T Codes

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Company OX15
Company Code OX02
Assign Com. To Com. Code OX16
Business area OX03

Chart of Account OB13

Assign chart of ac to Com. Code OB62
Define Account Group OBD4
Retain Earning OB53

Fiscal Year OB29

Assign Fiscal year to Com.code OB37
Posting Period Variant OBBO
Assgin Posting Per. To Com.Code OBBP
Open and Closing Period OB52

Field Status OBC4

Assign Field Status OBC5

Document Type OBA7

Number range FBN1
Copy to compnay OBH1
copy to fiscal year OBH2

Tollerance for Vendor/ Customer OBA3

Tollerance for User OBA4
Assign user to Tollerance group OB57

Create GL / Company code level FS00 FSP1

GL Entry FB50
GL Balance View FBL3N
GL Delete OBR2
GL Transfer FS15

Park and Post FV50

Park and Post View FBV0

Hold FB50
Delet Hold GL FB11

Reverse GL Individual FB08

Reverse GL Mass F.80

Recurring Entries FBD1

Recurring Entries Document FBD3
Execute F.14
Recurring Balance View FAGLB03

Vendor Group OBD3

Vendor Number range XKN1
Assign Group to Number range OBAS

Customer Group OBD2

Customer Number range XDN1
Assign Group to Number range OBAR

Create Vendor / Customer XK01 XD01

Cretae Invoice FB60 FB70
Payment F-53 F-28
Balance View FBL1N FBL5N
Down payment Configuration OBYR OBXR
Down payment Requiest F-47 F-28
Down payment Post F-48 F-29
Down payment Clear F-54 F-39
Transfer Vendor/Customer FK15 FD15

Automatic Payment Program (APP)

Create GL Account FS00

Automatic payment setting FBZP
Assign payment Method in Master Data XK02/ XD02
Run Auto Payment F110

Create Condition type OBQ1
Create Account Key OBCN
Create Tax Procedure OBQ3
Assign Tax Procedure to Cuntry OBBG
Create Tax Code FTXP
Create GL FS00
Assign GL to Tax Procedure OB40
Bank Reconcilation

Create GL Acocunts FS00

Cretae House Bank FI12
Create sysmbol and posting rules SPRO
Create Business Transection OT52
Define Manual Statement Variant OT43
Process of Manual Bank Statement FF67

Asset Accounting

Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation EC08

Assign Input Tax Indicator for Non Taxeble Asset OBCL
Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company OAOB

Specific Account Determination SPRO

Define Screen layout Rule SPRO
Define Number Range Interval AS08
Define Asset Class OAOA

Create GL Account FS00

Assign GL Account OA90

Define Depreciation Area OAYZ

Specify Intervals and Posting Rules SPRO
Determine Depreciation Area in Asset Class OAYR

Define Depreciation Calculation Method AFAMP

Maintain Depreciation Key AFAMA

Create Asset Master AS01

Change AS02
Display AS03

External Acquisition with Vendor F-90

Assets Retirement with Customer F-92
Sales of Asset without Customer ABAON
Asset Transfer ABUMN
Asset Scrap ABAVN
Depreciation Run AFAB
Asset Report AW01N

With Holding Tax (TDS)

Define With holding tax Cuntry
Define With holding tax Key

Define Reasons for Exemptions

Define With holding tax type for Invoice

Define With holding tax type for payment

Define Recipient type

Define with holding tax Code

Assign With holding tax type with cuntry
Active with holding tax

Create G/L Account

Assign G/L Account with tax paid over
Assign Tax code in vendor master
Define Formula for calculating TDS

Foreign Currancy

Check Exchange Rate Type OB07

Maintain Translation Ratio OBBS
Maintain Exchange Rate OB08

Define Valuation Method

Define Valuation Area
Define Accounting Principle
Assignment of Acc. Principle to Ledger Group
Assign Valuation Area and Accounting Principle
Create G/L Account
Automatic Posting for Foreign Currency Valuation OBA1

Balance Interest Calculation

Define Interest Calculation Type OB46

Prepare Account Balance Interest Calculation OBAA
Define Reference Interest Rates OBAC
Define Time Dependent Terms OB81
Define Interest Rate OB83
Create G/L Account FS00
Define Automatic Posting Account OBV2
Customer Arrears

Define Terms of Payment (Optional) OBB8

Define Interest Calculation Indicators/ Type OB46
Interest Indicator to Interest Run Program OB82
Create Reference Interest Rate OBAC
Define Time Dependent Terms OB81
Create G/L Account FS00
Interest Calculation Account Assignment OBV1
Company all summery ( Information) OBY6
Delet G/L OBR2
Bank key FI01
Batch Input Session SM35
Create GL at com. Code level FSS0
Posting a Document with reference to
Document FBR2
Define Posting Keys OB41
Copy gl ac from com to company FS15
Copy vendor from com to com FK15
Copy customer from com to com FD15
Cash discount allowed OBXI
Cash discount received OBXU
BDC (Batch Data Conversion) SHDB use for recording
Validation GGB0
Activate Validation OB28
Substitutaion GGB1
Activate Substitutaion OBBH
Automatic clearing Configuration OB74 how to clear automatic on which basis it sho
GL account Delete OBR2
Terms of payment OBB8
Custromer Cash discount ALLOWED OBXI
Vendor cash Discount RECEIVED APP OBXU SKE
Group currency tcode SCC4
New User SU01
APP Cash discount OBXU SKE
Per Customer Credit limit FD32
Posting keys OBU1
Delet user SM12
TDS Bank challan J1INBANK
Error massage OMA5
Vendor customer balance carryforward F.07
Gl balance carryforwrad FAGLGVTR
Check update and print FBZ5
Cus. Ven. Payment and check update F-58
Print Job Exceute SP01
Maintain Cheque FCH1
Create Check in SAP FCHI
Void Check make FCH9
Customer clearing F-32
Vendor Clearing F-44
Automatic clearing F.13
Gl Clearing F-03
Merge tables for Reporting SQVI
Payament Term OBB8
Assign payament term installment OBB9
Downpayment requiest against PO Check ME2DP
All automatic account assignment FBKP
Reset cleared Item FBRA
Bank statement reprocess FEBAN
atic on which basis it shoud be decided in OB74

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