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Course: BSHM 1-C

Importance of Hospitality and Tourism

If you are given a chance to travel, where do you want to go to? Many would say
they want to travel to other countries. But isn’t it exciting and fun if we will explore first
our own country because we deserve to know and experience first our very own? This
is where tourism and hospitality get in.

Tourism is a social, cultural, and economic phenomenon which entails the

movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal
or business/professional purposes. Moreover, hospitality means extending a welcome
to travelers or offering a home away from home, and the word is derived from the Latin
word “hospes” meaning visitor or stranger. The hospitality and tourism industry is a vast
sector that includes all the economic activities that directly or indirectly contribute to, or
depend upon, travel and tourism. This industry sector includes hotels and resorts,
restaurants and catering, night clubs and bars, travel and transportation, tourism, spas
and wellness, cruise liners and bus tours, and events.

Ever since, hospitality and tourism play a significant role in our world. These two
words are interconnected with each other. The most important and visible aspect where
we can see the effect and significance of hospitality and tourism is economic progress.
The hospitality and tourism industry aids and supports foreign exchange reserves. It
benefits our country in generating foreign currency. Every year, a large number of
tourists visit the Philippines and other places. They visit places; stay and shop in our
country. All these contribute to a significant amount of foreign currency generation.

Additionally, hospitality and tourism become the source of income for many
Filipinos. Hospitality and tourism is a continual source of income for public & private
income. The government charges various forms of tax that is called government
revenue. The income generated through these taxes is the public income. The profit
earned by a seller, by selling items like local artifacts, handicraft items, etc. to the
tourists is called private income. Tourism also helps in employment generation. It
created jobs specifically in the hotel industry, hospitality industry, service sector,
entertainment, and transportation industry.

Moreover, hospitality and tourism play a vital role also in the development of
structure. Actually, hospitality and tourism aids and encourages infrastructure
development by making way for dams, roads, connectivity, airport improvements, and
any other activity that helps a tourist in visiting a place in a much better way. Likewise, it
helps in achieving societal progress. Tourism is a wonderful method for cultural

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exchange. It also encourages societal progress as tourists learn to show respect,
tolerance, and love for each other when they visit new places.

Furthermore, hospitality and tourism help in preserving cultural heritage. It helps

to explain the beauty, art, history, and culture of our country. Different people visiting
any country take beautiful cultural concepts along with them and spread those concepts
to others while visiting other places in the world. Similarly, the local skills, languages,
and art get wide exposure through tourism. We cannot also deny the important role of
hospitality and tourism in terms of education. It has been of great importance for
education always. Study tours, short time courses, educational exchange programs, all
these are a part and parcel of International Tourism resulting in better knowledge about
host countries. Even sports exchange programs can be considered under this. Lastly,
hospitality and tourism have important part in caring our environment. It has spillover
benefits such as preservation of environment which covers up an area of historical sites
and cultural values.

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