Examining The Impact of Knowledge Management

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Examining the Impact of Knowledge Management

Capability on Organizational Performance: A Study

Case at one of The International School in South
Tangerang, Indonesia
Muhammad Akbar Rivai Sfenrianto
Information Systems Management Department, Information Systems Management Departement,
BINUS Graduate Program- BINUS Graduate Program-
Master of Information Systems Management Master of Information Systems Management
Bina Nusantara University Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480 Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480
muhammad.rivai@binus.ac.id sfenrianto@binus.edu

Abstract— Knowledge in institutions or organizations, studying the correlation between knowledge management
especially in this context, is an international standard capabilities and critical business problems in an
educational institution, which they have realized needs to organization.
manage and document the understanding of each of their
human resources in a knowledge management system in the
form of web-based services. So that it can be a reference for A. What is Knowledge?
each individual to gain knowledge without having to depend on In epistemology, often the term from knowledge is
other individuals, with the hope, in the future, the management
of this knowledge will facilitate access and use of this
associated with the word "data." Referring to the
knowledge. Common understanding occurs because the author explanations put forth by Davenport, Prusak, and Peter
observes that the affiliated organization has not yet optimized Drucker, the data has a set of meanings of facts related to
the effectiveness of existing knowledge management. The objective and discrete events. While the term of information
observation that the author did, the author tries to make has the meaning of data that is complemented by relevance
observations or investigations related to the ability to survive and purpose, knowledge has an understanding of data that
knowledge management and the performance of this
organization to the infrastructure of knowledge effects, which,
has gained a place in the user terms of reference so that
according to the author, correlate with the performance with users can link their actions based on these terms of reference
affiliated the educational institution. By using the Structural (North & Kumta, 2018) .The difference of some of these
Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis method by showing the terms (data, information, and knowledge) lies in the degree
results, it means that knowledge management capability effects of depth, namely the term knowledge is seen as the most
that each of these indicator variables influence the profound understanding of its meaning compared to the
performance of performance in this institution related to the
application of knowledge management.
terms information, data (Tan & Md. Noor, 2013) Thus, the
term from data, information, and knowledge (knowledge), in
Keywords—knowledge management, knowledge essence, is a concept that intersects/relates.
management capability, organanizational performance
A. Knowledge Management Capabilty (The Research
Based on observations by researchers, it can say that Framework)
educational institutions located in the south of Tangerang,
This study uses empirical evidence as a reference to identify
Indonesia have implemented a knowledge management
the relationship between knowledge management capability
system that facilitates the process of transferring knowledge.
variables and four perspectives of organizational
Therefore the authors are interested in research to analyze
performance (Figure 1). Smith (2006b) notes that increasing
the impact of Knowledge Management Capabilities on the
the ability of the knowledge infrastructure can lead to
process. Performance in this organization methods on
significant and positive improvements related to the strength
organizational performance that expect to be able to
of the knowledge process in an organization. This study
accommodate the activities of transfer & sharing
shows that investment in the ability of the knowledge
knowledge. Based on the background set out, the
infrastructure can improve the ability of the knowledge
management of existing knowledge at this institution needs
process and can lead to increased organizational
to be improved to be able to product innovation through
effectiveness. The study does not identify the relationship
knowledge creation. Therefore, the necessary institutional
between knowledge infrastructure elements and process
conditions that support it (enabling condition). Enabling
capability elements of knowledge management capabilities.
conditions referred to are the approach to using a framework
That is interconnected and systematically affect each other
introduced by After Gold (2001) related to knowledge
but instead looks at the links generated by knowledge
management capabilities that embody (structure) researchers
management capability from the analysis using Structural

978-1-7281-7071-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 13-14 August 2020

2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech)
Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 01,2020 at 15:11:04 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Equation Modeling (SEM) methods on institutional four types of nature of knowledge management: dynamic,
performance at this school institution. (Stenmark, 2011). system-oriented, human-oriented, and passive. As well as
assessing organizational performance through surveys on
the line of middle managers in companies in South Korea,
and the results found that dynamic knowledge management
has the most significant impact on organizational
performance, followed by knowledge-oriented, human-
oriented knowledge management. However, the size of
organizational performance, according to their study,
depends entirely on the perception responses of corporate

