NEAR My Stomping Grounds

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If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain…-

Ottoman Proverb, as retold by Francis Bacon, “Essays”

As an individual who has spent most of his life missing out or being told about
things or moments he will never get the chance to live, I'm no stranger to FOMO. I
still haven't forgiven myself for not being born during Woodstock! While I
admittedly do extol myself on being above certain things like petty greed and
social platitudes, I am a very big victim of wanting to be part of things I
perceive matter. Being the youngest child on one side of my parents' family meant i
was sprinting all the time: to keep up with lingo and what's too cool for my age,
trying to sneak my way into watching films I'm not meant to, to try or play the
games and toys I couldn't afford to get. This process has been ubiquitous:
concerts, tv shows, internet access… I spent most of my day with this process. This
has carried over even now when I act opposite my usual reclusive, less-than-
friendly nature to be a part of things. This tends to carry over, even if I'm not
interested much to begin with.

What does this mean for NEAR, that is, how does this relate to my place in it? It
finds me wracking my brain not wanting to attend things I otherwise must appear at,
while at the same time being inundated with excitement and anticipation of it. I
know, I sound utterly charming don't I … with all those psychological flaws? Move
over, Ryan Reynolds! My curiosity and fascination tend to win out more often than
not, and I flock to whatever I am asked to be part of. Sometimes it's my hunger for
change through extroversion, sometimes it's the desire for stimuli, mostly it's a
petty attempt to prove I'm right for never leaving home in the first place through
having a bad night(assuming it sucks). In fact, my first night being exposed to
NEAR was one such instance. Long story short, I went to meet a contact for the
first time only to realize they weren't going to show due to fatigue. ironic but

NEARMiami is where this preface all comes to. I know, I didn't know NEAR had a hub
in Miami big enough for a group… joke's on us, eh Nemo? My contact who brought me
into NEAR was making an appearance, and they insisted I show up and meet a few
speakers while simultaneously experiencing a bit of the NEAR ecosystem IRL.
Why not, right? Either way, it gives me plenty to write about in regards to my own
journal… and maybe I can drop the names of my projects and cover that end too!
After being thrown into 2 group chats regarding the respective conference coming a
week from that day, I did my usual Tweeting and research. Metapool was there, which
let me meet Claudio and thank him personally for the passive income. Cameron Dennis
(Ecosystem Growth dept) and Grace Torrellas (Head of Community) rounded out the
panel, so definitely some big names in our world.

What shook me first was how big the gathering was; when you see the Telegram
membership, you expect a fraction of the group actively involved but NOPE. That
Wynwood venue left people standing like a metal show in the Whiskey-A-Gogo, and
here I thought no one in Miami knew about NEAR but me. Turns out I was late to this
party too, and the night was JUST getting started.

They say among humans greatest fears is public speaking, some dread literal apex
predators less than having to be put in front of a stage or microphone. As someone
who had various moments where he was forced to, I can very much relate to the
feeling these people must possess. What's worse is I was exposed to it that fateful
"Who amongst the audience right now currently works with or for NEAR in any
capacity, raise of hands?"

Our photographer - who was pro-bono on behalf of NxP -, and also freshly onboaded
to NEAR, elbows my rib to follow suit.

"Great, lots of you. Ok, will you come forward and introduce yourselves? Tell all
these great people what you do here. "

Humanity, interaction, being affable? Such heresy is not the way of my people. But
it's not like I was going to say that in front of some of the biggest players in
NEAR, so I just shuffled my feet forward like the lazy kid in high school. Waiting
in line for my turn, dreading the moment it comes - while mentally reciting what
I'd say -, I heard a voice at the beginning…

"Hi, I represent OFP!" Spoke an enthused voice ahead of me.

That shook me out of my haze of introversion. What did she say?

I was so pulled into my own head by the day's events, I neglected the fact that one
of my group chats had a member in it that mentioned being a local girl. I
furthermore ignored that she planned to attend the meeting; there she was,
excitedly talking about forestry and using blockchain to help save the environment.
'Well, that took the edge off me I guess…' I thought. By the time everyone ahead of
me gave their two cents, I tapped the mic and just spewed what came to mind:

I mentioned how I never thought I belonged here; despite my degree and education, I
never believed I had anything to offer a blockchain ecosystem. I told the audience
I was just a nerdy, weird pessimist with too much time to read on his hands. Yet I
stood there telling them I'd also been in NEAR half a year now (dude it's been 6
MONTHS already!). I informed everyone how in no time at all I was placed in OFP
alongside our previous speaker, and I also helped found NxP. I explained NxP was a
means for artists, musicians and written/spoken creatives to gain resources or
assistance in their projects. I confidently admitted that I love what I'm doing and
that the only assets a person needs is willingness and passion, the rest will fall
into place as it did with me. I nodded in front of the line to the other Forest
Guardian ahead and introduced myself, and we went back to our seats.

Personally, the rest of the talk was great. Hearing Cameron pound his hand against
his knee, saying he " did not wish to wait for the next generation to fix things "
but that he wanted it done now, truly resonated. Claudio spoke more than once how
he wanted to give power of means of wealth creation through AMM(automated money
maker) tech to the people, as he didn't believe those in charge globally would do
so. Grace cheerfully explained how open, welcoming, and ready to give anyone-from-
anywhere a chance to grow NEAR is. A lot of the things I'd heard, to a lesser
extent at times, were things I'd said myself at some point.

After all the speaking was done and the networking session was under was, I
retreated to an empty corner to drink a beer and collect my thoughts. While
charging the batteries of having to be more outgoing than I wished, I was
approached by my colleague in OFP. I awkwardly shook hands; what is the proper
protocol for meeting someone who knows you but never met you? I tried to be
confident and cordial, but I'm sure my nerves betrayed themselves on my face and
demeanor. Following that, someone new to NEAR asked me various questions, to which
I pointed them towards our guilds and to find a circle he felt strongly about and
to offer himself to them however possible. He commended my introduction and said he
felt strongly when he heard me say passion and showing up were key. I shook his
hand and he went about his business. From there I came across an audio visual
specialist, we spoke at length about what I do and he does, of which I highly
recommended he speak to my contacts in OFP regarding a future event he will be part

Honestly, I joined the event and the group in earnest after that. I've even been
involved enough to offer my time and energy for future events or Miami based NEAR
projects, as far as making this entire post about the group to some degree. Miami
has never felt like home; I was too much of an outcast to belong. But that was
then; I was young, alone and ineffectual. No longer. I am gaining allies and intend
to make my surroundings into a product of me… or at least a product of the good
people around me that deserve to make the world better. I'm going to the mountain,
but I'm making sure that the mountain is never the same from our meeting…


Woodward Forest-Lich

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