(1994) Physicochemical Properties of Synthetic Drilling Fluids-F.B. Growcock

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IADC/SPE 27450

Physicochemical Properties of Synthetic Drilling Fluids

F.B. Growcock, * S.L. Andrews, and T.P. Frederick, Amoco Production Co.
'SPE Member
lADe Members

Copyright 1994, IADC/SPE Drilling Conference.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1994 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference held in Dallas, Texas, 15-18 February 1994.

This paper was selected for presentation by an IADC/SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper,
as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers or the International Association of Drilling Contractors and are sUbject to correction by the author(s). The
material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the IADC or SPE, their officers, or members. Papers presented at IADC/SPE meetings are subject to publication
review by Editorial Committees of the IADC and SPE. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should
contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A. TeJex,163245 SPEUT.

ABSTRACT the annulus or into another well); or c) cleaning them on

Synthetic-based muds (SBM's) were developed as site via solvent extraction or distillation. All of these
environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional options are expensive. An alternative is to find a drilling
petroleum-derived oil-based muds (OBM's). Although fluid that performs as well as conventional OBM's but
which can be discarded into the ocean without causing
each synthetic fluid is chemically unique, the physico-
chemical properties of the SBM's exhibit some common any environmental damage. Synthetic-based muds
(SBM's) may be a solution to that quest.
trends. SBM's are safer to work with, more biodegradable
and more dispersible in seawater than conventional Operationally, SBM's are thought to perform as well,
OBM's. On the other hand, SBM's are more viscous at low in general, as conventional OBM's. Some differences
temperatures, thin more with increasing temperature, remain, however, which on the one hand give them desir-
have lower thermal stability and do not dehydrate shales able environmental attributes, but on the other hand may
as readily as conventional OBM's. By adjusting the emul- pose some limitations on handling and use. These physi-
sifier package in each mud, these properties may be cochemical properties are described below.
brought more in line with those of conventional OBM's.
Unlike the base oils in OBM's (diesel and mineral oil),
As environmental regulations governing the disposal which are refined from crude oil, the base fluids in S8M's
of drilling fluids become increasingly restrictive, use of are synthesized organic compounds that act like petro-
conventional OBM's is rapidly being curtailed. 1 The main leum-derived oils with respect to drilling but biodegrade
issue is that the base fluids in conventional OBM's are readily - it is claimed - in seawater. Like most OBM's,
petroleum products, such as diesel or mineral oil, which SBM's are invert emulsions, with the synthetic fluid serv-
tend to persist for many years in marine environments. In ing as the external, or continuous, phase and a brine serv-
the past, cuttings generated in offshore drilling operations ing as the internal phase.
were generally discarded into the ocean, where they set-
Several synthetic fluids, all in the size range
tled to form a cuttings pile. Seabed surveys found that the
C 1S-C 24 , have been introduced in the marketplace during
oily residue on cuttings generated from drilling with
the last few years:
OBM's degrades very slowly. Plant and animal life
beneath the cuttings pile suffocates. Perhaps even
worse, ocean life in the vicinity of the pile suffers a similar • Ester2·3 - made by the. reaction of a fatty acid with an
fate, because the slow aerobic biodegradation process alcohol.. .[the ester may be considered a synthetic veg-
that the oil undergoes depletes the surrounding water of etable oiij
oxygen for many years.
• Oi-Ether - made by condensation and partial oxidation
Today, oily cuttings generated offshore are disposed of alcohols; the di-ether was preceded by a mono-ether
of by a) shipping them to shore and discarding or treating
...[Iower molecular weight di-ethers are used as sol-
them there with other waste; b) downhole injection (down
vents, cosmetics, perfumes and flavoring agents]
References and illustrations at end of paper.

