbacks in the current Cheque Clearing Process
the following features: The traditional CITS which use Magnetic ink character
x A mobile and web-based application to handle the recognition(MICR) and Optical Character
Recognition(OCR) technologies which focuses on the
cheque clearing and fraud detection process.
features of watermarks, ultraviolet light (UV) rays,
x A prediction algorithm with an accuracy of 80% to pantographic images and various microscopic features on the
predict the cheque rejection possibilities and reasons. scanned copy of the manual cheque has a limited
functionality. Therefore, inconsistency in name and amount,
x A novel mechanism to verify Magnetic ink character duplication of features using a photo editing software,
recognition (MICR) field data and handwritten invisible ink usage, and damaged images may lead to
signature on a paper cheque. security violations and consequently a forged paper cheque
could be created. This forged cheque may bypass the image
x One-time password (OTP) to verify the cheque authentication processing system at the clearing house,
issuer. which leads to wrong payment by bank to a malicious user.
Most cheque frauds are detected and reported by the drawee
II. BACKGROUND AND LITEREATURE SURVEY commercial bank. Less often, these frauds are detected and
reported by the collecting commercial bank - where the
A. Cheque Clearing Process in Sri Lanka cheque is deposited. These Fraudulent cheques are
The cheques should be cleared once the transaction takes commonly distinguished using manual identification. Manual
place. With the presentation of Sri Lankan Cheque Imagine identification, unquestionably, is the least successful activity
and Truncation System (CITS) in 2006[2] as shown in Fig. 2, to battle against cheque frauds. This requires staff's ability to
with the investment of a few part banks, to be specific Hatton distinguish fake cheques dependent on the security highlights
National Bank, Commercial Bank, Cargills Bank, Standard and other visual attributes. Furthermore, if the paper cheque
Chartered Bank and NDB , LankaClear Pvt Ltd(LCPL) is damaged, OCR will not be able to detect the cheque.
supplanted the past tedious physical cheque clearing Hence, its need to be cleared manually by a person. Then the
framework with an image based framework, cutting down automation process will not be successful. Moreover, current
the clearing cycle to the following industry day (T+ 1 CITS based paper cheque clearance requires at least one day
clearing)[2]. to clear a cheque which could extend up to three working
days. Additionally, the user needs to go to the bank to
CITS is an image-based cheque clearing framework[2], deposit cheque with consuming both time and cost.
which supplanted the physical cheque with electronic data,
streaming all through the clearing cycle. The usage of CITS C. Related Work
is an activity of LankaClear (Pvt) Ltd in relationship with the Various works had been done on the area, where most of
Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) for quicker clearing of them does not provide a practical implementation in real
cheques[2]. CITS is intended to acknowledge images and world. Even if the increase of cheque usage of the
MICR information of physical cheques submitted either on individuals and corporations with respect to the other
CD-ROMs or by direct electronic exchange. As a proportion payments methods, cheque clearing systems specifically
of upgrading the security of cheque images during the targeting on speeding up the manual clearing process with
transmission and improve the efficiency in the clearing cycle, the increase of security is not much seen in the existent
in September 2017, LankaClear (Pvt) Ltd[2] empowered the market. Most of the automated cheque clearing systems in
interest bank to present the pictures and MICR information the market and different platforms developed owing to
of physical cheques. This electronic framework permits the research mainly targets on digital cheques and eliminates
banks to transfer huge volumes of cheques and start their paper cheques completely.
clearing very quickly.
Table 1 represents a relative comparison on existing systems
with their drawbacks compared to the proposed approach.


Appr Published Overview Drawbacks

oach Year
[3] 2019 The approach provides a Paper cheques has
blockchain based cheque been completely
clearance system for digital eliminated in this
cheques. It provides a approach and, only
quick-response (QR) code the digital cheques
generation algorithm were taken into
which performs digital account.
signing of a cheque, and a
novel two-factor
authentication protocol to
generate a time-based one-
time password (TOTP) for
Fig. 2. Current CITS based cheque clearing system secure funds transfer.
Source: Adapted from [2]
[4] 2019 This approach provides a The framework
blockchain based only supports e-
framework for e-cheque cheques and does
clearance. not support paper

