CWTS Project Proposal Format 2022

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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0143 local 2159
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

Office of the National Service Training Program



Writing community project proposal

● This written requirement is a group activity.
● The proposed community project should be in the locality where the student belongs.
● It should be written in long coupon bond to be submitted to their respective Instructor.

I. Title of the Project

● A catchy title of the project but very much relevant.
Example “Barya ko para sa Baryo Ko”

II. Location
● Specify here the exact location or venue, preferably with picture (taken from
google map or your camera)

III. Duration/Time of Implementation

● Date and time of the implementation of the project (preferably good for two
(2) months implementation

IV. Type of Community Service activities

● Choose from the following where the project proposal belongs to the
categories. Then specify the theme of the activities
A. Food, Health and sanitation
B. Capability building training
C. Environmental program
D. Disaster Risk reduction management

Environmental program
Solid waste management activities

V. Department/College Involved
● The College and department where the students belong

VI. Project Proponents

Name (s) of the proponents (students’ name) and their assigned positions

VII. Cooperating Partners

● Possible partners/agencies in the conduct of the project like barangay council,
SK council, Phil. National Red Cross (PRC), etc.

VIII. Beneficiaries
● Include here the primary and secondary beneficiaries of the proposed
activities. The project could have several beneficiaries. Explain if your
beneficiaries are also your participants of the project.
✔ Primary beneficiaries – children
✔ Secondary beneficiaries – parents
● Discuss here how they will benefit from the project

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0143 local 2159
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

Office of the National Service Training Program

IX. Rationale of the project

● The following are some of the things you need to discuss:
✔ Why the proposed project will be implemented in that particular
✔ Why is it in the community that the project should be conducted
✔ Why the particular member/s of the community be benefited in the
✔ Show some picture here to justify and rationalize the project. The picture
may include the area of the community that needs attention, picture with
the cooperating partners and other related scenario that will support the

X. Objectives
● General objectives
● Specific objectives
For every general objective, you should have specific objectives. The number of
specific objectives is more than the number of each general objective. All
objectives are very much related from the proposed project.

XI. Description of the project

● Describe the components or activities of the project
● Who are involve in the implementation of the project?
● What are the requirements of the project? (letter of request, partnership)

XII. Strategies and methods of implementation

● Explain here how the project will be implemented from the start until the
project will be completely done.
● Include how the partner agencies be part of the implementation

XIII. Plan of action

● This should be presented in tabular form.
● Activities will be bulleted with corresponding person in charge of
● Activities should be realistic and practical

Plan of action template

Date Time Activities Person(s) involve

Mar 29 8-10AM ● Sorting of recyclable ● _____ and SK

materials official
● Accounting of bottle ● SK official
materials for sale
● Etc ● Name

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0143 local 2159
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

Office of the National Service Training Program

XIV. Financial Plan, Cost of the Project and Proposed Expenditures

● If the activities of the project need some financial requirements, discuss what
are the possible sources of funds.
● Present the estimated total cost of the project and the proposed expenditures

XV. Monitoring and evaluation Mechanics of the Project

● Discuss how the project can be monitored and evaluated. It is important to
determine the practicality and sustainability of the project.

XVI. Plans to Ensure the Sustainability of the Project

● To ensure the sustainability of the project, present a plan of activities. Discuss
if the partner agencies will be involved in sustaining the project.

Note: The plan of action should complement with the strategies and description of the project
and should show manifestation that the activities are towards the realization and achievements of
the specific and general objectives. The activities are reflection of the type of community service
activities and the title of the proposed project

Prepared by:


Checked and Reviewed by:

CWTS Instructor


Head, NSTP – BatStateU - Alangilan

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

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