Activity 2 - Entrep

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1. A marketing mix is a set of characteristics that a company may use in order to

persuade customers to buy its products. The marketing mix is significant in
strategy creation and implementation since it helps buyers understand what your
product or service can provide. help in the planning of a successful product
offering. helps in the planning, development, and execution of effective marketing
strategies and supports companies in maximizing their strengths while avoiding
unnecessary charges.

2. A marketing mix is a tactical marketing tool used in marketing strategy to get the
appropriate response from its target market and to assist marketing and
execution in influencing product demand.

3. Competitive advantages of Businesses adapt their marketing mix by presenting a

product or service that fulfills a market gap in order to persuade customers that
their product is superior to the products of their competitors.

4. The marketing mix helps a company because it provides a roadmap for the
business opportunity that may help them to stay focused on where their business
is at the right product, price, and right time to the right people.

5. We need to recognize the importance of marketing mix in the development of

marketing strategies because when this importance is there in the owner, we
gain the benefits we need and can be assisted to avoid unnecessary costs. It is
also useful to improve our business and helps our plan develop and execute
more effectively to be successful.


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