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[5] 2014 This approach has This approach
deciphered information requires manual
written in erasable ink that human analysis, is
was removed using the expensive, time-
eraser attached to a magic consuming, and
pen. They use a chemical non-scalable.
solution (NaOH) and
infrared radiation from a
VSC-600 scan converter to
detect alterations.
[6] 2009 Proposed an off-line This approach is
Persian signature based on language
identification and dependent
verification based on methods and
image registration, DWT limited for Persian
(Discrete Wavelet language.
Transform) and fusion.
The authors used DWT for
Features extraction and
Euclidean distance for
comparing features.
[7] 2014 Proposed an approach for This approach Fig. 3. CheckMate System Overview Diagram
fraud analytics for the presents only a
NFC-enabled mobile generic view on
payment system. A multi- the problem and The modified control samples used in the experiments of
layer solution is presented its solution, the paper cheque fraud detection process were created based
where each subsequent avoiding on information obtained from experts and the supporting
layer is responsible 75 for implementation at literature. Fig. 3 shows the system overview diagram of the
separated parts of fraud all. proposed approach.
A. Data Description
III. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROPOSED APPROACH Data used consists of past six months records of cheque
user interaction with a current account from People’s Bank-
Main objective of the proposed solution is to speed up a major public bank of Sri Lanka. The dummy data sets used
the cheque clearing process and increase the security of by the bank itself to test their systems were used here.
cheque transactions using CheckMate automated cheque Events have a user id, a timestamp, and event type. For the
clearing system. The proposed solution can provide a section B, there are some categories of events: rejection
24hour service for customers. Further the mobile device- because of insufficient account balance, rejection because of
based technology help users to easily issue and clear both drawer orders to the bank to stop payments, rejection
digital and paper cheques using a simple mobile application because of date not mentioned or written incorrectly and
installed in their mobile devices. The system allows user alternations made on cheque not proved by drawer by giving
(cheque holder) to validate the cheques before converting his/her signature etc.
them into a digital format. The prediction algorithm will
help to identify cheque rejection patterns based on certain B. Paper cheque clearing process and Error Prediction
fields and will validate the appropriate fields orderly. Algorithm
Furthermore, the approach also provides with a productive, 1) Image Processing
versatile technique for distinguishing bank cheque frauds. Character identification is a part of pattern identification
area. Image processing consists of data preprocessing,
IV. METHODOLOGY binarization, noise removal, skew detection and correction,
The implementation of the entire system is done on four character segmentation, thinning and feature extraction.
main phases: (i) Paper cheque clearing process and error Data Preprocessing - When the data has been obtained
prediction algorithm (ii) Paper cheque fraud detection precisely, we continue to pre-process the acquired data. The
process, (iii) Digital cheque issuing and clearing process primary purpose of pre-processing is usually to arrange
using block chain and (iv) Cheque transaction securing content to the consequent character identification process
process. Since different approaches were used for becomes easier. It basically improves the image rendering it
implementing the entire system, and for better understanding desirable for segmentation phase.
of the system flow, methodologies and approaches used for
the four phases are described in section B, C, D, and E Binarization - Usually the binarization strategies of gray
separately. Section A discusses on the used data sets for the scale images are categorized into couple of categories viz
system. entire threshold where solitary threshold is utilized in the
overall image to form a pair of classes (words and
The sample tests were scanned at 600 dpi resolution background) and local threshold wherever values of
using an android mobile device. The system supports android thresholds are decided locally, pixel-by-pixel or perhaps
versions Lollipop 5.0 – 5.1.1 and API Level 21 – 22 and region-by-region. Right here, it computes threshold Th out of
upper versions. The 600-dpi resolution was chosen for every single pixel locally by equation (1). There k is put to
scanning as this is the industry standard. The user is 0.5, m is the mean of all pixels in frame; M is the least image
encouraged to adjust the paper cheque accurately in the start grey degree σ is the standard deviation of each and every
of the process. Predefined edges were made for cheque, so pixels in frame and R is the optimum deviation of grayscale
the necessary highlights could be removed in a helpful way. on all frames.