• Poly-a.-Olefin (PAO)4 - a straight-chain non-aromatic Biodegradability

hydrocarbon made by polymerization of ethylene; there Bioaccumulation and biodegradation ofthese materi-
are at least two versions - one is an olefin (has a dou- als - especially the ester, mono-ether and PAO - have
ble bond in the middle) and one is a paraffin ... [PAO's been tested as well, though the test protocols are contro-
resemble highly refined low-toxicity mineral oils not versial and the results not universally accepted. For exam-
unlike "white mineral oils1 ple, a recent study 6 was conducted at the Norwegian
• Detergent Alkylate - also called a linear alkyl benzene Institute for Water Research (NIVA) on the fate of an
(LAB), it is composed of benzene to which a saturated ester-based mud on drill cuttings deposited on a simulated
hydrocarbon has been attached; this material is evolv- seabed. In contrast to closed bottle and ring tests, which
ing rapidly toward a narrow distribution of long alkyl showed rapid biodegradation within a few days, the simu-
chain lengths...[Detergent alkylates are used in the lated seabed tests showed essentially no degradation
manufacture of detergents and may be thought of as within 49 days, some detectable degradation at 93 days
hybrids between diesel and low-toxicity mineraloi~ and almost 99% within 184 days. However, microbial deg-
radation appeared to account for only 15% of the loss,
Commercial synthetic fluids currently cost $ 225/bbl while the rest was probably lost through dissolution of
to $ 425/bbl, as compared to $ 70/bbl for a typicallow-tox- partly degraded metabolites.
icity mineral oil (LTMO). However, with good solids control A similar discrepancy between lab tests and seabed
equipment, SBM's can be used repeatedly to such an sediment tests was found in another recent study7 con-
extent that the amortized cost of the fluid per well is less ducted at NIVA on the fate of a mono-ether-based mud. In
than that of an LTMO-based mud (including the cost of this environment, the ether was found to have a much
treating oily cuttings). Of course, any loss of synthetic fluid, longer half-life (about 230 days) than it had in standard
e.g. via lost circulation, can alter the economics consider- laboratory closed bottle, shaked flask or ring tests. In addi-
ably, so it is prUdent to avoid using synthetics in regions tion, about a third of the ether that had disappeared actu-
where such losses are likely. ally appeared to have simply moved down to lower levels
in the sediment, and a similar fraction was deduced to
PROPERTIES have been lost through dissolution. One result of this test-
Notwithstanding the similarities in the performance ing was replacement of the mono-ether by the di-ether,
of SBM's and OBM's in the field, the distinctly unique which is expected to exhibit higher rates of biodegrada-
chemical composition of the synthetics might lead one to tion.
expect some differences in their behavior. Indeed, signifi- Seabed surveys around drilling platforms have been
cant differences have been observed in the following underway for the last 2 years to determine the fate and
properties: effects of discharged' cuttings containing SBM's. Prelimi-
a. Environmental Impact nary results for ester- and ether-based muds suggest that
the benthos heals relatively quickly (within months) after
b. Rheology discharges of cuttings cease.
c. Thermal Stability When synthetic fluids were first introduced, it was
d. Shale Dehydration Potential claimed that, at least in the case of the oxygen-containing
e. Materials Compatibility candidates (the ester and the ethers), anaerobic biodegra-
dation would occur at a rapid rate and serve as a mecha-
Environmental Impact nism for the destruction of the fluids in cuttings piles.
Before discharge permits can be issued by a govern- Anaerobic biodegradation tests have been con-
ment, a drilling fluid must comply with regulations that gen~ ducted with most synthetics, following the most commonly
erally include passin~ a series of rigid toxicity and other used protocol, ECETOC No. 28. These tests indicated that
environmental tests. SBM's are less toxic than OBM's to the ester and detergent alkylate can biodegrade relatively
humans and have higher flash points (290-340 OF com- easily, whereas the mono-ether and PAO are more diffi-
pared to 135-240 OF for OBM's), so they are safer to work cult to break down. Unfortunately I this protocol and others
with. that have been proposed do not properly simulate the
anoxic conditions of the North Sea benthos, nor do they
Comprehensive environmental tests - including the
call for measurement of all key components.
sheen and Mysid shrimp LC-50 tests for the Gulf of Mex-
ico, brown shrimp LC-50 tests for the U. K. North Sea and ECETOC No. 28 employs sludge and methanogenic
the mussel, barnacle and algae tests for the Norway sec- bacteria. Hydrolysis and fermentation produce CO 2, H2,
tor of the North Sea - have been run on all ofthe synthetic fatty acids and alcohols. The acids and alcohols are con-
fluids and representative muds. The ester, di-ether and verted to acetate, which, in combination with the H2 is con-
PAO have passed virtually all of the tests. The detergent verted to CH 4 by bacterial action. However, in marine
alkylate is being modified to reduce its toxicity, which is environments, sulfate reduction is the dominant anaerobic
caused mainly by its diesel-like (aromatic) nature; the respiration process, not methane formation. Thus, both
length of the alkyl chain is being increased and the con- the substrate and the inoculum are inappropriate. Laake et
centration of lower-chain-Iength alkyl benzene impurities al8 propose a short test procedure for screening water-in-
is being minimized.

