Sample Exam SFM Answer

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Sample Exam

SECTION 1: Multiple Choice questions

1. Which of the following is a categorical variable? 
A) Tire pressure
B) Bank account balance
C) Daily sales in a store
D) Eye color
Biến phân loại (categorical) là biến có giá trị thuộc vào mộtnhóm nào đó và nó không có giá trị
định lượng. Ví dụ tình trạng hôn nhân, nơi sinh, ngành học là các biến phân loại.

Để mô tả biến phân loại, người ta tính tần số hay phần trăm của từng nhóm và của nhóm cao
nhất (modal category). Ví dụ như, có bao nhiêu phần trăm sinh viên tốt nghiệp ngành tâm lý
mỗi năm?

2. The order that runners cross the finish line is an example of:
A) a nominal scale
B) an ordinal scale
C) an interval scale
D) a ratio scale
- Thang đo định danh (nominal scale): Là thang đo dùng để phân chia (hay đặt tên) nhóm được khảo
sát thành các lớp phân loại (category) khác nhau. Ví dụ: nam/nữ, nông thôn/thành thị,
kinh/hoa/khmer...Quan hệ giữa các điểm đo trên thang chỉ là A≠B ≠C. 

- Thang đo định hạng hay thứ bậc (Ordinal scale): Bản chất là thang định danh nhưng các lớp
(category) khác nhau được sắp xếp theo một thứ hạng giảm dần hoặc tăng dần. Ví dụ: Hạng nhất/hạng
nhì/hạng ba, yếu/trung bình/khá/tốt, tăng lên/như cũ/giảm đi, hài lòng/phân vân/không hài lòng.... Trong
thang đo này, quan hệ giữa các điểm đo trên thang chỉ là A>B>C,

- Thang đo định khoảng (Interval scale): Bản chất là thang thứ bậc có các khoảng cách đều nhau
nhưng không có điểm gốc 0 tuyệt đối. Quan hệ giữa các điểm đo trên thang là A>B>C>D và A - B = B -
C. Ví dụ: Trong thang đo độ C

- Thang đo định khoảng (Interval scale): Bản chất là thang thứ bậc có các khoảng cách đều nhau
nhưng không có điểm gốc 0 tuyệt đối. Quan hệ giữa các điểm đo trên thang là A>B>C>D và A - B = B -
C. Ví dụ: Trong thang đo độ C

3. Which of the numbers below is NOT part of a 5 number summary used to create
a boxplot?
A) First quartile
B) Mean
C) Second quartile
D) Maximum
A box and whisker plot—also called a box plot—displays the five-number summary of a
set of data. The five-number summary is the minimum, first quartile, median, third
quartile, and maximum.
4. The following data represent a sample of 10 scores on a statistics quiz: 16, 16,
16, 16, 16, 18, 18, 20, 20, and 20. The median score is:
A) 16
B) 17
C) 18
D) 19
Trung vị (tiếng Anh: Median) là số ở giữa trong một danh sách các số được sắp xếp
tăng dần hoặc giảm dần và có thể mô tả nhiều hơn về tập dữ liệu so với giá trị trung

5. A professor collected data on the number of absences in an introductory

statistics class of 100 students over the course of a semester. The data are
summarized below.
# of Absences 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
# of Students 5 13 24 23 17 11 7
What is the weighted mean number of absences per semester?
A) 3.14
B) 2.0
C) 2.95
D) 3.07
# of Absences (x) # of Students (w) x*w Formula for weighted data:
0 5 0
1 13 13 ∑ xi w i 295
2 24 48 Xngang =
∑ wi =100 = 2.95
3 23 69
4 17 68
5 11 55
6 7 42
SUM 100 295

6. Over the past 10 years, the return on Stock A has averaged 10.4% with a
standard deviation of 3.1%. The return on Stock B has averaged 4.6% with a
standard deviation of 0.8%. Which of the following statements is true?

A) Stock A has smaller relative variation than Stock B.

B) Stock B has smaller relative variation than Stock A.
C) Both stocks exhibit the same relative variation.
D) Unable to tell with the given information.

Độ lệch chuẩn hay còn gọi là Standard Deviation. Là đại lượng dùng để phản ánh độ
phân tán của các giá trị trong bộ dữ liệu. Thể hiện sự biến thiên của giá trị trong một
thời điểm phản ánh xu thế của sự thay đổi.
CV = SD/Mean * 100 => so sanh 2 cv

0.8% < 3.1% => Stock B biến động ít hơn Stock A

7. If in a distribution left tail is longer than right tail, then the distribution will be:
A) Symmetrical
B) Positive skewed
C) Negative skewed
D) None of these
Độ lệch (tiếng Anh: Skewness) là sự biến dạng sự bất đối xứng trong một phân phối
hình chuông đối xứng hay phân phối chuẩn trong một tập dữ liệu.