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݄ܶ ൌ ሺͳ െ ݇ሻǤ ݉ ൅ ݇Ǥ (1) deal with consistent, all out and binary data. The
bootstrapping and outfit conspire makes Random Forest
Noise Removal - The scanned paper cheques frequently sufficiently able to conquer the issues of over fitting also,
consist of noise which occurs because of printing device, thus there is no compelling reason to prune the trees. The
print quality, cheque age range etc. Thus, it is essential to model interpretability and prediction precision gave by
filtering noise prior to the image is processed. Random Forest is extremely novel among well-known
machine learning techniques. Exact predictions and better
Skew Detection and Correction - Once the paper cheque speculations are accomplished due to use of outfit
is fed into mobile phone camera oftentimes automatically or methodologies and random sampling. The gathering of data
manually some sort of recline or skew is inescapable. In in the Decision Tree depends on the estimations of qualities
skew viewpoint the text lines in computerized image create of the given data. A Decision Tree is produced using the pre
angle with crosswise direction. classified data. The division into classes is settled on the
Character Segmentation - When the paper cheque image highlights that best partitions the data. The data things are
is binarized, noise eliminated and skew adjusted, the real text part as indicated by the estimations of these highlights. This
text-based content is extracted. This process guides to cycle is applied to each part subset of the data things
character segmentation. The frequently used segmentation recursively. The cycle ends concerning as all the data things
formulas in this direction are connected component labeling, in current subset have a place with a similar class.
x-y tree disintegration, operate length smearing and Hough C. Paper Cheque Fraud Detection Mechanism
transform. Right here Hough transform was utilized for
character segmentation. This exploration has looked to recognize trustworthy
image processing highlights from examined bank cheques
Thinning - When thinning width of one-pixel depiction or that could help decide if they are veritable. Two highlights
skeleton of an item is acquired by conserving connectedness will be considered: (i)MICR; and (ii) Handwritten
of the item and its end points. The actual thinning process Signature. Predefined edges were made for cheque, so the
decrease image ingredients to their important information so
necessary highlights could be removed in a helpful way. The
that additional analysis and identification are facilitated.
workflow involves two equal blocks. The first block is
Feature Extraction - The spirit of any kind of OCR setup extracting the symbols and read accounting and routing
is the development of feature vector which one is utilized in numbers of MICR field, and second block provides an
identification phase. The exact same is true for English algorithmic solution for offline handwritten signature
language OCR system. This stage is created to acquire the verification using Pixel based Method. If both blocks
attributes from segmented spaces of image containing verified, then the cheque can be processed, else the if one or
characters to be identified, specifically attributes that serve to both blocks were failed to verify, a notification will be sent
differentiate an area related to a character from an area to the user as well as the bank to further investigations.
related to other characters. The feature extraction could be Further investigations will be handled by the bank itself
thus regarded as finding a group of parameters or attributes without any involvement with the approach.
that determine the shape of origin character as exactly and
uniquely as feasible.
1) MICR Field Verification
2) Paper Cheque Digitalization Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)) is a
After the extraction of required fields of the cheque using monetary industry innovation for handling records. The
image processing, the fields should be validated. The area MICR encoding, called the MICR line, is at the foot of a
which the handwritten signature is displayed will be cropped. cheque and ordinarily incorporates the document-type
Other fields without the handwritten signature will be passed pointer, bank account number, bank code, cheque sum,
to the CheckMate web application using a json object. cheque number, and a control indicator.
3) Prediction Algorithm i. Extraction of MICR text from the image – This
This involves predicting cheque user intentionality done during the image processing phase in
towards a cheque rejection, based on interactions within a Section B.
commercial bank account. By keeping track of the cheque ii. Scale the image to 200 dpi - The raise pictures are
clearing and rejection patterns of the cheque user, banking prepared within the same but that a determination
system can have a better understanding of their behaviors. scaling is decided from the comes about of
The proposed solution will use a probabilistic generative handling the front picture, as there is no MICR
process to model cheque user transaction history, in which data to prepare on the back. The result is a picture
the latent context variable is introduced to capture the trade compliant TIFF picture.
simultaneous influence from both time and current account iii. After extraction of MICR line, will be finding the
information. By identifying the past cheque clearing and first black pixel and last to crop out the MICR
rejection patterns of the cheque user, the system can predict
region and cropping it out from the original image
the fields that should validate first to speed up the process.
Which gives the only the image containing MICR
The goal is to identify activity patterns of certain cheque
users that lead to cheque rejection and then extrapolate as code.
templates to predict high probability of cheque rejection of iv. Checks for vertical white spaces in case those
user. The random Forest was used as the prediction model spaces are more than a certain edge esteem it
for the approach. crops the center MICR code utilizing these white
spaces to provide which contains as it were the
The Random Forest is suitable for high dimensional data MICR code required.
demonstrating why it can deal with missing qualities and can