soluble materials under sulfate-reducing conditions, which were tested: these were heated to 425 OF for 16 hr under
is probably more suitable. ultra-pure argon in a teflon-lined stainless steel rolling cell.
The simulated seabed tests suggest that a large frac- The results are shown in Table 1.
tion of the observed losses of SBM's arises from dissolu- The thermal degradation experiments clearly demon-
tion (or dispersion) of the synthetic. As suggested in the strate that the synthetic fluids themselves are stable to at
reports, partially degraded synthetic fluid is probably more least 425 OF. Of all the other constituents present in
polar and, therefore, more dispersible in water. Unde- SBM's, the emulsifiers (surfactants) and low-shear rheol-
graded synthetic fluid itself may also be somewhat dis- ogy modifiers (oligomers of fatty acid emulsifiers) are
persible, especially in comparison to mineral oil. probably the most susceptible to thermal degradation.
Djspersjbility in Seawater DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) tests were
conducted on 10 emulsifiers and 2 low-shear rheology
The dispersibility of synthetic fluids in seawater was modifiers. The emulsifier list contains 2 or 3 of the most
tested in simple shaker flasks by mixing 50 mL each ofthe commonly used emulsifiers for each major type of SBM.
synthetic and seawater, shaking for 10 seconds and allow- The results are typified by the plots shown in Figures 2-4,
ing the mixture to rest in a separatory funnel. After 10 min- which are for Emulsifiers A, E and G. Threshhold temper-
utes, 20 mL of the water phase was drawn off and the atures for thermal degradation are listed in Table 2 for all
amount of synthetic in the oil was determined with a Total of the emulsifiers. These results show that almost half of
Carbon Analyzer (Astro Model 2001). The dispersibility the standard emulsifiers used in SBM's degrade signifi-
tests in seawater gave the following trend: cantly at temperatures of 200-300 of.
Ester> Di-Ether» Detergent Alkylate > PAO > LTMO Thus, the limiting factor for thermal stability of the
SBM's is probably the emulsifiers. Nevertheless, it has
This trend is qualitatively consistent with the trend in the been possible to formulate lab muds containing the four
OctanollWater Partition Coefficient, Polw , which ranges major synthetic fluids to a mud weight of at least 16.5
from 49.2 (Log Polw = 1.69) for the ester to 2.5 X 10 15 (Log Ib/gal that have acceptable emulsion stability at 350 OF,
Po/w = 15.4) for the PAO and the LTMO. Polw represents though they required 15-20 lblbbl of conventional emulsi-
the ratio of a material that dissolves or disperses in octanol fiers and 41blbbl of a low-shear rheology modifier (LSRM).
(the oil phase) versus water, so that Polw generally Most likely, a substantial fraction of the emulsifiers is
increases as a molecule becomes less polar (more hydro- degraded dUring exposure to elevated temperatures.
carbon-like). One measure of emulsion stability of muds is HTHP
Thus, it is possible for a significant portion ofthe ester fluid loss. Generally, a mud is considered to have high
- and perhaps the other synthetics as well - to disperse emulsion stability if it has low HTHP fluid loss « 15 cc/30
in seawater. Judicious selection of emulsifiers may min and little or no free water). HTHP fluid losses at 300
enhance the dispersibility of SBM's in seawater without and 350 OF for these four muds are shown in Table 3. All
sacrificing emulsion stability and shale dehydration poten- of the muds were hot-rolled for 16 hours at 300 and 350
tial (see below). OF, respectively. It is evidentthat all four muds have excel-
lent properties at 300 OF, but only the di-ether looks good
Rheology and Thermal Stability at 350 OF. Since the LAB-based mud showed no free
At ambient temperature, synthetic fluids are 2 to 4 water in the filtrate, it may have relatively high emulsion
times more viscous than LTMO's: 3 to 5 cp versus 1 to 2 stability and simply needs a better fluid loss reducing
cpo Likewise, at ambient temperature, SBM's are several- agent. The PAO- and ester-based muds appear to need
fold more viscous than their OBM counterparts. However, more stable emulsifiers to have acceptable emulsion sta-
bility at 350 of.
the Viscosity of the synthetics is affected by temperature
more strongly. As shown in Figure 1, SBM's thin with The LSRM's, which aid in emulsion stability, are actu-
increasing temperature to a greater extent than does an ally intended to increase resistance of a mud to dynamic
LTMO-based mud. sag and settling of cuttings. They are most effective at ele-
The strong effect that temperature has on the rheol- vated temperatures, so that they tend to flatten the tem-
ogy of synthetics raises the question of whether it is pos- perature profile of the viscosity curve. As shown in Figures
sible to formulate high-temperature SBM's that have 5 and 6, the low-shear viscosity (at 6 rpm on a Fann 50) of
satisfactory carrying capacity at elevated temperatures, the emulsifier-laden muds described above, with 4 Iblbbl
yet are pumpable at low temperatures. However, first one LSRM, does not vary much with temperature and is prob-
must address the issue of the effect of temperature on ably high enough to prevent dynamic sag at both 300 OF
emulsion stability. and 350 of. In other work, we have determined that
dynamic sag (settling of weighting material under low-to-
SBM's have generally been limited to lower tempera- moderate shear) in the field can be prevented if the 6-rpm
tures (250-350 oF) than conventional OBM's (400-500 OF). viscosity exceeds 500 cp or so. The ester and di-ether are
The reason(s) for this have not been clear, but apparently borderline cases at both 300 OF and 350 OF.
arise from the chemical composition of the SBM. To deter-
mine which constituent are responsible for the low thermal
stability ofthese muds, chemical degradation experiments
were conducted. First, the synthetic fluids themselves


