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Đáp án mỗi câu là từ đầu tiên được tra nhaa

- pay homage to: deep respect and often praise shown for a person or
- honour: a quality that combines respect, being proud, and honesty

- frail: physically weak and thin
- flimsy: badly made and not strong enough for the purpose for which it
is used
- withered: (of people) looking old because they are thin and weak and
have very dry skin

- screw up: to deal with a situation very badly
- bring round: to make somebody who is unconscious become conscious
- settle for: to accept something that is not exactly what you want but is
the best that is available

- soul-destroying: very boring, because it has to be repeated many times
or because there will never be any improvement
- heart-stopping: causing feelings of great excitement or worry
- power-sharing: a policy or system in which different groups or political
parties share responsibility for making decisions, taking political action,
- thought-provoking: making people think seriously about a particular
subject or issue

- ill at ease: feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed

- token: something that is a symbol of a feeling, a fact, an event, etc.
- memento: a thing that you keep or give to somebody to remind you or
them of a person or place
- remembrance: an object that causes you to remember
somebody/something; a memory of somebody/something
- gratitude: the feeling of being grateful and wanting to express your

- (throw a) tantrum: a sudden period of uncontrolled anger like a young
- steam: the hot gas that water changes into when it boils
- rage: a feeling of violent anger that is difficult to control
- stamp: to put your foot down heavily and noisily on the ground
- scream your head off: to scream very loudly

- relief worker: a person who works for a charity providing aid for people
in need, esp in disaster areas

- scour: to search a place or thing carefully and completely in order to
find somebody/something
- brainwash: to force somebody to accept your ideas or beliefs, for
example by repeating the same thing many times or by preventing the
person from thinking clearly
- penetrate: to go into or through something
- ransack: to make a place untidy, causing damage, because you are
looking for something

- cluster: a group of things of the same type that grow or appear close
- clutter: a lot of things in an untidy state, especially things that are not
necessary or are not being used; a lack of order
- congregation: a group of people who are gathered together in a church
for a religious service, not including the priest and choir
- constellation: a group of related ideas, things or people
- discern: to know, recognize or understand something, especially
something that is not obvious

- get your wires crossed: When people get their wires crossed, they
have a different understanding of the same situation

- untenable: that cannot be defended against attack or criticism

- amount to: to add up to something; to make something as a total

- onus: the responsibility for something

- limelight: the centre of public attention
- floodlight: a large powerful lamp, used for lighting sports grounds,
theatre stages and the outside of buildings; the light provided by
- headlight: a large light, usually one of two, at the front of a vehicle; the
beam from this light
- flashlight: a small electric lamp that you can hold in your hand and
carry with you
- thrust: to push something/somebody suddenly or violently in a
particular direction; to move quickly and suddenly in a particular direction

- fallible: able to make mistakes or be wrong
- susceptible: very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by

- long and short: said when you want to explain the general situation
without giving details
- hard and fast: (especially after a negative) that cannot be changed in
any circumstances
- thick and thin: even when there are problems or difficulties
- ups and downs: the mixture of good and bad things in life or in a
particular situation or relationship

- boost one’s ego: to make someone feel better about themselves, to
feel more pride. It can have a negative connotation
- accelerate: to happen faster or earlier; to make something happen
faster or earlier

- multifarious: of many different kinds; having great variety
- miscellaneous: consisting of many different kinds of things that are not
connected and do not easily form a group
- assorted: of various different sorts
- manifold: many; of many different types

- blissfully: extremely
- rapturous: expressing extreme pleasure or enthusiasm for
- exultant: feeling or showing that you are very proud or happy,
especially because of something exciting that has happened
- jubilantly: in a way that shows great happiness because of a success

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