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v. Utilizing the extricated MICR Number and including worldwide and lattice include global
applying associated component examination and grid features.
employing an edge esteem for number of pixels i. Global Features - Global features provide
within the associated components so that able to information about the entire structure of the
confine be dispensing with all those dabs, human signature. The proposed set of global features
made blunders and undesirable characters and by[8] is extracted from the skeletonized
gives as it were the nine digits. signature in this study; Sig-nature Height,
vi. The extricated pictures are at that point resized to Height-to-Width Ratio, Pure Width, Pure
a settled columns and columns and after that Height, Image Area, Maximum Horizontal
utilized for comparing with the format digit Projection and Maximum Vertical Projection.
pictures appeared utilizing 2-dimensional
ii. Grid Features - As explained in[9] grid
relationship coefficient(r) equation (2) of the
segmentation is a technique used for signature
layout and the edited picture networks. The r detail analysis. A virtual grid of 12 x 8
stands for the correlating factor. segments is superimposed on the skeleton
ሺ஺೘೙ ି஺ሻሺ஻೘೙ ି஻ሻ
‫ ݎ‬ൌ  σ ݉ σ ݊ (2) image and the following features are
calculated for each segment. The
accompanied features used for the system are
2) Handwritten Signature Verification
Pixels Density, Pixels Distribution and
This is done by limiting the entire signature and per-
Predominant Axial Slant.
forming the pixel comparison. The signature is captured by
the rear camera of the mobile device/phone. There will Algorithm - Fig. 4 shows the flow diagram of the
consistently be slight varieties in an individual's manually algorithm for implementation of the approach. Each
written signature, however the consistency made by common customer shall have their sample signatures recorded and
movement and practice after some time makes an stored in the database. The extraction of a signature from a
unmistakable example of biometric recognizable proof bank cheque is a difficult task [7] at the cheque backgrounds
strides to get a decent quality picture. The camera digitalized are complex in nature. The algorithm has been implemented
the signature with 400 dpi resolution and the pictures are using MATLAB tool.
stored in Joint Photographic Group (raster format). The
philosophy of this examination includes data preprocessing,
feature extraction and signature comparison algorithm.
1. Data Preprocessing - The pre-processing stage
follows the four steps proposed in: data area
cropping, width normalization, skeletonization
and binarization. Noise reduction is not
required since the signatures are acquired on
white sheets.
i. Data Area Cropping - Initially, the original
24bit color image is segmented from the
background to remove the white space
surrounding the signature using the
segmentation method of vertical and
horizontal projections.
ii. Width Normalization - The cropped image is
scaled using bicubic interpolation to a
constant width, keeping the aspect ratio fixed.
iii. Binarization - The 24-bit color signature is
converted to grayscale and then finalized
using a histogram-based binarization.
iv. Skeletonization - The algorithm proposed by
is used in order to reduce data storage without Fig. 4. Algorithm Process Flow for implementation
losing the structural information of the image
as well as to facilitate the extraction of D. Digital Cheque Issuing and Clearing Process
morphological features from digitized
Based on the gathered requirements, design approach
clearly states all the architectural modules of the product
2. Feature Extraction and Selection - The along with its communication and data flow representation
selection of highlights is basic in optical with the external and third-party modules[10]. Fig. 5 shows
acknowledgment frameworks. The chose the process representation of digital cheque issuing and
highlights must be reasonable for use of the clearing process based on blockchain.
applied classifier. Highlight extraction is 1) Development of Smart Contract
separated into 2 arrangements of highlights Smart contract is written in Solidity language and
deployed in a test network. Since all the codes that write in

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the smart contracts are immutable, it is not allowed to update contract with use of the error prediction
or modify any of the code once the smart contract is algorithm’s results.
deployed. Remix online IDE which provides test account v. Dashboard - Dashboard was developed to
address was used to code, compile and test the smart contract illustrate the summary of the issued and
cleared cheque per day from the bank branch.
vi. Create a digital cheque template - There can
be a customer requirement to get a printout of
the digital cheque. Hence a digital cheque
template was created with digital cheque