Shale Dehydration Potential emulsifiers, however, show signs of chemical degra-

dation at temperatures as low as 200 F.
Invert mud is usually formulated with a salt concen-
tration that gives a water activity lower than that of the 5. SBM's do not hydrate or dehydrate shales as well as
drilled shale formation. This dehydrates the shale enough conventional OBM's, but water transport can be
to increase its strength and stabilize the wellbore. An increased by decreasing the emulsifier concentration
added benefit of the dehydration is that it produces a or using a less efficient emulsifier.
slightly over-gauge hole, which produces some extra 6. Thermal stability and dispersibility in seawater are
clearance for the drillstring. Standard formulations of affected in opposite ways by most emulsifiers; to for-
SBM's have been found to inhibit transfer of water into or mulate SBM's which exhibit optimum thermal stability
out of shales, as compared to similarly formulated LTMO-- and dispersibility in seawater, both W/O- and
based muds. OIW-stabilizing emulsifiers may be needed.
In the example shown in Figure 7 (for a PAO-based
mud), the extent of hydration and dehydration of a shale NOMENCLATURE
by the SBM was much lower than for a similarly formulated Ib/bbl =Concentration (1 Iblbbl =1 g/350 cc)
LTMO-based mud. However, it appears that this problem Mud Weight = Density, Ib/gal (11b/gal = 0.12 glcc)
can be remedied by adjusting the emulsifier package. One
way is to simply reduce the concentration of emulsifier, LSRM =Low-Shear Rheology Modifier
which, as shown in Figure 8, does enhance water trans- LTMO =Low-Toxicity Mineral Oil
port properties. But this may not be the best way, since OBM = Oil-Based Mud
reducing the emulsifier concentration will also tend to orw = Vol. % OilNol. % Water in liquid phase of mud,
reduce emulsion stability. New emulsifiers which maintain or Oil in Water emulsion
the oil-wetting properties of the SBM but whichpermit eas-
ier water transport would be welcome, as they may also SBM =Synthetic-Based Mud
enhance the dispersibility of SBM's in seawater andim- Vf =Fluid Loss, cc/30 min
prove their environmental acceptability. WIO =Water in Oil emulsion
J.1 = Viscosity, cp (determined from
Materials Compatibility [300 x Fann Readingl(Fann rpm))
Compatibility of synthetics with elastomers, e.g.
pump seals, has received some attention. The di-ether ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and PAO appear to be similar to LTMO's in that respect. The authors thank Prof. Dale Teeters of the Univer-
Conoco found that esters are compatible with a narrower sity of Tulsa for carrying out the DSC tests and the man-
class of elastomers than are mineral oils;10 the least reac- agement of Amoco Production Research for permission to
tive materials appear to be hydrogenated nitrile rubber publish this paper.
and specialized fluorinated elastomers, such as Viton GF.
Detergent alkylates are expected to be even less compat- REFERENCES
ible, by virtue of their diesel-like character. 1. Candler, J. E., Rushing, J. H. and Leuterman, J. J.:
CONCLUSIONS "Synthetic-Based Mud Systems Offer Environmental
Benefits over Traditional Mud Systems," Paper 25993
1. Synthetic fluids and SBM's appear to be more biode- presented at the First SPE/EPA Joint Conf., Expl. &
gradable and more dispersible in seawater than min- Prod. Env. Conf., San Antonio, March 7-10,1993.
erai oils and mineral OBM's.
2. Carlson, T.: "Finding a Suitable Replacement for
2. Synthetic fluids and SBM's are more viscous at ambi- Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Oil Muds," AADE Drilling
ent temperatures than conventional OBM's, but they Fluids Technology Conf., Houston, April 22-23, 1992.
also thin more readily with increasing temperature.
Standard low-shear rheology modifiers flatten the 3. Peresich, R L., Burrell, B. R and Prentice, G. M.:
temperature profile to enable formulation of muds "Development and Field Trial of a Biodegradable
that provide good suspension characteristics at ele- Invert Emulsion Drilling Fluid,· Paper 21935 pre-
vated temperatures, yet are thin enough to pump at sented at SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amster-
low temperatures. dam, March 11-14, 1991.
3. SBM's can be formulated with conventional emulsifi- 4. Friedheim, J. E. and Pantermuehl, R: "Superior Per-
ers so as to give acceptable emulsion stability (HTHP formance with Minimal Environmental Impact: A
fluid loss and electrical stability) at 300 to 350 F. How- Novel Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluid,· Paper 25753 pre-
ever, to keep fluid loss < 10 cc/30 min, high emulsifier sented at the SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amster-
concentrations are needed (as high as 20 Ib/bbl) dam, Feb 23-25, 1993.
along with an asphaltic/coal product and a low-shear 5. Vik, E. A. et al : "Assessment of Marine Toxicity of
rheology modifier. Offshore Chemicals,· prepared for The Norwegian Oil
4. The temperature limits of SBM's are not imposed by Industry Assoc. by Aquateam - Norwegian Water
the synthetic fluids, which are shown to be quite sta- Technology Center AlS, Oslo, Norway, April, 1992.
ble even after long exposure to 425 F. Many of the