Therefore, the researcher assumes that it concluded to

conclude that the conscious aspect of organizational
performance leads to actual organizational performance.
Fig. 1. Knowledge management capabilities and organizational Besides, a study conducted by Hsu (2008) (Authors, 2009)
performance (Gold, 2011) tried to identify the relationship between human capital and
organizational effectiveness with the mediation of
Knowledge has become one of the various resources that
knowledge management capability. The results show that
have a competitive advantage and sustainable, and this is
the three latent variables are positively related, and human
very important in today's global economy, especially global
markets. Specialized knowledge can have a tremendous capital is mainly positively associated with organizational
effect on the success of a company or organization and be effectiveness mediated by knowledge process capability and
an asset that distinguishes it from its competitors. structural capital.
Experience has considered a significant source in creating
the organization's core capabilities and as a basis for
sustainable profitability (Kim, Lee, Chun, & Benbasat,
2014). A. Analysis Regression
Data analysis techniques in this study use Structural
Besides, in this context, organizations/institutions Equation Modeling (SEM) because researchers believe that
determine/create the foundation or basis of their knowledge this model allows researchers to examine the relationship
by collecting (collecting) information from various internal between variables both recursive and non-recursive to
and external sources. Organizations/institutions may also represent a whole model. This model is also a second-
generation model of multivariate analysis techniques
use their methods passively or actively related to
(multiple regression and factor analysis), the SEM model is
organizational exploration regarding their intellectual assets.
capable of testing simultaneously, with a structural equation
Organizations and institutions can use their knowledge and model that measures the relationship between indicators and
utilize it from existing personnel knowledge, mutual their constructs (Khan et al., 2019). This technique has
experiences from continuous change processes applied in various disciplines such as Management
(Purwihartuti, Sule, Hilmiana, & Muizu, 2015). Information Systems (MIS) (Cepeda-Carrion, Cegarra-
Navarro, & Cillo, 2019) concerning the research, the authors
The hypothesis in this study is : decide to use data analysis techniques with SEM models
because following the scientific discipline of this research.
• H1: There is a significant relationship between
knowledge infrastructure capability and perceptual SEM method, classified into two parts, the first is
organizational performance (organizational Covariance Based SEM (CBSEM), which uses the
performance). Maximum Likelihood (ML) function and Variance Based
• H2: There is a significant relationship between and Component-Based, which uses Partial Least Square
knowledge process capability and organizational (PLS) (Williams, Dalgleish, Karl, & Kuyken, 2014). PLS is
performance a regression-based method introduced by Herman O.A Wold
• H3: There is a significant correlation between as the creation and development of models and techniques
parallel knowledge infrastructure capability and in the social sciences with a prediction-oriented approach.
knowledge process capability on organizational This PLS method assumes that the research data is
performance. distribution-free, which means that the research data does
. not refer to any particular distribution. This method is an
B. Organizational Performances alternative method of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM),
which can overcome the problem of relationships between
Many researchers have tried to explain the relationship complex variables. Still, the data sample size is relatively
between knowledge management and organizational small (around 30 to 100), with a minimum sample size of
performance (organizational performance), both directly and 100 (Hair et al. ., 2010).
indirectly. As in the results of a study by Choi and Lee (Lee
& Choi, 2003), they examined the relationship between the

978-1-7281-7071-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 13-14 August 2020

2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech)
Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 01,2020 at 15:11:04 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
With the understanding that PLS has two similarities, the item will be considered as valid if it correlates
namely the inner model and the outer model. The internal significantly with the total of all factors (J. Hair,
model functions in determining the specification of the Hollingsworth, Randolph, & Chong, 2017).
relationship between constructs and other constructs, as well
as the external model being able to decide on the
specification of the relationship between constructs and their IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
associated indicators. The extract itself divided into two, A. Examining the Model (Outer Model)
namely: exogenous extract and endogenous extract. This study attempts to test the framework introduced by
Exogenous extracts have the meaning of a causal construct, After Gold (2011) in his research, which examines
which is not influenced by other constructs. However, this knowledge management capability on the dependent
exogenous extract can give effect to other constructs (Hair variable, organizational performance. This research
et al., 2010). Whereas endogenous extracts are extracts conducted at an international standard school in the southern
explained by exogenous extracts and a fact extract from Tangerang region, Indonesia. The data collection is by
exogenous extracts distributing questionnaires using five scale likes and spread
to the entire population at the school, a total of 100
communities who are teaching staff at the schoolThe outer
measurement model (exterior model) has done by
researchers on variable indicators/manifesto variables that
have correlations with factors/latency. The results of direct
measurements made on the indicator variables describe a
dimension of the element / latent variable. The indications
are in the form of measurement results stated in a standard
loading factor and coefficient weights. The following is the
result of loading factor which illustrates the validity of the
size of a construct indicator variable that has analyzed.