After the implementation was done, the implement-ed

system was deployed in the testing environment to verify that
the product reaches the quality standards and achieve the
objectives by addressing the research problem. This phase
led to improve the quality of the product. It tries to identify
Fig. 5. Process Flow Diagram of Digital Cheque Issuing and Clearing the defects in the system in all stages. All identified defects
System are returned to development phase for fixing[12].
i. All the components are tested and make sure
2) Development of Web Application
all the com-ponents are working fine.
To handle the cheque issuing and clearing processes,
(Component testing)
CheckMate solution have a client-side block chain related
web application for the bank side. CheckMate web ii. Entire system is tested to make sure that
application contains the main function like digital cheque system is acting as mentioned in the
issuing process, digital cheque clearing process and paper requirement. (Requirement testing)
cheque clearing process. Additionally, the CheckMate web iii. Present complete system to a business team
application should be able to interact with the block chain where they test the system in business
platform. Therefore, it is not just a traditional web perspective. (Acceptance testing)
application. It is a Decentralized Applications which enables
to communicate with the blockchain. The basic logic of the After the implementation and compilation of the smart
decentralized ap-plication is the smart contract. The interface contact, it is required to make sure the compiled smart
of the decentralized CheckMate applications does not look contract is running well without any defect.
any different than any existing web application. Client-side
3) Automate the testing and deploy the smart contract in
web application which contains HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
files is communicated via a web browser. Block chain related a real network.
web application directory communicate with the block chain An online IDE is not sufficient when developing a real
instead of communicating with the back-end web application. Truffle framework was used to develop the
server[11].In order to interact CheckMate web application smart contract, test in local environment and for the
with the blockchain, it was connected to the blockchain deployment. The local test network was set up with Ganache
network through the personal account using an Ethereum which provides 10 sample test account with 100 ETH for
wallet[11]. each.

ReactJs web framework was used to develop the ap- E. Cheque Transaction Securing Process
plication. Installed npm package to create a the React app. 1) One Time Password (OTP) Generation Algorithm
Web3 Js library collection was used to deploy the smart The process of gaining verification and OTP generation
contract and access the MetaMask wallet. Then the will be discussed in this phase. When a user tries to issue a
contracted was deployed in to the multimode Ethereum digital cheque after one factor verification following steps
network. will be done, This OTP generation algorithm will
automatically generate an OTP, and it will be sent to the user
i. Cheque Issuing Request - Cheque issuing
via a SMS. The mobile application will prompt a message to
request which send via the mobile app was enter the OTP. If the entered OTP is correct, the cheque will
connected to the CheckMate web application be issued else the cheque will not be issued. This algorithm
via a RESTful API. is based on cheque number, current date, and current time.
ii. Validation of the request -The received Cheque number is an element of digital cheque which
request was vali-dated through the contains six digits. Cheque numbers are unique and issued by
CheckMate web application by checking the the relevant bank and is embedded in between special
account balance of the user. characters. Here, with-out those special characters, the
iii. Issue Digital Cheque - If the request is cheque number will be retrieved. After retrieving both
validated as a valid one, then the cheque will cheque number and current date, time, the hash value of
issue to the payee. A notification will send to cheque number will be generated. This value will be
the both the cheque issuer and the payee. converted into a string format. This string format will be
iv. Cheque clearing process - Cheque clearing concatenated with date, time string. Lastly, the resulted value
process was developed based one the smart will be passed through a hash function and a hash value will
be generated. The outcome of the above algorithm will be the