6. Bakke, T. and Laake, M.: "Tests on Degradation of a

New Drill Mud Type under Natural Conditions,' Nor-
wegian Institute for Water Research, Report No.
0-90101, ISBN 82-577-1852-1, Jan. 30, 1991.
7. Laake, M., Bakke, T. and Schaanning, M.: "Joint
Study of Environmental Impact of Aquamul Cuttings
& Test on Degradation and Environmental Effects of
Thermal Treated Oily Cuttings under Natural Condi-
tions," Norwegian Institute for Water Research,
Report No. 0-91026, ISBN 82-577-2101-8, 1992.
8. Laake, M., Christensen, B. and Englund, G.: "Design
of Anaerobic Screening Test for Biodegradation of
Chemicals,' presented at a workshop on Anaerobic
Degradation of Xenobiotic Chemicals, Holte, Den-
mark, Nov. 22-23, 1990.
9. Hansch, C. and Leo, A.: Substituent Constants for
Correlation Analysis in Chemistry and Biology, Wiley
Interscience, New York, 1979.
10. Kubena, E., Jr., Ross, K. C., Pugh, T. and Huycke, J.:
·Performance Characteristics of Drilling Equipment
Elastomers Evaluated in Various Drilling Fluids,'
Paper 21960 presented at the SPElIADC Drilling
Conference, Amsterdam, March 11-14, 1991.

Table 1
Synthetic fluids do not show significant degradation
when hot-rolled at 425 F for 16 hours
% Recovery EC-50 (Beforel EC-50 (After)"
Low-Tox Min. 011 99.9 225 150
Ester 99.9 5 5
Ol-Ether 99.9 10 8
PAO 99.9 13 22
Oet. Alkyl. 99.9 1 1

• Microtox test results (ppm). before and after hot-rolling


Table 2
Conventional S8M emulsifiers degrade
at low temperatures
Threshold Temp. (deg F)4
Emulsifier A 130.195,390
Emulsifier B 520
Emulsifier C 210.340.350
Emulsifier 0 210,340
Emulsifier E 150,430
Emulsifier F 270,375
Emulsifier G 450
Emulsifier H 140
Emulsifier I 225,410
Emulsifier J 520
LSRM '1 285
• SignificantLSRM .2
exothermic res p onse at these tem p er atures
inaicates the onset of a chemical reaction.