Consider the following probability distribution.
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
P(x) 0.07 0.19 0.23 0.17 0.16 0.14 0.04

8. Which of the following is true?

A) P(X > 3) = 0.51
B) P(2 X 5) = 0.33
C) P(X 3) = 0.51
D) P(X < 6) =1
 P(X > 3) = P(X = 4) + P(X = 5) + P(X = 6) = 0.16 + 0.14 + 0.04 = 0.34 => FALSE
 P(2 X 5) = P(X = 2) + P(X = 3) + P(X = 4) + P(X = 5) = 0.23 + 0.17 + 0.16 + 0.14 =
0.7 => FALSE
 P(X 3) = P(X = 3) + P(X = 4) + P(X = 5) + P(X = 6) = 0.17 + 0.16 + 0.14 + 0.04 =
0.51 => TRUE
 P(X < 6) = 1 – P(X = 6) = 1 – 0.04 = 0.96 => FALSE
9. What is the expected value of X?
A) 2.74
B) 0.46
C) 1.78
D) 3.02
Expected value is the mean

𝐸(𝑋) = 𝜇x = x1p1 + …… + xnpn = ∑ x p i=1

i i

= 0*0.07 + 1*0.19 + ……. + 6*0.04 = 2.74

10. What is the standard deviation of X?
A) 13.25
B) 3.64
C) 1.62
D) 4.13

Variance of X is denoted by V(X) or Var(X) or σ 2x

E( X−E ( X )) =∑ ( x i−μ x )2 pi
V(X) =

= (0 – 2.74)2*0.07 + (1 – 2.74)2*0.19 + ….. + (6 –

2.74)2*0.04 = 2.6324
Standard deviation of X is denoted by σ x or σ (X )
σ(X) = √ V (X ) = √ 2.6324 = 1.62

11. Let the random variable Z follow a standard normal distribution. Find the
value k, such that P(Z > k) = 0.73.
A) 0.27
B) 0.73
C) –0.16
D) -0.61

P(Z > k) = 0.73 → 1 - P(Z ≤ k) = 0.73 → P(Z ≤ k) = 0.27(tra bang normal)

→ Z = -0.61

12. A 95% confidence interval estimate for a population mean is determined to

be 65.48 to 76.52. If a 80% confidence interval for is constructed, it must
A) wider than the 95% confidence interval
B) the same as the 95% confidence interval
C) narrower than the 95% confidence interval
D) There is not enough information to answer this question
13. A sample of 50 students was taken from Utah Valley University (UVU). These
students spent an average of $175 on books this semester, with a standard
deviation of $25. A 95% confidence interval for the average amount of money
spent on books for all students at UVU would be:
a. 175 3.47
b. 175 6.93
c. 170 7.11
d. 170 3.56

Z ∝ ∗S Z 0.05∗25 1.96∗25
xbar +- 2
=¿ Xbar +_ 2
=¿= 175 +_ √ 50 =175± 6.93
√n √50
n ≥ 30 => dung Z
n ≤ 30 => dung t

14. Five hundred randomly selected adult residents in this city are surveyed to
determine whether they have cell phones. Of the 500 people sampled, 421
responded yes – they own cell phones. Using a 95% confidence level,
compute a confidence interval estimate for the true proportion of adult
residents of this city who have cell phones. => sample proportion
a. 0.842 0.027
b. 0.158 0.032
c. 0.842 0.032
d. 0.158 0.800

^ 421
P = 500 = 0.842
√ √
^ ( 1− ^
P P) 0.842 ( 1−0.842 )
P +_ Z ∝∗ =¿ 0.842 +_ Z 0.05 ∗
2 n 2

= 0.842 +_ 1.96∗
√ 0.842 ( 1−0.842 )
=0.842 +- 0.032

15. In a survey of 2480 golfers, 15% said they were left-handed. The survey's
margin of error was 3%. Construct a confidence interval for the proportion of
left-handed golfers.
a. 0.18; 0.21
b. 0.12; 0.18
c. 0.12; 0.15
d. 0.11; 0.19

^ ( 1− ^
P P ) = margin of error (ME)
Z ∝∗
2 n

^ ( 1− ^
P P)
P +_ Z ∝ ∗ = 0.15 +_ 0.03
2 n

16. A measure of the strength of the linear relationship that exists between two
variables is called a:
a. Slope
b. Intercept
c. Correlation coefficient
d. Regression equation
In a recent survey, respondents were classified according to their gender,
marital status, and geographic location. These data are summarized in the
following cross table:

Single Single Married Married Row Total

Male Female Male
Northeast 12 17 22 10 61
South 31 26 8 23 88
Midwest 45 33 52 38 168
West 34 19 24 13 90
Column Total 122 95 99 84 400
17. What is the probability that a respondent is single?
A) 0.54
B) 0.30
C) 0.24
D) 0.46
( Nsingle male of each area+ Nsingle female of each areas)
Psingle = 400
= 0.54
18. What is the probability that a respondent who comes from the West is a single
a. 0.589
b. 0.279
c. 0.085
d. 0.378
Psingle male of west = 90 =0.378
The sales representative for a manufacturer of a new product claims that the product
will increase output per machine by 29 units per hour. A line manager installs the
product on 15 of the machines and finds that the average increase was only 26 with a
standard deviation of 6.2.