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OTP. The value of this OTP has a fixed length hence, this The python script achieves the results in expected time,
was generated using a hash function. After OTP generation but some delimiters were note identify properly and we train
OTP will be send to the user as an SMS. To do that, our model with a large dataset to overcome the problem.
API will be used. Using this API generated OTP can be
sends to the user. In mobile application there will be a B. Paper Cheque Fraud Detection Process
prompt message asking for OTP. One of the most difficulties in creating a successful
cheque perusing framework is the tall degree of variability
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and vulnerability within the manually written signature.
The progresses in computer and data innovation permit Signature scan has a few qualities. Since of the huge sum of
banks to create programmed acknowledgment and information show in a signature check layout, as well as the
verification frameworks. Within the investigate and trouble in mirroring the behavior of marking, signature scan-
improvement of such a framework, an enormous cheque- technology is exceedingly safe to faker endeavors.
image database, which contains hundreds of cheque pictures, In any case, signature-scan has a few shortcomings.
is as a rule utilized for preparing or testing. Although the Signature-scan is created to validate subjects based on the
color picture of a cheque contains wealthier data than that of characteristics of their distinctive signature. As an outcome,
its grey-scale picture, it will devour more memory to handle individuals who do not sign his or her names in a steady
a color cheque and more space to store it. Since cheques by manner series of signatures those are equivalent enough that
their very nature contain sensitive information, it is often the system can locate a large percentage of the typical
hard to find a dataset that is not only representative of real- characteristics between the enrollment signatures. During
world bank cheque images but is also cheap/easy to license. affirmation, enough characteristics need to remain constant
Many of these datasets belong to the banks themselves, to decide with confidence that the authorized user signed. As
making it hard for developers to work with them. a result, individuals with muscular conditions and people
There is no fixed arrange for cheques indeed in a nation who often sign with only their initials may possibly result in
itself. Each bank has its claim standard; so, the cheques of a greater False Rejection Rate (FRR), which calculates the
distinctive banks vary not as it were in foundation, but too in probability that a system will improperly reject an authorized
sort and position of the machine printed and manually user.
written data. The region of intrigued ought to be found first Template matching technique is not the most trustworthy
in those systems, which do not depend on specific cheque technique for MICR character recognition, specifically for
groups. Area looking is difficult for cheques with destitute real-world pictures that are most likely to be a lot noisier and
check quality. difficult to separate. OCR’ing a bank cheque is a lot more
A. Paper cheque clearing process and Error Prediction difficult than OCR’ing a credit card — this is generally
Algorithm because of to the fact that bank cheque symbols include of
multiple parts. Nevertheless, while the template matching
Probably the greatest preferred position of random forest technique worked properly on the testing image, real-world
is its adaptability. Random forest is likewise a convenient inputs are most likely to be a lot noisier, creating it harder to
algorithm on the grounds that the default hyperparameters it remove the digits and symbols utilizing simple contour
utilizes regularly produce a decent expectation result. strategies.
Understanding the hyperparameters is clear, and there is
likewise not that a considerable lot of them. Probably the 1) Testing of MICR Field data and Handwritten
most serious issue in AI is overfitting, yet often this will not signature verification.
occur on account of the random forest classifier. On the off Identification of the MICR field components which is in
chance that there are sufficient trees in the forest, the E-32 font. The 9 numbers in E-32 format were identified
classifier will not overfit the model. The principal successfully. From the four delimiters presented in the
impediment of random forest is that an enormous number of MICR, three were Successfully identified and the Bank
trees can make the algorithm excessively moderate and branch delimiter was not successfully recognized.
incapable for constant forecasts. By and large, these
algorithms are quick to prepare, yet very delayed to make If the pixel match is more than 70%, the signature is
forecasts once they are prepared. A more accurate taken as a legitimate signature.
expectation requires more trees, which brings about a slower C. Digital Cheque Issuing and Clearing Process
model. Since OCR is used for image processing there are
Most blockchains are planned as a decentralized database
few drawbacks of it. OCR text works well with printed text
that capacities as a dispersed advanced record. The
only and not with handwritten text. Handwriting needs to be
Verification of Work agreement calculation that secures the
learnt by the computer.
Bitcoin blockchain has demonstrated to be exceptionally
1) Testing of Identifying Payee Name, Amount in words, effective over a long time. Be that as it may, there are a
Amount in numbers and Date. couple of potential assaults that can be performed against
The expected time for identifying Payee Name, Amount blockchain networks and 51% assaults are among the
in words, Amount in numbers and Date was 2 seconds, but it foremost talked about. Such an assault may happen in case
took about 3.5 seconds. Since we are using python open CV one substance oversees to control more than 50% of the
to identify text, some letters are identified more than once arrange hashing control, which would inevitably permit them
when we process lite color printed cheques. We use another to disturb the arrange by intentioned barring or altering the
python script to improve the accuracy of text detection and it requesting of transactions.
takes up to 4 seconds to complete the task. Blockchain may be a arrange that depends on hubs to
operate appropriately. The quality of the hubs decides the

