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Some of my favorite authors are Praveen Swami, Pratap Bhanu Mehta, Manu Joseph, Manish

Sabharwal, Ambrish satwik, Sandip G, Mani shankar aiyar and Kapil Komireddi. Reading their articles
is an peculiar experience for me as it causes both joy and anguish at the same time. Joy is obvious
but cause of pain is an underlying realization of my own inadequacies. There is a perpetual feeling of
under preparation while attempting any kind of write up. Also not being able to express what really
dwells in my heart is major problem.

The finesse and beauty that i come across in above mentioned people writing is missing in my own.
Also, uses of right metaphors which makes writing interesting and saves it from becoming dull is
absent from my writing.I would like to change all of this impediment.

Starting a write up with an historical anecdote immediately makes an impression on the reader just
like Praveen swami does in his articles. For that one has to read a lot, but that also requires guidance
as it is quiet east to get lost I the sea of literature. My dream is to publish my own books on myriad
of topics but I lack skills for it. Effective social science writing was such a good opportunity to bridge
those skills especially in the presence of an empathetic teacher who was more than eager to help
but classes were too few to make any difference. Also I, just like all my classmates, were busy in
writing other assignments.

How to start writing book, how to approach a publisher, What is the right price that should be taken,
where to register the contents of the book so it does not get appropriated while passing from one
desk to another? There are so many questions and queries that I wanted to ask but lack of time
prevented me from doing so.

Also, what are the readings that an aspiring writer must go through before attempting any writing. I
remember once a published writer, perhaps Atish taseer, remarked that he copied the whole war
and peace by leo Tolstoy line by line in order to develop a consistent writing habit, These are
exercise that makes a writer. P b shelly used to dip his feet in warm water while writing and Edgar
Allen poha had a cat purring over his shoulder.

Of course, I am neither of them nor do own a cat, but these eccentricities fascinate me.

So, I hope one Prof Nishi Mitra ma’am will grant an audience so that I can bore her with my inane

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