19. What are the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses?

A) : = 29 29
B) : 29 < 29
C) : = 29 > 29
D) : > 29 29

20. Using a 10% significance level, which of the following statements is true?
A) Reject if t statistic < 1.771
B) Reject if |t statistic| > 2.16
C) Reject if t statistic < -1.771
D) Reject if t statistic < -2.16

21. The test statistics for this test is:

A) t = -1.874
B) t = 1.874
C) t = -7.26
D) t = 7.26
xbar−µ0 26−29
σ = 6.2 = -1.874
√n √15
A real estate builder wishes to determine how house size (House) is influenced by
family income (Income), family size (Size), and education of the head of household
(School). House size is measured in hundreds of square feet, income is measured in
thousands of dollars, and education is in years. The builder randomly selected 50
families and ran the multiple regression. Microsoft Excel output is provided below:


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.865
R Square 0.748
Adjusted R Square 0.726
Observations 50

Coeff StdError t Stat P-value

Intercept– 1.6335 b05.8078 – 0.281 0.7798
Income 0.4485 b1 0.1137 3.9545 0.0003
Size 4.2615 b2 0.8062 5.286 0.0001
School– 0.6517 b3 0.4319 – 1.509 0.1383

22. Referring to Table 14-4, what fraction of the variability in house size is
explained by income, size of family, and education?
a. 27.0%
b. 33.4%
c. 74.8%
d. 86.5%

23. Referring to Table 14-4, which of the independent variables in the model are
significant at the 1% level?
a. Income, Size, School
b. Income, Size
c. Size, School
d. Income, School
P-value of Income = 0.0003 < 0.01 => significantly
P-value of Size = 0.0001 < 0.01 => significantly

24. Referring to Table 14-4, at the 0.01 level of significance, what conclusion
should the builder draw regarding the inclusion of Income in the regression
a. Income is significant in explaining house size and should be included
in the model because its p-value is less than 0.01.
b. Income is significant in explaining house size and should be included
in the model because its p-value is more than 0.01.
c. Income is not significant in explaining house size and should not be
included in the model because its p-value is less than 0.01.
d. Income is not significant in explaining house size and should not be
included in the model because its p-value is more than 0.01.
Giai thich giong cau 23
25. Referring to Table 14-4, what is the predicted house size (in hundreds of
square feet) for an individual earning an annual income of $40,000, having a
family size of 4, and going to school a total of 13 years?
a. 11.43
b. 15.15
c. 24.88
d. 53.87
¿ ¿ ¿ = -1.6335 + 0.4485*Income + 4.2615*Size – 0.6517*School

= -1.6335 + 0.4485*40 + 4.2615*4 – 0.6517*13

= 24.88
Answer the following questions by showing the way you find the solution
Question 1:
Inventory Problem: Assuming the demand for a product A of a supermarket is a random
variable with average demand of 120 tons a day and standard deviation of 25 tons a
a) If the supermarket order 150 tons a day, what is the probability of stock out?
b) If the manager of supermarket wants a probability of stock out to be 5%, what is
the order quantity a day?
c) How a manager manages the inventory by using the concepts of order quantity
and Probability of stock out
Let X be a demand of the supermarket order a day of product A
Average demand of 120 tons a day => µ = 120 tons
Standard deviation of 25 tons a day => σ = 25 tons
 X N (120, 252)
a) If the supermarket order 150 tons a day, the probability of stock out
X−µ 150−120
P(X > 150) = P( > )
σ 25
X−120 150−120
= P( > )
25 25
= P(Z > 1.2)
= 1 - P(Z < 1.2)
= 1 – 0.8849 = 0.1151 => 11.51%
The probability of stock out is 11.51% if the supermarket order 150kg a week
b) Let “a” be the stock out quantity then it satisfies:
The probability of stock out to be 5%
P (X > a) = 0.05
X−120 a−120
P( > ) = 0.05
25 25
 P (Z > ) = 0.05
 1 - P (Z ≤ ) = 0.05
 P (Z ≤ ) = 0.95
 = 1.645
 a = 161.12
If the supermarket order 161.12 tons a week, the probability of stock out is 5%
Question 2:
The Daytona Beach Tourism Commission is interested in the average amount of money
a typical college student spends per day during spring break. They survey 28 students
and find that the mean spending is $60.57 with a standard deviation of $15.32.
a) Develop a 95% confidence interval for the population mean daily spending.
b) If you are asked to find the appropriate sample size to determine 99%
confidence interval of the mean daily spending with the error not more than
$3.5, what would be your recommendation?
c) How you can manage the margin of error by adjusting the sample size and
confidence level.

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