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quality of the blockchain. For example, Bitcoin’s blockchain table stakes, CheckMate speaks to an opportunity for banks
is solid and incentivizes the hubs to take an interest within to extend pertinence with their clients, improve engagement
the organize. Be that as it may, the same cannot be true for a and communication, and remain at the driving edge of the
blockchain organize that does not incentivize the nodes. This versatile application. Finally, compared to existing systems,
implies that it isn't a conveyed computing framework where the proposed approach- CheckMate system is prominent
the arrange doesn’t depend on the association and support of form the existing systems, as it provides the unique features:
the hubs. In comparison, a disseminated computing
framework works to guarantee that they confirm the x Support both paper cheques and digital cheques
exchanges agreeing to the rules, guarantee that they record together.
the exchanges, conjointly make sure that they have the value- x Use digital cheque which based on block chain
based history for each exchange. Each of these activities is platform.
comparable to that of blockchain, but there is a need of
cooperative energy, shared help, and paralleling for each one x Enable digital cheque clearance process on block
of them. Clearly, blockchain might be a distributed network, chain platform.
but it lacks the features that make a distributed computing
x Use of a mobile application for cheque transactions.
system so beneficial for the corporations.
x Use of a mobile application for fraud detection on
1) Testing of Issuing and clearing digital cheques using paper cheques.
Create a private blockchain using Ethereum, and then add REFERENCES
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Fusion,” 2009.
The proposed system has certain restrictions. The
approach only analyzes the scope of three types of cheques; [7] M. Abd-ElZaher, “Different types of inks having certain medicolegal
importance: Deciphering faded and physically erased handwriting,”
order cheques, cash cheques and dated cheques when 2014.
clearing. CheckMate Mobile and web applications only [8] R. W. Z. A. C. Quek, “A novel pseudoouter product based fuzzy
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blockchain. The principal restraint is that the methods must background based on filiformity criterion,” 1998.
conform to specific bank cheque layouts, including color [10] “SDLC - Overview - Tutorialspoint.” [Online]. Available:
schemes from various banks including private and public [Accessed:
banks. Other limitations that will be addressed in future
[11] “How to Build Blockchain App - Ethereum Todo List 2019 | Dapp
research on the approach include the handling of defective
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and damaged cheques, background artwork and signatures
written in multicolored ink. [Accessed: 01-Nov-2020].
[12] “Importance of Testing Phase in Software Development Model
This research’s principal goal is to make financial Testing in SDLC.” [Online]. Available:
transactions more efficient, convenient and secure through
digital cheque by speeding up the clearing process, [Accessed: 01-Nov-2020].
increasing the credibility and security of cheque, improving
the digitalizing process, increase the integrity and reducing
the frauds. This system is an interesting field of research AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION
from both scientific and commercial points of view as it All the authors brainstormed ideas and conceived of the
provides additional in-sights so a company can rely on the presented idea. Bogahawatte W.W.M.K.A and Isuri
accuracy, reliability, and integrity of its data and transactions Samanmali A.H.L verified the analytical methods.
to make quick and secure decisions. This proposed system is Bogahawatte W.W.M.K.A, Isuri Samanmali A.H.L, Perera
profoundly dependable, giving precise recognition which K.D.M and Kavindi M.A.T developed the theory and
guarantees that the users are safely ensured against cheque performed the computations. Bogahawatte W.W.M.K.A,
fraud. In today’s commercial center, where fundamental Isuri Samanmali A.H.L, Perera K.D.M and Kavindi M.A.T
versatile keeping money usefulness is rapidly getting to be designed the model and the computational framework and

Authorized licensed use limited to: San Francisco State Univ. Downloaded on June 20,2021 at 22:38:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
analysed the data. Bogahawatte W.W.M.K.A, Isuri
Samanmali A.H.L, Perera K.D.M and Kavindi M.A.T carried
out the implementation. W.W.M.K.A and Isuri Samanmali
A.H.L discussed the results and contributed to the final
manuscript. Mr. Amila Nuwan Senaratne directed and
supervised throughout the entire system implementation as
well as to the for the analysis of the results and to the writing
of the manuscript. Dr. Lakmal Rupasinghe contributed to the
design and implementation of the research

Bogahawatte W.W.M.K.A is a
Cyber Security undergraduate
at Sri Lanka Institute of
Information Technology,
Technology, Malabe.

Isuri Samanmali A.H.L is a Cyber

Security undergraduate at Sri
Lanka Institute of Information
Technology, Malabe

Perera K.D.M is a Cyber

Security undergraduate at Sri
Lanka Institute of Information
Technology, Malabe.

Kavindi M.A.T is a
Cyber Security undergraduate
at Sri Lanka Institute of
Information Technology,

Mr. Amila Nuwan Senaratne is a Senior

Lecturer at Sri Lanka Institute of
Information Technology, Malabe.

Dr. Lakmal Rupasinghe is a Senior

Lecturer at Sri Lanka Institute of
Information Technology, Malabe.

Authorized licensed use limited to: San Francisco State Univ. Downloaded on June 20,2021 at 22:38:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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