Table 3
All of the S8M'scan be formulated to have high emulsion
stability (low HTHP fluid loss) at 300 OF, but only the di-ether
S8M has high stability at 350 OF
Synthetic Type Fluid loss, Vr Water FllterCake FllterCake
Fluid of Fllter (cc/30 min) (mL) Thickness (") Texture
Ester, 300 op Paper 14.0 none 10/32 Hard
Ester, 350 OP Metal 40.0 5 mL emulsion 19/32 Hard
Di-Ether,3 OOOP Paper 3.2 none 4/32 Hard
Dj-Ether,350OP Metal 7.6 0.5 mL emulsion 5/32 Hard
PAO, 300 OF Paper 6.4 none 7/32 Med. soft
PAO, 350 OF Metal 44.0 8 mL emulsion 28/32 Hard
LAB, 300 OP Paper 3.0 none 4/32 Hard
LAB, 350 OP Metal 121.0 trace 48/32 Hard

Figure 1
The viscosity of S8M's decreases with
increasing temperature faster than does
the viscosi of LTMO-based muds

Figure 2
esc run for Emulsifier A
~ 'I
IllX !
~Ill ~

>- 104
l- ·E Z U
III 0'- III 0
0 Z 0 0 .:r III
Zlil 104 E Z, I- U .:r
III 104 I- .J I- ~ til :::l
Ill'-i% Illl-I- IllZllll!l I-
ItZItOlilOO .J III 1-1004 0 It
U>-I-ZIt.J.J 1040ltW Z It
I' ,--r·
til 0 III III U1 Cl. Cl. u.1-4i%3 III III
.... ......
I ,

....... ...
l- on OJ


c c
en en
DYN/ISO .... /2 .... 2::s
Trl'lE rso. I'IIN.
°C a88
.... 5 0' -.c
.... /2
.... 5
PLOT I'IODE ~ Lrl'lIT .101 C "'0
'1 8 :::r
mi SCREEN m CiJ -<
IDENT. NO. 188
....8 ... DYN/ISO .... / 2 8
3 w oen
.G 29.486 3 IDENT. NO. c o
c ....8 ....
END SCREEN °C 27 ..... 5

.G 22 a f I)
~!.... III I

G) 51."
j..... .w m
~of." o"'0
~ ::::!
0) m
0) en
1.... o
1ti.' "~
15'.' ~
15'.' ~
2.... en

~ ...
250.' -j ~

~ ~ en


Figure 5
Low Shear Rheology of S8M's
Heat-Treated at 300F

100000 T Mud Wt. 16.5 Ib/gal

OCMA Clay 39 Ib/bbl
• Ester
25 % CaCI2 Brine 0.11 bbllbbl ---+--- PAO
LSRM 4 Ib/bbl
~ 10000.J. Emulsifier 15-20 Ib/bbl
.2 ·-·-LAB
., .._...•...... Oi-Ether
1000 1 -.....
'" ·e .
. ...

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Temperature (deg Fl

Figure 6
Low Shear Rheology of S8M's
Heat-Treated at 350F

1000000 I Mud Wt. 16.5 Ib/gal

OCMA Clay 391blbbl
25 % CaCI2 Brine 0.11 bbllbbl

---+--- PAO

100000 .. LSRM 4 Ib/bbl

Emulsifier 15-20 Ib/bbl
_............ Oi-Ether
10000 -I'

1000 ~I' ::.::::~~~.~.;.~~-~=.~.=-~.~.:~~=.===_._.:-_---.::.:==.~-~--t

.'. ·e·· _ _ __ _ ~

100 -'-----_+_--_--_--t----+-----l
50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Temperature (deg F)


Figure 7
PAO-Based Mud does not permit ready
transport of water to shale

0.04 .. .. .. - .. LTMO Mud
.. ..
... .... . ~
-PAO-Based Mud

(J 0
SCD 10
-0.02 zu..
.... • .. 30
C'I -0.04 .. .. .. ..
-0.06 ".
% Calcium Chloride·

Figure 8
Reducing the concentration of Primary
Emulsifier increases the rate of dehydration
of North Sea shale by PAO-based mud

.Dlam. Change (In.)

11M. Change (g)
10lblbbl emulsifier
121b/gal Mud with 17% CaCI2

5 Iblbbl emulsifier

-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 o

Diameter (in.) or Wl Change (g)


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