Fig. 2. Inner and Outer Model

B. Validity and Reliability Test

In terminology, the term "validity" comes from the term
validity, which has a definition of how to shape / how
accurate the accuracy and accuracy of the measuring
instrument in carrying out its functions (Hair Jr., Matthews, Fig. 3. Outer Model Result
Matthews, & Sarstedt, 2017). Validity is also a measure that
provides an explanation related to the measured variable is In figure 4 listed above, it can explain that the
indeed true is the variable examined by researchers. Validity knowledge infrastructure capability, construct variable is
has a relationship between a measuring variable and what measured by its four indicator variables, with each loading
should be and will be measured. In research, efficacy factor value, the loading factor is the standard of an
explains the degree of accuracy of the measuring instrument estimated weight that relates the elements to the indicator.
against the measured content. This test used to show also to the loading factor of the variables in figure 4, among others:
measure the validity of a questionnaire. A questionnaire can
be said to be valid if the questions in an inquiry can reveal • Indicator of technology with a loading factor of
the Allies estimated from the survey (Abdi, Chin, Vinzi, 0.704 (valid)
Russolillo, & Trinchera, 2013) • Indicator of structure with a loading factor value of
0.833 (valid)
In conducting a validity test on a questionnaire, it • Indicator of culture with a loading factor of 0.840
categorizes into two parts, namely factor validity & item (valid)
validity. The validity of factors has a definition; take • Indicator of incentive with a loading factor value of
measurements if an item arranged using more than one 0.821 (valid)
factor or in another sense. Between elements, one has in
common with other factors. In contrast, the measure of the Based on that result can be said to reflect the measurement
validity of factors uses a way of correlating between the sum model for the constructed variable of knowledge
of the items added to one factor with the total of all elements infrastructure capability. Next is, the measurement results
(Rosemann, 2012). By doing the correlation calculation, obtained from the construct variable knowledge process
then the correlation coefficient will be obtained, which can capability with four (4) indicator variables; each loading
be applied in a measure the level of item validity and to factor value of each indicator obtained as follows:
determine whether an item is feasible or not used. In
determining the feasibility, a re-test is carried out, namely • Acquisition indicator variable with a loading factor
the significance test of the correlation coefficient in the of 0.794 (valid)
significance level of 0.05 or 5%, with the understanding that

978-1-7281-7071-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 13-14 August 2020

2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech)
Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 01,2020 at 15:11:04 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
• Indicator conversion variable with a loading factor • Variable knowledge infrastructure capability
value of 0.749 (valid) declared valid because the magnitude of
• Application indicator variable with a loading factor Cronbach's alpha value of 0.8137 exceeds the
value of 0.701 (valid) standard of 0.60. It also said to be reliable because
• Protection indicator variable with a loading factor of the magnitude of the composite reliability of
value of 0.677 (valid) 0.8770 > 0.770.
• Variable knowledge process capability, declared
Besides, measurement of organizational performance valid, due to the magnitude of Cronbach's alpha
construct variables is also measured, measured by four (4) value of 0.7185 > 0.60, exceeding the standard of
indicator variables, and each of the loading factor variable 0.60. It also said to be reliable because of the extent
values has obtained as follows: of the composite reliability of 0.8221 > 0.770.
• Variable organizational performance is declared
• Perceptual finance indicator variable with a loading valid, due to the magnitude of Cronbach's alpha
factor value of 0.830 (valid) value of 0.7801 > 0.60, exceeding the standard of
• Customer perspective indicator variable with a 0.60. It also said to be reliable because of the extent
loading factor value of 0.809 (valid) of the composite reliability of 0.8567 > 0.70.
• Learning and growth indicator variable with a
loading factor value of 0.716 (valid) In this study, the applied statistic is the magnitude of the
• Internal process indicator variable with a loading value of composite reliability, or it also said that the
factor value of 0.738 (valid) construct reliability represented by Cronbach's alpha items
and D.Gho (PCA). The scale of the Cronbach's alpha and
D.Gho (PCA) values above 0.7 (> 0.7) it said that the
B. Validity and Reliability Test Results constructs show reliability or can rely on with high amounts
In Figure 4, we have seen an explanation related to the sufficient as a measurement tool. A value limit of more than
measurement of the reflective model, which can see from 0.7, means acceptable, and a value of 0.8 means very
Loading Factor, AVE, Internal consistency, and satisfying (J. Hair et al., 2017).
discriminant validity. Formative model measurements can
see from the amount of convergent validity (AVE), as well Meanwhile, related to the value of Average Variance
as the collinearity indicator (VIF <5) and also from the Extracted (AVE), displays a magnitude of variance that can
significance of the outer weight (Ali, Rasoolimanesh, be explained by each item by comparing it with the variant
Sarstedt, Ringle, & Ryu, 2018). Analysis of the that causes measurement error. By default, if the AVE value
measurement model researchers do by measuring the is above 0.5 (> 0.5), it can be said that the construct has
convergent validity and discriminant validity. Concurrent good convergent validity, meaning that the latent variable is
validity has to do with the principle that the measurer of the capable and reliable to explain the average of more than half
manifest variable will be a construct, should be highly the variance of each indicator (Hair Jr. et al., 2017).
correlated. Test of convergent validity with its reflexive
indicators can see from: C. Analysis of Inner Model
There are several stages related to the evaluation or
• The factor loading measure is a way to find out the analysis of the structural model. The initial step is to look at
correlation of each sign with its construct the signification between influence and its extract. These
stages These stages obtained from the path coefficient
• Internal Consistency, a format dimension of the received, where it presents a picture of the strength of the
construct measured by looking at Composite relationship between constructs. Figure 4. we can also see
reliability, Cronbach's Alpha, and Average Variance related to the structural model, which consists of two (2)
extracted (AVE). types of variables, including:

With reflexive indicators, you can see the rules in Figure 14. The • The exigent variable is an independent variable—a
following authors describe the construct reliability and validity test
variable for constructing organizational performance
using SmartPLS 3 software:
variables consisting of knowledge infrastructure
capability and knowledge process capability.

• Endogent Variables in this study are organizational

performance construct variables that are influenced by
two exogenous construct variables; knowledge
infrastructure capability and knowledge process

Fig. 4. Construct reliability and Validity • Endogent Variables in this study are organizational
performance construct variables that are influenced by
In the table above, it concluded that:
two exogenous construct variables; knowledge

978-1-7281-7071-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 13-14 August 2020

2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech)
Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 01,2020 at 15:11:04 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
infrastructure capability and knowledge process

In the Collineaarity assessment evaluation (VIF <5), the

term collinearity is a term used to illustrate the correlation
between latent variables in a model, the strength of its
predictions is both unreliable and unstable, the cause of the
correlation repeated by other variables (Hair Jr. et al., 2017).
If the value of collinearity is high, it can cause errors in
weight estimation as well as errors related to significance
assessments. An assessment of the value of collinearity in a
formative construct obtained by calculating Tolerance
(TOL) and VIF:

Fig. 7. Bootstrapping Analyzed

Fig. 5. R-square

• TOL outer model = 1 - R-square, for example if

Rsuare is 0.75, then the TOL is 1 - 0.75 with a
value of 0.25. In this study the R-square value of Fig. 8. Path Coefficients
0.4783, 1 - 0.4783 = TOL value of 0.5217 was
obtained From the structural model evaluation using the
• VIF (Variance Inflation Factor), if outer mode = 1: Bootstrapping Analysis method, then the following. The
TOL, then 1: 0.25 = 4 and the calculation of the hypothesis testing criteria is, reject Ho if t statistics are more
standard error of the VIF root, which is 2. significant than t tables or t statistics are smaller than t
Indicators related to the occurrence of collinearity tables. In this study, there are t tables of 1.992. Concerning
if the value of VIF > 5, it said that the variable this, the T-statistic value obtained on the knowledge
should to excludes from the measurement model infrastructure capability variable (2.5673)> 1,992, and the
(Ali et al., 2018). knowledge process capability (4,1364)> 1,992 which affects
the organizational performance variable

• H1: There is a significant relationship between

knowledge infrastructure capability and perceptual
organizational performance (organizational
performance). (Accepted, because it refers to the
value of the path coefficient that can describe the
contribution or influence between the constructed
variable with the amount of T-Statistics> t table
(2.5673> 1992)
Fig. 6. VIF tabel • H2: There is a significant relationship between
knowledge process capability and organizational
performance (Accepted, because it refers to the
D. Hypothesis Results
value of the path coefficient that can describe the
Bootstrap procedure analysis is a representation of the
contribution or influence between construct
precision estimation of non-parametric analysis on the outer
variables) with the amount of T-Statistics> t table
and inner models. Values related to the magnitude of
(4.1364> 1,992)
significance obtained expressed in terms of the value of the
T-test statistic, in this study, the researchers focused on the
use of two-tailed bootstrap analyzes, the following
researchers explain the estimated significance of the test
results. In the table pictured above with the results of the
evaluation analysis of the accuracy of the estimation, then
by referring to the T-statistic value, the researcher will
answer the null hypothesis that has stated previously,
whether it can be accepted or rejected.
Fig. 9. F-square

978-1-7281-7071-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 13-14 August 2020

2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech)
Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 01,2020 at 15:11:04 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
• H3: In the F-square test, the results show that there associated with the effects of knowledge management
is a significant correlation between the ability of capability on organizational performance, with the
parallel knowledge infrastructure (small effect magnitude of the effect value at 0.718. By having the
0.0734) and the strength of the knowledge process meaning that the knowledge process capability variable has
(substantial effect 0.2285) on organizational the impact that each indicator of this variable affects the
performance. (Accepted, because it refers to the F- performance of performance in this institution related to the
square value that can describe the contribution or application of knowledge management
influence between construct variables)
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2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech)
Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 01,2020 at 15:11:04 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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